Love Line

In The Dark


OOF i wanted so much angst in this story but i love fluff too much i know nothing about self control


Mornings were always great. They were a sign of new beginnings, and sunrises always painted the skies in beautiful colors. Birds chirped their beautfiul songs, and sun rays felt like home. Atleast, that's how mornings made Dahyun feel before. She never knew that her mornings lacked something. Yet, on this day she realized just what could've made every morning in the past significantly better. Dahyun liked the way the sun light illuminated Sana's face and made her look like a priceless piece of artwork. Dahyun was in an extra good mood today, simply due to the fact that she'd be able to eat breakfast with her room mate. Her room mate, who looked so at peace while she slept, light snores escaping . Dahyun found the light snores adorable. Then again, she was afraid the food she cooked would get cold soon.

The pale girl hoped she wouldn't make her room mate grumpy by waking her up, after all she had agreed to it. Part of her also didn't want to disturb the sleeping figure before her. Dahyun lightly placed her hand on Sana's shoulder as though she were some fragile glass figure. Gently, she shook her body, with just enough force that would wake her up softly. The korean girl's smile emerged when she witnessed her room mate fluttering her eyes open cutely. She took in a deep breath, and looked at her surroundings. Dahyun didn't know how to react, for her mind kept thinking of synonyms for the word cute. Sana gazed around the room with a slight frown, then she looked at Dahyun, and her memories clicked with her. She let a small smile replace her frown. The japanese girl was certain that mornings were far more better when Dahyun was the first thing she saw. 

Sana quickly got up to brush her teeth in order to eat what Dahyun had made, excitement brewed within her. She couldn't wait to taste it, to see Dahyun's reaction when she complimented her. She wanted to experience everything her room mate had in store for her. 

As she walked into the kitchen, she witnessed Dahyun setting down the two plates on the table, already dressed since she'd go to a class after eating. Sana felt as though she were caught off guard. Perhaps it's because she doesn't see Dahyun much, or because she knew her heart had recently come to like the korean girl, but just the simple sight of her room mate wearing casual clothes as she prepared food for them made her breath hitch. It all felt oddly domesticated, and Sana didn't know how to react. Fear threatened to rise from the back of her spine, but she wouldn't let herself ruin this moment. No, she wouldn't let anyone ruin this moment. She smiled sweetly, and made her presence known by sitting down where her plate was set up. Looking at what the plate contained only made her heart swell even more. Dahyun's breakfast consisted of an animal shaped pancake, a small portion of scrambled eggs, and two slices of toast. The japanese girl knew this had Dahyun written all over it, and she fondly pictured the girl trying to cook and fix the plates to the best of her abilities.

Dahyun prepared cups of coffee as she watched her pyjama clad room mate stare at her plate with a smile. The very sight made Dahyun herself smile. She wishes she could see this very image every morning, unfortunately she knew eating breakfast with Sana would be a rare moment. She longed for the days were this would become a usual thing. 

The korean girl placed the cups of coffee on the table, and sat on the chair across from her room mate. 

Sana smiled at her, "This pancake is so cute Dahyun-ah, you really tried hard, huh?"

Dahyun glanced at her plate shyly, suddenly embarassed. "I did my best on them, I didn't want you to regret eating breakfast with me."

The japanese girl's smile faltered a bit as she heard her room mate's response. "Of course I wouldn't regret this, Dahyunnie."

The korean girl's head shot up at the sound of the nick name, she looked at her room mate with wide eyes. "D-Dahyunnie?"

Sana quickly became flustered and looked away. The nickname had come out without thinking. "Let me live, that was a big step I just took there," Sana joked a bit to distract her room mate from the soft slip up. 

Dahyun didn't mind, she let out a toothy grin, "You don't have to pressure yourself with me, Sana-ya."

Sana couldn't contain her smile even if she tried. She picked up her fork and started cutting up her pancake. She felt a bit bad that she had to ruin Dahyun's hard work, however, food was meant to be eaten, and she couldn't just stare at the plate forever. As she took a bite, her eyes widened. 

"This is really good Dahyun!" Sana was shocked at how fluffy the pancake was, and just how good it felt on her tongue. 

