Ever Since New York

In The Dark

Days have passed since Sana had decided to open up. 

Everything felt strangely easy to her, it surprised her a bit. She expected hardships, maybe an occasional breakdown, however she was doing pretty fine. She believes that its mostly thanks to Dahyun being by her side through out most things, she always did make everything easier. 

Despite all that, Dahyun tells her she has been doing fine just by herself. Sana has been talking with her classmates, getting to know them slowly. Dahyun told her it was the baby steps that matter, no matter how miniscule they may appear to be to others. She even visits the bar and talks to Jihyo sometimes. Dahyun herself has taken the liberty of making Chaeyoung and the japanese girl talk more often that before, something about how the two most special people to her should be friends. 

Sana appreciates that the korean girl never fails to support her or even give her energy to keep going with this new page of her life. Not only her, but she appreciates how her two best friends have also given her nothing but support. Momo is as enthusiastic as she's ever been, but Sana knows that she's extra happy because her best friend finally got her head out of her . Mina, on the other hand, has been equally as supportive and happy for her; but Sana can sense that there's something going on in the girl's mind. The trio have known eachother since they were children, naturally, they each picked up certain ways to notice when something was off with one of them. 

Nonetheless, Sana was still surprised. Mina was always one to hide her emotions the best, contrary to Momo who often wore her heart on her sleeve. If she was somehow able to feel that the youngest of the three was having some kind of issue, it must mean it was serious. It worried Sana to no end. So much, that it put her mind off her own process of being more out there socially. 

"Sana-ya, are you worrying about Mina unnie again? It looks like you're trying to levitate your textbook with telekenesis."

The older girl turned around on her desk chair to face the younger girl who had a look of worry. A major benefit of placing more trust on others, was that now Sana was able to confide in Dahyun more easily, and even tell her her worries. Sana had no idea she had been carrying so much unecessary weight on her back, weight that she was so used to she didn't feel any different. Now that she was finally letting it all go bit by bit, she felt a lot more lighter. She often wonders why she hadn't done this sooner. 

"It's just... I know she's hiding something. She never keeps secrets from us! What if it's something really bad?" 

Dahyun furrowed her eyebrows. "Whatever it is she might be hiding unnie, I'm sure she will tell you soon. Don't work yourself up before she even tells you."

Sana pouted as she fell back into the chair. She held out her arms, "I'm sad now, Dahyunnie. Come comfort me."

Dahyun let out a laugh. "You're really gonna pull this right now? You're so clingy." Despite her words, Dahyun couldn't ignore the flutter in her stomach. 

The older out stretched her arms even more as she whined to her room mate. Her room mate who had now lost any signs of resistance. The younger girl sighed as she sat on the japanese girl's lap, her body was smaller so it wasn't uncomfortable. Immediately, Sana wrapped her arms around the girl's body, humming happily as she had gotten what she wanted. 

Sana hadn't felt feelings like these since the year when she got her first and last girlfriend. Ever since then, she had thrown her heart into the trash. She had too many wounds to deal with, she didn't want to open new ones while the others were still healing. That included one night stands or flings, Sana thought all those indulgences would only hurt her in the end. Though, now as she was holding Dahyun in her arms, she never wanted to leave. 

Sana wasn't an idiot towards her own emotions. She knew very well what her feelings for Dahyun were ever since she had boughten that night light for her. What she feared was Dahyun's side of all this. It could be possible that the girl was just simply being her friendly self. Other times, Sana believed that maybe just maybe her room mate felt the same way. The very idea made her heart jitter and her cheeks tingly. However, a part of her couldn't help but think what if this was all one sided? What if Dahyun had only done everything just out of the kindess of her heart? Sana found it very possible, so much that it scared her. Especially since she hadn't had feelings like these in years, and now suddenly she was taking multiple leaps of faith thanks to Dahyun. Truth be told, Sana was scared. 

"Sana-ya? You're in thought again. Are your legs asleep?" Dahyun looked up curiously to the older girl's face. 

Sana shook her head a bit as she met Dahyun's eyes. She felt herself ignoring all her previous worries, and let a smile appear. She placed a hand on top of the korean girl's head, patting it lightly. 

