Dumb Dumb

Like a Princess

"I think she wanted to say something else, but the royal trumpet sounded, and you know that it only happens in the case of maximum urgency." - Wendy finished telling what had happened that morning to the other girls sitting in the lilies garden of the castle.

“How can you be so dense Wendy?” – Yeri said while playing with some flowers.

Meanwhile Seulgi was only, it seemed, paying attention to the conversation intently. Joy sighed.

"I know how Irene feels." - She glanced briefly at Seulgi before looking directly at Wendy. - "It's really complicated when we fall in love with someone dumb, I can spend all day giving signals to the person that she'll think I'm just being friendly."

Yeri was about to mock Joy when an extremely energetic Seulgi manifested.

"Aha! That's why you spent a whole day clinging on me." - Joy struggled not to be affected, but her breath caught as she waited, almost hopefully, for Seulgi to finish the line. - "You were hitting on someone, but as that person did not understand your feelings you solved relay on me!"

“You dumb dancing bear...” – Joy scoffed while facepalming herself mentaly for having any hope that the monolid eye girl acknowledge something.

“You are really dumb Seul.” – Wendy laughed, as her was not oblivious too.

“You are dumber!” – Seulgi pouted and Joy forgot about everything and went to squeeze the other's cheeks.

“I’m not dumb!” – Wendy said almost whining. – “Joohyun said I am just silly.”

"Wendy, you're the person who knows the princess best." - Yeri decided to interfere while Joy was enjoying squeezing the life off Seulgi. - "If she's in love with someone you should be the first person to notice."

"I know that!" - Wendy replied guiltily. - "I should have known, but I was always busy taking care of her and trying to suppress my own feelings, gosh, she is the princess, she is just so, so ... perfect. Even when she is mean to me, she is the closest thing to an angel that will ever exist. "

“Looks like someone is really whipped!” – Joy lead the mocking followed by Yeri.

“You should tell her.” – That was Seulgi, that despite being oblivious, was really concerned about Wendy’s feelings.

"But she's in love with someone else." - Wendy said anxiously as she tidied up her fringe. - "Besides, she will be married to a prince, I am not a prince Seul."

Wendy felt a lump in and her face flaming about to weeping.

“The meeting is over.” – The raven haired princess had just arrived next to the group. - "Why are you crying Wan-ah? What have you done to her? "

Irene wrapped Wendy in her arms as she drove the deadly gaze to the other girls.

"This time I did not do anything!" - Yeri replied hiding behind the taller girl who was her partner in the crimes.

"We did not do anything princess." - Joy defended herself. - "We were just talking about your marriage and she got all emotional."

Irene was still the other girl. Wendy decided to ask what the meeting with the King had been like.

“So...” – She was insecure. – “Did you convice your father to allow you to choose your husband?”

Irene gave a last in the hamster girl’s hair, staring at her sadly.

“Kind of?” – IIrene sounded uncertain and at that moment Wendy found her so delicately fragile that Wendy’s arms automatically wrapped around Irene’s waist to ensure she would not break right there.

The other girls watched the scene intently, smiling because it was so explicit what these two felt for each other, that only a very dense person could not perceive.

"I actually didn't speak directly to my father about my feelings." - Irene continued, now with a small smile threatening to grow larger because of Wendy's embrace. - "The urgent news is that someone challenged the prince of Othejor in order to win my hand in marriage."

Wendy's eyes almost jumped out of the orbits, the other girls waited attentively for the princess to finish.

"Apparently there is a royal rule which says that when a prince or princess is proposed in marriage, there is the possibility of another person also being able to take the hand of the prince or princess." - Irene said expressionless.

"But how?" - Wendy asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.

"Through battle." - Irene simply stated.

"Battle of the sword type, blood, and everything else?" - Yeri was excited, she had always wanted to watch gladiatorial fights.

"Apparently." - Irene looked up at a Wendy who had lost hope again. - "But my father has given time to organize the situation better, in three days' time there will be a great party, in which anyone who wants my hand in marriage can propose and say what he has to offer me. My father said that if there were less than ten suitors, the dispute would be decided in battle ... If there is more, I will be able to choose which one appeals to me more as a future husband. "

“This is odd.” – Wendy said tilting her head, then almost beaming. – “But then there is hope, of course it will be more than ten, probably a hundred and...”

Irene hoped Wendy had some idea, about her feelings, or how to get her out of that situation.

“And, maybe, your loved one can be there too.” – Wendy was sad again.

“I doubt.” – Irene sneered. – “The one that I love doesn’t even notice me.”

"It's impossible!" - Wendy said with conviction. - "Anyone who does not notice someone as special as you Joohyun can only be really dumb."

"No. Not dumb. "- Irene said softly, hugging the other girl tightly. - "Just silly."




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I'm truly sorry about my english tho ç.ç


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1694 streak #1
Chapter 6: I like bottom ending ngl... Maybe minus forced bed scene haha thank you for multiple endings tho
Chapter 6: This story is a masterpiece, Author. It's indeed different than the other story, I agree that most of Wenrene fanfics was take in workplace environment, boss-employee, or school, senior-junior, etc. Your storyline really fit for Wenrene, very cute aww :3
This is the first time I read story with so many alternative endings, and definetly choose the last ending hahaha (sorry Author, this reader is always had a soft spot for happy ending story)..
Thank you for this story Author! Have a nice day! :D
Favebolous #4
Chapter 5: Why I'm crying?
Favebolous #5
Chapter 4: Yau Wendy stupid