Chapter 6

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

I know that I haven't updated for weeks. My Internet was broken for weeks, and I just chose the time to update while I am right now in my grandma's house, using her internet to update. I know that I am a freeloader, but she's my grandma, and she loves me very much. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

You all want updates right? Let's take a break from HaeSica and SeoKyu for a while, and see what's going on with the other characters of this story. Because now's an update for the others. Ladies and gentlemen(?), here is SiFany, HyoHyuk, and YoonBum.   Hope you like it!

Please comment and subscribe (if you still haven't)!!! And if you want to suggest an idea, feel free to tell your suggestions. And we'll probably put your idea. Just state them down on the comment box. Another short and friendly reminder from your authors. ^^


Today is a girl's night out, and both the best friends are doing their shoppings. "Yoong!" Her bestfriend, Yuri called from the store she just looked from. Yuri runs to her best friend, who is at a restaurant. "Yah, Yoong!" She called as she ran towards her best friend. 

"Yul, I'm hungry." Yoona rubs her stomach. Yuri frowns at what she said. 

"But we just ate lunch," Yuri reasons out. "I'm really full. Let's just go shopping." She pulls her best friend towards the shops. 

"But, Yul. You have to feed me... I'll die if I don't get something to eat." She pouts at her friend. Yoona knows that she can't resist how she pouts--Yuri gets annoyed a lot. With an, "Okay." from Yuri, Yoona skipped towards the restaurant. "I want that large ice-cream over there." She points to Yuri an ice-cream in a large bowl, which has different flavors of ice-cream, sprinkled with different types of sweets and a lot of cherries on top. 

"Araso. Araso. Find us a seat and I'll order us both an ice-cream." Yoona jumped for joy, like a kid just given her favorite toy. 

Yoona left Yuri by the counter and sat on a seat by the back of the ice-cream parlor. As she waited for her friend, she glanced outside the restaurant. She saw couples sweet with each other, and big happy families. Just then, along with the sweet couples she saw, there was a man and a woman fighting. She almost heard what those two said, because they were almost shouting at each other. "... What do you want from me?" The large man asked, and Yoona found him very familiar--maybe because they met in one of her commercial modelings. 

The woman, who also looks familiar--wearing a shades--with the man said, "Well, how is it being a rookie could destroy your reputation?" People around were looking at them. Some were taking videos of the two. 

"Because you have no..." Once he realized some were taking a video of them, his voice trailed. "People, please, respect and give us some privacy." 

"Omo! Is that Choi Siwon and Hwang Tiffany? Are they together?" One of the people around said, giggling. No wonder Yoona found them to be very familiar--because they're both the famous Choi Siwon and Hwang Tiffany--but they're fighting in a public place. That's scandalous. 

"Hey," Yuri said, getting to Yoona who was watching the whole scandalous scene of Tiffany and Siwon. "What's happening outside?" 

"Two famous people fighting against each other," Yoona said, feeling bored, as she took the ice-cream, and started to dig into her food. Yuri suddenly takes the ice-cream away her. 

"Seriously, how can you eat at a time like this?" Yoona frowns. "There are two famous people outside--and you don't want to ask for their autograph?" Yoona doesn't listen to her and took her ice-cream from her friend's hands. "You're so unfair! You act that way because you're a model and you meet a lot of artist." Yuri then leaves her friend, who was still busily eating her ice-cream. 

  "Wait, Yul!" She runs and follows her friend, leaving the ice-creams. When she followed her friend out the ice-cream parlor, she bumped into a man--well not just any man. It was Choi Siwon. "Mianhe." She apologizes, but he just return her a frown.

"Not just because you're rich, famous or handsome you have to act that way." Yoona suddenly reasons out--out of her own free will. Siwon's frown turned more of a despiseful face. 

"Now, someone understands my problems. The girl has a point, Siwon-ssi," Tiffany suddenly says, and a smile plasters on her face. 

"I'm sorry, miss, but do I know you?" Siwon asks, raising an eyebrow at Yoona's direction. 

"No. You don't know me," she says to Siwon. "Probably just saw me in commercials or stuff." 

"Oh, that's why. You've been my partner in one of the SPAO pictorials, right? The model Im Yoona?" Yoona doesn't believe that the man still remember her even from the years that thing happened. 

"No," she quickly denied. "I just look like her. People tell me that."  

 "Well, I really thought you're pretty before--even until now. But I realized that you're pretty... Stupid." He smirks at Yoona,which made her want to punch his face. Tiffany gives an irritated face at Siwon.

