
Will you?

That night he finds himself on the roof again, not really knowing what to expect. Maybe she wouldn't even be there, maybe she'd be somewhere else, practising for whenever she had to be on stage.

But as he ascends the metal ladder leading to the roof of the stairs, he wishes to find her there, really really wishes. 

She always loved places like these, places high up where she can watch the entire city. She always said it gave her a sense of freedom.

And his wish us granted as he climbs the last metal bar to find a lying form, looking up at the sky.

She sits up sensing she's not alone anymore, her palm already forming a fist in case she needs to knock someone down but it relaxes as soon as she realizes who it is, "You shouldn't be here hyung," she scolds softly, "considering you're afraid of heights."

He sqauts down at a distance from her without a word. So very unusual of him.

"I know," he says after a moment.

"Hmm," she hums going back to staring at the sky.

It is a while before he speaks up again, uncomfortable with the silence, "When do you have your stage? Or whatever it is?"

"Match," she provides, eyes still on the stars, "Tomorrow, I have a match tomorrow."

"Will it be...." Again there are two questions on his mind. 'Will it be bloody?' and 'Will it be telecasted for them to see?'

Unfortunately he knows the answer to both of them is a yes but he still asks, going with the later, "Will it be telecasted?"

She doesn't answer right away and he finds it unnerving, "You're afraid of him seeing me, aren't you?" 

"I am afraid of how he will react," he states honestly, "it has been years but I don't think..."

"It's okay hyung," she cuts him off, "he has every right to be angry. I would be too if I were him."

He doesn't know how to respond to that so he takes to observing her instead. Her hair still rest stop her head in a messy bun, her eyes closed, enjoying the night breeze, her face serene as she sits there. And before he can stop himself, he's openly staring.

"It's rude to stare hyung!" She comments, eyes still shut.

He smiles, "I have never been able to help it." He's not sure if she blushes at that because it's too dark to see but he imagines that she does.

"Go get some sleep hyung, it's already past midnight," she says, finally opening her eyes and getting up, "Go rest. You must be tired after today's performance."

"I don't have anything tomorrow so I can sleep in if I want," he counters watching her take the steps down.

"Princess!" He calls as she descent the last step and although it's stii too dark, he can see her body freeze up. The familiar name bringing back memories. It was a slip of tongue, he hasn't intended to call her that. He closes his eyes for a moment before continuing, "it's not the right time. Postpone this match till I come up with something."

On looking down, he finds her already gone.

"Great Hakyeon! ing great!"


She puts her face against the cool surface of the lockers trying to control her flaming cheeks. How dare he call her 'Princess' out of the blue! God damn that man! Her heart was still beating uncontrollably fast as she remembered how he had called her that name in his honey like voice.

Was he not aware of the effect it had on her!

"Calm down Zia, just calm down. You have a match tomorrow. Being a mess isn't gonna help!" Trying to ease her heart she decides to do push ups. This is going to be a long night.


"You look like hell," Rogan comments, handing her a coffee.

"I feel like hell," she gratefully accepts, sitting down at one of the chairs in the changing room. She hasn't had her 6 hours of sleep. Hell she barely slept three hours before Rogan was yelling for her to get up and come down to train.

"Did you have ?" He quirks a brow.

Rolling her eyes at him she replies, "No. I had a !"

"Naughty!" And despite herself she smiles at the elder's stupid ' face.'

"You ready?" He asks, trying to hide the worry in his voice but failing.

"Obvious. I was pissed he didn't give me a match yesterday."

"Zia," he begins, the coffee cup in hand, "Just be careful okay. Don't get carried away."

"Stop treating me like a child Rogan. I've doing this for three years now!"

"I know, I know but I can't help but worry," he couldn't help but wish that she wouldn't be here, doing this. He really wishes that she was somewhere else, somewhere happy and safe.

"I'm gonna beat Daniel's , don't you worry," she reassured, finishing her coffee and going back to the ring. She still has a few hours before the match, better make use of it.

Rogan watches her leave with a sigh, wishing that his wishes come true before it's too late.





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