
Will you?

"Whose idea was this anyways?" Ravi asked, setting his bags on the floor and collapsing on the bed, his cap falling off his head in the process.

"Not mine," Ken interjected, falling near Ravi face first, "Man this is tiring." After promoting scentist for eight straight weeks, and then flying to Japan was indeed tiring.

"It can either be a genius move or a complete failure. We just have to wait and figure out which way this goes," N walks in, tired as the others, hairs falling into his eyes which are adorned with black circles.

"Hyung you need to stop looking like a panda really, get some cream or something," Hyuk comments coming out of the bathroom, a towel around his neck, "or people will start calling you Cha panda."

"It's kind of cute," N replies, making himself comfortable on the sofa and wondering for the fifth time if he did the right thing by coming here.

If wasn't like he had the say on whether VIXX was to take part in this experiment or stay home and enjoy a vacation. Only the company had that power but if he had tried, just a bit harder maybe they would have been in jeju island right now but well.

"Idiot," someone mutters walking in and sitting on the far side of the sofa, away from a certain leader.

"Leo hyung," the last member comes in through the door with a bottle of juice, "what do you think about this?"

Leo just shrugges his shoulders in return but Ken decides to give his views, "It's madness I am telling you! BToB did the right thing by staying home!"

"The small companies are all here. We can't decline the kind of money they are offering us," N reasons, closing his eyes and laying his head back. Maybe shooting for big byung two hours before the flight wasn't such a great idea after all.

"But what if it fails, this experiment?" Ravi muses and everyone looks up at that. 

N chooses to not open his eyes, the lights are way too bright anyways. He'd have to tell someone to fix it in his room, the one he's sharing with Hongbin and Leo, "We loose nothing. A contract is a contract. We perform, we get paid for it, whether this succeeds or fails has nothing to do with us," that's what their manager has informed him when he has asked the same question.

"So we get paid regardless of the outcome of this experiment?" Hyuk enquires blow drying his hair.

"Project," N corrects, "It's a project. And I need to get some sleep, so do you all," with that he gets up and makes his way to the adjacent room.

Project. He had been asked to refer to it as nothing but project and he needs to inform the children as well. It seems like the developer of this 'Project' is a sensitive person. But really who in their right state of mind thinks that fighting and music go together? Could there be a possibility of them coexisting? It seems highly unlikely but then again what does he know about business?

As long as they are fine and being paid, it shouldn't be a problem. They would do their parts and be done with it. It it turns out to be a failure, he could always say it was a lesson learned and if by some sheer luck it becomes a success, then they'd have another accomplishment to their name.

"Hyung," he looks up to see another idol looking at him with huge eyes, "are you okay?" He asks, his own demeanor screaming how utterly exhausted he was.

"Yes Hyungwon sshi, I am fine," he answers, pitying the younger. 

"You look tired hyung, I mean you almost walked into me, should I take you to your room!"

"No, no. It's okay. My room isn't that far," he nods and then bowing to N walks away.

So Monsta X too huh? Who else would be here? But he has no time to think further as sleep lulls him in and he decides to take a nap first and think later. It's going to be a long three weeks after all.

Even as he lays down, shutting the stupid light off his mind keeps going back to the bizzare 'Project' they have agreed to do. Ken was right, this was madness and the person behind this definitely a madman.

This project was a marriage of violence and calm, of wrath and vulnerability, of hits and notes, of fists and vocal cords. This was sheer madness.

'But you've getting paid for doing what you do,' a voice in his head suggestes and turning on his side, N decided it's none of his business. So closing his eyes he drifts off to sleep,unaware of what's to come.

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