Day 11 - December 24

Where the Heart is

Day 11: December 24th






Minju lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling.


She had spent the afternoon in Yujin's hotel room yesterday before the younger woman took her home. Yujin had stayed at her home last night to keep an eye on Minju.

Yujin had also made Minju stay home from work today and she had promised Minju that she would stay with her. So, Minju ended up staying in bed all day, while Yujin took care of her. The younger woman had cooked for her and kept her company so she would not feel bored.


Even though she was ecstatic to have Yujin around, she could not get over the shocking piece of news she had received from Yena yesterday.


Yujin was leaving Korea for England.


They could barely see each other now and there was only a 3-hour difference between Seoul and Busan. How were they going to maintain their relationship when Yujin goes to London?


Maybe Yena misunderstood the situation and Yujin was not leaving at all.


Minju was sure that Yujin would tell her the news if it was true. Yujin wouldn't lie to her and she wouldn’t keep such important news from her.


Minju felt a little relieved at that thought. She looked at the clock on her bedside table and decided to go to the kitchen to check on Yujin.


She walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. Yujin was hunched over the stove, busy stirring something in a pot.




Yujin looked up and frowned at Minju. “What are you doing up? You are supposed to stay in bed today!”


“I have been sleeping all day already and I’m feeling better!”


“Are you sure?”


Minju nodded. “And I want to have a sit down dinner with you in the kitchen instead of in my bedroom.”


“Hmm, okay, but only if you are feeling better!”


“I’m fine really.”


“Okay then, just have a seat at the table. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”


Minju sat down at the table and looked at Yujin. “I’m really sorry, Yujin. You are on vacation and yet you still have to take care of me.”


Yujin shook her head as she placed the food in front of Minju. “I don’t mind. I love to take care of you.”




“Come on, the food is ready.” Yujin said as she sat down across from Minju. “Let’s eat!”


Minju took a bite of her food and she let out a satisfied sigh. “This is delicious!”


“You like it?”


Minju nodded. “Your cooking has gotten a lot better!”


Yujin laughed softly at Minju’s compliment. “I guess I have lots of practice since I live by myself in Seoul.”


“I love it!”


“Well, then you should eat more because it will make you feel better.”


Minju nodded as the two of them started to eat their dinner.


After dinner, the two of them decided to watch a movie. Yujin wrapped her arms around Minju’s body and pulled the older woman closer to her. Minju sighed softly in content. She pushed all of the previous thoughts of Yujin leaving out of her mind and enjoyed the feeling of being in her girlfriend’s warm embrace.


After the movie was over, Minju went to her grandfather’s room to check on him while Yujin cleaned up. She had a nice talk with her grandfather and after saying good night to her grandfather, she left the room.


Minju had just closed the door on her grandfather’s room when she heard Yujin’s cell phone rang. She walked towards the sound and heard Yujin talking on the phone.


"Hello… Yes, this is Ahn Yujin… It’s Christmas Eve; you are still working this late… Thank you so much for looking after the details for my move… Yes... I don't know how many boxes I will need yet... Will you be bringing the boxes to me... Okay, thank you very much... I will contact you again once I know how many boxes I will need, and then we will set a date for the truck to come and move the boxes… Thank you very much again… Merry Christmas…"


Minju closed her eyes as she a felt stabbing pain in her heart. So, it was true. Yujin was really going to leave. She covered with her hand as a sob threatened to escape.


She could not let Yujin see her like this, so she quietly walked away from the room. She rushed down the hallway and went into an empty guest room. She went into the corner and wrapped her arms around herself.


Yujin was going to leave and she didn’t tell Minju. Maybe because Yujin was going to break up with her and that was why she did not tell Minju anything.


She could not control her tears as she thought about losing Yujin. The younger woman had meant so much to her since their meeting a few years ago and the thought of living without Yujin tore her up inside.


She put her head on her knees and wrapped her arms tighter around herself.


Minju did not how long she had stayed in the darkness, but suddenly, she heard the door opened.


“Minju?” Yujin walked into the room and the lights. She looked at Minju in concern. The other woman was sitting in the corner with her hands wrapped tightly around her knees and tears running down her face.


It pained Yujin to see Minju like this. "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well again?"


She kneeled in front of Minju and gently wiped the tears away from Minju’s cheek. “I’m here, Minju. Tell me what’s wrong?”


Minju looked into Yujin’s eyes and whispered hoarsely. "I guess it’s finally time to stop being selfish and set you free..."


"What?" Yujin looked surprised as she stared at Minju.


Just then, the clock struck midnight.


It was finally Christmas day.

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Chapter 12: awwwww that’s so cute tho i was feeling nervous for minjoo too but yeah! choose whatever or wherever makes you happy, i’m so happy for jinjoo here :D
Chapter 2: i’m only at the start but the nostalgia is alrdy hitting me 🥹
i’m on a mission to reread good old jinjoo stories so let’s gooooo 🏃🏻
snsdsoshigg #4
Chapter 12: so pretty, i felt the love huhu
TetardRubis #5
Chapter 12: So warm.
Chapter 12: Wow this is amazing!
280 streak #7
Omg? I was searching for a good jinjoo story and i saw your title, i'm totally wow-ed at this. Their comeback album is totally this title WOW ?❤
Chapter 12: minju character really interesting.
thx for sharing your wonderful story
amatitel89 #9
Chapter 12: I didn't regret reading this all.. it's such a cute story authornim. Thankyou! :)
Chapter 12: Waaahhhhaaaaa!!!!!!!!! LOL!
Sooooo mild! Yet sooooo sweet!

Thanks for this update author-nim!
Awww I will miss my babies...huhuhu lol