07. Why is this happening to me?


Sungjong’s POV

I feel the breeze blowing my hair as I look around. It’s so fresh here, the fresh air and the great view. So amazing! I think this can be my favorite spot when I’m bored or sad, I thought to myself as I look around from the rooftop. Eoh? Is that Myungsoo what is he doing here?

Myungsoo’s POV

Huft! Today’s photography is tiring further more Woohyun is taking over the lead. That kid... tsk. Speaking of photography~ I just found a beautiful model to capture. I instantly turn on my camera and start to take pictures of her. Mostly are candid because she doesn’t notice me. Call me a stalker but I can’t help it. She’s beautiful in every picture I take.

“One last shot~” I said to no one as I capture it.

I look at the result and I see her doing a cute peace sign. Did she notice me? I look up and find her smilling to me. Oh my God, this is embarassing. All I do right now is grin awkwardly earning a giggle from her. Such a cutie.

Jisoo’s POV

Oh break time, a great time to spend it with my girls. I hope I meet Myungsoo this time.

“Hey, hey! Look!” Mijoo exclaims pointing to the view

“Oh, that’s Myungsoo right?” Yein asks confusedly

“Pretty sure it’s Myungsoo.” Jiae nods

“I wonder what is he capturing today? The beautiful view of the sky? Me? the cloud? Me? the trees?” I ask in bliss

“Uh...from my calculations, the model is Sungjong.” Yein said awkwardly

“What?!” I gasp

Sungjong’s POV

“Myungsoo-yaaaak!” I call out as he looks up

“Wae?!” he calls out back

“Come up here! It’s awesome!!!” I shout so he can hear me

He shakes his head and told me the view is just as great down there. I can't help but pull out a playful pout as he laughs, 

“Come down here Lemonnie! It’s just as great here!” He answers

Suddenly I heard Jisoo calling me from behind. I look behind and see her coming up.

“Jisoo-yak, be careful!” I shout in panic as I try to help her, luckily I did held her hand unfortunately the both of us end up rolling down the stairs and Jisoo accidentally hits the floor first which causes her to bleed.

“Oh my God! Jisoo! Please be okay!!” I panic

Myungsoo’s POV

After saying that to her, I heard a crash from upstairs so I run as fast as possible upstrairs and find Jisoo bleeding and uncouncious with Sungjong.

“What happen?” I ask


“Whatever, let’s bring her to the infirmary. Help me.” he told me

I nod and help him bring her to the infirmary so she can be healed faster. On our way, her friends runs to her as they push me away.

“Is she okay, Myungsoo?” Jiae asks

“I hope so, let’s take her to the infirmary okay?” I heard Myungsoo said

As they walk to the infirmary, Mijoo stays and what I got was a slap from her.

“You pushed her did you?!” she asks

“I was trying to help her so she won’t fall!” I answer

“Which didn’t work, idiot! Digusting!” she said before walking away

I sigh in guilt because I failed to help her. I walk away from the scene sadly. As I walk away Woohyun suddenly appears and starts to drag me quite harshly.

“What- Woohyun!!” I try to call out

“I heard what happen. Let’s talk.” He said sternly

“O-Okay.” I said

He keeps on dragging me until we reached the hall ways. He looks left and right  then starts to question me, 

“Did you push her?” he asks

“No, I was trying to help her. She slips so I held her hand to pull her up but I’m not strong enough.” I explain

“Hmm is that so?” Woohyun asks as I nod

“If so, let’s look at the camera. We’ll find out if you’re guilty or not. Just so you know, I’m doing this not for you.” He said

“Even so, thanks.” I said

“Let’s go.” He said as we go to the security room

Meanwhile at the infirmary, everyone is worried about Jisoo.

