Lusus Naturae

“So,” Sehun pressed, folding her arms as she rested against the lecture hall’s entrance. “Where do I sign up?”


Suho’s jaw hung in surprise. For someone who was hell bent on not joining any clubs, it was more than a pleasant surprise for him to receive an enquiry directly from Sehun herself. 


“Well… We actually have sent you an email,” Suho told as soon as he found his voice. “You were recommended by we didn’t receive a response from you within a specific time frame so—”


“Recommended…?” Sehun’s brow furrowed. Who would recommend her? And why


“Yeah, we email students every semester to ask if they’ve any recommendations for new recruits.” Suho explained, smiling widely. He fished out his phone and checked his schedule. 


“On July 26th we have an interview for those who are shortlisted. There’ll be a defence demonstration on Saturday,” he paused and looked up from his phone, expecting the other to roll her eyes. But nothing came. “Um, would you be able to make it…?”


“Sure.” Sehun shrugged, her Saturdays were always filled with Baekhyun pulling her out of her bed anyway. “But why Saturday…”


Suho glanced at his watch and his lips; giving a grin that didn’t reach his eyes, “We’ll explain everything once you come on Friday.” He tucked his phone into his back pocket and gave a careless wave. “Sorry, I’ve to go!”


Sehun was about to say something when the other went sprinting off without looking back.


“I’ll drop you an email as a reminder! Just— remember to check and acknowledge at least!”


Sehun blinked blankly. That’s it? Not that she was complaining. She was still reluctant about joining, she didn’t even tell Baekhyun about it. 


‘Should I have consulted him first…’ She wondered to herself. 


The princess didn’t know if it was going to work. She’s been absent for a few days because of what happened. 


The lockdown was lifted just a day ago— but Sehun did hear rumours that they suspect it was one of the students here. 


Could they have suspected her, especially since she wasn’t present for a few days already? But if they have then, wouldn’t Baekhyun have told her something? Or anything at all? 


Shrugging, the blonde turned to the direction Shui headed and was about to catch her last class when a far yell called out her name.


She didn’t have to turn to know who’s voice that belonged to.


“Hey! Sehun!”


She rolled her eyes and hastened her steps. Sehun didn’t want to be anywhere close to him anymore, thrice— or four times, were more than enough.


“Oi! Wait up!”


She blew a strand of her hair off her forehead and made a sharp turn when a strong grip seized her elbow. 


Sehun let out a sharp hiss before shoving the man by his chest behind her as she pried her arm off. Her frown was met with Kai’s smirk. 


“Relax, Princess.”


Sehun’s eyes widened. Did Kai already… know?


Her lips quivered slightly when he took a step closer towards her. Kai didn’t do anything else but stuff his hands into his pockets. His smirk faded when he saw how much the blonde paled. 


“Are you okay?” Kai asked, bending forwards and leaving only an inch of space between their faces as Sehun leaned against the wall. “Baekhyun told me you were sick to the stomach when you saw that attack, but I didn’t think it’d affect you this badly…”


Sehun let out a breath she didn’t realise she held. He still doesn’t know. 


“Do you need to see the nurse?” Kai landed a hand on her forehead only for her to swat it away. 


She sighed and shook her head. Her heart was still beating rapidly against her ribcages and with the close proximity, she found it difficult to breathe. 


Pushing herself away from the wall, Sehun gave a small wave and strolled off. She didn’t even bother asking why Kai called for her, but Sehun didn’t have the time. 


It was irritating to see that he was acting like somebody who has feelings when in reality; his job is really just to kill. 


“Kai! Kai Kai Kai Kai!” 


Sehun looked up and saw a blinding red headed girl sprinting in her direction. But before she could react, the girl bumped against her and sent her flying to the floor. 


“Kai! Look what I—”


Kai pushed past the girl and bent down to help Sehun. His eyes turned to slits as he looked back to the redhead. “Are you ing blind!?”


Sehun gasped in both pain and shock, realising that the girl was Krystal.


“She was in my way.” Krystal chimed flatly, a stoic expression washed over her face. 


She looked down to Sehun and her entire face suddenly darkened. “It’s your fault my brother’s mad at me.”


Sehun’s eyes doubled their sizes, “What?”


“Hmph, I’m gonna tell Kris instead then.” With that, girl nonchalantly strutted off and left the other students to hide behind the doors of their lecture halls as she walked past. 


“Are you okay?”


Silently, Sehun got off the floor and dusted off her pants. She didn’t get it. 


She didn’t get how Krystal’s push could’ve sent her onto the ground. Things like that wouldn’t have made such a significant impact on her before. 


What was happening?




“I’m fine Kai,” Sehun massaged her temples and let out a small groan. “Nothing good ever comes whenever you’re around me.”



Good Evening Sehun (OH),


Thank you for acknowledging and attending the interview earlier today. 


Just a reminder, there will be a defence demonstration tomorrow on the 27th of July, Saturday. 


