Absolutely Smitten

In The Dark

a/n: Absolutely Smitten by dodie


Dahyun felt warm rays of sunlight hit her skin. She began to shift at the sudden intrusion, fluttering her eyes open. She tried to focus on the window across from her, thankful that the window placement was able to give her a path to receive the waking hours of the sun. As she entered a blissful state, she moved her arm around her bed. When she felt no one beside her, she began to panic. 

Dahyun shot up and looked next to her, seeing that Chaeyoung wasn’t there. She thought about the possibility that maybe Chaeyoung had left her in the middle of the night, when Dahyun is at her weakest. She quickly dismissed the theory, there was absolutely no way Chaeyoung would ever do that to her. 

As if on cue, Chaeyoung walked out of the bathroom with a freshly washed face. 

Dahyun sighed in relief, and let her body slump back down on her bed. She hated that her mind had gone to a place like that, doubting Chaeyoung should be unimaginable. She felt a weight next to her body.

“Is something wrong Dahyun?” The shorter girl looked at her friend worriedly. The shorter girl was unaware of the short panicked moment Dahyun had gone through.

Dahyun shook her head, letting herself bask in the sun rays once again. There was nothing she enjoyed more than the warmth that light provided for her. Maybe, that’s why she loved mornings. There was always something about mornings that had made her incredibly happy since a young age. She often heard many others judge her for being a morning person, since many happened to despise the early daylight hours. Dahyun recalled the moment she told Chaeyoung about her infatuation with mornings, and was gleefully surprised to find out the other girl had also enjoyed waking up early. 

Chaeyoung chuckled, and stood back up. “We need to get ready for class, Dahyun.” 

The pale girl grunted. She might be a morning person, but that didn’t mean she was a school person. 

“Chae, I don’t wanna,” she whined as she flailed her arms.

Chaeyoung let out a bark of laughter, “Don’t be lazy, come on, get your up.” 

The shorter girl attempted to roll the other out of her bed, and falsely failed. 

“Dahyun, you’re so heavy. Did you gain weight?” Chaeyoung smirked. 

The pale girl suddenly stood up, her face full with offense. 

“Shut up! I didn’t! Stop being jealous of my body proportions.” The pale girl exclaimed, then doing an exaggerated modeling pose. 

Chaeyoung couldn't contain her laughter at her best friend's antics. She truly was an interesting character.

"Alright you crackhead, get dressed already. I have to go to my dorm to get changed, don't take long or i'll drag you by the roots!" The shorter girl threatened as she left the dorm, leaving her best friend alone in the room. 

Dahyun pouted, yet still made a move to get ready.

The pale girl walked into the bathroom, and washed her face. After washing the excess of her aloe facial scrub, she looked into her reflection. Dahyun analyzed all her features, from her monolid eyes, to her sharp jawline. Her cheeks were once so chubby, and they still might be, but not as much as they used to be. An inevitable result from growing up and losing baby fat. Dahyun breathed in deeply, she was so prepared for starting anew. For some reason, the thought of classes and new people didn't make her as anxious as meeting Sana did. She didn't think much of it, she believed the meeting only mattered so much to her since she had to live with Sana. 

Dahyun brushed her teeth, and got out of the bathroom. 

She grabbed a pair of black jeans, and a white hoodie. Although she liked the idea of putting in effort into her style, she preferred comfort. Besides, she'd have the chance to dress up another day. Nobody would mind if she looked a little homeless on the first day, right? 

As she began to change into her clothes, her mind wandered towards Sana. She wondered if Sana had morning classes, or if she even came back to the dorm last night. Dahyun quickly glanced at her roommate's bed, and answered her own question. The bed was completely untouched, nothing was out of place. Dahyun pursed her lips out of concentration. It really wasn't her business to try to understand Sana's life or decisions, but she couldn't help but feel worried. Worried because she wanted to know if Sana was sleeping well, if she was treating herself well. The pale girl cursed at herself, she was always one to quickly care for others. A characteristic that always led Dahyun onto her downfall, but Chaeyoung refused to let her change this certain aspect of herself. Something about how the world needed more people like Dahyun. The pale girl decided Sana looked like she could take care of herself, unlike Dahyun. The least she could do, was reassure herself later by asking Sana if she was alright; that is, if she would even get the chance to. 

