His Bride (3/3)



YunHo was speechless for 10 seconds flat. Eyes wide as if he saw a ghost pass by and his jaw was about to drop. Well, literally speaking, Yunnie was already gaping. His heart was beating so fast than it’s normal rate (well, it always happen whenever Jae Joong’s around but this time, he could feel that his heart’s going to break-free from his chest and fly around the room like it’s some kind of a very, very happy buzzing bee)

What did just Joongie told him? Is this truly for real? Cheongmal?

Jae Joongie likes m-me? Jae Joong doesn’t like someone else and he likes me? OMO! Joongie likes me!! Yaayyy~

“Re-really?” YunHo queried in a hopeful tone which made Jae Joong giggle. “No kidding?”

“Pabo! Didn’t you hear me?” Jae Joong blushed once again “I just said it. I like you”

“Well..” YunHo started unsurely and was shifting nervously on his spot. “I..”


“I like..”

“You like?”

Yunnie took in a deep, deep breath before exhaling it out loud. He hit his chest just like a proud man and exclaimed, “I like Joongie too!”

Jae Joong’s doe eyes got rounder and his mouth was agape that he looked like some fish out of water. YunHo wanted to titter at the cute sight but he was too anxious and shy to even do so.

Yunnie was doing more uneasy shifting on his spot which snapped Jae Joong out of his reverie. A sudden thought struck him and he smiled exactly like the cat in Alice in Wonderland only it was less creepy and weird.

YunHo bent his head low and swayed to and fro, his hands clasped at his back, “That was what I wanted to say. And so –“

“Yunnie” Jae cut him off, taking a step forward. “Have you ever tried giving someone a popo?”

YunHo looked up and his chocolate eyes went as big as saucers, no scratch that, they were big as Frisbees!! “Po-popo?”

Jae nodded, face looking flushed, “Uh-huh”

“We-well, Umma, Appa and TaePoong had given me popo. But I –“

“Would you do me a favour then?” Jae Joong asked, his eyes sparkling and he was smiling timidly and gosh, he was breathtakingly beautiful. YunHo wanted to faint but no, he must not. He’ll ruin the moment. And Joongie might think that he’s a weirdo and he won’t like him anymore then.

“Uhm.. S-sure” YunHo agreed, “What is it, Joongie?”

Jae Joong hid his face in his hands, shy of what he had in mind. Like some bird which pooped while flying and the poop landed right above his head (eeew, that was disgusting, how on earth did Yunnie came up with that anyway?), YunHo knew what Joongie’s favour was. He took a step forward and removed Jae Joong’s hands from his face.

“You want me to give you popo?” YunHo had that hummingbird heartbeat feeling.

Jae Joong pursed his lips then bobbed his head up and down. OMO! Yunnie giving Joongie popo? OMO! OMO! Yunnie feels like pee-ing because of the thrill and tension and suspense he feels right at that moment.

YunHo manages to smile from ear to ear showing his crooked teeth which Jae Joong likes and thinks that’s perfect.

                He his pouty lips and gulped hard before saying, “Well, why didn’t you say so..”

                Before Jae Joong could even reply something, Yunnie’s pouty lips met his cherry looking ones and the kiss felt like eternity for both of them.

                YunHo tasted like Oreos and peanut butter which reminds Jae Joong of the times when he eats Oreos and drinks milk before going to sleep (so from now on, when he goes to sleep he’ll think and dream of YunHo and the way he tastes). While Jae Joong tasted like cinnamon and apple which YunHo thinks is the most terrific taste in the world.

               They only pulled away to catch some air and they smiled goofily when they caught glimpse of each other.

               “So was it you?” YunHo asked as he held Jae Joong’s soft and little hands.

               “What was me?” Jae Joong asked back, looking confused.

               “The one who sharpens my pencils every day” Yunnie grinned and held Jae Joong’s hands tightly.

               “What do you think?”

               YunHo gave Jae another popo, “It really was Joongie then”

               Jae Joong smiled once again and he remembered something, “Wait, didn’t you say that you’re not going to marry me?”

               The smile on the smart boy’s face disappeared. His hands started to tremble and guilt was then building up once again on the pit of his stomach, “I only said that because I thought I wasn’t fit to be your man”

               Jae’s brow furrowed, “Why? Does it have to do with me beating you at sumo?”

               YunHo bit his lip, Joongie’s apple and cinnamon taste remained on his mouth, “Well, when you have thrown me out of the ring, I thought that Joongie doesn’t need anyone to protect him since he’s strong and I wasn’t strong because you –“

               Jae Joong stared at YunHo admiringly and he can’t help but admit that he’s falling more and more for Little YunHo. Changmin was wrong; it wasn’t because of pride but it was because YunHo was self-conscious. Yunnie Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!

“What if I say that I managed to beat you because you were the one who gave me strength?”

                 Yunnie was bewildered, “What do you mean? I gave you strength? How?”

                 “When you touched me, I just felt so energized and before I knew it, I had, you know. And I’m really sorry, Yunnie. I didn’t mean to do that” Jae lowered his head, feeling guilty of even doing that to the boy he likes.

                 YunHo felt that he’s on fluffy cloud nine. He was the one who gave Jae Joong strength? Then that does mean that he’s strong? – Yes, that was it! And he will make sure to protect Jae Joong starting from now and onwards.

                 “It’s ok, Joongie. So..” YunHo paused; he remembered SeungHyun and HyunJoong’s conversation, “Am I your boyfriend now?”

