TINA: How and when did you decide to be a fanfic author?
PUJA: After I came to know about Yunjae after watching “Dangerous love”, I tried to find more about them and came across AFF. After reading wonderful stories about yunjae I couldn’t keep my fantasies about them inside me anymore and started sharing them at this site.

TINA: What made you to sit down and actually write something?
PUJA: The overflowing dirty fantasies about yunjae (sorry jae and yunho making your s public XD)

TINA: What is the first fanfic you completed?
PUJA: My first ever ultra failure of a yunjaefanfic was “You are mine only” -_- (Im really sorry yunjae,forgive me for such a disastrous fic)

TINA: How did you get your idea for your first fanfic?
PUJA: It was based on the famous anime o manga “The tyrant who fell in love” or “KoisuruBoukun”

TINA: Have you had any prior experience of writing before your first fanfic?
PUJA: No but people say I’m good at writing or expressing my thoughts.

TINA: Have you ever plagued by doubts on your storyline?
PUJA: Not really. I write whatever I think of and share them with my readers ^^

TINA: How did you promote your fanfics to readers?
PUJA: Sometimes advertise in my blogs.

TINA: Have you ever been anxious about how the readers receive your story?
PUJA: Yes,always. I just want my readers to be happy reading my stories,so I feel nervous of how audience will feel after reading my stories.

TINA: Thoughts on how you felt when you see the first comment on the first story? Do remember who is the first commenter?
PUJA: I apologize to my first commenter cause I don't remember,but I’ll cheat... *going through my story comments….ok ‘jonghyunfan’ was the 1st commenter.Thnxx a lot to him/her. When I read your  comment I felt like crying in happiness :’)

TINA: How do you prepare yourself before writing a fanfic?
PUJA: I prepare style,format,heading,foreward and collect all the main and background posters I’ll need for the story. I always publish the foreward first and then start writing the chapters and publish them one by one.

TINA: Do you work out plot line or do you prefer to see where your ideas or inspiration take you?
PUJA: I always think and prepare the whole story in my mind till the end or write down the gist of the story somewhere and then write it down at AFF whenever I have time..

TINA: When and how does your inspiration or muse come to you?
PUJA: Various movies, or non- animes and mangas.

TINA: What is the weirdest place you were struck by inspiration for your fanfic? Did you write the plot?If yes what is the title of the fanfic?
PUJA: When I was replying to my nature call in the toilet,on the commode -_- Yes I wrote down the plot in in a folder but haven't written the story yet.

TINA: How much research do you do for your story?
PUJA: Not much, I don't get that much of time to research,I wish I had.

TINA: What is the easiest part of writing?
PUJA: Nothing is easy because I spent a lot of time to make out a perfect story just for my beautiful readers.

TINA: What is the hardest part of writing a story?
PUJA: From the beginning till the end.

TINA: The writer’s worst nightmare the dreaded writer’s block.When is the worst writer’s block you ever had? How did you overcome it?
PUJA: Didn't have one. Actually the problem is either I don’t get much time to finish a story or I’m too lazy ^.^”

TINA: Any useful tips on how to overcome the writer’s block?
PUJA: Think and decide about the whole story and how it will end before starting to write it down.

TINA: Have you written any collaboration with other author’s? If yes name of the fanfic.
PUJA: Not yet, but I wish to collaborate with someone, may be with u ;)

TINA: How do you describe your writing style? Do you think you have your own personal writing style?
PUJA: I think my writing style has improved a lot and has become more mature. My writing is very expressive and descriptive so that my thoughts can reach my readers more clearly.

TINA: How do you think you have evolved creatively throughout the years? Do you notice any change in the way you write?
PUJA: Yes a lottttttt. My writing first looked like some kindergarten kid has written the fics, but its looks mature and realistic.

TINA: How important are readers and their comments?
PUJA: Very important to me because im writing the stories for the readers to enjoy reading them. Coz I enjoy myself a lot reading other writer’s stories, so I know the feeling.

TINA: I have been a silent reader for few months before taking the steps to comment..
Any words for silent readers?
PUJA: That’s totally reader’s wish to comment, its not like its necessity to comment after reading each chapter. But it’s better if readers comment so that I know how readers are liking my fics, whether I need to improve anywhere so that readers can enjoy more.

TINA: Do you read other yunjaefanfics? If yes name of the fanfic you loved?
PUJA: Yes of course I read fanfics and that’s what making me procrastinate updating my fics. The other yunjaefanfic stories are so great that I just keep on reading them one after another.

TINA: Are you friends with any other author’s?
PUJA: yes there are many. We even chat on “Line “ app.

TINA: How do you make your stories standout when there are heaps of other stories with similar plot lines?
PUJA: I always follow other famous writer’s writing style. I always research how to make my story atleast on same level or better than them. People’s comments on various other fics also help me to understand what kind of stories they like better.

TINA: Has anyone stole your story and published under their name?
PUJA: *blush* I wish I was that famous.

