Knight in Shining Armour

Like a Princess

Only three days.

Wendy was fumbling around Ellen Mound's trade center. In the morning she had arranged to meet Yeri, Joy, and Seulgi. She was determined, but she needed a plan. And as geniuses of the crime they were, Yeri and Joy already knew what and where to look.

The girls arrived, Yeri was accompanied by some new girl, and Joy was clinging to the arm of a Seulgi who was cheerfully chewing a pie.

"So, why exactly are we here?" - Wendy hastened to say, she was nervous and Joy and Yeri were not helping at all.

"Calm Wendy! Where's your upbringing?" - Yeri said pointing at the girl dressed delicately in floral prints. - "First, I'd like to introduce you to Saeron, she's the daughter of one of the best armorers in the kingdom and will help us."

The girl was slightly taller than Yeri but infinitely more timid and delicate. She wiggled shily at Wendy who returned with one of her solar smiles.

"Hey! Don’t flirt!" - Yeri slapped Wendy's arm. - "You already have a girl, do not be flirting with other's."

Wendy's expression was the typical “eyes jumping from the orbits”, it was the first time she'd seen Yeri possessive of any girl.

“Saeron’s father only makes armor, so we also go to BlackPink Swords, I have a friend there who can help us," - Joy continued. The plan was to get Wendy in less than three days to have proper armor, sword, and shields, since the girl was infinitely shorter than an ordinary warrior.

"Is that your friend you're in love with?" Seulgi said bluntly.

"No Seulgi." - Joy said without caring about the other girl's randomness. - "Then we go to Twice the Shield, Jihyo is really nice and can sell us a shield for a modest price."

"Is that the girl then?" - Seulgi kept getting off the subject whereby they were all there.

"I still have a few other friends, but let's look at those places first." - Joy finished without addressing Seulgi.

"How many friends do you have for god's sake?" - Seulgi let out a long, high-pitched whine.

"Do not be Selfish Seulgi." - Joy said teasing. "You must learn to share me with the world, because one day everyone will know and venerate the name Park Sooyoung."

Wendy cleared trying to get the girls' attention back to the problem she had at hand.

"Looks like you already planned it all, then ..." - Wendy said to Joy who was busy squeezing Seulgi again. - "Lead the way."

While Joy, Yeri, and Saeron were walking up front, going to SM Armourer, Seulgi and Wendy were behind. Wendy looked like some kind of electric mouse, fidgeting through nervousness.

"I really like her." - Seulgi seemed to have a tendency to say anything that randomly popped into her mind.

Wendy looked at Seulgi confused, Seulgi directed his gaze to the taller girl who led the group as if she were the princess herself. Wendy's eyes widened in understanding.

“Love is in the air, doesn’t it?” – Wendy said with a hearty smile.

"Are you really going to fight Wen?" - Wendy looked at the teddy-bear girl, Seulgi was not as dense as she looked, she only operated on a different frequency. - "You might end up dying, or worse, losing the princess to some guy who does not really love her."

"I do not fear the death." - Wendy said darkly. - "I think you can undestand me Seul, I really love Joohyun, I love her so much it hurts, I would die for her, and I would kill for her, anyways with pleasure."

“True love ah?!” – Seulgi give her best eye smile. – “I fully understand.”


---- *^▽ ^* ----

Joohyun had not lied when she told Seungwan that the younger girl was the reason she loved the dusk. She just couldn't express everything she felt because she didn't want to feel this way. Wendy could be a good friend, but she was, first of all, a mere servant.

The princess was no longer Irene the moment Wendy entered her life. She was only Joohyun, Joohyun-ah, Hyun-ah, or whatever name Wendy called her, and Wendy stopped being Wendy or Seungwan to be Wan-ah, the sweet, loving and dedicated Wan-ah who came running in the Irene's heart, who could not do anything but welcome her there.

When they were children Irene thought it was only in intense admiration, and maybe it was, but time only reinforced her admiration for the other girl. Wendy ran with all her strength to attend not only to the princess, but to all who found themselves needing help on the way, never losing her smile.

That smile.

Joohyun realized that something had changed when the day of his first royal party arrived. They were just teenagers. They spent the morning running through the hallways of the palace, arriving at the garden both stopped, gasping and breathless, the princess smiled openly, but Wendy had her head down and hands resting on her knees, Joohyun became worried and rested one hand on the other. Feeling the princess's hand on her shoulder Wendy looked up, meeting the older girl's worried eyes, she smiled her best smile, but despite the effect the girl's smile always had, something else made Irene swallow hard, a trace of sweat came down the face of the shorter girl, stopping at the height of the neck, Irene felt dizzy.

What is it?

Irene withdrew her hand and ran off without a word. Her face was so hot she was sure she was bright red.

That night during the party, Irene had to accept what she had felt. Seeing Wendy in a black suit looking like a true prince, she was sure that from that day on she would never dream of an charming prince besides Seungwan.

Since then, her caressing moments have increased exponentially, as did teasing and mocking, every time her heart beat too fast, or she felt butterflies in her stomach from the contact with Wendy, Irene disguised her embarrassment by saying something that made Wendy embarrassed and red.