Not letting thoughts of her roommate be the cause for being potentially late, Dahyun quickly put on her hoodie and grabbed her backpack. 

When she stood outside the dorm, she realized that she hadn't eaten breakfast. She had been too busy worrying about her roommate, that she hadn't heard her own stomach growling in hunger. This was unacceptable for Dahyun. She made a mental note to pass by a cafe on her way to class in order to buy a small meal for her and Chaeyoung. It could be a small thanks from Dahyun to her dear best friend. 

At the thought of her future treat, Dahyun began to walk across the hallways with a small smile with a giddy bounce to her step.


Sana cursed at the sun rays that were interrupting her precious sleep. She groaned as she tossed and turned on the familiar bed. She also cursed at herself, for drinking too much last night. This hangover was biting her in the . It was no secret that Sana enjoyed drinking a little more than the regular student, especially since she was 'celebrating' last night. In fact, her drinking habits were the reason why she refused to take morning classes. How could she focus on boring lectures when she had an overwhelming headache almost two times a week?

"Why are you making so much damn noise you witch?" 

Sana squinted at the intruder, and found Momo looking at her dissapprovingly. The hungover girl became confused, Momo was always one to hate waking up so early.

"Momo, you demon. It's so goddamn early. I just want to sleep," Sana grumbled as she buried her face deeper into the pillow, in attempt to block out sunlight. She knew Mina would hate that Sana was masking the pillow with the stench of alcohol, though she was in no state of mind to care about it at the moment.

Momo chuckled at the sight of her hungover best friend. "Sana, you do know that it's 11 pm right? Not even I think it's early."

Sana's eyes widened. Had she really slept for that long? That explained why Momo was already up, and not to mention getting dressed. 

She fully faced the other girl, "So you mean... Mina left a long time ago?"

Momo nodded, "Oh definitely, her class is even over. I'm getting ready to meet up right now with her for some early lunch."

Sana squinted her eyes at her words, "Isn't that just brunch?"

Her best friend looked at her incrediously, "Do we look white to you?" 

Sana let out a bark of laughter, then realized something. 

"Wait a minute, how come you guys didn't invite me?" Sana pouted. 

Momo was in the middle of changing into a colorful blouse when she answered, "You know Mina hates hanging out with you when you're hungover, you become more insufferable than usual."

She threw a pillow at Momo, but still laughed. 

"Whatever, I guess I'll just stay here, alone," Sana sighed dramatically, feigning hurt.

Momo got closer to Sana. "Or, you can go to your own dorm. And I don't know, maybe try to communicate to your roommate who probably thinks you're some type of weirdo," she said each word carefully, making sure Sana understood her message. 

Sana groaned, she didn't want to face Kim Dahyun just yet. She was nowhere near prepared. She was a complete mess in her current state. She reeked of alcohol, and she felt as though she just might puke at any given moment. Surely, there was no way Dahyun would be pleased if she saw her roommate come home like this.  

"Listen, i'll go later okay?"

Momo smiled sweetly, "Good, that's all I ask. I'm leaving already okay? If you need food there's some in the fridge, bye."

She gave the hungover girl a quick peck on the head as she left the dorm.

Sana groaned for the nth time, and buried her face back into the pillow. She won't face Dahyun just yet, she was way too hungover for something as serious as that.


Momo arrived at the cafe she had told Mina about, a dainty yet elegant place. As she strode across the side walk, she took in the view of the little shop. It was famous for feeling home-y, and for its delicious teas, homemade pastries, and coffee. Momo had been pestering Mina about coming to this place together for the longest time, and the latter had finally agreed, figuring that there was no harm in giving in. Mina had told her many times that she could just go without her, but Momo was persistent in not going alone. She always believed new experiences as simple as this was better with a friend next to you. That is why, whenever a new restaurant or cafe opened that caught Momo's interest, she had to go with either Sana and Mina, or both. She loved spending time with her friends. As much as she tolerated going to bars and such with Sana, she'd much rather go out sober in broad daylight. 

She walked into the cafe, hearing a small ring from a wind chime above. Immediately, she felt a cozy sensation from the various decorations. No one looked like they were in a rush, or if they were stressing. It was soothing to her. Momo scanned the area and found Mina sitting at a lone couch, already sipping on a cup of tea. The girl smirked at the sight of her friend that just always reeked of elegance, even without trying. 

