Love Short-lived

A Tale of Two Kings

Chapter 7: Love Short-lived

Year 124, Vllage of Mukhyun


    After the outbreak, which was not uncommon during this era, the village was back to normal. However, Taehyung had become somewhat of a celebrity. The older woman would give him free food and bless him, the older men would shake his hand in gratitude, the young men would follow him around begging him to be their teacher, and the young woman looked at him with flirty eyes. Though he often caught himself enjoying the attention, he knew that his eyes were for only one person, Jisoo. 


    One evening, as Taehyung was out and about the village market, Jisoo walked up to him and patted him on his shoulder. He turned around and saw her standing there shyly with her arms behind her back, eyes looking down. 






Oh! Hey, how are you doing today?



I’m fine. I just wanted to let you know that my foster father is ok now. Thank you for everything!



(He blushed.)

I was just…helping out the best I could. There’s no need to thank me. 



(After a short pause of silence, she blurted out.)

I want to invite you for dinner, can you make it?



Of course I will! When?






(He smiled brilliantly.)

I’ll be there! For sure.


    As night came, Taehyung found himself in front of her house once again, this time for a more joyous occasion. Jisoo, once again, opened the door, but this time she wore a gorgeous hanbok of exquisite quality. He felt underdressed as he saw her. Her smile made his heart feel things unimaginable to a person who had yet to experience true love.


    Her foster father, Chang-min, approached Taehyung and shook his hand. 



Thank you so much, young man! Without you, I’d be gone now!


    Taehyung simply smiled. He brushed off the compliments just as he did the others. Chang-min, who considered himself in charge of Jisoo now, wanted Jisoo to be with a man like this. Taehyung was intelligent and capable of protecting her from harm. This worked perfectly with Taehyung and Jisoo’s plan, as they were already deeply in love. His encouragement only strengthened their already developing bond. 


    This encounter, and along with others, would strengthen the bond the two had for one another. Though only 14 years of age, the two knew they were created for each other. One day, they planned to marry one another. However, they needed to wait until they had become more successful. Taehyung said it best when he told her, 



The sinking sun coloring the sky will fade away, but our hearts will never change.


    And thus, there love was sealed. However, it was shortlived. In just four months, Chang-min, Jisoo’s foster father, decided to move the family to the capitol, Pyongjin. There, he could make more money and become more successful. Both Taehyung and Jisoo promised to stay true to their love and wait until the day they would meet again. Taehyung told her that as soon as he finished his payment to the innkeeper, he would come for her. As Jisoo left, Taehyung did not shed a single tear. All of his tears had left his body ever since his father died, now she was taking his soul.

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