Dahyun instantly smiled sheepishly, as she too, began cutting up her pancake. into slices. "Thank you, Sana."

Both girls continued eating their food, Dahyun began every conversation. She knew well that Sana wouldn't like talking about herself, so she opted to talk about her own life. She told her room mate about her day yesterday, her classes, all the homework she had to complete, and occasional small stories about her and Chaeyoung. The last thing the korean girl wanted to do was make the japanese girl feel pressured to reveal something about herself. 

Sana had been listening to every single word Dahyun said intently. Of course she didn't mind that Dahyun talked about herself, especially not when she had a face like that whenever she mentioned something she recalled. Eyes bright, and smile wide. In fact, Sana felt relieved that the other girl had taken some kind of initiative in order to make Sana feel less overwhelmed. It was practically a win win situation, Sana was able to learn more about Dahyun without having to feel the unecessary fear of telling her things about herself. In a way, Dahyun wasn't intruding her walls, she was more being respectful of her boundaries. It was soothing, and it didn't feel dangerous. Sana was very glad that Dahyun was not only considerate, but also understanding. 

Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end. As Dahyun finished her food, she informed her room mate that she had to head to class already. Unknowingly, Sana pouted at the sudden intrusion of reality that time passes by quickly. Sana reasurred that she'd clean up the plates and everything, in order to show thanks to Dahyun for breakfast. Dahyun smiled, as she grabbed her backpack and left after telling her room mate goodbye. 

Sana was left to clean the two plates and two cups. As she took everything to the sink, she noticed two pink slips. The very item threw Sana off, she had forgotten about them. Instantly, she smiled, when did Dahyun find the time to write this in the midst of cooking and getting ready? Quickly, Sana placed the items in the sink, not being able to wait to read what the sticky notes said this time. 

She read the first one.

Waiting for food to cook is sooo boring :( and i dont wanna wake you up yet :( if these pancakes burn i swear to GOD 

Sana giggled fondly at the ending of the note, and she went ahead to read the second one. 

OK SO you better read these after i leave do you know how embarassing it would be if you saw these while i was there? id be a FAILURE. Anyways, i hope you enjoyed breakfast :) if you drink tonight, be careful be safe and dont take drinks from strangers okay bye i think the eggs are gonna burn have a great day 

Sana erupted into a fit of laughter, she couldn't handle how much of a dork her room mate was. These notes were getting sillier by the day, and it made Sana's heart feel refreshed. She was getting to know Dahyun's personality. It was surprising to her, because she didn't feel like she was being thrown out into the wolves. No, getting to know Dahyun felt like she was slowly falling into a pile of stuffed animals, so soft and sweet. She felt like she was able to handle the pace they were going at, and it only made her happier. Dahyun's personality was dangerous, it could only make her heart beat quicker and quicker by the minute. 


Dahyun didn't leave her state of bliss even during her boring lecture based class. Sana pentrated her brain, not allowing her to think anything much else. However, Dahyun liked to stay on top of her studies, so she wrote down notes despite the fact that all she could think about was her room mate. She was never one to look at the negative side of things, so when she knew Sana would go out drinking out tonight, she focused more on the fact that she'd possibly see her the day after. 

After her class, Dahyun headed to the cafeteria in search for Chaeyoung. She spotted her friend and sat down on the seat infront of her. Dahyun was still full from breakfast, so she had only brought with her a small snack. 

As Chaeyoung watched her best friend take out her snack, she took notice of how her happy attitude was even more elavated. 

"What has you smiling like that? You look like a weirdo."

Dahyun rolled her eyes playfully, "I'll have you know I had breakfast with Sana today, so I've been in a good mood. You ."

"Was she the main course?" Chaeyoung wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, wincing when Dahyun smacked her arm. 

Her cheeks had gone red at her best friend's joke. "I made her pancakes."

Chaeyoung nodded along, Dahyun had always enjoyed doing things for others. She knew that a little too well, for whenever they had sleepovers during high school, Chaeyoung would wake up to the scent of freshly made food courtesy of the pale girl. 

"You haven't cooked for me in a while, do you love Sana more than me now?" Chaeyoung pouted. 

