
Will you?

"Hyung seriously you shouldn't be here," she came to Hakyeon, her waitress attire still on. A very visible frown on her face, "Hyung please don't skip practise to come here."

"But I enjoy coming here. It's such a nice place," Hakyeon answers simply, looking over the menu although by now he has it all memorized.

"Hyung please," she looks up as another customer calls her, "Be there in a minute sir," she tells him turning her attention to the very stubborn male sitting in front of her.

"I'll have a latte," he shoos her away, enjoying the little pout she gives him. It's delightful because usually she's just too shy and reserved to even voice out her thoughts. Not to mention the first few times he came here she'd stutter and apologize for talking back to him and not complying to call him oppa.

And he couldn't help but chuckle, quitely of course. Because he didn't want to embarrass her further and Hongbin hated when he laughed at her.

But in time, as he continued to visit she relaxed around him and there would be times like today when he'd hit the jackpot and catch her in a irritable mood. At times like today she'd be a force to reckon with and he loved seeing her like that.

"Here's your latte sir!" A mug is slammed down quite hard onto the table spilling half of the contents on the tray beneath.

"Someone's being cranky today. Who killed your cat princess?"

"I don't have a cat hyung. Drink up and be gone," he smiles hearing her say that. Jackpot it is.

"Ouch that's harsh. No respect for hyung's feelings at all," he pouts and gives her the puppy eyes.

"Hyung!" She stomps her feet on the floor and a smile makes its way onto his lips. Teasing her is pure bliss.

"Hyung what if someone sees you here? What if your manager finds out? Oppa said you'd get in trouble. Please go back hyung."

She's an angel, this woman. And he hopes she stays that way, forever. He hopes that no harm could ever find her, he hopes that she'd always be happy and protected.


"Okay okay I am leaving," he gets up and leaves after paying for his coffee. Which he didn't drink.


"Where do you keep disappearing to Hyung?" Ken asks as Hakyeon enters their dorm. The others are sprawled around the table, two boxes of pizza sitting over it.

"To get fresh air kennie," he answers sitting down and grabbing a piece.

"Honestly hyung, aren't you taking too much fresh air recently? What are you and Binnie upto?" Ravi is eyeing them suspiciously.

"Use that imagination in the songs Ravi-ah," Hakyeon chides gulping down the pizza slice.



"Hyung," Hongbin calls as Hakyeon is getting ready for the night.

"What is it Binnie?" He asks, putting the tooth brush down. The others are probably asleep by now.

"How long will it take?" His dongsaeng asks, eyes downcast, "how long will it take for you to decide if Zia is good enough?"

What is he supposed to say now? The truth? That he knew she was good enough from day one? That he's just stalling it so that he could keep visiting her? 

"Just a bit more Hongbin, just a few more days," he ends up lying. Because he couldn't hurt the younger. Hongbin is like a brother.

"But hyung...," Hongbin protests but Hakyeon is having none of it.

"Good night Binnie." And with that the conversation is closed.


He waits for the lights of the cafe to close and she walks out with a big black polybag. The garbage of the day and deposits it in the dustbin. Then she goes back in and comes out a minute later, locking the cafe. She's in her usual clothes, the boyfriend jeans and full sleeved t shirt and he grimaces at her choice of clothes.

"Can I walk you home tonight?" He asks, coming out of the dark and she jumps in surprise.

"Hyung!" Her eyes are big, her hands over her chest. He scared her.

"Sorry about that," he apologizes and starts walking without waiting for her answer. He would walk her home either ways because this might be the very first and last time.

Tomorrow, he had promised himself, tomorrow he'll tell Hongbin that she's a great girl, that it's okay for them to start dating, albeit secretly. From tomorrow onwards, he'd just be her hyung, nothing else.

"You don't have to, it's already late," she jogs up to him.

"Precisely why I must accompany you princess," he smiles what he thinks is his most charming smile.

"I am not a princess hyung, princesses don't work in a cafe," she points out but he's not convinced. She is a princess, an unusual one.

"In my fairytale they do."

"You're impossible hyung."

"Well thank you for walking me home," she turns around, a smile evident on her face. The street light over her head giving her an ethereal look. He wants that smile for himself.

Tomorrow, she becomes Hongbin's. Tomorrow she cease to be his to tease.

Tonight, this is all he got.

Before he could think any further, he had pulled her in by the arm and sealed their lips together. With that their destinies.

The kiss is hurried, passionate, urgent. It is fire.

After all this moment is all he's got.


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