Six: Does Anyone Actually Know How To Kayak?

The Second Summer of the Boys

The next morning at breakfast, Sehun approached the boys and asked if they wanted to go kayaking. Despite some of the oldie's hesitance (Taeyong and Ten remembered how they kept tipping the kayak over, and Yuta and Sicheng remembered how they got lost), the others insisted that they go, so everyone agreed. 

After finishing breakfast, changing into t-shirts and swim trunks, and walking down to the man made lake a short ways from camp, they got to the dock. Sehun handed Doyoung some sandwiches and sent them out on their own, setting up a sheet in the sand of the lake's beach and laying down to relax. The lifeguard at the lake didn't give them any tips either, just helped them get into the kayaks, so the people who hadn't kayaked last year (and the people who'd messed up a lot) were out of luck. 

Johnny and Taeil were the first to get into their kayaks, at first moving in circles until they found a rhythm. 

"Hey, we're actually getting somewhere!" Johnny commented with surprise, heading towards the other end of the lake with a more private beach and cliff for jumping off of. They went and ate lunch there the year before, so they agreed to meet their again this year, and the newbies could follow behind the others on their kayaks. 

"Last year was way harder," Taeil commented. 

"Probably because we had Mark in the kayak with us too." Taeil hummed, and there was a long pause. "I kinda wanna kiss you right now," Johnny spoke. "It's so romantic out here, in the middle of the water-"

"Don't you dare," Taeil grumbled back. "That's why the others always capsized their kayaks. You can kiss me all you want once we get to our lunch spot." 

Johnny pouted but continued oaring, more motivated than ever to try and get to their spot. And so, they reached it quickly, no one else even there yet.

"Huh, I guess we were the first," Taeil commented, flopping down onto the sand. Johnny sat down next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. 

"I wish we had the sandwiches though," Johnny mumbled, turning to Taeil. Taeil blushed at Johnny's direct stare, looking down at his lap. "So, can I get that kiss now." 

"Gladly," Taeil mumbled back, and they leaned in. 


Despite being the second couple to get in their kayaks, Taeyong and Ten weren't exactly close to their lunch meeting spot. They were still in the middle of the lake water, and needless to say, they'd gotten a little....distracted. 

Ten had made his way over from his little seat to Taeyong's, straddling him in the tiny area, their legs uncomfortably tangling and bending together. Even so they didn't mind, the privilege of lips on lips worth all of the uncomfortableness.

Ten and Taeyong had left the oars piled in Ten's old seat, to be a weight against them as they kissed. But obviously, that was not nearly enough of a weight down, so before they could even get into it, their entire kayak toppled over, sending them plunging into the water. 

"Oh my god," the two boys heard Doyoung comment. They bobbed up from the water to see Jaehyun and Doyoung peacefully in their kayak, pointing and laughing at Taeyong and Ten. Ten and Taeyong pitifully looked back at them, their hair and clothes completely soaked. 

"Will you please help us?" Taeyong asked quietly. 

"Do you remember what I said last year?" Jaehyun asked, and the couple shook their heads. "I said that I would help you that one time, but not again. I told you not to make out while you're in the kayak!" 

Doyoung continued to laugh, and Ten shot him a death glare, but that only spurred Doyoung on further. 

"So you're just gonna leave us out here?" Ten whined. 

"Get another couple to help you," Doyoung responded with a giggle, and the pair sped away. 

Giggling the whole way, they quickly reached the sand where they were all meeting for lunch. Johnny and Taeil were the only couple there, kissing each other gently. 

"I am so sick of watching people make out!" Doyoung cried, flopping down onto the sand and whipping out the box of sandwiches and brownies. The three other boys dove at the food like animals, and Doyoung had to laugh. 

"Come on, the two of us had to put up with it all last camp while we were single," Taeil responded. 

"And whose fault is that?" Jaehyun retorted, and Johnny had to admit agreement. 

"At least you guys weren't making out on the ing kayak," Doyoung complained. 

"Thank you!" Taeil cried. 

"Taeyong and Ten already tipped theirs over," Jaehyun added. 

"I guess you were right babe," Johnny admitted, pecking Taeil on the lips. Doyoung grimaced, but Jaehyun gave Doyoung a kiss to remind him of just how nice it was. 


Out on the water, Mark and Donghyuck were oaring perfectly, to both of their suprise. 

"Last year I tipped over," Mark explained. 

"That's because I wasn't there."

"That's actually what I said at the time," Mark responded with a giggle. 

