
Will you?

Coffee, that's the smell he wakes up to. The sunlight falling over his face, lighting it up. He groans and stretches his arms only for them to stretch to their full length.

"The hell?" His bed is put up against a wall and there's a table at its head. Hence he could never stretch his hands full. That makes him sit up and the scene before his eyes makes his heart beat faster. 

Beside him, tangled in white sheets is her, sleeping peacefully. Her face serene as her cheek rest against the pillow. From what he can see her shoulders are bare, except for a few reddish marks, turning blue and her back is fully exposed. She's beneath the sheets.

He looks down at himself to find that he's in the same state and the events of yesterday night come rushing back to him. The way he had kissed her and almost got rejected. The way she responded to his kiss after a while, how they have ended up in her bedroom still kissing.

How he has touched her with need, with urgency and how her body has reacted. How her moans had encouraged him to go on.

"Damn!" He curses when he hears his ringtone. She groans in her sleep and he gets off the bed in search of his phone among the discarded clothes on the floor.

After minutes of searching and constantly looking back to make sure his phone didn't wake her up, he finally fishes it out from his trouser pockets. 

The name of the screen makes his blood run cold and he looks back at the woman in the bed. Then grabbing his clothes he leaves.

"Yes Hongbin?" He answers, shutting the door behind him.



Two days. It has been two days since he slept with Zia and those two days have turned his life around. Created a chaos that threatened to destroy everything he worked for. So now that he stands at the backdoor of their dorm, the streetlight above blinking angrily and light rain already pouring down, he knows it's about to get worse. A lot worse.

The girl in the alley is fiddling with her fingers. Her waitress attire still on. She had come to him directly from the cafe.

"Hyung," she starts shakily and his eyebrows draw together. She wasn't uncomfortable around him anymore.

"I.....," She looks at him and then at the ground, "I..."

"What is it Zia?" He asks, intentionally not calling her by her nickname.

She flinches a bit but continues, "I think it's you," she says finally looking him in the rye, "It's you that I love."

He looks at her as if she has grown a second head, "Listen Zia, if it's about...," He starts but she is already shaking her head.

"It's not about that night. I think I fell for you way before that otherwise I wouldn't have done what I did." 

"Zia," he starts again, feeling the rain grow stronger.

"I broke up with oppa," she says and he has to hold the door because it feels like the ground just slipped from beneath his feet.

"I told him I love someone else."

"You idiot," he says and her eyes widen, "What happened between us was just the heat of the moment," he says, looking her in the eye, "I am sorry for doing it to you Zia but I don't have any feelings for you. I don't love you Zia," it is hurting him to see the hurt in her eyes 

"Go back to Hongbin, tell him you're sorry. That you love him. He will accept you back."

She looks at the ground one more time then back up. It's difficult to tell if she is crying because of he rain. The streetlight goes dead as the rain pours down heavily on them.

"Hyung...," She opens but doesn't continue. Then she takes a step back, "I can't lie to him. I can't lie to myself."

And she has already turned her back to him. He can do nothing but watch her disappear in the rain.


Two weeks after that when he finally gathers the courage to go to the cafe, just to apologise to her and try convincingly her to go back to Hongbin.

He opens the door after standing outside for half an hour. The lady behind the counter sees him and offers a smile. He decides to go to her after doing a sweep of the cafe and not finding Zia.

"Excuse me Miss but can you call Zia out?" He asks, thinking she's in the back preparing coffee.

"Sorry Sir but she's not here."

"When will she be back? I can wait."

"I don't think you understand, she doesn't work here anymore."

And he knows she's gone.

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