Remember to come during your allocated time slots indicated in the file (as attached). 


Thank you and good luck!



Suho (KIM)

Vice President

Student Council


Sehun let out a tired sigh. It was a miracle that Kai wasn’t there during the interview, otherwise Sehun was sure she would’ve walked out altogether. 


Then again, she doubted she would. She’d do anything for her brother. 


Lying down on her front against her soft mattress, Sehun clicked open on the file Suho attached to the email. She scrolled and scrolled until she could find her name, eyes widening when she saw the time she was allocated. 


“5pm!?” She yelled, “What the—”


“Sehun?” Luhan knocked on her bedroom door, “Is everything okay?”


Sehun tucked her phone away and opened her door, wearing a tired smile. “Yeah, everything’s fine.”


Luhan was about to ask more but held himself back, mirroring the smile on his sister’s face. “Well, dinner’s ready.” He pointed his head to the dining room downstairs as a way to invite her down. “I can tell you what we’ve discussed during our last meeting.”


“Boa’s staying over at Tiffany’s today, so it’ll only be the two of us.” He informed, dragging himself in his bedroom slippers. “I made us chicken drop egg soup today.”


Sehun’s eyes shone when her brother mentioned one of her favourite dishes. Their mother used to make them during the summer when it’s hot back when they were kids, but she loved drinking hot soup in the middle of winter the most. 


Luhan took her bowl into his hands and scooped his sister’s share before proceeding to scoop his. He pulled the small pot filled with rice from the stove and place it in the middle of the table; pressing the rice spoon against her palm for her to grab her own share. 


As they dug into their food, Luhan noted how quiet the house has become. The mansion used to be home to so many of them, most of which were their parents’ trusted ministers. Despite the massacre 50 years ago, the house was still filled with the Imperial Family and their most trusted relatives. 


When they were forced into hiding, Luhan thought that that was the worst that could happen. He didn’t think that their clan would divide into two, or more for all he knew, when his coronation came up. 


Since then, Luhan thought that the best way to live was to live separately. At least that way, the chances of them getting hurt and killed all at once would be lower. He always hoped for a day they would all be able to come together and live in harmony.


Sehun raised a brow when she noticed her brother stare into space. “Luhan?”


The prince gave a small beam and swallowed his chicken wordlessly. He wondered if such a day would come.


“We should probably leave this mansion huh…” Luhan heaved a sigh. “It’s such a big house, and we make it a meeting place.”


Sehun dropped her spoon and wiped the side of her lips with her forefinger. Looking to her brother, Sehun’s lips sealed tight. She didn’t know what to say. 


“Did something happen?”


Luhan glanced to his sister, “Not really.” He huffed, resting his chin onto his palm. “I’m just wondering how long this mansion would need to be shielded.”


Sehun pursed her lips. “Luhan, the source of our abilities stem from the meteor stone at the mansion’s basement.” She reminded, “We’re not shielding the mansion alone, we’re shielding our entire clan.”


Luhan bit on his bottom lip. Only those who were chosen to lead the clan would be able to go near the meteor stone but, Luhan wasn’t sure if it was truly his to take. He looked into Sehun’s crimson orbs and wore a sad grin.


“The day’s almost near, huh.” Luhan sipped the warm soup and pulled out his phone from his pockets. “We should probably start training soon.” He swiped his tracker notes and checked the records of each and every member of his clan that he’s connected with.


“During the last meeting, they all agreed to group themselves and so far from what I’ve seen—” He slid his phone nearer to Sehun and tapped on the green button; presenting the overall psychoanalysis of their clan on a holoscreen that appeared in the middle of their dining table. “Their abilities and health are fine despite being in winter. But—” 


He swiped the screen and showed her their combative and defense levels. Most of them had little to no experience in fighting, because they were either still teens; or kids. “Only 18%, excluding you, are capable of using their fists.” Luhan turned off the screen and tucked his phone away as he raised his brows. “We might need to work something out asap because wow, time really is not on our side.”


“We’re bringing the kids?” Sehun questioned, blinking in surprise.


“Well, we’re not exactly bringing them. We’re gonna be keeping them close and Boa will be here to watch over them.” Luhan explained. “We can’t really risk leaving them alone when the time comes.”


Luhan chewed on a chunk of chicken before continuing, “And I doubt the people in town will be able to ignore the fact that we’re openly going against each other.”


Sehun tutted and gobbled down her chicken. “I think they’d be more than glad if we were to take each other out.”


“Hm…” Luhan hummed, shaking his head. “I just hope we don’t have to—”


“You plan to talk things out instead?” Sehun asked rhetorically.


Luhan didn’t get to argue when Sehun wordlessly picked her bowl and headed to the kitchen. She went back to the table and gulped down her water before heading back to wash her dishes. 


The younger sibling looked to her brother momentarily before retiring to her room. Sometimes, as much as she believed he could, Sehun couldn’t help but question his judgement. 