Before heading to sit next to Mina, Momo walked to the counter to make her order. As she looked into the menu deep in thought, she made her decision to order a coffee. 

After the employee gave her change with a small grin, Momo made her way to Mina.

Mina was oblivious to the world around her, completely engulfed in her phone. Momo's presence had gone unnoticed by her until she felt the couch shift. 

"Hi Minaring," Momo greeted her quietly. 

Mina grinned, "Hi Momo."

Mina shifted her postion in order to get closer to her friend. 

"You were right about this place, it feels so cozy in here."

Momo grinned happily at her friend's words. She was glad to know Mina ended up liking the small cafe. 

"Is Sana okay? She didn't throw up all over my bed or something right?" Mina asked worriedly.

Momo shook her head, "She's fine. I woke her up before I left, she said she was gonna stay a while then leave to her dorm." Mina nodded along as she took a sip of her tea. "She looks like though, poor Dahyun is gonna think a homeless woman broke into her dorm." Mina almost spit out the remnants of tea, as she tried hard to contain her laugh. She shook her head as Momo laughed at her reaction. 

The mood then shifted to be a little more serious, both seeming to worry a little more over Sana's recent situation. 

"Do you...do you think she'll really be able to do it?" Momo looked at the other with clouded eyes. 

Mina deeply sighed as she pursed her lips. "I hope she can. You know how she gets when it comes to trusting others...but it's already a start that she atleast said she'd try." Momo nodded along. "Then again, it's going to take her a long time. I can tell. No matter how much of a good person this 'Kim Dahyun' might be." Mina hated that her friend had learned to close herself off to the whole world, but as she grew up with Sana, she knew the many reasons why she chose to. It deeply pained her to know just how much the terrible experiences changed her friend, she just wants her eyes to be filled with pure happiness again. Just like how they used to be. Whoever Kim Dahyun was, she wishes that she will be the one to finally break Sana's barrier that was slowly closing in on her. 

"I hope she'll be okay, Mina," Momo mumbled quietly, filled with genuine care for Sana's well being. 

Mina smiled at Momo's words, and began to pat her head. "Hey, whatever happens, we'll still be by Sana's side right? We're all bound to be together, always."

The girl let a grin spread on her lips in exchange for the initial pout, glad that she would be able to count on Mina when it came emotional strength. 

Momo whipped her head at the sound of an employee calling her name, indicating that her coffee was done. 

She bounced up on her feet as she jogged towards to front to retrieve her much awaited drink. She needed the caffeine in order to soothe her growing worry of Sana. 

As she grabbed her drink, she overheard a girl saying her name to the employee as she made her order.

"Dahyun, thank you."

Momo's eyes widened. This had to be some kind of coincidence. There was no way this girl was the same Kim Dahyun Sana had mentioned, right? What were the odds of her and Momo being here at the same time? Then again, they did go to the same school.

Momo slowly turned to the girl she heard speak. She saw a slightly short girl, wearing a white hoodie that looked a little too big for someone who appeared to have a petite build. Then the girl smiled at the employee as she gave her her change. When Momo saw that smile, she figured that this was definitely the very same Kim Dahyun. After all, she had that smile Sana described: a smile that looked as though someone had just made her whole day. Momo ignored the way her heart began beating a little more faster that usual, she blamed it on the coffee, which she hadn't even taken a sip of yet. She watched dumbly as the pale girl rushes to sit at a table with someone. Momo grew nervous, who was that other girl? She had short hair, and appeared to be even shorter than Dahyun. 

"Momo? What's wrong? Who are you looking at?" 

She hadn't realized she had been standing still at the same spot for a long time, she jumped at Mina's sudden intrusion. Her eyes darted between the table Dahyun sat at and Mina's gaze. She wondered if she should tell her about the possibility of that being Kim Dahyun. Would she think she was crazy?

"I- saw, I...she"

Mina put her hands on Momo's shoulders, "Momo calm down, what's up?"

Momo inhaled deeply, "I'm pretty sure that girl over there is Sana's roommate." She pointed at the direction of the table. 

Mina followed where the finger was pointing at, and saw two girls sitting at a table. 

"Which one?" 

"The pale one," Momo mumbled. 