"Seriously?" Mark nodded back. Donghyuck turned around to face Mark, tucking a lock of his hair behind his ear. "Sometimes I have to remind myself that you like me as much as I like you," Donghyuck admitted in an unusual moment of vulnerability. 

Mark had never been good at explaining how he felt, so instead of trying to tell Donghyuck he just reached up to kiss him. Surprised by his boldness, Donghyuck froze for a moment, before gratefully kissing Mark back. He cupped Mark's soft cheek, rubbing circles on the skin, as Mark leaned onto one side of the kayak to gain leverage. 

But, that proved to be their downfall. Quickly the entire kayak tipped over, sending Mark and Donghyuck crashing into the water and flipping over their kayak. Their heads bobbed up from the water and they both grabbed onto the kayak, sharing a look. 

"," they spoke simoultaneously. They shared a sigh. 

"But I did say this last year and I'll say it again, you look good with wet hair," Donghyuck commented. Mark giggled shyly, hiding his face in the boat. 

"Who looks good with wet hair?"

"You, duh."

"Wait, look, there's Jeno and Jaemin!" Mark whisper screamed, gesturing to where Jeno and Jaemin were rowing a little ways away. Donghyuck immediately perked up, the two of them looking surreptitiously over the side of the boat. 

"They look to be pretty concentrated," Mark commented with disappointment. 

"But their both laughing," Donghyuck replied. 

"Hm, you're right. It's a good sign then." 

On Jeno and Jaemin's boat, they were rowing as hard as they could (as they were both pretty hungry). 

"The oars are kinda heavy, right?" Jaemin panted, his pre-pubescent arms heaving the boat as quickly as he could. 

"Ah, I dunno. Maybe a little," Jeno responded. 

Jaemin grinned, he knew Jeno was lying to make him feel better. "You're pretty strong then." Even though Jaemin was in the back of the kayak, he could tell from Jeno's red neck that he was blushing. 

"Naw," Jeno responded shyly, as Jaemin managed to convince himself that Jeno had just gotten sunburned there. Jeno wouldn't blush at one of Jaemin's compliments, obviously to him they were just friends. 

"Is that Mark and Donghyuck?" Jeno commented, looking to his right as two heads ducked behind a capsized boat. 

Jaemin laughed loudly. "Probably." 

"Should we go save them?" Jeno asked. 

"No way. I'm starving," Jaemin replied, and they rowed faster. 

They finally arrived at the lunch spot, everyone there except Mark and Donghyuck. Immediately they ran to Doyoung to get some food, but were handed only a half a sandwich to share. 

"Where did all the food go?" Jeno whined loudly. 

"These boys are animals," Doyoung responded. "Nothing's left, this is all the food that's left, they ate the food like animals!" Jaehyun rubbed his shoulder, and Jeno and Jaemin shared a grimace before leaving them alone. 

Finally Donghyuck and Mark made it to shore, the two of them soaking wet (much like Taeyong and Ten), swimming and tugging the kayak behind them. 

"Where's the food?" Mark panted heavily. Jeno and Jaemin just smiled uncomfortably. They didn't have the heart to tell him. 


After a fun late morning of eating and laughing on the beach, the boys decided it was time to head back before they got to tired to row. 

Reluctantly, Sicheng hopped into the kayak with Yuta after a bit of beckoning. 

"What's up?" Yuta asked, trying not to assume that certain someone was interfering. 

"Kun asked me if I could kayak with him this time," Sicheng explained, and Yuta's assumptions were right. "We got super lost last year, and you almost tipped over the boat this time. Renjun said he and Kun got here perfectly."

"I thought you said it was kind of romantic last year when we got lost," Yuta responded, the only thing he could say. 

"I said that? It was mostly just scary, really," Sicheng responded. Yuta in a breath and shook his head, not responding and just continuing to oar, remembering how last year when he and Sicheng were curled up in bed the last night that Sicheng had said he never felt more protected with Yuta's arms around him on the lake that day. Now they went to bed right when the lights turned off, no secret whispers, and even though Sicheng was right by Yuta's side he missed him. 

"God, Yuta, what are you doing!" Sicheng loudly whined when their boat crashed into a rock sticking out of the lake. 

Yuta winced, blaming his own distraction. "Sorry," he mumbled softly. 

"It's fine," Sicheng responded, but Yuta wasn't sure if he meant it. 


On the way to the shore, Jungwoo and Yukhei had been to hungry to really focus on anything else (except Jungwoo had been able to focus on Yukhei's muscular back as they rowed). But on the way back to the docks, they were much more relaxed, so they could talk. 

