Tale of the Two T

Cursed Apple

Taeyeon Kim, 30, a resident of Jeonju, South Korea is not unfamiliar to myths and all those fairy tales little kids giggle about. She is, after all, a preschool teacher who sometimes tell her students stories about how most princesses wake up after being kissed by their prince charming. She was very familiar with those stories of fairy god mothers, evil stepmothers, and dumb step sisters. 

So when a very very beautiful woman about her age showed up on her doorstep one lazy Monday morning, wearing a very huge (and very pink) gown asking for directions to the "castle of Serephivia", all she did was stare (and think about how the woman's eyes sparkle like a pair of diamond despite her obvious distress)

"Please," the woman clasped both hands in front of her chest (not that Taeyeon was looking in that particular area) and blinked her very pretty eyes slowly "I really REALLY need to go back to the castle. My prince is waiting for me, you see. We're getting married today..." her hands started flailing in panic and Taeyeon fought the urge to hold them back  "but then there's this old lady who gave me an apple. I just woke up here after I took a bite. And now, I don't have any idea how to get back."

Taeyeon just stood there, still in her pyjamas, without any expression (just a drool running down the side of , that's all)

"Hello?" The woman waved her hand in front of Taeyeon's face. "Oh no, are you cursed? Turned into stone?"

Taeyeon blinked rapidly, going back to her senses. "W-w-who are you?"

"Oh, right. I apologize for being so impolite." The woman curtsied, "I am Tiffany, and I am to be married to the prince of Serephivia so if you could just please tell me the directions---"

"Wait. Serephivia? What?"

The woman frowned. "That's the biggest kingdom there is, have you not heard of it?"

"No. And I don't think that kingdom exists."

"Of course it does." The woman sighed and gasped as she saw her ball gown "Oh no. My wedding gown! It's all... filthy. And tattered!" Her eyes glistened. "The birds and the mice put so much effort into it and now it's all... ruined."

"Birds and mice?" Taeyeon gaped.

"Oh, yes." She looked up at Taeyeon, beaming a smile again despite the teary eyes. "They made this gown in just a day, can you believe it? They are very nice, aren't they?"

Taeyeon was sure the girl has lost her mind, and maybe she did too because what else could be the explanation why she invited the girl, a very weird (but very pretty) stranger inside her house?


"Can you just change out of that huge gown, please?" 

She lowered her hand holding a pair of her best jeans and sat down on the couch. She've been convincing Tiffany to  wear the jeans for about an hour now but to no avail. She looked around the house and sighed as she saw all the things knocked down by the girl's huge gown.

"I am not wearing that... that hideous piece of clothing!" The girl shouted, crossing her arms.

Taeyeon huffed "Aren't princesses supposed to be gentle and sweet?"  

"Technically, I am not a princess yet since that old lady decided to throw me out in here with that cursed apple." She blowed her bangs out of her face and frowned. "Now my prince charming is waiting for nothing if I don't get back."

"Charming, huh?"

"Oh yes. He's very charming indeed." Her eyes sparkled. "And very handsome too." She twirled and sat down on the couch gracefully.

"How long have you two been together?"

"About a day, I'd say."

Taeyeon's eyes widened, "Are you serious? You're marrying a guy you just met?"

Tiffany raised her eyebrow "What's wrong with that, pray tell?"

Taeyeon shook her head in disbelief as she stood up, "Nevermind."

"Where are you going?"

"To search for my own princess in distress."

"Shouldn't you be looking for a prince instead?"

"Nah, I'm not interested in that certain specimen, Princess."

"I told you I'm not a princess yet." She walked towards Taeyeon, "And if you could just help me go back to Serephivia, I'd introduce you to the Princesses there. I heard from my prince that his sisters are quite nice."

"So, when, in that span of a whole day, was that topic about sisters were brought up?"

"Hmm. About 6 hours after we met."

Taeyeon rolled her eyes. The girl was very pretty but also very dumb.


"So, what kind of a princess are you looki--- oops. Hey!"

Taeyeon looked back at the stuggling not-yet-a-princess in her huge gown and saw her glaring at a man's back, hands on her hips. Tiffany then stomped her way towards Taeyeon, pouting.

"The people in here are not half as nice as the people back in Serephivia. That guy bumped into me and didn't even utter a single apology!"

"Well if you just agreed on wearing my 'hideous clothing', people won't be bumping into you in the first place."