Dahyun laughed, "Yes Chaeng, please get the hell out of my life now."

Chaeyoung jokingly clenched her chest as she acted as though she had just been shot. 

"Dahyun-ah, you wound me. After all these're throwing me away like I'm trash."

"Well, you're not wrong," Dahyun replied playfully, enjoying her banter with her best friend. 

Chaeyoung broke from her act and laughed, she enjoyed these kind of moments with the pale girl. When she first met Dahyun, she looked like a wounded puppy. Her eyes weren't as bright as they were now, and Chaeyoung was glad that change occured. Dahyun shone even brighter as the days passed, and the shorter girl prayed this kind of light her best friend emitted would last. 

"Alright Dahyun, I have to go," Chaeyoung said as she collected her things, getting ready to leave. 

Dahyun looked at her questioningly, "Wow, It's pretty early. Is there something you're hiding from me Chae? Or rather, someone?" Dahyun wiggled her eyebrows. 

Chaeyoung playfully rolled her eyes, "Stop being a crackhead, I just wanna get a seat before someone takes it."

The pale girl chuckled to herself and waved Chaeyoung off, not really minding if she were leaving early.

Chaeyoung knew things happened for a reason. Some entity with a great amount of power decided to build her this way, so why did the very same entity have to wire her mind like this? She understood many things. Things such as conspiracy theories, formulas, religions, and politics. She educated herself in order to not live her life in ignorance, for it's not always bliss. However, she couldn't for the life of her understand why she desired to come to her class early for someone. 

That someone was a dangerous factor in her life, she believed. Since Chaeyoung refused to live by turning a blind eye, she knew damn well the reason why she suddenly became more aware of the presence of her heart more often than before. However, she had no idea why it clouded her mind so much. She could go read about it in a book, but that wouldn't be that much fun now would it?

So, there she sat, by her desk waiting for a certain japanese girl. When said girl finally arrived, a smile emerged on the shorter girl's face. 

Both girls quickly engaged in conversation, and Chaeyoung quickly took note of how often Momo rambled about the most random things. Dahyun also rambled, but only when she was nervous. So she found it endearing when Momo rambled about things such as how a mosquito bit her the other day or how Mina scolded her for not studying or waking up early. Chaeyoung found herself enjoying these conversations with Momo alot. They talked about anything during the limited amount of time they had available. The shorter girl talked about Dahyun a lot, in contrast to how Momo talked about Mina and Sana. They talked about the two girls' dilemma, and just how they both needed to get through it together. Chaeyoung found herself falling into such a deeper hole. 

Chaeyoung was never one to be oblivious, it just didn't run through her blood. She was often straight forward, and was quick to understand her feelings. So, when she realized she liked looking at Momo's smile alot, and how her laugh sounded like music to her ears, she knew she was in trouble. Trouble came in the form of Hirai Momo, who was far more taller than her, had a black bobbed hair cut, and held a smile that made Chaeyoung's knees weak. Every facial expression of hers that endeared the shorter girl was a warning sign. Chaeyoung wanted to just get rid of all these warning signs. However, she knew there was a specific warning sign that made all the other ones appear tiny in comparison. 

In that moment Chaeyoung knew no amount of books or self education could have prepared her. She had never wished to live in ignorance, nor be oblivious, but god that's all she wanted to be in the moment. It was quick, but only because she knew herself all too well. So whenever she mentioned Dahyun, and Momo's eyes lit up, it hurt her. Whenever Chaeyoung mentioned details about Dahyun, and Momo listened extra closely as though the new information was very important, it hurt her. Whenever Momo got lost rambling about Dahyun while her expression became soft, it hurt her. Chaeyoung always prided herself when it came to being able to catch on to the way others felt by studying their gestures and actions, but at this moment it felt more like a curse than a blessing. She also felt guilty, because she was slowly becoming envious of he best friend. She hated that. 

