Two: The Bed Dilemma

The Second Summer of the Boys

"So, I'm thinking that the younger ones should stay in E1, and the older ones should stay in E2," Doyoung suggested. 

"That sounds good," Taeyong responded. "We can readjust if necessary." 

So the boys went into their cabins, shuffling around their luggage and arranging themselves onto the beds. 

Luckily, Taeyong and Ten had already planned to share a bed before this whole things started, picking the top bed of the middle bunks. They were the first to arrive anyways, so their stuff was already organized. The two of them shared a smile and climbed up onto the top bunk, Taeyong laying down and Ten immediately laying directly on top of him. 

The two of them immediately shared a shy smile. Taeyong knew this year had been really, really hard for him, not having Ten by his side, and he was sure Ten felt the same way. It felt amazing to be back together once again; it felt like home. 

"I missed you so much," Taeyong mumbled, grabbing Ten's hand from underneath the covers. The other boys were talking loudly and banging their things against the floors and walls, but all other noises quickly faded away when Ten and Taeyong were together. 

Ten didn't respond, instead just moving up to peck Taeyong's lips. Taeyong hummed into the kiss, his hand trailing down Ten's spine. He felt every muscle in his body relax, no awkwardness whatsoever even though they'd been apart for almost a year. 

When they pulled away they snuggled deeper under the covers, the cool night air seeping in through the cabin walls. They'd just eaten dinner before the camp director's speech, and night was quickly falling. Through the tarp ceiling, they could see the sky was already almost dark. And although it was hot out here in the day, night was always freezing cold. 

They hummed as Ten rested his head on Taeyong's chest. Over the school year, they'd spent at least an hour talking on the phone to each other each day; they weren't starved for conversation. Everything that needed to be spoken had already been said. Instead, they craved each other's touch, just these cuddles were exactly what they wanted and needed. So, they were satisfied. 

Taeyong played with Ten's hair as Ten watched the boys get settled around him. Doyoung and Jaehyun grabbed Doyoung's old bed, the bottom bunk farthest from the door, and Kun situated his things on top. Johnny and Taeil were awkwardly getting organized in the bottom bunk closest to the door, and Yukhei and Jungwoo were just staring around awkwardly. 

Ten smiled up at Taeyong. He was so glad they weren't like one of those newbies or Johnny and Taeil; he'd found exactly what he wanted already. 

"I wish we could make out," Taeyong mumbled. Ten grinned now, this was a big part of what he was waiting for.

"Why can't we?" Ten mumbled back. 

"I feel awkward around the newbies." 

"They'll have to get used to it at some point," Ten answered, and Taeyong had to grin. 


Johnny and Taeil were uncomfortably putting their things in their bed when an uncharacteristically shy Johnny turned to Taeil. 

"Do, do you wanna take a break and go on a walk with me?" He asked. Taeil nodded, grabbing a jacket, and the two of them headed out. 

It was just so awkward. Taeil and Johnny had talked non stop over the school year, and while Taeil thought his crush would get better with them separated, it only got worse. He was pining so hard for Johnny, and now seeing him in person was just making it even more bad. Taeil had forgotten just how incredibly handsome Johnny was, and somehow, he'd gotten even taller. Taeil blushed just looking at him. 

Once they were a distance from the cabins, in the middle of the grassy field, Johnny just sat down. Taeil sat down in front of him immediately, noticing Johnny's hands were trembling (he figured it was the cold). 

"Taeil....there's something I have to tell you." Taeil froze. Had Johnny figured out he liked him? Taeil had tried so hard to keep it a secret, knowing the popular sixteen year old would never go for a guy as shy or nerdy as him. He knew Johnny would never feel anything like that for him, but he wasn't ready for this outright rejection. 

"What is it?" Taeil asked dejectedly, leaning his face on his elbows. 

"Taeil, I....I didn't want to believe it at first. To be honest...I don't usually date. And I knew you would never, ever feel the same way about me as I felt about you. But...I have to get it off my chest, I just have to. Especially if we're going to be sharing a ing bed...well, here goes nothing. started at the end of camp last year, and it only got worse. I couldn't stop thinking about you all school year, no matter what I did. So Taeil....I like you. I like you a lot." 

Taeil was in a state of shock. Was this a prank? Was this his idea of some sick, twisted joke? "You can' can't like me," Taeil responded with a scoff. 

"I know, you're smart and talented and I'm just some dumb jock-"

"No!" Taeil interrupted. "You can't like me because I'm just a loser, my only friends are my camp friends, and you're the only person I've kissed in my entire life." 