                   Jae Joong blushed and said, “If I say yes, will I be your bride?”

                   YunHo beamed with no doubts, “Of course!”

                   “Then, I’m your boyfriend Yunnie” Jae Joong gave YunHo a tight bear hug and the other hugged him back.

                    YunHo can’t help but grin like some idiot; he slowly pulled away from Joongie’s embrace and threw his hands up in the air and jumped around the room chanting, “YES! I’m Joongie’s boyfriend! Can you all believe it? I’m Joongie’s boyfriend! Yayyyy~”

                    Hah! In your face SeungHyun and HyunJoong! Joongie’s MY BOYFRIEND!! Bleee~

                   “Yunnie, stop.” Jae felt embarrassed though no one was around to see him and a hyper YunHo.

                    YunHo turned around and rushed towards Jae Joong. He kissed the pretty boy’s forehead and vowed, “I promise that Jae Joongie will be my one and only bride and I’ll marry you in an awesome place and our wedding will be the grandest in the entire world!”

                    “Yah!! Don’t forget to make me your maid of honour, Joongie~”

                     YunHo and Jae Joong craned their heads to the direction of the voice and found Junsu, YooChun and Changmin grinning.

                     “And Yunnie! I’m your best man, alright?” YooChun added and lit up when he remembered something, “I could also play the piano for your wedding while Susu here sings”

                     YooChun held Junsu’s tiny and chubby hands and they stared at each other starting to get lost in their own teeny tiny world of fantasy.

                     “Will Chunnie and Susu get married too?” Jae Joong asked as he held YunHo’s hand and started to stroll towards their friends.

                      “Of course!” YooChun answered happily and showed Junsu’s right hand to everyone, “I already proposed. See the ring?”

                     “Wow~ that’s so fast of you Chunnie” Jae Joong gushed as he took a better look of his best friend’s finger, “Susu, why didn’t you told me about this?”

                    Junsu started to blush, “Sorry, Joongie. Chunnie said that it must be a secret but...” he broke out into a fit of giggles.

                    Jae Joongie turned to look at YunHo and this pleading look was etched on his angelic face, “I want a ring too~”

                    Yunnie scratched his head uncertainly, “Uh.. I’ll look for a ring, Joongie. A cooler one than what Chunnie gave Susu. I promise”

                    YooChun tsked hearing this and Junsu simply giggled like a fangirl.

                   “Hey! What about me? What will I be?” Changmin chimed in, a lollipop already in between his lips.

                   “Would you like to be the flower girl – I mean, flower boy, Minnie?” Joongie joked and the rest tried to stop from laughing.

                    “Will I eat lots of food if I become the flower boy?” Changmin inquired, already excited.

                     “Sure, sure” YooChun chuckled patting Changmin’s little head.

                     Everyone was then laughing and giggling when Minnie screamed, “Yayyy~ I’ll be the flower boy then”


     Jae Joong smiled widely already picturing out in his mind on how his and YunHo’s wedding will be.

                    And the more he keeps on thinking about it, Jae Joong wondered on how his wedding gown should look and what color should YunHo’s tuxedo should be. How many guests should they have, what is the motif of their wedding, what food to serve during the reception, where will they have their honeymoon and how many kids should they have? And will he still continue on sharpening Yunnie’s pencils?

                   YunHo tugged on Jae’s hand which made the pretty boy jerk his head up to look at his now official boyfriend. YooChun, Junsu and Changmin’s merry laughter echoed in their classroom as Jae Joong stared deeply into Yunnie’s chocolate brown eyes.

                    They can’t wait what the future has in store for them.

                    Jae Joong was YunHo’s bride. His bride! And nothing could have made Joongie happier.



A/N: So sorry if I only updated now >.< Supposedly, I was to update yesterday but then I got held back since my friends and I tried aerobics for the first time. And it was freaking tiring that I collapsed on my bed once I got home xD Anyways, is the ending crappy? I'm not so sure if it reached your expectations. And I shall apologize in advance for that. And OMO~ Your lovely comments *hugshugshugshugsyouallsooooootightly* Thank you for inspiring me and thank you so much for reading and supporting this fic :)) I owe every bit of this story to you all!!! hugs and kisses and lots and lots of them for everyone. :******

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subtitler #1
Chapter 3: so so cute... it made my day...
Chapter 3: A sequel please? What will happen after 10 or 15 years maybe? :D
Chapter 3: Cuteness overload...can you make a sequel? Or is there a sequel to this? Were yunjae are old? <3
Chapter 2: Oh yunho seriously...how old are you? And the possessive attittude already on you at young age? Hehehe but i find it so cute cute cute.....oh jaejoong is s cute, what a sudden confession <3
Chapter 1: Omg what a cute baby love story ahaha i bet yunnie yeah his pride was crushed so....yeah LOL
countingcr0ws #6
Chapter 3: Omg, I literally wanted to die wit Jaejoong explaining how and why he managed to beat Yunho in sumo. I PASSED OUT, OMG.
Chapter 3: You just killed me with this! :D
Chapter 3: ahahahahah.. cute <3 btw, who is ryo sakurai? i'm sure i heard it b4 but i can't recall where.. thank u for sharing, author-ssi <3
Chapter 2: still.. can make my heart goes crazy xDD off to d last chapter~ <3
Chapter 1: back to read this again <3 they were, are, just cute @@~