However, just because Chaeyoung was smart it didn't mean she made smart decisions. So, instead of running away from a path she knew could only do her no good, she stayed. She stayed put, on her seat next to Momo. She stayed in order to be able to listen to Momo's soft voice and laughter, to be able to find comfort in her rambling and ocassional slip ups where she forgets the korean word for something. Chaeyoung chose to stay for it, because she liked it all a little too much. She didn't care if she would end up hurt, she was a hopeless romantic like that. She was fine just by watching Momo talk about the most out of the blue things, while also somehow fitting Dahyun somewhere. Chaeyoung would put up with it all, and she hoped she'd be fine by the end of all of this. 

She'd much rather go read a book centered around heartbreak, instead of feeling like she was the main character of one. 


Sana was excited to leave her class and talk with Mina, she had so much to say to her. In fact, she felt like screaming out into the world about a certain korean girl. The japanese girl quickly made her way across the pavement and busy streets in order to reach the cafe. When she entered, she was quick to find Mina. Sitting at a table looking as effortlessly elegant as ever. Sana smiled as she happily padded over to where her friend was. 

Mina looked up from her notes, and saw Sana smiling. This kind of smile was a rare sight on her face, especially if she was sober. Raising an eyebrow, Mina asked, "What has you so happy? Is it Dahyun again?"

Sana grinned as she nodded childishly. "We ate breakfast together this morning! She made me these cute pancakes! Mina she was so sweet!"

Mina found herself smiling softly at her friend, she caught a glimpse of how her best friend was before she decided to turn a cold shoulder on the entire world. It made her happy that Dahyun was slowly returning Sana back to her. 

"You guys sound like a gross, old married couple, I'm gagging," Mina added a fake gag, making Sana laugh. 

"Shut the up, I could never and you know that."

Mina knew just exactly what she meant. Sana was barely letting her walls down to Dahyun when it came to merely friendship, however a relationship was a whole spread of unwanted territory for her. 

Mina allowed her best friend to talk all about her room mate, she was more than happy to hear about how the girl made her happy. Sana rambled on about how Dahyun was so near to perfection. How she could tell she always studied, how she was able to take feelings into consideration, and how she was even a good cook. Mina was surprised to hear just how nice Dahyun was, and it only made her want to place even more trust on the girl when it came to Sana. Dahyun had yet to show any signs of untrustworthiness to her, so she let her guard down. 

Yes, she'd admit that she had a guard whenever others tried to get close to Sana. In a way, her best friend wasn't the only one who learned to have trust issues. However, Mina's were far more small, and it only came to people who wanted to get to know Sana. Since she knew everything that had happened to her dear friend over the years, she grew overprotective when it came to her. 

So, she felt relieved when Dahyun appeared to be only filled with the most wholesome of intentions. Mina was becoming much more optimistic that Sana might just let herself live freely and happily again. Also, that she'd stop slowly killing her liver and lungs. 

"Mina, I'm so scared about this whole thing...but somehow, just looking at her smile, it makes me feel so brave you know?" Sana felt herself become breathless, she couldn't remember the last time she felt so safe. 

Mina smirked, "You've known Dahyun for like what, a couple hours? And you're already soft?" 

Sana lightly smacked her shoulder, giving her a pout. She knew where her best friend was coming from, she was just trying to mask it off with teasing. 

Sana felt like a broken record for mentioning how grateful she was for Mina so much, but the feeling was just always present. The japanese girl then frowned as she suddenly remembered she hadn't seen Momo in a long time. 

"Hey Minari, how come Momo couldn't come?"

Mina looked at her, she was also just as clueless. She had texted the girl hours prior, and she just responded with a simple 'I'm busy, sorry!!! :('.

"She said she was busy, but I'm pretty sure she's going to tag along with us at the bar tonight," Mina replied nochalantly. 

Sana furrowed her eyebrows, "She better, I miss the little pest."

Mina smiled, she too, also missed spending time with all three of them. Mina hated to think about it, but she knew all of this ocurred because of Dahyun. Of course, she didn't dislike Dahyun for it, it was completely unintentional. However, Mina knew that her arrival struck a chord between her two friends. She deeply wanted Dahyun to struck a chord with only one of her friends. She chose to stay silent about it with Momo, for whenever they saw each other at the dorm she'd see her room mate texting while looking so happily at her phone. The whole situation made her believe that maybe Dahyun was a little too kind for her own good. There was a whole mess that Mina could forsee in the future for her friends, and she felt a bit helpless for once. She knew she couldn't intervene, these kind of experiences dealt with certain feelings she could never attempt to control. All she could hope was that it wouldn't taint her friendship with her two best friends, and that Dahyun was kind enough to be able when the day came. 