“Will she be okay?” Sungyeol ask the nurse

“I’m sure she’s gonna be fine. It might took her some time to heal.” The nurse answers

“Oh Thank God.” Sungyeol said sighing in relief

“Ugh. It’s because of that new girl. Digusting!” grumbles Mijoo

“Doubt that.” Myungsoo said

“What?! You’re gonna defend her again?! The proof is right here!” shouts Jiae

“It’s because I was there.” Myungsoo answers

“touche, but what proof do you have! Our bestfriend is sick right here and all you do is defend that b*tch?!” Mijoo shouts

“Ladies, ladies. Calm down!” Woohyun shouts appearing out of no where with Sungjong

“You still dare to appear. Come here you b*tch I’ll teach you a lesson!” Jiae shouts as the other girls hold her down

“Calm down, Jiae-ah.” Mijoo said

“She’s here for the proof.” Woohyun said

“Proof?” everyone repeat in unison

“Yeah, Sungjong and I go to the security room to take the proof.” Woohyun said handing it to the girls but what happen? Jiae throws it to the ground.


“Ji-Jiae-ssi....” Woohyun trails out scared of what’s about to happen.  

“Sungjong......run!” Myungsoo said as Woohyun drags Sungjong out just in case Jiae did something worse

Outside Sungjong sigh with Woohyun standing beside her.

“It’s okay. I’ll help you with this.” he said

“You will?” she asks

“Because you’re my bestfriend’s girl. Of course I-“

“Who’s girl?” Sungjong asks confusedly with a bit of smile of curiousity.

“Hoya’s. You’re Hoya’s bestfriend right? Hoya’s friend is mine too. So I’ll help you. Call it a truce for calling you names.” Woohyun answers with a slight smile

At the same time, Jangjun who just got out from the toilet with Eunbi sees Kim Woojin and his friends laughing.

“They’re gonna get it.” He grumbles

“Jangjun! No!” Eunbi scolds but too late, Jangjun is already walking faster and faster before finally facing Woojin. 

“He’s gonna be so cold. Might as well died in hypotermia~” Woojin said

“KIM WOOJIN!” Jangjun shouts shocking the boy

“Ja-Jangjun....” Woojin trails off in fear

Jangjun glares at him and pushes him down even tries to punch him, luckily Daeyeol, Sungyeoon and Eunbi are there to stop him.

“Jangjun! Stop it!” Daeyeol scolds

“Let me go!” Jangjun shouts

“Jangjun-ah! If you keep on doing this you’re gonna get called by the principal!” Sungyeoon adds

“Yeah, she’s right. Stop it!” Eunbi adds

Jangjun breaths in and out trying to calm down, unfortunately it was too late because the principal had seen everything.

“Janjun, take a bath first then meet me at my office.” She said sternly

“Ye-yes miss.” Jangjun answers sighing

At the principal’s room, Jangjun is now wearing a shirt he brought and some shorts. The principal is looking at him judgingly which he sighs.

“Miss, if you don’t like my clothes I can change but it’s gonna be smelly.” Jangjun said

“It’s fine. Just sit down and let’s talk.” The principal answers

“Okay miss.” Jangjun answers as he takes a seat

At the end because of the misunderstanding, Jangjun got  suspended for a day.

“I can’t believe you! It’s just only 2 weeks and you’re already causing trouble!” Mr. Lee scolds

“But dad! It’s not my fault! Woojin started it!!” Jangjun whines

“He is right sir. He didn’t do it.” Daeyeol said

“Who are you kids?” Mr. Lee asks

“I’m Sungyeoon, his friend.” Sungyoon said

“And I’m Daeyeol.” Daeyeol adds

“Close friends?” Mr. Lee asks

“Quite close sir.” Daeyeol answers

“Style biking?” he asks again

“Often but not so much.” Daeyeol answers again

“That means these are the bad influences that got my kid like this. Come on, let’s go.” Mr. Lee said as he drags Jangjun away

“Dad! How could you say that?! They didn’t even do anything!” Jangjun shouts

Luckily, Sungjong runs in and stops them.