"I'm okay Dahyun. Don't you worry your pretty little head about me," Sana said sweetly. 

Dahyun blushed a bit, not expecting the response. "You can tell me whatever it is that's bothering you, unnie."

If only you knew my true worry, Sana thought. Nevertheless, she smiled even more at the younger's words. She never did fail to comfort her in the simplest ways.

"Of course I know that. And as always, thank you."

Both girls remained silence, just simply looking into eachother's eyes. That is, until Sana's legs were growing tired and Dahyun had to get up and do her own homework. 


Chaeyoung was hardly ever nervous. 

In fact, she could count the amount of times she has ever been nervous in one hand. She preferred to live her life as stress-free as possible, therefore she ignored any unecessary stress. If she didn't pass a test, she'd deal with it. If she would ever get caught drinking soda out of a water cup, she'd deal with it. It was as simple as that. She didn't enjoy the way hands became clammy or how thoughts became scattered when one was nervous. So, she avoided it. 

However, now she felt all the sensations at once. The clammy hands, the scattered thoughts, everything she wanted to avoid were all know hitting her. All because of one japanese girl that she had no idea if she was ready to see just yet.

Momo had talked to her in their class earlier to meet up whenever they both had free time. Chaeyoung's intial thought was to come up with an excuse, but she was never one to run away from things like this. It didn't matter how much she liked Momo, or how much she felt like a lovesick fool for the past few weeks. She'd remain with her feet firmly planted on the ground. She refused to run away. So, she agreed to Momo. 

Now, the consequences were piling up a bit. Her nerves were growing more and more as she watched the clock tick as she sat in a coffee shop. It shouldn't be as deep as it felt that it was, but Chaeyoung knew it only was because of all the feelings involved. It was like some dumb trope from a teen romance movie. Chaeyoung was so deep in thought that she hadn't noticed Momo infront of her. 

"Were you waiting long?" Momo lightly smiled at the shorter girl as she sat across from her. 

Chaeyoung shook her head dumbly, to which Momo had to supress a giggle. "Oh, no. It's only been a couple of minutes." She was a bit embarrassed now. 

Both girls remained in an awkward silence, as neither of them knew what to say next. Their conversations had never been awkward, so this atmosphere was unfamiliar to both of them. Momo knew exactly what she wanted to talk to the shorter girl about, but she was having trouble finding the courage to just say it. Chaeyoung on the other hand, found the silence uncomfortable. It made her nerves even worse. 

"Was there something you wanted to tell me?"

Chaeyoung's words caught Momo by surprise, she hadn't expected her to say the first word. So much that her eyebrows raised a bit. Despite being taken aback, Momo nodded lightly. 

"Yes... It's about, well you know. What you told me last time," Momo cleared . She had no idea why she was feeling embarassed when she wasn't the one who confessed their feelings. 

Chaeyoung kept  her gaze straight on Momo's face. She tried to ignore the way heat rose up to her cheeks, she hoped the taller girl ignored it too. 

"Okay, yeah sure. What about it?"

Momo shifted her position on her chair, trying to prepare her words to make her thoughts be understood. She always did find trouble doing that, so much that Mina often commented on how much she rambled when her mind was overwhelmed with feelings. Momo hoped that just this once, her thoughts would come out as coherent. 

"Okay so, you know I have... feelings for Dahyun. The thing is, Sana does too. And I'm not blind, I know Dahyun has feelings for her too, it's as clear as day. Those two, they're made for eachother. I know that they need eachother, it's like fate or something," Momo began. 

The shorter nodded along, still a bit unsure as to what the girl was getting at. Looking at Chaeyoung's furrowed brows, Momo took it as a sign to continue. 

"I hid my feelings. I know Dahyun isn't for me, I accepted that a long time ago. But it still kinda hurts, you know? When Sana ran away, she overheard me saying I have feelings for Dahyun. I felt so bad, Chaeyoung. I don't wanna be part of that and make it messier than it should be," The japanese girl's voice grew more quiet as she felt her heart get heavy. 

Chaeyoung's expression softened as she listened to the older girl. She must've been going through her own emotional dilemma just as she was. Maybe, her side was worse.  

"What I'm trying to say is, I won't deny I don't feel anything for you either, Chaeyoung."