Mina released Momo from her hold, she thought of her possible choices. One, she could go and talk to Dahyun, or she could leave and just let the world handle everything. Though, she was a little too curious to talk to the girl that caused Sana to shift her usual stubborn attitude. Was her smile that powerful?

It was definitely worth a shot, curiousity wouldn't kill the cat this time. 

Mina began taking steps towards the table, unaware that Momo had a shocked look at her actions. 

As she was getting near to the two girls, one glanced at her, confused as to why the stranger was coming over to them. At her face, the pale girl also turned in curiousity.

Mina lightly smiled, and made sure to make her voice be heard. 

"Hello, my name is Myoui Mina."

"Uh... hello Mina? Do you you know her, Dahyun?" Chaeyoung looked inbetween both the stranger and Dahyun curiously. 

Dahyun shook her head slowly, "Do you know us?"

Mina kept her smile, "I'm Sana's best friend, you know, your roommate. She told us about you." She gestured towards to herself and Momo who had now joined the scene, standing timidly next to Mina with a small smile. 

"I'm Hirai Momo, I'm also Sana's best friend."

Dahyun's eyes sparked at the two girls' identification. They were Sana's best friends, surely they had to know about why she hadn't come to their dorm last night. Also, Mina's words had caught her interest. Sana had talked about her to them. What if she told them she was some type of weirdo and they were here to beat her up? Both Momo and Mina looked far more taller and built than Chaeyoung and her, they wouldn't be able to stand a chance. However, the optimistic side of her reassured her that surely Sana had nothing bad against the girl. Apart that she had unintentionally stared at her face for a good minute. 

"Hi! It's so nice to meet Sana's friends! I'm Kim Dahyun! This is my best friend, Son Chaeyoung," Dahyun smiled brightly as Chaeyoung waved at the two girls.

When the girl flashed her smile, Momo and Mina were taken away. They understood, this was the smile that their best friend had mentioned. Mina understood why Sana had reacted the way she did, she hadn't seen a pure smile like Dahyun's before. She hoped her best friend's issues wouldn't ruin this girl's smile. 

Nonetheless, Mina didn't let her smile falter. 

"Hey Mina, how come Sana didn't come to the dorm last night? Nothing happened to her right?" Dahyun asked with her brows furrowed cutely. 

Mina again, was taken aback by the girl. It had been only a couple of hours since Dahyun even knew of Sana's existence, and she was already so worried about her. Mina wasn't sure she could handle this amount of wholesomeness, how did someone like this girl exist in such a cruel world?

"Don't worry about her, she's fine. Her drank a little too much last night, so she stayed over with Momo and I," Mina reassured her. Both Momo and Chaeyoung laughed at her choice of words. 

Dahyun grinned again, happy to hear that her roommate had been alright.

Mina bit her lip as she thought about what she would do next. On one hand, she wanted Sana to deal with this by herself, but on the other she couldn't help but feel worried. She knew Momo felt the same, and she was far more worrisome than Mina. It wouldn't hurt to give her and Momo's number just incase anything happened to Sana and they couldn't reach her, she trusted Dahyun. 

"Hey, I know this is weird, we just met, but could we exchange numbers? You know, just in case Sana gets in trouble like an idiot," Mina masked her actual intention with a joke, she was in no position to be the one to hint at Sana's issues. It wasn't right. 

Dahyun didn't find anything weird about the situation, she was even excited to get to know both Mina and Momo. "Yeah of course!"

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes as she saw Dahyun, Momo, and Mina exchange numbers. She didn't understand how Dahyun was able to trust so easily, these girls would probably be able to end her if they desired to. Despite those worries, this was how Dahyun has always been. Chaeyoung was already far too used to Dahyun's method of living life. If anything were to ever happen, she'd make sure to go to both Mina and Momo. She'd kick them in the shins or something, whatever if it meant they ever hurt Dahyun.

"Well then, Momo and I have to leave. Bye Dahyun, bye Chaeyoung!" Mina waved goodbye along with Momo, they both made their way outside of the cafe.

Chaeyoung turned to her friend, "Don't you have any suspicions?"

Dahyun sipped on her drink as she looked at her friend with a confused expression. 

"No? Why would I?"

"Ah Dahyun, you trust people so easily," Chaeyoung leaned back on her chair. 

