His Bride (2/3)



Little Jung YunHo was now finally in third grade and though he had managed to maintain and be the class’ smartest kid for 2 years straight he doesn’t know what to do in order to catch the attention of the boy he likes. He has this plump and red lips that by just staring at them Yunnie’s reminded of cherries and apples and he can’t help but want to take a bite. His eyes were round just like a doe’s which makes him look innocent (which in fact, he truly is) and those chubby cheeks that would jiggle when he runs or turn pink when he’s embarrassed were some things that YunHo’s itching to touch.

YunHo had tried his hardest to look cool and composed in front of Little Kim Jae Joong but every time that the pretty boy is near him, Yunnie could feel his heart pounding like some crazy drum that he thought he can’t make it stop. He’s pretty relieved that Jae Joongie can’t hear it or else.

Little Jae Joongie was the prettiest boy in their class and if you compare her to the girls, he’s still prettier than any of them. And YunHo has to really agree with that though he hasn’t told anyone of how he truly feels towards the pretty boy.

He actually got jealous during drawing class when he heard SeungHyun and HyunJoong talking about how Jae Joongie would make a good boyfriend and that they should try playing with him a lot or buy him cookies. YunHo was so engrossed to listening to the two boys that he didn’t notice that he just snapped his crayon in to two pieces.

And no, he will not let SeungHyun or HyunJoong make a move on Joongie. Nuh-uh. He hasn’t made his own move yet. That’d be totally unfair.

So, when they had their English class, YunHo didn’t spare nor waste any time as he asked the boy he likes if he knows the English term for yeonpil. (Which he was sure that Jae Joong doesn’t have any clue and he’s not saying that Joongie’s dumb or something, Yunnie just knows)

He had to bite the insides of his mouth when Yunnie saw how Joongie pouted. He slapped his self mentally trying not to let the cute image take over his mind and said, “Actually, it’s pencil, Joongie.”

With bated breath, he waited for Jae Joong’s response and before he could stop it, he chuckled when he heard Joongie say, “Penshil”

Little YunHo corrected the pretty boy and he can’t help but smile when he saw how Jae showed determination in saying the word correctly.


“Very good, Jae Joongie” YunHo gave Jae Joong a soft pat on the shoulder and he has to ignore the feeling of his hair standing up on the back of his neck and of the lunatic way his heart’s beating (again). “Now you know what the English term for yeonpil is”

And when Jae Joong gave him this big, warm and comforting hug, YunHo thought that he was about to die right there and then. The sweet smell of Jae Joong lingered on his nose, the warmth of Joongie’s body made his own tingle and he mused in his mind, before the pretty boy’s breathing on his neck sent him to oblivion that, I love Jae Joongie and I will make him mine.


But on one certain day, YunHo made a big mistake. And now, he can’t take it back. He wasn’t sure on why he said that certain phrase but the words spilled out from his mouth before he could stop. And he can’t forget the way Joongie’s face scrunched up like he was about to cry. He really didn’t mean to hurt him that way. YunHo was just, well; he was just trying to say that he wasn’t suitable to be Jae’s husband. But the way he broke it to the pretty boy was far from what he had planned in mind.

“You” he remembered saying and he was hesitant to continue but his mouth continued to say as if it wasn’t his, “When I grow up, I-I’m not going to m-marry you, no matter how you ask m-me to”

Yunnie knew that he sounded harsh but what he was trying to imply was that he can’t be Joongie’s man since he was weak. He was beaten by Jae Joong in that sumo game that right after he was thrown out of the ring, YunHo thought that if Joongie had beaten him then, he wasn’t appropriate to be Jae’s boyfriend.

He wanted to show that he’s strong and that he can protect Jae Joong himself but Joongie proved that he doesn’t need someone to protect him since he threw Yunnie out of the ring in one go. And the fact that he can’t protect Jae Joong with his own hands made YunHo so upset that he went out to search for Jae Joong and told him that. Which wasn’t really what he wanted to say but he already said it out aloud. And yeahp, that was a stupid thing to do.