Tiffany points to Siwon. "You're causing all these trouble, Choi Siwon... Even with this poor girl...Well, If you hadn't been stalking me until here at the mall, then I wouldn't be here in this mess, either is this girl." 

"Well, well, well, it looks like this girl is a liar. Weren't you the one who followed me?" Yoona's face turns red, from anger. She breaks the two up, before they start hurting each other. 

"Stop it. Both of you." She says, and they both look at her. Siwon was about to say something, but guards already stopped them. And Yuri grabs her best friend's arm away from all the trouble she might just get into. "Yuri, what are you doing?" 

"I should ask that question to you. What were you doing?" Yuri demanded answers from her friend. Yoona shook her head down. 

"I don't like that Choi Siwon..." She looks at her friend. "Yul, he's so arrogant... I felt like I wanted to help Tiffany Hwang from his ugly attitude!" Yuri hugs her friend. 

"But you shouldn't meddle with other people's lives--especially celebrities. You remember that. It's not because you're a model and you can mingle with famous celebrities, is that you'll have the right to meddle with other people's lives," Again, Yuri lectures Yoona--which she hates the most with her friend. Yoona just can't win a fight with her friend. Yoona smiles at Yuri and holds her hand.

"You're right. I shouldn't meddle with other people's lives. So, let's just eat." 

"All you think about is food, when you're not thinking about other people." Yuri gives a sly smile. But they both stop walking when a man bumps into them. "Sorry. Oh, it's you Kibum-sunbae!" Yuri gives Yoona a wink, and Yoona lip syncs a "What?", as Kibum watch the two friends speaking in a language they only both understand. 

"Hi, girls!" He smiles at the two--and makes Yoona's stomach have butterflies. "May I ask what are you both doing?" 

"Yoona, has something to tell you, sunbae." Yuri pushes Yoona to Kibum. "Yuri! What?" Yoona gasps out loud. 

"I told you Yuri-ssi, don't call me sunbae anymore. Let's stop the formalities--we're friends right?" He smiles again, and makes Yuri's face turn bright pink--which Yoona sees and makes her break her heart but she knows that Kibum has an irresistible smile and anyone would probably blush at it.

Yuri pushes her friend towards Kibum, which makes Yoona fall against his chest. "Mianhe, Kibum-ssi--" Kibum smiles at Yoona an 'It's okay.'

Awkward silence envelopes between two. Yoona stands up properly--and spoke up finally, as Yuri watched the two. "Kibum-ssi, I--" 

"There you are, Oppa!" The voice comes from Kibum's one and only girlfriend. She gives Yoona a soft hiss and hugs her boyfriend. "Oppa, I thought I won't find you--" Kibum smiles, and Yuri drags her friend along with her away from the two. 

"God, she's a total ," Yuri whispers to Yoona's ear. "I know you want to beat the out of that girl--" 

"Yul, stop cussing," Yoona says in a soft voice. "And I won't curse like you do--I just don't curse people." 

"Well, you're such a baby~ You're going to curse her someday--you're too kind, Yoong." Yoona frowns. "Well, let's forget about all those crap--let's go shopping." 


Spying all day was all she did--in an exhaust thingy where you can crawl into. Who was she spying? It's her one and only Joon. Hyoyeon felt like a stalker--but she couldn't do anything today, because today is her day-off. She would be waiting for Joon to finish his work--his work as a teacher--and would probably ask him if they could go out for dinner. Her stomach suddenly grumbled. She hoped that he didn't hear it.

"What are you doing here?" A sudden voice comes out of her hiding spot. She almost jumps from the spot she was sitting at and sees a man, beside her. "Hello there." Eunhyuk gives her a smile--a gummy one. 

"Oh, Eunhyuk-ssi, it's you. You scared me," she whispers and gives a nervous whispering laugh. 

"I heard a loud grumbling sound, and figured it out where it came from," He said and looks at Hyoyoen's awkward position. "So, what are you doing here?" He asks. "May I ask?" He raises an eyebrow to a scared-looking Hyoyeon.

"Well... I won't tell you, because it's a secret." She says and walks out of her hiding spot, the other way. Eunhyuk gives her a face that says, 'Please?'. "No. I won't tell you what I was doing," she says as she dusts away all the dirt--she thinks that are on her pants. "Good day to you, doctor." She walks away him. 

He laughs. "Aah, you were spying Joon--" 

"No I wasn't!" She quickly denies, and faces Eunhyuk. "If you think I was, then you're wrong!" 

"You're blushing," he says, straightly, which made her face turn more red. "You're cute when you're blushing, Hyo." 