"I cannot change out of my wedding gown on my wedding day. Please, just help me find my way to Serephivia."

Taeyeon turned towards Tiffany, exasperated. "Look, Princess. I don't know if you're high or something but there's no such place as Serephivia in this planet. So if you're looking for that kingdom where birds and mice sew gowns, you can go ahead and jump into a fairytale book."

"Oh! That's actually--- oh no. What was that?"

Taeyeon snickered. Tiffany's stomach just made a very loud sound. Now that's very princess-y. 

"I am so gonna be late for work." Taeyeon mumbled as she dragged the confused princess to a nearby restaurant.


Taeyeon was texting her co-teacher, telling her that she'd be a little late when she felt Tiffany staring at her intently. "What?"

"What is that you're holding?"

"This?" Taeyeon raised her phone. Tiffany nodded. "My cellphone."

"Cellphone? What does it do?"

"Well, a lot."

"What are you doing just now?"

"Hmm, informing my colleague that I'd be late for work."

Tiffany frowned. "You can contact her through that thing?"


"But... how? Is she inside that cellphone thing?"

Taeyeon huffed. "No. Just... go eat your pancake."

"What's a pancake?"

Taeyeon pointed at the food on Tiffany's plate. "That's a pancake."

"It's such an odd name for this sweet food."

"Yes, yes, it is. Now, please eat. I really need to go to work. The children are waiting for me."


"Look! Teacher Kim brought a princess!"
"Omo! It's a real princess!"

Taeyeon regretted bringing Tiffany along as soon as she entered the classroom and the kids crowded around the girl. She couldn't just leave the girl wandering on her own looking like that (and by 'that', Taeyeon meant gorgeous, beautiful, astonishing and all those adjectives synonymous to PRETTY AS ) People might take advantage of her and she doesn't want that.

"Well," Taeyeon heard Tiffany giggle. "I am not a princess yet but I will be soon."

"Are you Teacher Kim's princess?"

Taeyeon's eyes widened (not that she doesn't want Tiffany to be her princess). The kids all looked up at Tiffany and her.  Okay, so maybe she's kind of sort of okay with the kids thinking that---

"No, of course not. I have my prince back home in Serephivia."

Taeyeon scowled. "Go back to your seats kids, do not crowd the princess." She said sarcastically.

"Hey, why are you speaking like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you're patronizing me!"

"Of course not, Your Highness. I wouldn't dare."

Tiffany frowned and stomped towards her. "Do not talk to me like that!"

Too close. Taeyeon could almost hear her heartbeat and when she looked down, it almost combust out of her ribcage. The birds and mice did a good job in accentuating the woman's... treasures. It looked as if it was inviting Taeyeon's hands to touch it and she was about to succumb to the call when...

"Teacher Kim, are you ogling the princess?"

Sometimes, she wonder where the kids learn all that stuff (coz obviously not from her, she always made sure to hide her ersion in front of these kids, just maybe she lost control earlier)


"You have a lovely job."

They just got back inside Taeyeon's house when Tiffany suddenly twirled, clasping both hands in front of her. Now, Taeyeon could swore Tiffany's eyes actually twinkled.

"I love all the kids. They were very nice."

"Yeah, they love you too." Taeyeon mumbled as she entered her room, Tiffany following behind.

"How about you?"


"Do you love me too?"

"What?!" Taeyeon turned around and saw Tiffany looking at her innocently.

"Or do you only like how I look?"

"W-w-what are you talking about?"

"I noticed you staring at me many times today."

Taeyeon blinked. "I was just wondering how I can send you back to your prince."

Tiffany sighed and sat down on Taeyeon's bed. "The apple was cursed. I was sent here through that. And to break the curse, I need a true love's kiss. But how am I gonna have a true love's kiss when my prince is back there in Serephivia?" 

The girl was so close to crying that Taeyeon can't help but to approach her and rub her back, trying to comfort the girl.  "Isn't there any other way?" The girl looked up at her, tears finally streaming down her face and Taeyeon fought the urge to wipe the tears herself (she was scared she'd end up caressing the girl's face instead.)

"I don't think there is." 


It's been exactly a month since Tiffany appeared in her life and Taeyeon never had a boring day since then. Just days where she almost cuff herself in her bedpost to restrain herself from doing things to the other girl especially since Tiffany has taken a liking to wearing very tiny clothes (aka short shorts and skimpy tank tops) because according to the girl, it was more comfortable than Taeyeon's hideous jeans and tshirt. 


