
Idol Romance

I was sitting beside Chenle while we were in SM's building. I felt so much anxiety in meeting the other rookies. Soon a few guys and girls walked into the room and Chenle and me started gripping each other's arm. But then I accidentally made eye contact with one person and I immediately looked down. 

Chenle gripped my arm harder. "Hi" I looked up and I saw the guy I made eye contact with, he was smiling at me. My cheeks turned red. "I'm Mark" He said. "D-Donghyuck..." I mumbled.. "I'm Chenle" Chenle said. "Nice to meet you Donghyuck and Chenle" He said before sitting down beside us. 

"Jisung come here!" He said. Oh my god there is a baby in this building. "He's a baby-" I said Mark started laughing at what I said "Jisung isn't that much younger then us. he's only 13" I choked "I'M 15 THOUGH HE'S A FETUS LIKE CHENLE!" I said. Chenle started to smack me "I'M NOT A FETUS YOU BRAT" he screeched "CHENLE SHUT UR DOLPHIN VOICE UP" I said trying to protect myself. Mark and Jisung were laughing incredibly hard at us before we stopped fighting.

"you guys are gonna be really fun to hang out with I can tell" Jisung said happily. Chenle turned pink and nodded. "Alright so get up you two." Mark said. Chenle and I got up and Mark led us over to other rookies. He went beside one female trainee and I felt kinda saddened. Not sure why...

I glanced at Chenle who was talking to Jisung and I felt so out of place. Where was Jaehyun hyung, or Taeil hyung, or Doyoung hyung or Taeyong hyung? 

Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked at them. "Hi hi. You seem kinda lonely. Why don't you come sit with me and my friend Jeno?" He asked. I nodded and got up before going to sit with them. "I'm Jaemin by the way." The boy said with a smile. 

"I'm Donghyuck" I said. "Ah Jaemin you made more friends" someone said happily. His eye smile was pretty. "I'm Jeno" he said. I nodded. "I'm Donghyuck" I said again. 

The three of us were talking until someone else came in. He.. Seemed familiar... Wait.. "Johnny hyung?" I said a bit loudly. 

Everyone stared at me and I got embrassed. He smiled at me though "hey Donghyuck you're here!" He said happily. "I'm here too hyung" Chenle said. He smiled at him.

"Great I'm glad you guys made it here." He started to explain the schedule for everyone for today. And put us all into groups. 

I was with Mark, Jisung, Chenle, Jeno, and Jaemin then this boy named Renjun and the female trainee who I now know her name is Koeun.

We were all talking but.. Mark was only talking to Koeun. "Mark you have to talk to everyone else not just Koeun" Johnny hyung said. Mark smiled at him.

"I am though. Just making sure she's part of the conversation as well." Mark said with a grin. He sighed. "Donghyuck what are three facts about Mark he told you?" Johnny hyung asked. I froze up, "u-uhm..." he stopped me "thank you Donghyuck." He said again "Mark, talk to everyone not just Koeun" He said. "How do you know He hasn't spoken to everyone else?" Mark asked "Donghyuck three facts about Jaemin" Johnny hyung asked "His favourite season is fall, his favourite number is 3 and he loves horror" I said. Jaemin gave me a thumbs up "He's right"

"What about Jeno?" Johnny hyung asked "he likes mint scent, he loves cherry blossoms, and he's infatuated with cars" I answered. Jeno hyung nodded "Correct on all three" Johnny smiled "Renjun facts then" I rolled my eyes a bit "he enjoys chewing gum, he loves Lay a lot, and he likes drawing Moomin. And just because you'll ask. Chenle likes piano a lot, he's a child star, and he can speak multiple languages, and for Jisung he is scared of cockroaches, he likes PE and Sociology classes, and he likes playing soccer." I said. 

The three of them nodded "Donghyuck is right Johnny hyung" Jisung said and Johnny cooed at him "Jisungie is so cute~ Anyways see Mark? It's just you"Mark pouted "ok ok I'll do it" he said. 

"I'm from Vancouver, Canada, I like the color blue, and honestly I'm kinda introverted so I'm sorry if I feel uncomfortable around you at first." He said. We smiled at him "You'll get used to us soon enough" Renjun said. Mark smiled softly. "I suppose it's my turn. I'm born on March 18 1999, I'm blood type O, and I'm about 5'3" I'm kinda boring" She said shyly. "It's alright Koeun" Mark said. 

Jaemin rolled his eyes at his words and started talking to Jeno. "Okay well we'll be doing trust exercises so get into partners and it can be with anyone in this room." Johnny hyung said. 

Renjun went over to someone else, Jisung and Chenle were a pair and so were Jeno and Jaemin and everyone was in a pair.. damn... "oh Donghyuck go work with Koeun and Mark" Johnny hyung said. 

I nodded and got up to move closer to them. Everyone was doing the trust exercises... Except me... Mark was only doing them with Koeun. 

So I was just sitting there quietly and waiting. I sighed. "Mark shouldn't we be doing these with Donghyuck as well?" I heard Koeun ask. "Ah he doesn't want to though. I don't wanna force him." Oh no. 

I got up and glared at him which he flinched at. "I tolerate a lot Mark. But I do not tolerate people talking for me when they don't know what they are saying! I wanted to do the exercises with you both but since you are so busy being prince charming to Koeun then nevermind." 