TINA: Thoughts on others stealing your work?
PUJA: There are many stories with similar, we can't really say If they are stolen. So stories having similar plots is common but atleast don’t copy the whole fic of someone and paste it in your workspace and publish it under your name, if you want to do that then at least get the writer’s permission. Writers are happy to be advertised but not to be plagiarized.

TINA: How do you manage your time between your daily activities and updating stories?
PUJA: I can't, so I couldn’t update my fics for 1000 years. Im really sorry readers for waiting so long, but I’ll try to soon update them.

TINA: Do you have any favorite time of the day to write stories?
PUJA: Night time as I’m most active at night.

TINA: Your favorite genre to write?
PUJA: Anything with happy ending. I don’t like tragedy fics, makes me cry U.U

ALL ABOUT STORIES.............

TINA: What are the inspirations, thoughts and work that went behind the fanfic “STALKER”?
PUJA: I saw a picture of jaejoong online. The picture looked like he was being stalked (though he is always stalked by crazy fans -_-‘ )

TINA: Inspiration behind the double shot
PUJA:The inspiration is myself. I always think like the fujoshi girl in the story. Actually the story is based on my imaginations and fantasies about yunjae XD

TINA: Inspiration behind the fanfic
PUJA: I wanted to write something for a very good friend at AFF, it was dedicated to her because she wanted me to write a story with kid yunho or chibiyunho.

TINA: Few words on
“HELPLESS TO SELL MY SELF”.Ideas and inspiration behind this story?
PUJA: Going back to DBSK debut period, jaejoong used to look ultra cute. And that brought the idea in my mind that an innocent jae and a very naughty yun is a hot combo menu.

TINA: Few words on the fanfic
PUJA: Yes that was my first ever ed up fic. But that inspired me a lot to prove myself and I’m happy where it brought me to today ^.^

TINA: Of all the stories you wrote,is there any fanfic that has a very special place in your heart..if yes name of the fanfic and why
PUJA: All fics are special to me because I vomited all my thoughts, imaginations and fantasies into them.

TINA: Still writing or have you stopped now?
PUJA: I’m still writing and I’m one of the most lazy writers -_-‘

TINA: Any future yunjae fanfics you are working on currently?
PUJA: Yes. Its “Camping gone wrong”, it’s not yet published. And “ Donor “ is ongoing fanfic,I’ll update it soon.

All ABOUT ....

TINA: Tells us why are we so interested to read taboo topics when it comes to yunjae? Ex. ,cheating,home wrecker etc.
PUJA: Its not only taboo genre fics. I love any fics that have yunjae in them. Actually we readers fantasize so much about yunjae that just fluffy fics aren’t enough,we need some hardcore XDXD

TINA: How difficult or easy is writing ?
PUJA: I have watched many animes and also read many mangas,so I have good idea about , so from the beginning it was easy for me to write them. And as I said before that I describe each yunjae moment very expressively and elaborately so the scenes are really hardcore ( *Adult alert *) >//////////////////<

TINA: Do you blush or get embarrassed while writing ?
PUJA: I got used to it,but still now I feel so giddy that I can feel butterflies flying inside my entire body.

TINA: How do you write the scene? What is the inspiration?
PUJA: mangas and animes, also many BL movies

TINA: Have you ever watched GV(gay videos) before writing a scene?
PUJA: Of course, before knowing yunjae and DBSK I was already a pro in knowledge about gay and how its done and all those stuffs. I had done a great research on this and I’m proud of it *head held high and chest inflated*

TINA: Has any family member or friends have ever walked on you while writing a scene?
PUJA: Yes but they didn’t actually understand that I was writing a . Thank god they didn’t pay much attention to it.

TINA: Thoughts after writing your first ever scene?
PUJA: I was nervous if readers would like it.

TINA: What is the secret of writing a scene that turns on your readers?
PUJA: Scenes are very expressive and very meticulous, each scenes are highly detailed. E.g., Jaejoong’s skin is flushed red, sheer layer of sweats glittering on his body like pure pearls from depths of sea ---- Ya that was enough of teasing you guys XDXD . So that was a short example of my writing style.

TINA: It is so heart breaking when u see your favorite authors deleting their journals or accounts,taking away the chance to reread some of your favorite stories..and having those wonderful stories lost..Have you anytime in future have plans on deleting your journal?
PUJA: No never. I have poured my blood,sweat and tears into my stories. I will regret deleting them even I readers don’t like them.

TINA: Any words for the readers?
PUJA: My lovely readers, stay happy and healthy so that you can read my stories (^_−)☆ and also thank you very much for bearing with such a lazy writer like me and waiting for my fic updates. Sorry for breaking promise of updating. But trust me I was really busy with office and all. I’ll soon update them asap ^^



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Chapter 3: thank you sooooo much tina to publish my interview and thnk u for making a little bit famous :P i hope all the readers here enjoyed my interview even for 1% i know it was boring but i'll always strive hard to write wonderful and interesting story for my dear readers and for u too tina^^
Chapter 3: it's fun reading this interview! as always, you made yourself work hard again miss tina! fighting for the other authors! thank you so much!
Chapter 1: hahaha! tina, your description of funny for authornim is very precise! >^_^<>^_^<