"Dahyun, what's this huge box you have on your desk?" Chaeyoung asked as she looked at a box on her friend's desk, which she hadn't seen before. 

The two girls had decided to go to Dahyun's dorm in order to study together for their respective classes, Chaeyoung always stated that her best friend helped her focus. However, Dahyun had forgotten to tell the shorter girl about Sana's gift. 

"Oh, Sana gave that to me. It's a night light! Isn't she so nice?" Dahyun smiled as she replayed the events in her head. Chaeyoung smiled, "That actually is pretty neat, what made her give that to you though?" 

Dahyun sighed dreamily, "She said that since she rarely slept over here, she wanted to buy me a night light so that i'd feel less lonely, and obviously to not let my phobia act up."

Chaeyoung felt at ease as she heard her best friend's words. She often had thoughts at night that kept her up in regards to Dahyun's well being. She worried so much, Dahyun once told her she'd end up going bald over it. However, the pale girl found her worrisome friend endearing. In that moment, Chaeyoung was content with what Sana had decided to gift Dahyun. It was a silly thing if you really thought about it, but the shorter girl knew a night light meant the world to her. 

Suddenly, Dahyun spoke up. "Chaeng, I don't want you to care of me as much, ok? I love you, really I do, but I don't want to make you feel like you're baby sitting me."

Chaeyoung groaned, "You know I don't think of it as baby sitting, I do it out of love, my precious child."

Dahyun laughed at her best friend's words, "I'm older than you."

"And yet, you act like a whole hyper active child."

"And what about it?" Dahyun whined. "I just, I really appreciate you okay? Even though you bully me on sight."

Chaeyoung laughed, but felt herself become soft at the pale girl's words. "You know I'd do anything for you, you gremlin."

Dahyun smiled, she really missed having these kind of moments with the shorter girl. Her life had suddenly become occupied with thoughts of college and her room mate. 

"Come on, tell me about yourself."

"Are you flirting with me?" Chaeyoung chuckled.

"Of course not, you're not my type," Dahyun teased.

"Ouch, my pride, my ego. How can I live knowing I'll never date the Kim Dahyun?"

Dahyun laughed, rolling her eyes at Chaeyoung. "I meant, tell me what's going on in your tiny brain. Any updates? Any girls caught your oh so high expectations?" the pale girl wiggled her eyebrows. 

Chaeyoung suddenly felt herself stiffen. Of course, the moment Dahyun asked her that question, a name popped up in her head. She bit her lip as she thought over what to day, she wanted to let herself talk freely infront of Dahyun, but she also didn't want to make something more complicated. Despite her worries, Chaeyoung couldn't bring herself to hide something from her friend that meant so much to her. Especially something like what she could only describe as a school girl crush. 

"I... guess I do have a crush," the shorter girl mumbled, hearing the words come out of made it all feel so real. 

Dahyun's eyes widened in interest as soon as she heard her best friend's confession. Chaeyoung was such a romantic, however she only had a crush on one person since they met. Dahyun was filled with excitement. 

"Really?! Who? You have to tell me you cheese ball!"

Chaeyoung bit her lip yet again, feeling herself become much more embarassed as each second passes by. 

"I uh... It's Momo."

The shorter girl immediately turned away after she said the name. She felt herself blush and become shy infront of her best friend. Her best friend, who had no idea about what she knew about the japanese girl. She could hear Dahyun's surprised gasp clearly. 

Dahyun wanted to talk more about it, however Chaeyoung kept denying her wishes, saying she needed to study. After a few minutes of not budging, Dahyun accepted defeat and began taking out her notebooks and laptop to study with her best friend. Curiousity was eating away at her but she knew better than to try to pry information from the shorter girl. 