"Didn't you kiss Yuta in spin the bottle last year?"

"I like to pretend that never happened," Taeil responded. 

"And you...adknowledge my kisses?"

Taeil gave him a deadpan expression. "Everyone knows you're the best kisser at camp." 

Johnny stared at the floor and sighed before standing up. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have even told you," he admitted quietly. 

"Wait, Johnny," Taeil called, and Johnny looked at him. "You wouldn't really play a joke like this on me, would you? I-I thought you were better than that..." 

"You think I'm playing a joke on you?" Johnny cried. Taeil slowly nodded, and Johnny immediately sat back down in front of him. "I'm not. I'm really not. I promise, I...I haven't been able to get you off my mind since the day we met one year ago. I have a massive, stupid, ridiculous crush on you." 

Taeil, again, just stared back at Johnny with wide eyes. He legitimately did not think this would ever happen in his entire life. He was overwhelmed, to say the least. 

"Could I, uh, get an answer? Because if not I'm just gonna assume you hate me..." Johnny said quietly. 

"I don't hate you," Taeil said, as if in a daze. All logical thought had left his brain. 

Realizing he was going to have to do the work himself, Johnny sighed. "Is there any chance you like me too?"

"I really like you," Taeil answered. "But it's still hard for me to believe you like me." 

"What could I do to prove it to you?" Johnny answered, leaning in closer, his usual confidence coming back to him now that he realized this was Taeil's typical response to romantic feelings. His question went unanswered. "Would a kiss do?" 

"Yes," Taeil answered immediately. Johnny just chuckled and cupped Taeil's cheek, circling his soft skin with his thumb before leaning in and pressing their lips together. Taeil forgot how to exist momentarily, the intensity of the kiss overwhelming him, before he finally kissed Johnny back. Butterflies swirled in his stomach and his veins hummed with the feeling of everything that was going on, and when Johnny pulled him in closer Taeil obliged right away. 

He never wanted to let go but Johnny was pulling away, breaths fanning hot against his face, and Taeil blushed gently. Soon he started to shiver; the sky was dark and the air outside was freezing cold, but Taeil didn't feel cold in the slightest. 

But Johnny noticed his arms shivering and rubbed them gently, helping him stand up. 

"Let's go back inside, you'll freeze to death." Taeil obliged, but once he was up Johnny didn't let go of his hand. 

"I-I know this is a stupid question, but, like, are we boyfriends now?" Taeil asked shyly, looking up at Johnny and damning his own height. 

Johnny's expression slowly bloomed into a smile. "Of course." 

Taeil grinned back, and they walked to their cabin. 


When Johnny and Taeil walked back into the cabin hand in hand, Yuta and Sicheng were sitting upright in their own bed. Sicheng was resting his head against Yuta's shoulder, and Yuta was messing with his hair and ears. 

The entire cabin let out a collective cheer at the sight of Johnny and Taeil, Taeil mumbling at them to shut up before they ducked into the bed beneath Yuta and Sicheng's. Yuta and Sicheng shared a giggle at their friends antics before Yuta started to frown. 

"What?" Sicheng asked with worry. 

"You're shivering," Yuta said, with way more concern than necessary. He tugged Sicheng until both of them were underneath the covers. 

"My parents would be very sad if they could see me right now," Sicheng said with a chuckle. 

"Why?" Yuta asked. 

"They don't like...this," Sicheng answered, gesturing between himself and Yuta. 

"They kept restricting your time to talk to me. They even made you delete your snapchat! What do they have against me?"

"It's not you. They just think I'm too young to date." 

"It's not like I'm a distraction, we live hundreds of miles apart," Yuta complained. 

"I'm homeschooled anyways! What would I be distracted from?" Sicheng whined. "Anyways, they didn't even want me to come back to camp, but the other moms in the homeschool group told my mom I needed time with other kids my age since I don't get any at home. But they told me not to spend so much time with you." 

"And what are you going to do about that?" Yuta asked. 

"Ignore them," Sicheng responded, and they slowly shared a grin. 

"It's okay, I'll sleep on the floor," they heard Jungwoo say in his gentle voice. They turned to look at the ground, where he was setting up his things. 

"Aw, you're so sweet!" Doyoung cooed from his own bed, and the others said praised him too. Jungwoo flushed softly, curling up in his sleeping bag. 

"I guess that means I'll sleep here," Yukhei said, crawling into the bed beneath Taeyong and Ten's. Suddenly, everyone except the newbies, Taeyong, and Ten began to laugh. 

"What?" Yukhei whined. 

"Big mistake, my dude," Johnny said. 