"Yes, Fany?"

"Is it okay for me to keep staying here?"

Taeyeon stared at the girl who was gently a bird that came out of nowhere. "What do you mean?"

"Aren't I burdening you?" She let the bird fly away and looked at Taeyeon.

"Of course not! I like you here!" Taeyeon blushed. "I m-mean, it's fine. It's okay. Y-you're welcome here."

Tiffany smiled (and Taeyeon's heart jumped a little) "I like being here too, Taetae..."

Taeyeon sensed the girl's hesitation and sighed. "But you have to go back to your prince?"

The girl shook her head. "No. It's not that. I don't think I will still marry him if I get back."

She raised her eyebrow. "Why?"

"I don't think it's true love that I felt for him."

"How do you know that?" 

"Well, I don't actually. But if it's love, then I must love you more than him."

Taeyeon almost choked on her own saliva. "W-what?!"

"I just feel more for you than for him." The girl shrugged as if it was nothing and closed her eyes. "I just miss Serephivia, that's all."

Taeyeon stared at the girl, willing her heart to stop beating so loudly.


"Do you love me, Taetae?"

Taeyeon's eyes widened as Tiffany snuggled closer to her on the couch they were sitting on. "W-w-why are you asking me that weird question?"

"Because I love you."


Tiffany giggled and pinched Taeyeon's cheek. "You're so cute, Taetae."


"So, do you?"

Taeyeon looked straight in Tiffany's eyes and nodded. She really does. "Can I kiss you?" The words got out of Taeyeon's mouth even before she realized what she's saying and quickly covered .

Tiffany tilted her head, fear evident on her face. "No, you can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I love you. And you love me. We can't."

Taeyeon couldn't quite decipher what Tiffany was saying until she saw an apple on her table and remembered the reason why Tiffany was here. "The curse!"

"Yes." Tiffany looked down sadly. "I will be transported back to Serephivia once you kiss me..."

Taeyeon was about to say some comforting words to the girl (like "don't be sad, I can still kiss you elsewhere, right?") when an old woman dressed in all black appeared in the middle of her living room. 

"What's that absurd thing you're saying?" The old woman said, looking at Tiffany.

"You! You're the woman who sent me here! The witch!"

"Witch?" The woman exclaimed indignantly. "How could you call your fairy god mother a witch?"

"Fairy god mother?"

"Yes, of course!" The old lady flicked her fingers and bright light engulfed the room.

"What the heck..." Taeyeon exclaimed looking at the young lady in blue gown standing on the same spot the old woman used to be, holding a blue wand.

The lady smiled and looked at Tiffany. "The apple wasn't  a curse. It was a blessing from me! You were about to marry a buffoon, I had to do something!" She exclaimed. "So you two, just go ahead and kiss. No harm will be done." 

Taeyeon blinked and the woman was gone. She turned to Tiffany. "Did that really happen or was I just hallucinating?"

Tiffany smiled the brightest smile Taeyeon has ever seen and when Tiffany kissed her, Taeyeon swore her heart died a little.

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Chapter 2: Oh my gosh! This is the cutest fic I've ever read so far! That last part is just so cute! Romantic even!
I really like Taeyeon's erted mind! 🤭
Innocent Tiffany is so adorable! I love how she makes Taeyeon's brain a mess on everything she asks!
I wonder how Taeyeon is still sane! 😁
The shower... 🫣
Chapter 1: I like how straightforward Taeyeon is when she said she's not interested in 'that' kind of specimen!
Also her thoughts are so funny, especially the erted ones! The kissing part in particular. 😁
Tiffany is so cute, choosing to wear those short shorts that the jeans! Poor Taetae had to restrain herself! 😁
That lady at the end, so she's watching the whole time? 😳
ebatwise #3
Chapter 1: cuteeeeeee
maemae08 #4
Chapter 2: 2nd time reading this!!!
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 2: Tiffany the sweet torture hahahaha btw the story are so cute specially in the last part OH MY FREAKING TAENY HEART ❤
Chapter 2: Cute I want to read more of this :”)
Chapter 2: One more chapter author, please.... It's too cute
maemae08 #9
Chapter 2: Oh gosh! This needs a sequel!