Dahyun smiled at her friend, knowing she was again, thinking about Dahyun's well being. "And you, are too overprotective. They looked nice Chaeng! Totally harmless! Did you see Momo? She looked like she had never fought a soul in her life."

Chaeyoung pouted, knowing her friend was right. Both Momo and Mina looked as though they had no evil intentions. She figured she'd have to learn how to relax and let Dahyun branch out. 

Dahyun on the other hand, was elated at her encounter with Sana's best friends. Not only had she liked that she met new possible friends, she found out Sana was okay. She had slept soundly on a bed, with nothing bad happening her. Dahyun smiled, and hoped she'd see her roommate tonight. 


Sana walked cautiously through the hallway. She had just finished her afternoon class, and she wanted nothing more than to lay down on her bed. However, the thought of Dahyun possibly being in the room already filled her with nervousness. Her hungover wasn't as bad as it was when Momo had left her, but she wasn't at her best either. She couldn't stay at their dorm forever though, so she came here. She sighed at the sight of her dorm door, trying to muster up courage for some reason. At the end of the day, Dahyun was just a girl. Why was she making this situation more difficult than it should be? She firmly gripped the door knob and opened the door. When she entered, she saw an unfamiliar girl. Where was Dahyun? The girl turned to look at her, she was laying on her stomach on Dahyun's bed, with her feet held up. Her eyes narrowed on Sana.

"Are you Sana?"

Sana slowly nodded, and gave her a pointed look, "Who are you?"

Chaeyoung smiled politely, "Im Chaeyoung, Dahyun's best friend."

Sana suddenly felt a sense of awkwardness in the air for an unknown reason. Something about Chaeyoung's expression made her feel as though she was being put on the spot. 

"Where's Dahyun?"

"She went to her afternoon class, she should be coming by now," Chaeyoung answered easily, now sitting up on the bed. She eyed Sana curiously, she looked fine to Chaeyoung. She didn't appear to be some type of weirdo, nor a threat. 

Sana didn't enjoy the silence that had gone on, she just wanted Dahyun to come to their dorm quickly. Everthing about this interaction was making her nerves go up, she was scared her roommate's best friend wouold be able to detect the alcohol on her somehow. 

The gods must have heard her wishes, for she heard someone suddenly enter the room.

Both girls turned to find that Dahyun had in fact, returned already. 

Dahyun removed her shoes, still unaware of the presence of her roommate and best friend. When she finally looked up, her breath hitched. She definitely didn't expect to see Sana. Nevertheless, joy rushed in her veins.

"Hi Sana! And hi Chaeng!" Dahyun greeted the two gleefully, making her way inbetween them. Her smile was bright enough to light up the room.

Sana's breath got caught in at the girl's smile and usual cheery attitude. Did this girl eat rainbows and sunshine for breakfast or something?

"Uh, Hi Dahyun," Sana practically squeaked out, she wasn''t used to these interactions, her nerves were eating her alive. 

"I asked Chaeyoung over because I didn't know you'd be coming by the dorm tonight, I hope you didn't mind," Dahyun bit her lip. 

Sana shook her head, "No of course not, it's totally fine." 

"Nice, anyway Chae, I guess I'll be fine tonight. You can go back to your dorm," Dahyun said shyly, knowing Sana knew nothing about what she had been talking about. 

Chaeyoung looked at her bestfriend, "You sure?" 

Dahyun nodded eagerly, Sana would be in the room. So, she should have no problems falling asleep tonight. Another person's presence was enough to keep her anxiety at bay. 

Chaeyoung looked into the pale girl's eyes to see if there was any fear. When she found none, she figured everything would be alright.

"Alright, see ya later Dahyun, goodnight. And, bye Sana," Chaeyoung said as she stood up from Dahyun's bed and walked out of their dorm room. 

Sana was filled with confusion at their interaction. They sounded so secretive about something, like if there was an elephant in the room. Had Chaeyoung stayed here with Dahyun last night? Sana felt a tinge of guilt tug at her at the thought that she had caused some kind of issue within her roommate. She took note that they were incredibly close, almost as if they were dating. Unconciously, Sana frowned at the thought. She didn't like how her heart felt like it sunk a bit at the thought of Dahyun dating Chaeyoung, she guessed it was more the effect of the remains of her hangover.

