TINA: Before we begin the interview what do I call you with?
AUTHOR: Call me Puja or short form Pu ;)

TINA: Hi Pu..Welcome to the interview.. shall we start..
PUJA: Yes of course!!(Im so excited that i’ll pee my pants ^^’)

TINA: Any special reason behind your journal name or aff account name. if yes what and how did u come by it ?(if it is your name just state that)
PUJA: It was hard to choose as everybody got such cute and nice aff names.I ed my brain and I came up with this name. Whenever I read anything about yunjae or see any fan-made or real pics of them together i just go “Oh myyy” and hence the name. “Ohmyyunjae” ,isnt it a cute name? ~U^

TINA: Where are you from?
PUJA: I'm from India.

TINA: Age relationship status partners and kids..(answer only if u r comfortable answering)
PUJA: Im 25 (turning old -_-’), have a bf who is 2 years younger than me(-_-”) , dont plan to have kids b4 marriage ^_^; , but im happy that my bf bears with my hard core fanaticism for yunjae ^^

TINA: What is your occupational status as if right now?
PUJA: Im a boring software engineer currently working at TCS

TINA: Birthday ?
PUJA: 26th December (Happy that I always get holiday ^^ )

TINA: What is your favorite past time or what do u do in your free time?
PUJA: Read yunjae s (means fanfics ^_^; ), watch videos, read mangas. 24 hours a day is just not enough to finish all these!

TINA: Favorite color/s?
PUJA: No preference

TINA: Favorite food and favorite country cuisine?
PUJA: Chinese was my all time favorite. Recently loving Korean and Japanese foods.

TINA: Favorite movie/s. why?
PUJA: There are many movies that I watch again and again. But I’ll mention about Yunjae movie here cause I have aff account cause of them only. I worship the movie “Dangerous love”. I dont care whats the movie about, if it stars yunjae in it on top of that them acting as lovers kyaaaaaa….wait wait I think I see blood coming out of my nose ...oh -_-

TINA: Favorite book and favorite Author/s. why?
PUJA: As a child I was crazy about fairy tales.I loved “1001 nights”, various authors wrote the stories. Its a collection of many arabian and indian fairy tales. I still love them and sometimes read them(Yes im still a kid at heart). But now that I have become yunjae hardcore fan,all 1001 nights forgotten but now only yunjae nights are remembered,you know what I mean *smirk*

TINA: Favorite Dress code?
PUJA: Very casual, t-shirts with shorts and loose summer dresses (ahhh it feels like heaven wearing them*satisfied*)

TINA: Comfort or Fashion?
PUJA: Fashion :P .Sometimes tight clothes kill me, and all my shoes are my arch enemies,my feet are always bruised,but still cant stop being a fashionista *proud*

TINA: Favorite designers dress/shoes?
PUJA: Hmm,I just wear whatever my eyes feel excited looking at them.

TINA: Personal style statement?
PUJA: I wish I had one *sigh* but I always try to look unique. I wonder I should start wearing hat just like Lady Gaga (∩⌣̀_⌣́) hmmm *thinking hard*.

TINA: Dream destination?
PUJA: Please god please I want to meet Jaejoong face to face in Korea T_T

TINA: Favorite perfume?
PUJA: May be Tommy Hilfiger or anything that smell like flower(or jaejoong heh heh ;) )

TINA: Branded or Generic clothing?
PUJA: Doesn't matter. I prefer anything that looks good on me and cover up my growing tummy.

TINA: Hobbies you are involved in?
PUJA: Writing Yunjae fanfics at AFF.

TINA: Ideal man /woman?
PUJA: A manly man...Yunho *slapped by jae*,ok ok sorry jae.Can I atleast fantasize about him in my dreams? *punched hard by jae*

TINA: Have you ever been attracted to the same ?
PUJA: Hmmm, never thought about it. Though I watched many lesbian films, I loved the move “Yes or No”. One of the female leads looked so damn handsome like a man, I loved her. Does that make me a gay? I wonder....hehe^^

TINA: Who and when is your first crush?
PUJA: In my kindergarten,when I was just 4.Can you imagine? -_-

TINA: Natural hair and eye color?
PUJA: First my natural hair color was dark brown but now it has turned lighter,it looks shabby.Thats why I always color my hair to cover it up. Natural eye color is dark brown.

TINA: Beauty according to you is?
PUJA: Being beautiful inside and out……..nahhhhhh. Nowadays its hard to find a perfect beautiful human. So I think at least not being a jerk can make someone beautiful.

TINA: What’s in your purse?
PUJA: $$ coins and cash $$

TINA: 2 things you cannot live without?
PUJA: Normally humans cant survive without food,shelter and clothes, but trust me I cant survive even a day without internet :P

TINA: If u get to meet one celebrity either dead or alive who will it be and why?
PUJA:  JAEJOONG!!!!!!!! I just want to see with my own eyes that why he is so damn beautiful,just why??

TINA: I am obsessed with______ fill it?
PUJA: Yunjae and

TINA: I am Passionate about____________ ?
PUJA: Travelling to new places or nice comfortable areas like beach.

TINA: Motto in life:
PUJA: Nothing is ugly in the world, its just our thoughts.

TINA: If u get stranded on a isolated island .name 3 things you want ?
PUJA: Oh crap,I haven’t thought about this possibility. what should I do if something like this really occurs?Hmm, on island I will get food, can build a shelter and also make clothes,so thats not an issue. But what I’ll really want are : My boyfriend(to attend to my every needs like a servant :P), internet to read yunjae s fanfics and ingredients to cook Chinese foods.

TINA: Proudest moment ever?
PUJA: There are many but I specially feel proud when my parents feel proud about something I do. E.g., I used to top in my class till elementary education, my parents felt so proud of me :’)

TINA: Most embarrassing moment?(if answer if u want to )
PUJA: It was when I caught my dad watching s ^_^”

TINA: One day you open the door and find Yunjae on your doorstep?
PUJA: I will scream and die on spot

TINA: If you are to write your life story what will the title be?
PUJA: “Thats me”

TINA: Goal in life:
PUJA: Make yunjae marry each other

TINA: How do you describe yourself?
PUJA: Funny, happy go lucky, hardcore yunjae & fangirl.



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Chapter 3: thank you sooooo much tina to publish my interview and thnk u for making a little bit famous :P i hope all the readers here enjoyed my interview even for 1% i know it was boring but i'll always strive hard to write wonderful and interesting story for my dear readers and for u too tina^^
Chapter 3: it's fun reading this interview! as always, you made yourself work hard again miss tina! fighting for the other authors! thank you so much!
Chapter 1: hahaha! tina, your description of funny for authornim is very precise! >^_^<>^_^<