“Dad.... please control your emotions okay?” Sungjong said

“How can I control it? This boy has been causing troubles here! This is an embaressement.” Mr. Lee explains

“so now you’re embaressed to have a child like me? You should’ve let me live with mom instead!” Jangjun shouts

“Jangjun!” Sungjong scolds glaring at him

“Whatever, just get in there.” Mr. Lee told him

“Fine…” Jangjun grumbles as he enters the car

=Timeskip brought to you by "Ireokkung! Cheorokung! Yeorokkung!!" =

Sungjong’s POV

“Oh shoot! This one is a steep one!” I mutter to no one as I try to paddle as much as I can so I can make it but on its way I lose balance. I try to balance it again but I fell down.

“You okay?” I look up and finds Myungsoo holding out his hand

“I-I’m fine.” I reply as I accept his help

“Why are you laughing!? What? It’s fun seeing me suffer huh?!” I scold him

“Hey, it’s not like that! Next time be more careful okay? Or do you want to come with me? I can take you home.” He offers

“No thanks, I got this.” I reply

“Sure, sure~” Myungsoo answers eye-ing my bike and me

“Ugh whatever~” I grumble as I walk away with my bike

As I got home, I see my brother throwing magazines here and there. I wonder what’s wrong.

“Are you okay?” I ask

He just grumbles as he looks at me with a pout before finally answering my question, telling me he’s bored.

“Why don’t you play with your friends? Biking maybe?” I suggest

“He told me to stay put. How am I supposed to bike noona?!” he replies still grumbling

“I guess not then.” I mutter

“Eonnie! Oppa! Look! My play is near here’s the invitation!” I heard Chaewon’s voice as she enters the house happily

“I’ll try to make it okay?” I said with a smile

“Okay~ where’s dad? I want to give this to him.” She said

Just in time, Dad passes through us as he goes to his office room. Chaewon’s bright smile appears again as she chase after him.

“Dad! Dad! Look! My play is starting next week, here’s the invitation.” She said excitedly

“I’m sorry Chaewonnie, I will look at it later. Now I have lots of work to do okay?” Dad replies

“Dad, come on it’s just a few minutes. You can look through it as you work right?” I suggest

“I guess you’re right. Okay.” Dad said as he receives the invitation

“Good luck at work dad~” Chaewon said

“Thanks pumpkin.” Dad answers as he ruffles Chaewon’s hair

=Timeskip brought to you by Hoya's "Elephantary School?"=

Jangjun’s P.O.V

After deciding what to do today the final answer of course it’s biking. I bike around the neighborhood and look around the great view plus enjoying the fresh air but suddenly Woojin’s squad appears and they block me from continuing my ride.

“Now there’s no teacher or your friends. You’re all alone~ poor you.” Woojin mocks

“Hey, hey. If we’re gonna fight do it fairly. Why are you guys ganging up on me anyways? Such cowards.” I mock back rolling my eyes.

“Coward?! I’m not a coward!” Woojin exclaims probably offended by my words. Pfft~

“Okay then, because you guys are a bunch of cowards who can only gang up on me I have an idea. Follow me.” I said as I bike towards a field inside the neighborhood, specifically for biking.

In that field there are two uphill boards where you can bike whenever you want.

“Watch and learn.” I said as I paddle towards to of those boards showing my style

As I finished I can see fear in Woojin’s eyes, I chuckle asking if he wants to do it or not.

“Okay fine, I will!” Woojin answers as he starts to do what I did but at the second round he falls on the ground because he’s not strong enough to paddle anymore

A small laugh comes out of me seeing how misserable he is. That’s why don’t mess with Lee Jangjun, I thought.

“You want me to go again and show you?” I ask

“Be my guess.” Woojin’s friend, Hyunjin said

“Okay.” I did what I said, paddling again but on the final round turns out Woojin puts sand all over it making me slip and fall on my ! That’s so unfair!

And what did they do? All they do is laugh at me as they paddle away. I stand up grumbling as I clean my from all the sand before paddling back home. Worse day ever! =_=

=Timeskip brought to you by Kim Sunggyu's "YAK LEE SUNGJONG!!!"= 

The next day, Sungjong is just there excisting but something happens. Because for no reason, Jiae, Yein and Mijoo starts dragging her.