The words took the shorter girl by surprise. Had she heard right?

"What do you mean?"

Momo sighed. "Since I had accepted Dahyun wasn't for me, I had already started trying to get over her. Of course, since we became closer, I started feeling things for you too. And I wanted to tell you I am willing to try this, whatever you'd like. But I don't want to rush into anything, the last thing I want to do is hurt you Chaeyoung. So, I guess it could be something like testing the waters? It's okay if you don't want to you know-" Momo had already began rambling. So mcuh for trying to ignore doing that. 

Chaeyoung couldn't wrap her head around the words that were coming out of Momo's mouth. This was quite possibly the last thing she was expecting. She expected something a bit more dramatic. Maybe Momo telling her she would never feel the same way, and Chaeyoung would be left to cry alone as she listened to sad romantic music. Maybe that was a bit too dramatic on her part. 

"Are you serious?" The shorter girl asked carefully.

Momo nodded timidly as she braced herself for what the younger would say. The japanese girl had thought over this ever since Chaeyoung's confession, it wasn't just a spur of the moment thing. Neither was it a choice of sympathy for the girl. It was something Momo genuinely wanted to try. She really didn't see anything bad coming from this, this could end good for the both of them. Momo could finally fully move on from Dahyun, and Chaeyoung would well, end up with her crush that she thought was one sided. However, the shorter girl was quiet for a bit long now, and Momo was growing nervous. She feared she had made the wrong move, but she even talked about this over with Mina. Mina said it was a pretty sound idea, and if there was anyone she fully trusted with decision making, it was Mina. 

"Okay, I accept. I don't see the harm in this. Besides, I trust you," Chaeyoung finally said with a small smile.

Momo looked at the shorter girl with slightly widened eyes. 

"Just don't go breaking my heart Momo, or I won't hesitate to hunt you down. And I know Dahyun wouldn't either, and if Dahyun's mad then Sana is too, so you've got trouble there buddy,'" Chaeyoung teased, much to Momo's relief. It felt like they were back to the way they were, and the japanese girl liked it. She was now a bit excited for whatever the future would hold. Hopefully, it contained both her and Chaeyoung being happy together. 

"I wouldn't dream of it, Chaeyoung," Momo grinned. 


"Mina... how long are you going to wait until you tell Sana?"

Momo had arrived back at the dorm, in the middle of what Mina could only describe as a meltdown. During the older's absence, Mina had taken the liberty of thinking about what was currently on her mental plate. There was guilt and even frustration piling up, filling her mind up to the brim. After what was merely about a week, Mina was finally at her breaking point. She just wanted to shout out her thoughts, she wanted to rid herself of this weight she didn't know would become something serious. So, as soon as Momo had walked in through the door, Mina immediately sat her down and told her everything. Much to her relief, Momo understood her point of view, and did not get mad at her for keeping it all a secret. Still, she knew she had to tell Sana soon. 

Mina sighed. "I want to tell her as soon as possible, but what if now's not the time for that? What if it sends her back to square one? What if she hates me? Oh god Momoring I don't want her to hate me-" Momo cut her off before she could even continue. "Minaring, Sana could never hate you. Once you explain to her, I'm sure she'll understand it all. Plus, she's got Dahyun now."

If she were being honest, Momo was completely unsure about her statement being true. If anything, Sana would be mad for a couple of days at most, but to the point of hating Mina? Now that, she believed was impossible. Seeing Mina with so much insecurity and worry in her eyes was a new experience for Momo. Momo had known the younger much longer than Sana, and yet ever since they could walk, Mina was the one taking care of Momo most of the time. She had that aura, the one that just made everyone feel in comfort. The reliable type, if you will. Momo wanted so desperately for everything to work out in the end, seeing Mina in this state was tugging her heart strings, and not in a good way. 

"I just, I feel so bad. But I couldn't control it. I didn't mean to do it Momo, you know that right?" Mina pleaded. Momo wrapped the girl up in a hug, sensing that she was not calming down by herself anytime soon. She began patting the younger's head in efforts to calm her. Mina instantly snuggled closer up to Momo's chest, feeling free now that she was able to be the one searching for comfort, after so many years of being the one giving it. It wasn't particularly neither Momo or Sana's fault, more like Mina had to feel like she was in control of her own feelings most of the time. She never really ever dealt with anything mind wrecking, and her best friend's company were always her version of a safe haven. However now, she finally let herself be vulnerable in Momo's arms, and the roles were reversed. 