Hyoyeon definitely looks very angry right now, with her face as red as a tomato, and her invincible smoking ears. "So you're calling me with a nickname now, huh? Are we that close?" 

"I'm sorry if I was too rude, for you. But I only said that you were spying Joon--I only assumed but not know if it's real." He laughs at Hyoyeon's silliness. "So you like Joon?"

"I'm starting to hate you. You know that?" She almost shrieked.

Eunhyuk coughs a laugh. "I don't know yet, because you only told me--" 

"You're annoying me too. Go away! I don't need your stupid assumptions." she pushes Eunhyuk away. "I hate you! I hate you!" 

"You're so melodramatic, Hyo--" 

"I said, don't call me that!" 

"When did you say so? Is it because Joon calls you that--that you don't want me to call you that?" 

She seriously would kill this man if he won't shut up about Joon. But how come he knew a lot about her feelings for him? She hits Eunhyuk on his chest a lot of times. "Argh--I hate you, Hyukjae. You're so--" 

"What are you both doing?" The voice comes from Joon--and Hyoyeon feels so humiliated, so she fixes herself up, as well as Eunhyuk. Joon smiles at the both of them. "Are you both dating? And having a fight?" The two of their eyes larges in surprise. 

"Joon-oppa, we're not dating," "Joon-ssi, she told me she wants to be," they both say at the same time. And Hyoyeon heard what he said, and gives Eunhyuk a glare. "I did not!" 

"Yes, you did," Eunhyuk fights back. Well, she was hitting him awhile ago that's why he said that. And before she could say anything he says, "And you said that you like Joo--" 


"Both of you are so cute to watch," Joon smiles at the both of them. When Hyoyeon was going to deny everything he misunderstood, he says, "And if your relationship lasts, invite me to your wedding, araso?" He smiles and walks away.

Hyoyeon calls after him. "Joon-ssi--" 

"I didn't know Eunhyuk is your type of guy," he said and walks. "I'm supporting both of you. Bye! I'm going home." Joon turns around. "You--" he points to Eunhyuk. "Take care of Hyoyeon--she's like a sister to me." He winks to Eunhyuk and runs out the building. 

Hyoyeon falls to the floor, covering her face. Eunhyuk goes near her, and tries to comfort her. "Yah! Don't touch me. I hate you. I hate you, so much! Now the only guy I love thinks you're my boyfriend, you idiot!" She yells to Eunhyuk. 

"Now, you told me how you feel--Don't worry, Hyo, I won't do that again," he says. He hands her his hand, and she takes it--Eunhyuk pulls her into a standing position. But eventually their bodies presses against each other. And her heart quickly pounded so hard against her chest.

"Get off me!" With that Eunhyuk leaves Hyoyeon in tears. If only Eunhyuk didn't do that to her, she wouldn't hate him this much. And tomorrow, Hyoyeon has to tell Joon that she and Eunhyuk doesn't have a special thing. She hopes that he'll understand her feelings for him, soon. 


Busy, busy all day long. Taeyeon doesn't know if she'll survive all this work. Buy she has to work to get that position her father wants her to have--the president position. She'll have control over her employees--that's how she thinks it would happen--and she'll have her own office room to herself, and she'll put her feet up her desk--like how those people in movies does.  

"Taeyeon-ssi," Junsu called, which broke her daydreaming. She snaps back to her normal mode and sees Junsu just a few inches away her face--making her blush. 

"Junsu-ssi!" She leans away from him. "What are you doing here?" She says and fixes her things and herself. 

"You were daydreaming. I'm right, right?" He smiles a smile Taeyeon couldn't resist herself. Well, she has a crush on him since then. 

"No. I was just thinking what appa could do to help the company," she lied.  

"Well, good luck on your plans... Taeyeon-ssi, I was just thinking if tomorrow..."

What's with tomorrow? You're going to ask me if you want to go out to lunch with me?  Taeyeon thought.

"If you're not too busy... Let's go to... Uh... How can I say this?" Taeyeon's right! Junsu's going to ask her to a very romantic date. "Go with me to Park Law Firm." Her hopes shatters to pieces. 

"What?" But Leeteuk's the President of that company and Taeyeon doesn't want to see his arrogant face again. 

"You'll come with me?" Junsu smiles at her. 

"Uhm... I don't know..." He gives her a pleasing look. And she just can't resist that look. She sighs for a while and says, "Alright. I'll come with you." 

"Great." Junsu smiles widely at her. "Be here early in the morning--about 7." He winks at Taeyeon--which he knows gave her butterflies in her stomach. He leaves her there, thinking of the possibilities that man named Park Jungsoo would taunt her the moment she steps into his world--company.

