Day 05 - December 18

Where the Heart is

Day 05: December 18th




"What are you getting me for Christmas?" Yena asked as she walked into the office with Wonyoung.


"I'm not telling you!" Wonyoung replied.


"Just a small hint?" Yena continued to push. "A teeny, tiny hint?"


"No." Wonyoung answered firmly. She put down her bag on her desk and glanced at the empty desk across from her. "Where's Yujin-unnie? She's usually here earlier than us."


Yena scanned the office. "Maybe she got stuck in traffic this morning?"


Just as they were wondering where Yujin was, they heard a door opening. Yena and Wonyoung turned towards the sound to see Yujin and Jaeseop walking out of the editor's office.


"I'm really sad to see you go." Jaeseop sighed softly. "We are going to miss you here, Yujin-ssi."


Yujin bowed softly. "Thank you so much for everything you had done for me."


"I guess Yujin has decided to take the promotion in London after all." Yena whispered to Wonyoung as they continued to listen to the conversation between Yujin and their editor. Wonyoung nodded silently. She couldn't help but feel a little bit sad that Yujin would be leaving the company.


"We will talk about the arrangements later." Jaeseop smiled. "Enjoy your Christmas vacation!"


"Thank you very much, Jaeseop-ssi."


Yujin walked towards her desk and noticed her two friends looking at her. "Good morning."


"Good morning, Yujin!" Yena answered.




Yujin sat down in her seat. She noticed her co-workers were still looking at her.


"Is there something wrong?"


Yena shook her head quickly. "Nothing's wrong. Right, Wonyoung?"


"Huh? Ah... Yeah... Um, nothing's wrong." Wonyoung stuttered.


"Okay." Yujin said, not really believing them but decided to let it go. "Oh yeah, I know it's last minute, but how would the two of you like to spend Christmas with me in Busan?"


"You have decided to go home for Christmas?" Wonyoung asked.


"Yeah, I've finally sorted out my schedule." Yujin replied softly. "I haven't really been back in a two months and I really missed seeing Minju."


"Hmm..." Yena thought for a moment. "Sure, why not? My family will be going to stay with my grandparents for Christmas. They will be staying there until after the New Year's, and I couldn't go with them because I have that interview on New Year's Eve. It will be nice to spend Christmas with a group of people rather than alone."


"Great!" Yujin turned to Wonyoung. "How about you Wonyoungie?"


"I actually haven't been to Busan before, so sure, count me in!"


"It's settled then!" Yujin smiled warmly. "Minju will be happy to know that the two of you will be spending Christmas in Busan as well. She always loves having more people around."


"I'm really looking forward to Christmas now!" Yena said.


"I need to buy some Christmas gifts to bring back home. Do you want to go shopping with me after work?"


"Sure, I have no plans after work." Yena replied. "Wonyoung?"


"Yeah, I'm free."


"We'll go after work then." Yujin said as the three of them started to work.


After work was over, the three of them left their office and went to big department store nearby. The store was filled with holiday shoppers. Yujin led them through the maze of people and straight to the electronics section. She stopped in front of the coffee makers display and started to study the different kinds of coffee makers.


"I thought you wanted to buy Christmas presents. Why are we looking at coffee makers?" Wonyoung asked.


"Oh, my coffee maker is really old, so I need to buy a new one. I'm thinking now would be a good time too..."


Yena and Wonyoung shared a look as they understood the reason why Yujin needed a new coffee maker.


"Oh look! This one looks very good!" Yujin walked closer to the display to read the product description. "It's very compact and easy to use. It can make two cups, which is perfect!"


Yujin turned around to face her co-workers. "I'm going to talk to the sales lady about this coffee maker."


"Wonyoung and I are going to look at some clothes over there. How about you meet us there when you are done?" Yena suggested.


Yujin nodded. "Okay."


Yujin watched the two of them walked away from her, and then she pulled out a small notebook from her bag. There was so much to do now that she had made a decision. But amongst the list of things, the most important and most difficult of all was how to break the news to Minju.


It was a difficult decision and she was not sure how Minju was going to take the news, but at least she would be going home soon for Christmas.


Home to Busan.


Home to Minju.

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Chapter 12: awwwww that’s so cute tho i was feeling nervous for minjoo too but yeah! choose whatever or wherever makes you happy, i’m so happy for jinjoo here :D
Chapter 2: i’m only at the start but the nostalgia is alrdy hitting me 🥹
i’m on a mission to reread good old jinjoo stories so let’s gooooo 🏃🏻
snsdsoshigg #4
Chapter 12: so pretty, i felt the love huhu
TetardRubis #5
Chapter 12: So warm.
Chapter 12: Wow this is amazing!
281 streak #7
Omg? I was searching for a good jinjoo story and i saw your title, i'm totally wow-ed at this. Their comeback album is totally this title WOW ?❤
Chapter 12: minju character really interesting.
thx for sharing your wonderful story
amatitel89 #9
Chapter 12: I didn't regret reading this all.. it's such a cute story authornim. Thankyou! :)
Chapter 12: Waaahhhhaaaaa!!!!!!!!! LOL!
Sooooo mild! Yet sooooo sweet!

Thanks for this update author-nim!
Awww I will miss my babies...huhuhu lol