Was Luhan really going to be as soft as he is now? Until when?


She sighed and dismissed her thoughts, looking back from the top of the stairs. Luhan was still sitting there at the dining table, his smile still evidently splayed across his lips. She didn't like disagreeing with him too much. But Luhan couldn't seem to separate his feelings. 


The younger gave another sigh as she disappeard into her room, “...Thanks for dinner.”





Sehun wore a tired grin as Baekhyun landed at the empty spot beside her on the grass patch. 


“You fought with Luhan again?”


The princess squinted her eyes and pursed her lips. The defence demonstrations were going on and she was so glad she could come earlier instead of popping on a pair of contacts into her eyes. Turns out not everyone could make it on Saturday.


“How did you know?”


Baekhyun shrugged and jutted out his bottom lip, “You always do this—” he pointed to his mouth “and fiddle with your thumbs whenever you do.”


Sehun was about to argue but kept her lips sealed. She wouldn’t know what she looked like. 


“Well, it wasn’t a fight.” She clarified, blowing a raspberry. “I think he wants to try talking to him again and I don’t agree with it.” She shook her head, wincing in secondhand pain when one of the potential candidates of the Student Council was sent flying across the field by the humanoids Suho controlled. “Not that it worked the last time.”


Baekhyun let out a hum in agreement, but knowing Luhan, he’d try to anyway. He was always a man of few punches. He didn’t like if any of their kind were to get hurt. Especially by one another.




Sehun and Baekhyun looked to where the voice came from, both mouths gaping in surprise when Irene came settling down beside them.


“You’re here too?” Sehun mumbled loud enough for both of them to hear.


“Ah right,” Baekhyun recalled, pursing his lips unpleasantly. “You were recommended weren’t you…”


Irene nodded and etched a small beam on her lips. 


“Oh!” Sehun gasped, whipping her head to face Baekhyun. “Do you know who recommended me?”


Baekhyun shook his head. He explained that recommendations were usually anonymous. Sometimes, even the lecturers could be the ones who sent in suggestions. 


“Alright,” Suho struck off a few names off his list and look up from the holoscreen. “Taeyong, Henry, Luna, Irene and— Sehun.” He called the last set of candidates forward by motioning his two fingers towards them and pointing to the vast field. “As I’ve explained earlier, pick a bot and bow to start once you’re ready.”


Sehun blew a deep breath before picking the last and furthest humanoid. She looked to her left and held a skeptical look when Irene gave her brightest smile.


Was she going to be okay…?


Before the five of them could begin, a loud roar of a motorbike engine came from a distance. It became increasingly louder when the rider came to a complete stop at the end of the road.




Sehun looked to Baekhyun when he muttered the name under his breath.


“Kai?” Chanyeol, Suho’s partner, looked to the latter in both confusion and surprise. Kai never comes to any events or arrangements that happens during the weekends.


Be it when he was still a freshman, or in the last year of University.


“Stats?” Kai rushed up to the duo and snatched the notes from Suho, instantly matching their candidates’ results to their current expectations and standards. “Hm, anyone else?”


Suho pointed his chin towards the last five, “Just a few more.”


Kai gave a once over to them and narrowed his eyes in disbelief when he saw Irene. He remembered her being the girl that couldn’t even catch or dodge a ball. But what shocked him more wasn’t Irene, it was—




He cocked his head to one side in question, “She’s—” he looked to Suho when the other gave a small yup in response. Kai looked to his phone and tutted in frustration, “Okay, hurry and finish it. I’ll need to finalise our next schedule tonight.”


Sehun watched him scurry off on his bike without his helmet on. Something didn’t sit quite right, Kai wouldn’t have rode all the way from the city to the Eastern fields only to leave out of the blue. She looked to Baekhyun and gave a knowing look to which the boy nodded in response.


He got off the grass gave a short wave to the rest before hopping onto his bicycle. He should really think of getting a license soon.


Suho cleared his throat and resumed the demonstration. “Okay, we’ll continue from where we left off.” 




a/n: maybe my hiatus wasn’t as long as i expected it to be? so sorry i didnt say anything about it but; here’s another not-so-filler filler chapter? 

Thanks for staying with me still <3 remember to support our sub-unit exo-sc alright! My babies look so beautiful ;-;; they just released ANOTHER mv earlier today so remember to check!! that!! out!!


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Seenaa #1
Chapter 9: Omg so many mystery and past to unveil I'M SO CURIOUSSSSS
Chapter 9: Omggggg this is sooo gooooddd. Please update soon
Chapter 5: Please update. This is beautiful
Chapter 5: Uh oh, Sehun. Did she blow her cover already?
Chapter 3: I don't know why I got a little irked with Irene for getting in Sehun's way. I really hope she'll redeem herself for the sake of the team and Sehun. I'm looking forward to the next update! :3 I'm loving your story so far! ❤︎