Lusus Naturae

A subtle smirk played on Kai’s lips as he shot in another hoop. Sehun may be good at basketball, but it looks like she wasn’t as equally capable of predicting Kai’s extended dribbling.




It was impossible to make a comeback now with only two seconds on the clock. The man rested his hands by hips, not attempting to even mark Sehun as the girl took the ball before it landed. Kai was about to make a comment when his expression faltered. Sehun started to bounce the ball as if she still had all the time in the world and—


“Wa—wait,” Kai stammered, slowly noticing that Sehun was getting into a shooting position. “You couldn’t possibly…”


As she shot the ball, the timer buzzed; signalling that the game was officially over. Kai watched as Sehun walked away nonchalantly, there was no smile nor jest written on her face as she strode away; bringing her bottle and towel out with her.


Sehun walked out of the gym’s entrance, and only then did the sound of the ball hitting the ground came. Kai whipped his head to the scoreboard, his previous smirk faltering and turned into a grit as he noted the change in results.


Sehun managed to score a buzzer beater. And she didn’t even wait for her shot to go through.


He turned to the closing door of the gym, just how much of a monster was she?


Clenching his fists, Kai snatched his blazer from the bleachers and chased after the girl with hasty steps. It was always the same; whether or not he knew who Sehun was back then. It was tolerable to not know who the student above him was back then, but after meeting Sehun; Kai thought that he would at least be able to beat her in his favourite sport.


In a world of competition, it was more tolerable to know that you lost by a few seconds, points, goals. But to lose by only one every time…


It was unnerving.


“Oi! Oh Sehun!” He called after her as she made a sharp turn into the infirmary.


She didn’t even look. How could she be so sure that she would have made that impossible shot.


Pushing the door of the infirmary, Kai managed to catch up to her and seized her wrist.


“Even if you did win, you could’ve at least—”


Kai stopped in his tracks when he realised Sehun was heaving short breaths at an abnormally fast rate. She snatched her arm away and went into the washroom. Kai didn’t expect her to gag and throw up almost instantly, but it was alarming how her body trembled and quivered unexpectedly.


The blonde felt another churn in her stomach as she lifted a palm to wipe the beads of perspiration that formed on her forward. Flushing the toilet down, Sehun advanced towards the sink to wash before limping towards the bed.


“What’s wrong, are you okay?” Kai asked with a frown on his forehead, realising that the nurse was nowhere in sight.


Sehun silently hissed under her breath and removed her shoe, finally feeling a sense of relief when she managed to lift some tension off her foot; but there was an obvious swelling. As she twisted her ankle, the blonde winced and held back another gag when she felt her stomach churn.


She must’ve twisted a vein.


Removing her sock, Sehun heaved a sigh when she saw the nasty patch of blue and red on her ankle.


God.” Kai whispered under his breath, nearing her instinctively. He settled comfortably at the end of the bed and took her foot onto his lap. “You sprained it? When? How come you didn’t notice?”


Sehun let out a pained groan when Kai brought her foot up to his lap to inspect it further. She didn’t even have the energy to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to do with her injury. He left temporarily to retrieve a gel pack from the freezer before returning to his spot. He laid a cloth on her bruising and then placed the cool pack over.


“I did notice,” Sehun snorted. The sudden contact of cold to warm sent an uncomfortable shudder down her spine, making her let out another wince. She rested both her palms on the hard mattress and supported her weight on her forearms as she leaned back. “That was why I stopped playing.” She let out another sigh and shut her eyes, lolling her head against the wall. “Until you asked for a one-on-one.”


Kai was caught off guard and unintentionally pressed onto the pack harder.


“Ow!” Sehun jolted in pain and grabbed onto his wrist, “If you’re gonna do it, do it properly!”


Kai shook his head and whispered an apology under his breath.


“Oh forget it,” Sehun took the gel pack from him and moved nearer to the wall. “I’ll do it myself.”


Folding her knee to bring her ankle closer, Sehun fluttered her eyes shut as she pressed the ice cool pack onto her injury. The room fell silent with neither of them talking.


“But to play with such intensity in this condition.” Kai couldn’t believe that despite spraining her ankle even before they started, Sehun was still able to— “Why didn’t you tell me?”