Both girls continued to study for what seemed like hours, ocassionally getting into a conversation or just full on teasing eachother. When the clock marked 12 pm, Chaeyoung figured she should be going back to her dorm. Her instict was to ask Dahyun if she'd need her to stay the night, but when she caught sight of the night light on her desk again, she knew there was no need. Dahyun would feel safe tonight, and that's all the information Chaeyoung needed in order to sleep peacefully at night. 

As the shorter girl told her best friend goodnight and bid her goodnight, she packed up all of her things. Dahyun watched as Chaeyoung left her dorm, giving her a bright smile and a wwave goodbye.

When her friend had left for good, Dahyun was left by herself to prepare to go to bed. She changed out of her clothes, brushed her teeth, cleaned up her desk, etc. She stopped by her desk as she stared at the box that contained her night light, she opened it in order to get it ready. As she took out the light, she noticed how it looked even cuter in real life than in the picture. The star shape was the perfect size, not too big nor too small. Dahyun couldn't help but smile the entire time. She set up the night light on her desk since it was placed next to her bed. The star looked cute on her desk covered with pastel stationery. Dahyun connected it to an outlet, and was instantly greeted by light. Dahyun padded over to the light switch, biting her lip in hopes that the LED light would be enough to keep her anxiety from eating her up alive. 

As she turned off the lights, she was elated to find herself feeling safe from the light that it emitted. It allowed her to not think about the many evils that the dark could possibly hold. She calmy walked over to her bed, and tucked herself in, not forgetting to grab her stuffed animal to cuddle it. The whole thing would look so child like to others, but Dahyun was far from caring. She had her reasons for the way she was, just as how everyone dealt with their issues a certain way. Sana dealt with her issues with alcohol and walls, and Dahyun dealt with her issues with optimism and stuffed animals. 

She looked up towards the night light, taking in her star shaped form. She couldn't help but feel like this was somehow a tiny part of Sana, a makeshift item of her in order to keep her company whenever she went out to bars. Dahyun chuckled as she felt a bit silly for thinking about the night light, although it was already a special item in her life. Sana herself was special to her. Dahyun rarely felt overwhelmed about any other emotion apart from fear, however she was taken aback at how quickly she came to put Sana on a high pedastool. It also embarassed her to no end, she felt her cheeks already heat up just at the thought of how she treated Sana. 

It was all within good reason. She drew Dahyun in for a reason. Dahyun was more than prepared to handle whatever would come in her way. She was ready for it all, just to be able to see Sana again. She found her eyes feeling heavy, and she let them close. She pondered over what Sana could be up to at this very moment, probably at some bar drinking with Mina and Momo. The pale girl hoped that her room mate was happy in this current moment, just as much as she was. She hoped she wouldn't drink so much to the point where she'd get an unbearable hangover the next day.

Dahyun felt herself drift away into sleep, thinking about Sana had distracted her from really anything else. Dahyun didn't mind it. She didn't mind if the japanese girl took up space in her head so often. It was inevitable. So, she slept peacefully as she allowed Sana to be the last thought in her mind, as she was also the first when she woke up. 

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melkte #1
Chapter 10: Authornim... please update im so curious of what happenes next :((
AnotherMartian #2
Chapter 10: Thank youuu. I hope their confrontation ends well
Chapter 10: I love how level-headed Dahyun is about Sana's predicament. Her support is exactly what Sana needs right now. I also like how Momo described Chaeyoung as someone who didn't blow things out of proportion X) It was short but I enjoyed it. Good job!
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update that was daaaannnnggg
Chapter 10: Thank you for update authornim, i miss your story
Chapter 10: I got to thank you author for giving us an update author-nim! I miss this story :(
TWICE ff writers are kind of busy these days and we get rarely an update a day TT
Chapter 10: Woohoo update!! MiNayeon!!
I can't wait for the "confrontation".
Thanks for the update.
dubuchaaan #8
Chapter 9: i think mina is the gf of sana's ex gf??
michaengie #9
Chapter 9: Minaring the only thing that I dont want from you is to get hurt. Please. She’s been so strong for the other two, please give her happiness.
Chapter 9: Woahh what happened with Mina, im so curious about her, thank you Author-nim