Looking at Dahyun she asked, "Are you and Chaeyoung dating?"

Dahyun let out a bark of laughter. 

"Of course not, Chae and I are just best friends. We've known eachother since middle school. She's been taking care of me ever since. So, naturally, we became clingy towards eachother."

Sana nodded dumbly as she felt heat rise up to her cheeks in embarassment. She placed her bag at her desk, and began organizing her sprawled belongings. She was still wearing the same clothes from last night, and Sana hoped Dahyun didn't notice.

She turned to her roommate, and found her taking off her hoodie. Her shirt rided up a bit, and Sana was able to catch a glimpse of her fair skin. Sana found herself staring at the sight, and gulped. She shook her head, there was no way she should be allowed to think that way about her far too innocent roommate. Any thought like that was dangerous. So, she turned back around.

She wanted to ask Dahyun about what she meant when she had asked Chaeyoung over. Sana grew curious, and although she was scared of getting closer to the girl, she knew she had to make an effort. 

She cleared before asking, "So...how come you asked Chaeyoung to come over just in case I didn't come?"

Dahyun had already changed into pyjamas while Sana was going through her small moment. Her slight smile wavered a little as she heard Sana's sudden question. She was worried Sana would make fun of her reason, then again she knew Sana would eventually find out. After all, they would be living together.

She fiddled with her fingers, looking at them as though they were suddenly the most interesting thing. 

Sana caught on towards the girl's actions. She suddenly felt a small spark of regret at the thought that she might've intruded into something personal in the girl's life. Which was ironic to her, someone who hated when others intruded in her life. 

Just as she was about to apologize for her question, Dahyun began talking. 

"I-I'm scared of the dark," Dahyun mumbled. 

Sana's brows furrowed, had she heard her right? 

"I know it sounds like something a three year old would say...but it's pretty serious. I have Nyctophia, it's sort of like a really intense, irrational fear of the dark you know? So I never really sleep unless someone else is in the room, or if there's a bright enough night light. Chaeyoung usually sleeps with me, and since I still haven't bought a night light, she slept here last night and asked her again today. But you're here, so it should be okay. Please don't make fun-"

Sana looked at the girl shocked as she kept on rambling. Her phobia sounded so serious, it made Sana feel a little helpless. She shouldn't have judged her by the cover. This girl she had initially thought was an angel who only knew how to be happy, had an intense fear of the dark. To the point where she either needed another human or a night light. Sana hated the idea that Dahyun had been suffering from something like this. All she wanted to do was wrap the small girl in her arms and tell her she'd come to the dorm every night for the rest of her entire life to make sure Dahyun never suffered again. She wanted her pure smile again.

She was overwhelmed with a sensation of guilt at the thought of how she had left her last night, to the point where she had to ask Chaeyoung to stay with her. Had she known, she would've stayed instead of having gone out to the bar. Or would she have?

Despite her thoughts, she knew she couldn't be there for the girl. This was territory that Sana didn't want to cross, territory that had landmines sprawled every where. She knows she had told Mina and Momo that she would atleast try, but she just couldn't. As much as she wanted to just hug the girl and protect her from the darkness, she knew that she herself was darkness. The last thing she wanted to do was to hurt someone like Dahyun. 

So, all she could do was stay put, watching the girl from afar.

"It's okay Dahyun, I understand. I won't make fun of you." Sana wanted to say a million of other things. She wanted to apologize to her, to comfort her. Her insides felt as though they were screaming at her, begging her to just try and reach out. However, her mind told her that wasn't a smart move. She remained silent, her fists clenching. 

Dahyun eyed Sana curiously, unknown to her that she was currently going through what could only be described as a mental battle. She couldn't help but feel as though she had made things awkward, and cursed at herself. Either way, she was happy that Sana had taken her phobia in well, and didn't look like she had any intention of shunning her for it. 

She lightly smiled, then remembered about her interaction with Momo and Mina earlier today at the cafe. 

"Oh! We met your best friends today!" Dahyun enthusiastically mentioned. 

At this, Sana looked into her roommates eyes. 

"Momo and Mina?"

Dahyun nodded quickly, "We met them at a cafe, they were really nice! They came over and we talked, we even exchanged numbers." The pale girl grinned as she recalled the event. 

