3. The Campus Life

The Fits and Misfits
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3. The Campus Life


The next morning, Joohyun found herself to wake up on her own. Waking up in mornings was not an ordeal for her as she was always used to sleeping early and waking up early in the mornings. Even during the weekends. Joohyun sighed as she got freshened up and dressed for school. It was another day of school and she dreaded the thought of having to go to classes and squeeze in between the social cliques in the lecture room. Joohyun left house at the usual timing, it almost seemed as if it was a daily routine for her. 

Joohyun looked around worriedly. *Great. He's not here. Thank god.* She thought as she was anxious whether Eun Woo would tag along with her to school since they both live in the same neighbourhood.

She walked to the train station and was shocked to see Eun Woo standing and waiting for the train. She sighed heavily. 

*Ugh great. I need to find some way to go past him without him noticing.* Joohyun thought to herself. 

Thankfully, Eun Woo was busy on his phone, playing mobile games. Joohyun then seized the opportunity and slowly crept past him sneakily and walked hurriedly to the other side of the train platform. All she needs to do now is to walk slowly after alightint from the train and walk behind him to class. 


Everything went well and in fact, Eun Woo was fast as his walking pace was almost doubled of Joohyun's. Joohyun entered the lecture room to be greeted with unpleasant commotions all over the room. As she walked down, she could feel people staring at her like yesterday. She spotted an empty seat beside Taehyung.

Without hesitation, she took the seat and sighed. Taehyung turned and looked at her for a while before diverting his attention back to his phone.

It was a pindrop silence between the both of them but at least it was not as awkward for Joohyun compared to sitting between the bunch of girls at the first row of the lecture room.

"And let's begin on today's lecture." The professor started speaking.

The class became silent as the lecture carried on. The lesson was exhausting for Joohyun. She was not used to sitting for 2 hours straight, listening to long theories and repetitive content over and over again. 

"So.. that brings us to our assignment." The professor said.

Everyone started grumbling and whining in disgust upon the professor's words.

"I know it's only your second day of school today, but according to our schedule, there's quite a bit of assignments for this module. We should always start earlier so you guys get enough time to study for your finals." The professor explained.

He then continued on and said, "So.. get yourselves into groups of 4 and write a report based on this problem statement shown here in the screen. I'll fill you guys up with the formatting and guidelines on the online portal, so you guys can check them out on there. Deadline for this report will be exactly 3 weeks from now, it'd be great to get this report done soon before the school lectures and lessons sets in fully." 

Everyone in the class was grumbling again. So much for the second day. 

Joohyun frowned slightly upon the idea of the group project and assignment. That will meant she will have to look for group mates, and she barely knew anyone in this class. Times like this made attending the orientation seemed more important.

Joohyun let off a silent sigh until Taehyung called her.

"Do you want to form a group with me?" Taehyung asked softly.

Joohyun turned to him and nodded her head. "Anything. But we need 2 more to join our group." Joohyun replied.

Taehyung sighed. "We can just tell the professor that we're in pair. I mean it's almost impossible for there to be perfect groups of four." Taehyung suggested.

"Sure." Joohyun replied.

They both went infront after class and spoke to the professor to be disappointed by his disapproval.

"I've checked the system and there should be perfect groups of four in your cohort. No excuses." The professor said sternly.

Joohyun and Taehyung nodded their heads. 

"So.. what now." Taehyung said.

Joohyun shrugged her shoulders. "I don'

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Bedour #1
Chapter 8: Omo tae’s mom? Hope our joohyunnie makes a good impression ;p, so excited for the next chap~❤️
PinkVirus00 #2
Chapter 8: I like your story keep going
tommy11 #3
Chapter 8: Yeay, another double Update!!! Thank you!!! Love it!!!
purplelovee #4
Chapter 6: I am so happy when this story updates thank you
tommy11 #5
Chapter 6: Thank you for another update today!! Love it as always.. hoping for more vrene in the future.. heeee
tommy11 #6
Chapter 4: Yeayyy..another update!!! Thank youuu!!!
Bedour #7
Chapter 3: New reader here~ ur story is very interesting authornim! Looove vrene’s dynamic and I’m looking forward to c them evolve~❤️ Good luck and hope u update soon~ ;**
candypark #8
Chapter 3: i want more seulgi's interaction in the future >.< she's so cuutee. fighting author-nim!
purplelovee #9
Chapter 3: Connection between tae and joo is cute tho.I am curious for the next chapter
tommy11 #10
Chapter 2: New story from yours!!! Greattt!!! Love it.. but won’t you update you other story ‘when we meet again’ .. i love that one to..