Sehun opened her eyes and met Kai’s downcasted ones. She’s never seen him in this state before; and for a moment, she almost felt bad for winning. But remembering what kind of person he was, Sehun’s sympathy quickly turned to indifference.


“Tell you? Um, why?” Sehun cocked an eyebrow and rested her chin on her knee. “This game was to determine the success of our bets, right? And if it means I get another chance to not join the Council, then why wouldn’t I take it?”


Kai’s brows knitted themselves tighter. He didn’t understand. He couldn’t understand. Everyone in the school would’ve loved to be selected as one of the Council members. Heck, every one of them would’ve at least wanted to be part of an extra-curriculum to boost their portfolio.


“Were you that hell bent on not joining the council?” Kai asked, honestly curious. “Wait let me rephrase it; why don’t you want to join any curriculum? You’re an exceptional—”


Sehun tutted irritatedly and ruffled her blonde, sweaty locks.


“Look, you and everyone else had come to me and said the same thing.” Sehun remarked exasperatedly, “If you want me to be part of your curriculum, why don’t you go ahead and make a formal request to the Headmistress?”


Sehun folded her arms across her chest once she managed to balance the ice pack atop of her foot. She went back to lean against the wall and “Besides, why be part of anything if I could get more sleep?”


Her last reason made Kai deadpan as a reflex. Before he could say anything, the door flew open with the school nurse rushing in with supplies in her arms.


“Oh dear!” She exclaimed in a small voice, “I’m so sorry, a student used up our antiseptic sprays.” She told, splaying the boxes of sprays onto the counter before taking a look at Sehun’s sprained ankle.


Her eyes widened in surprise as she lifted the gel pack from above her foot, “What happened?” She continued to press the ice pack onto the injury and looked to Kai before averting her gaze to Sehun. “How did it get so bad this time?”


Sehun let out a sheepish grin and gave a small shrug.


The nurse narrowed her eyes and folded her arms over her chest, sighing. “You neglected it, didn’t you.” She turned her back on the girl and fished out for elastic bandages to compress and stop the swelling. “You’re always like this.”


Kai cocked an eyebrow when the nurse proceeded to wrap the bandage around Sehun’s foot.


“What do you mean, always?”


The nurse clasped and secured the bandage clip on the wrapping as Kai asked her the question. She was about to respond when Sehun interrupted.


“Won’t class be starting soon? Our break’s almost over.” She told Kai, ing her chin towards the ticking clock on the wall.


Kai was about to retort when the nurse told him the same thing, sending him out the door almost immediately.



“Enough, Kai!” The headmistress massaged her temples as she rested against her swivel chair. “I can’t force her nor issue an official request for her to join a club.”


Kai’s eyes diverted to the huge stack of papers and files the headmistress made him look through. All of which were proposals and submissions; requests from almost every club in Empire Institute that concerned Sehun. Of course, he didn’t think that Sehun would be that popular. But the other clubs didn’t matter. With Sehun’s capabilities, she only needs join the Student Council.


“Empire Institute is already a school based off non-academical studies.” The headmistress added as if she could read Kai’s mind. “These extra curriculums are supposed to test your values as a person; the modules and subjects we offer are already enough to put your values to the test.”


She retrieved the files and submissions that she took to show Kai off her desk and dumped them into the trash can, proving her point. “Besides, Sehun is doing more than enough for this school. Clubs here are made for leisure, which is why this academy didn’t make it compulsory to enter one.”


Kai’s palms fisted by his sides. And the headmistress knew exactly why he wanted someone like Sehun to join the council.


“Their attacks are increasing day by day. They never used to come out in the day, but they do now; even before dusk.” Kai didn’t need to mention who ‘they’ were. “Mrs Hera, please.


The headmistress slammed her palms unto her desk, them both before slamming a fist once more. “You should have listened when I said not to attack them. They were docile—”


“They killed your sister!” Kai’s nose flared in fury as his voice heightened. He remembered the day his grandfather found the Novi’s hideout and ambushed them. But in the process, his mother was murdered, making Kai more determined to wipeout their clan entirely.