"If the bed above yours starts to creak, don't pay it any mind," Yuta added. 

"You'll get used to Ten and Taeyong's constant and kissing noises," Doyoung teased. 

"You guys wouldn't do that to me, right?" Yukhei asked from his bottom bunk. But he recieved no answer, just Ten and Taeyong's giggling. 


Back in cabin E1, the boys had already chosen their beds. Chenle and Jisung took the top and bottom bunks by the door, respectively. Jeno and Jaemin claimed the top and bottom bunk in the back of the cabin. That meant Renjun was in Jaehyun's old bed, the bottom middle bunk, and Mark and Donghyuck were stuck on the top. After Mark had gotten to know the younger kids a little bit, he and Donghyuck began to set up their bed. 

"I promise I'll be a good person, Mark," Donghyuck said softly, tucking in the corners of their sheets. "I don't want to you to be embarrassed to be my boyfriend." 

"Hyuckie," Mark whined. "I don't care about that stuff. This year when I started high school I made sure everyone knew you were my boyfriend. Nobody believed me, they thought I was making up that I had a boyfriend, and I mean I guess I can see why having a camp boyfriend could be a little suspicious. But I still made sure everyone knew we were together. I'm just happy to be with you." 


Mark nodded. "You're more mature now anyways, I mean, puberty. Just be yourself and I'll be happy." 

Donghyuck stared at Mark and smiled. "See, this is why you're the cutest person ever. I knew there was a reason I was so obsessed with you." 

"You two are gross!" Renjun whined, kicking the bottom of Mark and Donghyuck's bed. "If you are too cheesy I'll have to move into the other cabin." 

"There aren't any beds left in there," Jeno responded. "You'd have to switch with Jungwoo, and he's sleeping on the floor." 

That shut Renjun up right away, and Jisung got out of his bed. 

"Can I turn the light off? I'm getting tired." 

The others agreed and the cabin fell dark, Jisung running back into his bed to escape the dark and the cold. 

Mark groaned loudly as he and Donghyuck squeezed into the tiny twin bed. "You guys are so lucky. You get your own bed, and I have really bad insomnia and I have to share mine." Donghyuck pulled Mark closer to him and Mark pouted as Donghyuck snuggled against his side.

"I heard Yukhei was sleeping under Taeyong and Ten," Donghyuck rebutted. 

"What's wrong with them?" Chenle asked. 

"They're...ual," Donghyuck explained. "Markie, at least you're not..." But when Donghyuck turned to Mark, he was already fast asleep. 

"Is he asleep?" Jaemin whispered. His question was answered by a loud snore on Mark's part. The six boys held back their laughter. 

"Does he really have insomnia?" Jeno asked Donghyuck. 

"He wasn't lying. I mean...he used to," Donghyuck responded. Mark had complained about it constantly over the school year, and frequently sent messages to Donghyuck at three in the morning. But Donghyuck grinned at his sleeing boyfriend; he'd had a feeling some snuggles could cure his problem. 

"Told ya," Donghyuck mumbled to Mark, and the rest of the boys fell asleep too. 


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161 streak #1
Chapter 28: that was so beautiful.... I really like this concept, I hope you make a sequel :)
Chapter 5: I'm reading this while I'm on my period and when I got to the part about Jungwoo blaming himself for their team losing...I cried
Chapter 28: Please make another one! I really love the Taeten and JiChen family and I miss the others! Please!
Chapter 28: I KNOW YOU'RE SUPER BUSY BUT OMG, I LOVED THIS SO MUCH AND I REALLY DO HOPE U MAKE ANOTHER! T___T I would like to see all the way up untill they were adults
Spiritwarrior27 #5
Chapter 1: This chapter seems good, it was nice to read
Chapter 23: Chenle you done ed up
Chapter 1: You absolutely NAILED Ten and Haechan
Chapter 28: Omg dude I really loved this fic so much thank you for writing it, I really do hope you write a sequel eventually because I’m not ready to totally say goodbye
Chapter 28: this story was so beautiful! such a perfect way to end it. not gonna lie, i cried. can't wait to read your other stories.
Xo_De_Ki #10
Chapter 28: What a perfect ending. I’m gonna miss them so much and I hope they’ll be reunited soon. The camp au is one I haven’t really seen anywhere and I think it’s amazing! What a wonderful summer concept. This is really one of my favorite fics along with the first part. Sequels are supposedly not that great, but this is definitely an exeption. It just add on so much more to the first part, but it’s also amazing on it’s own. Thank you so much for writing it! I enjoyed the journey.