"Sana knows your heart, Minaring. She knows you'd never hurt her on purpose. Just tell her, if anything bad happens I'll be here for you. And I'm pretty sure Sana is phisically incapable of hating you for even an hour."

Mina hummed thoughtfully. She thought over Momo's carefully, and it all sounded pretty logical. Since the dawn of their friendship, the trio had rarely fought. The most heated fight they've had was deciding who was going to pay for what. Mina found it as a blessing, to have best friends that felt more like sisters. Due to that, the younger was even more fearful over however Sana would react to her secret. Out of all three of them, Sana was the one who dealt with her feelings a bit more irrationally, hence the drinking, running away, and such. 

"I don't want to lose her Momoring. I don't want to lose neither of them."

Momo felt her heart break at Mina's tiny voice. Although her friend had always been more quiet, this time her voice was laced with desperation. As if she were begging Momo to somehow secure a good outcome out of all of this.

"You won't lose anyone Minaring, don't say things like that," Momo whispered, trying to reassure the girl. 

Mina didn't respond, she only let herself succumb to the silence and Momo's occasional pat on the head. Deep down she knew Momo was right, it was more so insecurity that was making her act this way. If there was anything she knew how to do, it was how to handle her feelings. Now should be included into all of those moments. 

Suddenly, their dorm room door opened. 

"Hey guys! You won't believe what Dahyun did earli-"

Sana looked between both Momo and Mina's faces and immediately took note of the solemn atmosphere and their gloomy expressions. Sana had yet again, walked into something she'd proabably end up not having wanted to walk into. 

"Are you guys...okay?" Sana asked carefully, unsure if this had something to do with her. Looking at Mina's face, she knew this was serious. Part of her wondered if her worries were coming true despite all of Dahyun's reassurences. Or, perhaps Mina would finally let her in on what she was hiding. 

Mina huffed as she detangled herself from Momo's embrace. She walked up to Sana until they were face to face. Sana felt more intimidated now that Mina was now looking at her with such an intense look. 

"Sana, we need to talk. I have something to tell you."

The older girl nodded slowly, unsure of what to expect. 

Momo suddenly got up from the bed, and walked up to them. "I think it's best if I'd leave you both alone." 

Mina looked up at the girl with pleading eyes. She'd feel much more in comfort if Momo stayed. The older girl wasn't having it, as she gave her a pointed look. This was entirely Mina and Sana's business, and Momo didn't want to interfere in something like this. 

Momo proceeded to leave the room, walking past her two best friends. 

Now left by themselves, Mina and Sana looked at eachother awkwardly, now feeling the mood shift. Both girls were completely unaware of what was coming, but both were afraid, and both hoped that nothing bad would come out of this conversation. 


a/n: alright so im entering school this monday.. so maybe chapters will come slower... imma still try to update every friday though. Theres not really much chapters left either way 

i hope everyone has a good day (:

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melkte #1
Chapter 10: Authornim... please update im so curious of what happenes next :((
AnotherMartian #2
Chapter 10: Thank youuu. I hope their confrontation ends well
Chapter 10: I love how level-headed Dahyun is about Sana's predicament. Her support is exactly what Sana needs right now. I also like how Momo described Chaeyoung as someone who didn't blow things out of proportion X) It was short but I enjoyed it. Good job!
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update that was daaaannnnggg
Chapter 10: Thank you for update authornim, i miss your story
Chapter 10: I got to thank you author for giving us an update author-nim! I miss this story :(
TWICE ff writers are kind of busy these days and we get rarely an update a day TT
Chapter 10: Woohoo update!! MiNayeon!!
I can't wait for the "confrontation".
Thanks for the update.
dubuchaaan #8
Chapter 9: i think mina is the gf of sana's ex gf??
michaengie #9
Chapter 9: Minaring the only thing that I dont want from you is to get hurt. Please. She’s been so strong for the other two, please give her happiness.
Chapter 9: Woahh what happened with Mina, im so curious about her, thank you Author-nim