And all Little YunHo wanted to do right now was to take those words back.

                If it’s still not too late.


YunHo had wondered if who was this unknown person who keeps on sharpening his pencils every day. He had suspected some kids in class but he wasn’t sure if he’s right and he couldn’t even come up with the reason on why he or she would do so. There were 25 or more of them and he can’t go on pointing and accusing people. But the truth is, he wasn’t mad at the person who’s sharpening his pencils every day. Actually, Yunnie’s touched and thought of how kind the anonymous person was for exerting such effort.

He did presume that it was somehow Little Jae Joong because of the time he taught him of the English term for yeonpil but three days had passed since that terrible incident happened and it’s impossible if Joongie continues on sharpening his pencils right after what he did to him. Because if it was really Jae Joongie and he still continues to sharpen Yunnie’s pencils up until now then Little YunHo might fall so badly in love. So, so, bad.


Jae Joongie had been hanging out with Changminnie for the past few days and Little YunHo can’t help but get troubled. What if Jae Joongie will become Changminnie’s boyfriend? What will happen to me?

Because he feared that he will lose Jae Joong and would then eventually regret of not confessing, YunHo decided to take the opportunity to talk once again to the pretty boy during lunch where everyone was out playing in the playground or eating in the cafeteria.

The bell rang and YunHo quickly sprang up from his seat. Before Jae Joong could even catch up to Changmin, YunHo managed to grab his arm and say, “Joongie, I need to tell you something, can we talk?”

Little Jae Joong looked uncertain but the way YunHo gazed at him was what made him give up. Joongie just can’t seem to resist him.

“Okay” Jae agreed before he signalled Changmin to go on without him.

Once they were alone inside the classroom, YunHo can’t open his mouth and Jae waited for him to talk.

“So..” Joongie began, breaking the silence between them.

“Uhm.. well..” YunHo scratched his neck uncertainly, his eyes on the ground. “Joongie and Changminnie have been getting along well, eh?”

Jae pursed his lips, unsure on how this talk would go. “Uh yeah. Minnie’s really nice and he’s been keeping me company –“

“Do you like him?”

Joongie was appalled. “Wh-what?”

“Does Jae Joongie like Changminnie? Because you said that he’s nice and –“

Jae laughed and YunHo blushed, “No, Yunnie. I like someone else and Minnie’s likes food too much to even like someone else. Minnie’s just like my little brother”

“Then who..” YunHo trailed off as he tried to stop from stuttering.

“The person I like?” Jae supplied which made Yunnie breathe in relief. The smart boy nodded and Jae Joong smiled.

Well, say it or regret it.

“It’s you, Yunnie” Jae confessed and he turned beet red like a tomato.


A/N: Shoot me now~ TT.TT Lots of things to do. Anyways, hope you all will like this update!! :)) I'mma rush updating so yeah. Gosh, I think I'm gonna faint with all this schoolwork >.<  And I have a little secret to share, ---- 




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subtitler #1
Chapter 3: so so cute... it made my day...
Chapter 3: A sequel please? What will happen after 10 or 15 years maybe? :D
Chapter 3: Cuteness overload...can you make a sequel? Or is there a sequel to this? Were yunjae are old? <3
Chapter 2: Oh yunho seriously...how old are you? And the possessive attittude already on you at young age? Hehehe but i find it so cute cute cute.....oh jaejoong is s cute, what a sudden confession <3
Chapter 1: Omg what a cute baby love story ahaha i bet yunnie yeah his pride was crushed so....yeah LOL
countingcr0ws #6
Chapter 3: Omg, I literally wanted to die wit Jaejoong explaining how and why he managed to beat Yunho in sumo. I PASSED OUT, OMG.
Chapter 3: You just killed me with this! :D
Chapter 3: ahahahahah.. cute <3 btw, who is ryo sakurai? i'm sure i heard it b4 but i can't recall where.. thank u for sharing, author-ssi <3
Chapter 2: still.. can make my heart goes crazy xDD off to d last chapter~ <3
Chapter 1: back to read this again <3 they were, are, just cute @@~