Sana's mind clicked as she remembered Momo mentioning to her that she was going to a cafe with Mina earlier, that must've been where they met. She became perplexed at how Momo and Mina even knew she was her roommate, she had never described the girl to them before. She made a mental note to ask them tomorrow. As she let the information sunk in, she also wondered why they had exchanged numbers. Sana knows Mina always did things for a reason. If Mina asked for Dahyun's number, there must've been something she had planned that led her to do so.

"Can I ask when you guys met?" Dahyun asked.

Sana eyes shot up. She studied the pale girl's features, which only made her thoughts even more muddled. She hated the fact that these kind of things were inevitable. It was a question so simple, so ordinary. Yet Sana felt as though it was a direct attack on her walls. She felt a bit pathetic at the fact that she couldn't even answer a simple question like this. She felt her muscles tense up, and her head pound. She had to do this. It was the only way. It doesn't matter how soft and warm Dahyun's face looked. 

"I'm sorry Dahyun, but I'm tired. I'm going to get ready for bed already," Sana forced a weak smile, not wanting to look at Dahyun's dissapointed expression any longer. Sana couldn't bear to know she was the cause of that look. She grabbed some clothes, and headed directly to the bathroom to take a shower. When she closed the door, she let out a deep breath. It was the only way, she did what she had to do. If only she didn't have to see Dahyun's pained expression, it would make these kind of decisions a whole lot easier.


Dahyun had already laid down on the bed, busy thinking about her interaction with Sana earlier as she clutched onto her stuffed animal. Sure she was happy that Sana had accepted her phobia, but she hated that she saw pain in her chocolate brown eyes when she asked her about Momo and Mina. Dahyun pouted, she wanted to get rid of whatever pained her roommate. It didn't matter if she was distant, just as long as she wasn't hurting silently while doing so.

She was so deep in her thoughts, that she hadn't realized she had been alone in the room with not much light. She tucked herself further into her bed, trying hard not to get anxious. She hugged her stuffed animal tighter, as though it was her savior. She felt nerves run through her spine, and her heart beating faster. Dahyun tried to calm herself down, Sana should be almost done with her shower by now. She can handle this. 

Sure enough, the bathroom door opened and Sana walked out with her hair wet, water droplets falling from her tips. She had changed into her pyjamas, and Dahyun thought the fluffy, pink outfit was an adorable contrast compared to the initial badass outfit she had seen on her yesterday. 

Dahyun silently sighed, Sana was back into the room. Everything was okay. 

She heard her roommate lay on her bed and make herself comfortable.

Dahyun didn't know what was Sana's story, nor why she appeared to be slightly closed off. What she did know, however, was that she was willing to be patient. She didn't have any need to pry, she would wait until whenever Sana felt comfortable enough with her. 

"Goodnight, Sana-ya," Dahyun said quietly. 

Sana's breath hitched as she heard the pale girl's words. Her heart grew a few sizes at the girl's voice, and Sana almost felt like telling it to shut the hell up.

"Goodnight, Dahyun," Sana mumbled out. 

Sana snuggled closer into her blanket, wishing she could fall asleep quickly in order to avoid the sound of her own heartbeat.

She silently prayed, that neither her nor Dahyun would get hurt by her foolish actions. 


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melkte #1
Chapter 10: Authornim... please update im so curious of what happenes next :((
AnotherMartian #2
Chapter 10: Thank youuu. I hope their confrontation ends well
Chapter 10: I love how level-headed Dahyun is about Sana's predicament. Her support is exactly what Sana needs right now. I also like how Momo described Chaeyoung as someone who didn't blow things out of proportion X) It was short but I enjoyed it. Good job!
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update that was daaaannnnggg
Chapter 10: Thank you for update authornim, i miss your story
Chapter 10: I got to thank you author for giving us an update author-nim! I miss this story :(
TWICE ff writers are kind of busy these days and we get rarely an update a day TT
Chapter 10: Woohoo update!! MiNayeon!!
I can't wait for the "confrontation".
Thanks for the update.
dubuchaaan #8
Chapter 9: i think mina is the gf of sana's ex gf??
michaengie #9
Chapter 9: Minaring the only thing that I dont want from you is to get hurt. Please. She’s been so strong for the other two, please give her happiness.
Chapter 9: Woahh what happened with Mina, im so curious about her, thank you Author-nim