"It's so pretty out today," Yukhei commented. Jungwoo looked up at the sky and it was beautiful; the sun shining down brightly with barely a cloud in the sky. "Just like someone on this boat."

Jungwoo giggled obliviously. "Who would that be?" Jungwoo genuinely asked. Yukhei turned around and winked, and Jungwoo giggled some more. "You have so much confidence!"

"You think I'm talking about myself?" Yukhei asked with laughter in his voice. 

"Yeah, who else would it be?" Jungwoo responded with wide eyes. Yukhei chuckled and turned around to face Jungwoo, ignoring how Jungwoo had missed the compliment entirely. 

"I like this bright light," he spoke. "It brings out your eyes." 

Now Jungwoo really flushed, not sure what to say to Yukhei. But Yukhei just smiled, taking a lock of his black hair and tucking it behind his ear. It took Jungwoo back to when Yukhei had kissed him that night during truth or dare, and now Jungwoo was blushing even harder just at the memory. 

But it took a lot of contorting for Yukhei's long limbs to be able to twist to face Jungwoo. One of those limbs fell into the cool water, and with a surprisingly feminine squeak, Yukhei began to slip into the water. He grabbed onto the side of the kayak to stay on, but immediately he knew that was the wrong decision: the kayak got flipped over, sending Jungwoo flying out. 

As soon as Jungwoo's head bobbed above water Yukhei looked back at him guiltily. "Jungwoo! I'm so sorry," he cried, trying to flip the kayak back over for Jungwoo. 

"It's fine, don't worry," Jungwoo said softly. He wasn't mad at all, in fact he barely noticed it as he was still processing Yukhei's compliment. "I'm sure one of us was gonna tip the kayak over anyways." Yukhei just pouted, and went to work on trying to flip it over. 

After many tries he still failed, turning to look at Jungwoo. "You should just sit on top of the kayak. I'll swim us both back," Yukhei said. 

"It's okay, we can swim," Jungwoo responded quietly. 

"No way!" Yukhei protested. "Come on, get on it. Your personal chauffer back to the docks." Jungwoo nodded shyly, climbing on top of the kayak with a smile. 

Yukhei swam them both back to the docks, the last to arrive. To their relief, however, many of the others were soaking wet too. 

"I can't believe you guys tipped over a second time!" Yukhei cried teasingly at Taeyong and Ten's dripping frames. 

"We didn't tip over!" Ten cried back. "We were just rescuing these two." Jisung and Chenle, also dripping wet, looked up guiltily at Taeyong and Ten. 

"Here's a tip for you all: don't. Make. Out. On. The. Kayaks," Renjun said, him and Kum looking gloatingly at the others. 

"At least we have people to make out with," Mark mumbled under his breath. 

"We weren't making out," Jungwoo mumbled as well. 

"Did you just accuse Chenle and Jisung of making out?" Taeyong yelled. 

"I might have to kill you two," Ten muttered. 

"Guys! Or you just might at kayaking," Kun spoke. Everyone sighed. 

"He's probably right," Donghyuck mumbled, and the soaked group headed back to camp. 

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161 streak #1
Chapter 28: that was so beautiful.... I really like this concept, I hope you make a sequel :)
Chapter 5: I'm reading this while I'm on my period and when I got to the part about Jungwoo blaming himself for their team losing...I cried
Chapter 28: Please make another one! I really love the Taeten and JiChen family and I miss the others! Please!
Chapter 28: I KNOW YOU'RE SUPER BUSY BUT OMG, I LOVED THIS SO MUCH AND I REALLY DO HOPE U MAKE ANOTHER! T___T I would like to see all the way up untill they were adults
Spiritwarrior27 #5
Chapter 1: This chapter seems good, it was nice to read
Chapter 23: Chenle you done ed up
Chapter 1: You absolutely NAILED Ten and Haechan
Chapter 28: Omg dude I really loved this fic so much thank you for writing it, I really do hope you write a sequel eventually because I’m not ready to totally say goodbye
Chapter 28: this story was so beautiful! such a perfect way to end it. not gonna lie, i cried. can't wait to read your other stories.
Xo_De_Ki #10
Chapter 28: What a perfect ending. I’m gonna miss them so much and I hope they’ll be reunited soon. The camp au is one I haven’t really seen anywhere and I think it’s amazing! What a wonderful summer concept. This is really one of my favorite fics along with the first part. Sequels are supposedly not that great, but this is definitely an exeption. It just add on so much more to the first part, but it’s also amazing on it’s own. Thank you so much for writing it! I enjoyed the journey.