“What the heck?! Let go!” Sungjong shouts

“Oh just stay still! Miss principal is looking for you!” Mijoo answers

“Miss principal?! Can’t you girls just tell me without needing to drag me?!” Sungjong asks in panic

“Well it’s more fun this way.” Jiae answers smirking

“Off we go~” Mijoo said as the three of them drags Sungjong to the principal’s room

Myungsoo and his friends also saw this, even Kei.

“Oh no, they’re dragging her!” Kei panics

“It’s not even her fault!” Woohyun adds

“Come on.” Myungsoo said


“Sungyeol, if you’re gonna stay that’s fine.” Hoya cuts

“I’m going.” Sungyeol answers

The five of them follows Sungjong who is dragged to the principal’s room seeing Jisoo in crutches

“Oh my God....” Sungjong mutters to no one seeing the cause of her failure

“Yeah, that’s what happen you lil b*tch! She sprained her ankle.” Mijoo explains

“But it’s an-“

“Accident or not still your fault.” Yein said smirking


“What is this?!” Myungsoo asks

“Oh please. It’s obvious. She’s going to the principal’s office. Most likely out of this school...” Mijoo answers

“What?!” all of them gasp in unison while the girls except Kei and Sungjong just smirk as an answer

“But I told you! It’s not her fault!” Woohyun exclaims

“How do you know? Do you have prove? Oh wait.....woops!” Jiae said before laughing

“Oh whale, without any further a do. Ladies you know what to do.” Jisoo said watching from afar as the Jiae, Yein and Mijoo starts to rip Sungjong’s bag from her.

“No! Not my bag!” Sungjong exclaims

Mijoo just smirks holding the bag before dumping all of it into the trash can, even her phone. Oh wait speaking of the phone, Mijoo picks it up and throws it to the ground which shocks everyone.

“Let’s see if it cracks or not~” Mijoo said flipping it seeing the cracked screen.

“Mijoo! Please stop! I beg you!!!” Sungjong shouts trying to let go of herself

“Nah, let’s make it worse.” Mijoo answers as she steps on the phone

Jisoo who is watching from a far tries to holds down her laugh.

“Call it even, Lee Sungjong. I did told you not to mess with me, don’t you?” Jisoo said

“Seo Jisoo! Stop this!” Myungsoo scolds

“Why should I? Because of her I can’t walk, I can’t cheer. It’s all planned in her little head.” Jisoo answers

“Please....” Sungjong begs sniffling

‘Lemonnie! I’ll find a way to help you! Don’t worry!’ Myungsoo thought glancing to Woohyun and Kei who seem to have the same thoughts as him

“Woohyun, let’s go.” Myungsoo said

“Myungsoo?! Myung?! No please don’t leave me!!” Sungjong exclaims

‘Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.’ Myungsoo answers in his head as he escapes with Woohyun and Kei

“Myungsoo you better hurry, it’s gonna get worse.” Woohyun whispers

“I know that.” Myungsoo replies

A/n: Oof clingghanger~ How is everyone today? Ya'll good? XD Yea the torture begins now. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this chapter and please hit the subscribe button to get news of updates from me and please also leave a comment. Thanks from stopping by guys~ >^<


Bonus: [Woohyun x Sungjong moments bcs Woohyun cares for him so much here] 

Why do I include them? Because I guarentee that Woohyun is gonna be the number one Myungjong shipper (dude it's his bestfriends crush wys????) and he will help Myungsoo in protective this cute lemon princess XD 

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Chapter 9: myungsoo is so caring and sweet to jongie..... i love that
Chapter 8: i wonder who will sungjong choose, gosh so excited for the next cahpter
Chapter 7: Seriously it makes me want to torture jisoo for doing that to sungjong...
Chapter 5: omo i just found this story and it was kinda great. I'm glad that there's still author like you who's writing a myungjong fanfic, it was so limited right now, i'm gonna wait for your update authornim..