I grabbed my bag from the corner of the room and left the room. I'm pretty sure I was gonna get in trouble for doing that but honestly I didn't even care now. I hated nothing more then when people spoke for me. 

Especially when they just met me. "Donghyuck" Johnny hyung.. I looked back at him "Yes hyung?" I said quietly he sighed "You can't snap like that you know? If Mark ends up being your groupmate if you are in a group, then you have to be on good terms with him" Johnny hyung said. I sighed. "I know hyung. But I hate it when people speak for me, especially when I've just met them. nobody but me knows what I want or what I have to say for myself." I said.

He nodded. "Let's go back and we'll work together okay?" I nodded and followed him back. I put my bag back down and when I turned and took a step I bumped into someone. "Really?" I mumbled. I looked at the hand that was trying to help me up and the owner. 

Mark... I was about to get up on my own. But then I remembered what Johnny hyung said. I decided to take his hand and he helped me up. I dusted myself off. "I'm sorry.. I do that a lot.." He said. I glanced at him curiously, "The speaking for others thing. My friends back in Canada were soft spoken and always relied on me to speak for them, and I guess the habit never left me." He explained. 

"I'm not a soft spoken type of person, I'm just nervous today since I'm meeting so many people here." I said before going over to Johnny hyung. But then the door opened and we all jumped in surprise. "Mark, and Donghyuck come with me" Our eyes widened and we immediately went to follow him. I got really nervous and I was afraid. 

"Donghyuck everything will be alright" Mark said. He grabbed my hand to comfort me. Surprisingly it actually worked. We reached a conference room and he let go before we walked in. I saw Taeyong hyung, Jaehyun hyung, Taeil hyung, and some other people. I sat down and Mark sat beside me. "So you all have been accepted because you show tremendous amounts of talent and I'd like to give you all a chance to prove that to me" The man spoke. 

"You'll train really hard and you 7 will debut in a group called NCT with some other people as well depending if they fit the theme for NCT or not." Our eyes all widened and I felt nervousness and excitement all at once. "What does NCT stand for?" Jaehyun hyung asked. "Neo Culture Technology, You will be the only group with an unlimited amount of members" ... what?

Unlimited amount of members?! No way! "Whoa.." Taeyong hyung mumbled. All of us were dumbfounded. "Alright then" Mark said. "We'll work hard for our debut then" He said confidently, I was surprised. But also impressed by him. 

We all left the room and Jaehyun hyung, Taeyong hyung, and Mark were called in once again but then followed by Doyoung hyung and another person.

I was curious. So I decided to wait for Mark. Soon enough everyone came out But then Mark was called in once again and so was I. I went inside and we waited for some other people apparently. But then I saw Jeno, Jaemin, Renjun, Chenle, and Jisung. "Alright Mark and Donghyuck you two already know this speech about NCT so you don't fully need to listen but this is another sub unit to NCT. Jeez... wait.. Mark was called in 3 times... He's in three units? Isn't he gonna be tired? Wait I'm gonna be in 2 units then whoa!!

I felt even more excited. "Donghyuck!" Mark shouted. I snapped outta my thoughts and looked at him "Metting is over and so is training. Come on the NCT members wanna go out all together" He said. 

I nodded and got up. He handed me my bag. "Oh thanks Mark" I said before putting on my bag and following him out. 

"So the new people are Yuta, Sicheng, and Ten" he said. I nodded "and also-" I stopped him. "I know everyone else" I said.

He nodded and we all started walking with everyone. And that day ended so amazingly. Our group got closer and we even added new people. Yuta hyung, Sicheng hyung, and Ten hyung. We were so happy. 

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ishdoxndidb im sorry I haven't been updating I have been busy and I have had writers block. But Why don't you guys reread some of the old chapters. I have specific things there that otherwise wouldn't be added in the story that You'll see pop up in the future. try to figure out what it is :)


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Hello pls if you're still not into Renjun x Kun.. try Yangyang x Renjun
soullesslilith #2
Chapter 33: Soooo, Taeyong, their leader gets kidnapped and no one really cares??? Lol My main ship is Yongjae and there's really barely anything with them...Ten pregnant??? That escalated quickly. And things are moving too fast in between characters so I don't know what's going on. ^^'
Iamanexol #3
Chapter 35: I want nomin T^T
Fubuki #4
Chapter 35: Now, I‘m seriously rooting for Markhyuck ^^
Tree_ash #5
Seems interesting, bookmarked
Giulzdacat #6
Chapter 24: Limitless era was truly a fashion tragedy, such a shame for one of the best songs in kpop ever
Chata264 #7
Chapter 31: I honestly just noticed the mpreg tag. So now I'm super excited to see what will happen in the future.
Chata264 #8
Chapter 31: I love it so much. Especially the part about markhyuck. I can't wait till they find taeyong. You're doing an amazing job author.
Chata264 #9
Chapter 22: Q#1. I personally love all the ships in the story and, you do an amazing job writing the story out.
Q#2. I don't really have a favorite or so i like to think
yourEXOticELF #10
Chapter 9: Lmao I've read the part where Yuta knocked and Sicheng opened the door and he thought "Holy crap. Yuta looked incredible." as "Holy crap. Yuta looked edible. XD