A few more years went by, and Wendy was absolutely committed to taking care of every detail of the princess's life. She was a tireless, caring worker. After one of the royal parties, Wendy had to help Irene out of a really complex dress, the clothing was almost all at the Princess's feet, but due to a clumsy movement, Irene stumbled and threatened to fall, without thinking Wendy moved, his hands gripping the princess's waist firmly, the blush on her cheeks was enough for Wendy to understand what she felt for the princess.

From then on Wendy got even more immersed in her work, using any task to keep away from Irene. Irene was the princess, and Wendy thought Irene would never feel anything for her, especially love.

The day the King announced the princess's wedding, Wendy felt her world collapsed, what she didn't knew was that Irene felt the same, in the same intensity. They both spent sleepless nights thinking about each other. Irene had decided to fight for her love, Wendy had decided to give up, until the moment there appeared an opportunity to fight for the princess's hand. Wendy had reviewed her feelings several times, she remembered her conversation with Irene. Wendy would fight because she had finally realized that Irene loved her, too.

---- *^▽ ^* ----

People from all kingdoms had attended the great party and competition by the hand of the princess. They were all lively, seemingly gathered around the princes who would battle to be the princess's husband, there were even bets going on.

"The first candidate, my chosen one, the prince of Othejor!" - The king announced. The prince received a wave of euphoric applause and thunderous acclamations. - "As a future husband and king, the prince offered his seaports to improve the economies of the kingdoms when unified."

Othejor's fans wore black and yellow clothing, shaking a vibrant flag with the eagle's armor.

“The challenger, Palathinia’s Prince!” – The crowd was screaming, fans with the black flag with a silver bull practically howled. - "What do you have to offer the princess?"

"I offer a larger, stronger and well-equipped army, to protect the borders of our future new kingdom." - The prince said overbearing proudly showing his biceps.

"If anyone else wants to dispute the princess's hand, manifest it and say what it has to offer." - The king's voice sounded annoyed. Six more competitors, some more normal and others exceptionally large, tall and muscular, were automatically lined up.

One after another they introduced themselves, the prince of Aserbaran offered his recent invention, the electric lamp. Another, from Bellart, offered the renewal of the kingdom by the best architects and sculptors. Sunnert offered a new type of vehicle that would soon replace the carriages. Tipheon offered the best artists to improve the quality of the kingdom's music. Lintionya offered his books to improve the education of the people. And the last, prince of Monojar, offered all the gold of his kingdom, which was famous for its almost infinite mines.

The whole audience shouted the name of their favorite prince, shouting hymns or just howling. Then a wave of complaints began to emerge from the back of the room. Seulgi made his way through the crowd dancing or fighting, we do not know, followed by Joy dragging Wendy, and Yeri behind protecting the rear.

The king kept himself serious, but the people could see him twitching lips wanting to laugh. Irene was thunderstruck. Wendy was practically pushed to line up beside the other princes. She wore the complete set of "how to turn a hamster into a knight in shining armor": armor, sword and shields, silvery and adorned with purple details, with the kingdom's own coat of arms.

“Well.” – The king was playful. – “As a suitor, what do you have to offer the princess?"

At that moment Wendy remembered why she had the feeling that the plan was doomed to fail. She had completely forgotten that it was necessary to offer something by the princess's hand, and she had nothing that any of the other princes had offered. Wendy was trembling, the words did not form coherently, then her gaze met Irene's. Irene was quietly asking "What do you think you're doing Wan-ah?" But her eyes were glittered amazed, a slash of pink was scattered over her cheeks and she was using a soft smile, the smile she only wore when Wendy hug her tightly. At that moment Wendy knew what to say.

"I offer my heart." - The warrior-clad girl responded forcefully, but tenderly, not looking at the king, but looking directly at her lover. It could be heard several "uwu" from the audience and even some girls fangirling and ogling at Seungwan. - "It's all I have, and all I can offer, my endless love and loyalty to the princess."

"My daughter already has all the hearts and love of the whole kingdom!" - Despite having shouted the king seemed to be shining. - "Why do you think your heart would be enough?"

"Maybe it's not enough." - Irene froze at Wendy's statement, but the short girl beamed. - "But I am all she needs."  




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I'm truly sorry about my english tho ç.ç


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1695 streak #1
Chapter 6: I like bottom ending ngl... Maybe minus forced bed scene haha thank you for multiple endings tho
Chapter 6: This story is a masterpiece, Author. It's indeed different than the other story, I agree that most of Wenrene fanfics was take in workplace environment, boss-employee, or school, senior-junior, etc. Your storyline really fit for Wenrene, very cute aww :3
This is the first time I read story with so many alternative endings, and definetly choose the last ending hahaha (sorry Author, this reader is always had a soft spot for happy ending story)..
Thank you for this story Author! Have a nice day! :D
Favebolous #4
Chapter 5: Why I'm crying?
Favebolous #5
Chapter 4: Yau Wendy stupid