Hera her lips as they trembled. Letting out a soft sigh, she brought her thin fingers to her forehead and turned her back towards her nephew. “Your mother would be disappointed with how you turned out.”


“Aunt Hera—”


“Don’t.” Hera’s voice suddenly went cold and disdain. “I’m not your aunt. You chose to follow your grandfather, so you will continue to be his grandson.” She turned back and settled silently into her chair, continuing with her paperwork and ignoring Kai’s presence. “Forget about being my nephew. Forget about being your mother’s son.


Kai’s jaw tightened. But he didn’t retort nor make another request. As silently as she returned to her papers, Kai equally left like so. The submission he had in his hand crumpled as he proceeded to the basement room, where the rest of the council members should be.


As he entered, the boys kept their mouths shut when they noticed his expression. It was never a good thing when Kai decides to visit the headmistress’ office. They rarely met eye to eye, but their relationship worsened when Kai brought up the suggestion to allow his grandfather, or rather the Ministers of the city, to take the Student Council under their wing. Ever since that day, Hera never wanted anything to do with the council despite them being the school’s internal representatives and leaders. She ensured to nurture the Student Ambassadors on her own so that they would not end up being controlled under the government.


“Suho, we’ll put this on hold.” Kai spoke solemnly, but his eyes were as determined as ever. “But I’m not giving up now, we’ll bring her in on our own.” He pressed the file onto his desk and walked away again, wordlessly dismissing s.



“Okay, I wasn’t sure before but— do you hate me or something?”


Baekhyun gulped down his strawberry juice and messily wiped away the residue on his lips. He didn’t know how Kai managed to realise, but Sehun wasn’t hiding her feelings towards him either. He gave the blonde a side-eye before smiling towards Kai awkwardly. Almost two months’ passed since they urged Sehun to join the Student Council, but registrations and admissions were already closed.


Kai’s stopped pestering her as well. But Baekhyun can’t blame him for being around him all the time. Sehun might not have understood, but before she was in the same building as them, Kai’s been sticking to Baekhyun’s side for 3 years in. Staying away from him would spark suspicion.


“Do you really want to know why I hate you?”


Sehun’s eyes narrowed as they met Kai’s shiny orbs. But Baekhyun wasn’t looking forward to what was coming next.


“Hey hey, let’s— not fight okay?”


Kai cocked an eyebrow, “Fight? Who’s going to fight?”


Baekhyun his lips nervously and sent a look towards Sehun, his pupils shaking slightly as she begged her not to lose her cool.


You’re merciless. Thoughtless.” Sehun spat, her heart beating wildly against its cages when she could finally say what she wanted all this while. She tried to be considerate because he was Baekhyun’s friend, although she had to admit that she let her guard down that day in the infirmary. She didn’t know how long she could trust her brother’s choice of letting Baekhyun befriend a murderer, but if he wanted to take matters into his own hands; then she will as well.


“How could you inflict so much pain to the Novi clan when they never actually harmed any of you. That mistake 50 years ago wasn’t even—”


Baekhyun grabbed onto Sehun’s wrist. It was a story that no human knew of. The real history of the massacre that caused the humans and Novi clan’s separation remained a secret till this day. It was the order of the Imperial Family. And Luhan’s done his part to keep matters a secret as well.


“Wasn’t even what.


Baekhyun pulled himself deeper between the two of them and hid Sehun behind his back. The smile on his face didn’t falter despite Kai’s darkening expression. Both his palms were facing Kai as he tried to calm him down. Talking about his actions towards the Novi clan usually angered him because Kai had his own reasons.


“Sorry Kai, she didn’t mean to—”


“You don’t even know if they have families to return to! What kind of person are you!”


Baekhyun spun around and caught Sehun’s elbow, her expression turned sour when she realised that he was taking the Kai’s side, “Sehun, that’s enough.”


Kai’s lips were set into a thin smirk, “My mother had a family to return to too.”


Sehun was taken aback at his response. She opened to say a few words but nothing came out. Instead, a sharp and shrill scream came from the courtyard of the school. A huge explosion sound soon came after. Kai’s eyes widened at the sudden cry, he turned to Baekhyun and ordered him to gather the rest of the council as he dashed towards the source.