"Ugh," she moans to herself as she puts her head down on her table. "Tomorrow's going to be the worst day of my life." 

Girls bring the boys out! I wanna dance right no-- , her phone rings. 

She picks up her phone and sees an unknown number's text, saying, 

Hello! I know that I've been a bother--but you don't know who I am. And I'm really sorry about that. I know you--but I don't know if you know me. We've seen each other in a while, and I hope we can meet up sometime, Ms. Kim. How about 12:00 PM at XXX Cafe tomorrow? Please text back! Your secret admirer. <3

"Who could this be? But--a secret admirer? What does this mean? But, could it be Junsu-oppa?" She thought. So she texts back, 

Who are you? Can I know your name? Because I can't trust you.

Then he replies back, 

 Well, that's the challenge, Miss Kim. You should trust me. - <3 Secret Admirer

"Excuse me, miss--" Someone breaks all her thoughts about this secret admirer. Taeyeon looks up from her desk and sees the man she hates the most. "Oh, it's you," he says with sarcasm in his voice. 

"What are you doing here, Jungsoo?" 

"Well, I'm here to meet the president. Where is he? Your father--I meant, okay? Not a small girl like yo--" This guy is really messing up with Taeyeon. 

"I don't know--you find him. He's somewhere else, you don't know--" 

"You're being really rude, Taeyeon!" She hears her father yell at her. "Mr. Park is one of our top investors. And you should be glad that he's here to help us." 

"But he started it--" 

"No buts, young lady. Now, go home! I have more important things to deal with--" He shakes Leeteuk's hand, and smiles at him. "I'm sorry for my daughter's rudeness, Mr. Park. She's not in her best behaviour right now." He motions Leeteuk inside his office. 

"ARRGH." She shouts, muffled against her desk. "I hate that guy--it's not my fault that I was so rude at him--it's that guy's fault. Why must dad trust him?" Taeyeon stands up and leaves the office, with a plan in her head. "Tomorrow, Jungsoo, I'm going to do something worse. You mess with me, I mess with you more."

Girls bring the boys out! I wanna dance right now, her phone rings again.

She sees another text message from unknown. 

So, will you come?   With an attached picture of her, taken about just right now. Which was weird--how would a man give her a picture that was only taken maybe a few minutes ago? Is he a stalker or something? 

Another text comes, from unknown. 

Please? With cherries on top? I don't bite. :) - <3 Secret Admirer

"Who are you?," she sighs. "Well, I'll find out if I go tomorrow to meet you." So, she replies to his creepy message, 

Alright. But how would I know that it's you?

And it replies,  I'll be wearing a blue shirt and a red cap. :)) See you tomorrow. I just can't wait...

"This man is weird. Okay, whatever. I'll just text Victoria, if anything or something bad happens to me tomorrow." She looks up and imagines herself kicking whoever that guy's face if he tries to kiss her or do something bad to her.

"I just hope he's not a ert," she sighs and goes home, with her car. 


*stretches arms* AAH... finished this chapter in one sitting. How was that? Don't like it because it doesnt have any HaeSica or Seokyu? BUT THERE'S TAETEUK! But did you liked YoonBum, SiFany or HyoHyuk? No? Well, comment below which couple would you like us to put in the next chapter.

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novarias #1
Chapter 6: the story is cute even though it involves office stuff. I can imagine taeteuk doing a drama with this story! hwaiting author-nim
Sumaiya_Sultana #2
Chapter 1: OMG! The TaeTeuk and HaeSica gifs are so cute!
Chapter 7: I don't like kibum's girlfriend here.
I think she doesn't like yoona.
Update soon!!!!
Teuk is being creepy~~ its him isnt it?
siska_snowers #5
Love yoonbum n sifany moment..
Please update soon..
Aww I feel sad for hyoyeon :( if only eunhyuk didn't do that to her.
Nice update more hyohyuk and haesica!!!
Keep up the good work!!!
WeiShan #7
Kibum's girlfriend in this fic is so bad! Taeyeon secret admirer, could it be Leeteuk? Seems impossible but i think it will be funny if it is Leeteuk...
fawbnerdy05 #8
Update please.!
Hyo unnie, I seriously know how you feel. :(
Sifany, lol.
Yoonbum so cute until their moment got destroyed.
Update soon please?
I want seokyu!!! please...
but i still like yoonbum, sifany, hyohyuk and taeteuk...
i'm curious who was texting taeyeon...
hehehehe please update soon...
kiyoong #10
update please ... i love it!