Sehun followed close behind, but what came next was something she was unprepared for.


In the sky, two Novi were fighting against each other. And Sehun noted that one of them was not from Luhan’s sept. His powers were far more aggressive and untamed. Before she could react, a strong electrical whip was launched right before her eyes and latched itself on the ankle of the Novus from her clan. Sehun watched helplessly as she struggled, fending off both the opposite Novus and the rope that clung tightly onto her leg.


“What are you waiting for!”


Sehun flinched slightly when Kai’s yelled in anger. Her eyes followed the direction of where his was looking at. The girl was small and lean, her hair as black as ebony, but her grip on the Novus was as controlled as ever. Judging from her face and that wicked smirk she played on her lips; Sehun didn’t have to ask to know who she was.


Krystal Kim was one of the prominent figures in school when she recently join this year’s batch. And being Kai’s younger sister, Sehun could reckon that they were equally the same. But the sinister gleam in her eyes made her believe that somehow, Krystal might have a worse personality in comparison to Kai.


A sadist, was what Sehun could describe her as now.


Going back to the situation, Sehun knew she had no choice. He was much more determined now, attacking in broad daylight. And it angered her that he had her cornered already this early.


Studying her surroundings, Sehun confirmed that everyone else had their attention on the fight that was going on. Without wasting another second, the princess fled the scene and scurried into the main female washroom. She changed into her Novus form and broke through the wall, initialising a solid mask over her nose and lips, careful not to get caught.


With a swift motion, she broke the whip and caught her own sept member.




The young girl took one look and nodded her head when she received the order from Sehun despite wanting to stay and fight alongside her princess. As the girl scurried off, Sehun activated a forcefield over the school and proceeded to fend the Novus before her. But before she could do anything, the man simply gave a smug grin before disappearing into thin air.


A light gasp left her lips as she realised what she’s done. But it was already too late.


Distracted, Sehun’s ankle was caught by the same whip. But this time, the princess knew that the voltage was higher. An electrical force was sent through her body and before she could react, Sehun was barbarously pulled towards the ground.


Her body kissed the solid grass with a loud thud. Groaning in pain, Sehun barely managed to register what happened, only to be grabbed mercilessly by her hair. She narrowed her eyes and came face to face with Krystal.


“Caught you~” Krystal sang-song eerily into her ear. The girl had placed all her weight on Sehun’s hips and locked her down, making it difficult for the princess to move. “Kai I caught her!”


Krystal didn’t face her brother but rather, proceeded to coil her sturdy fingers around Sehun’s throat, cutting off her air supply entirely.


“I caught you! I caught you! I caught you!”


But if it was this simple to capture the princess of the entire Novi Clan, Sehun wouldn’t even be acknowledged. Sehun looked up to the sun and reached an arm out to its rays. Everyone else in the courtyard distanced themselves and eventually scampered away from the courtyard, fearful of what’s to happen next.


The sun rays which were once light and insubstantial slowly grew thicker and heavier as they coiled around her forearm. Sehun heard footsteps nearing both of them, knowing that the Student Council were already on standby. As the footsteps stopped and the clicking of the boys activating their whips were heard, Sehun channeled the light rays to both Krystal and the boys. Screams and yells emitted from their lips as they felt the burn when Sehun blinded them with both heat and light. The entire courtyard was filled with luminescence strong enough for them to drop down to the ground because of the intensity.


Sehun wasted no time in escaping the place, almost regretting her choice of even wanting to shield the school with her forcefield. But they were much more important things at hand and Luhan needs to gather all of them as soon as he can.


Time was no longer on their side.




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Seenaa #1
Chapter 9: Omg so many mystery and past to unveil I'M SO CURIOUSSSSS
Chapter 9: Omggggg this is sooo gooooddd. Please update soon
Chapter 5: Please update. This is beautiful
Chapter 5: Uh oh, Sehun. Did she blow her cover already?
Chapter 3: I don't know why I got a little irked with Irene for getting in Sehun's way. I really hope she'll redeem herself for the sake of the team and Sehun. I'm looking forward to the next update! :3 I'm loving your story so far! ❤︎