"Thank you for flying with **** and enjoy your stay in Korea."


Finally. We have just landed in Korea, the land of our dreams.


"Pinch me, I'm dreaming I'm in Koreaaaaaaa" said Jen


"Duhh Jen, We are IN KOREAAAA!!!" said Kyra


After how many years of dreaming of going to Korea, we are now here in flesh and not just in livestreams.


"Ok guys stop! We should grab our luggage and go to Mari's apartment, so that we have more time to look around and eat delicious foods later. Come on Faster!" Said Andy




"Awww, make it fast. We are so excited!" Said Kyra, annoyed.


I nodded at them then did my video for about five minutes.


After doing my video, we boarded a taxi going to my apartment in ***** street in ****.


Entering my apartment, damn, I was really amazed my mom had my apartment interior designed which really suits my taste.


After settling in, we have all decided to eat out since we still have no groceries and also for us to be familiar with the neighborhood.




The following day, we had a lot of things to do such as unpacking, grocery buying and also we had to look around to be familiar with the ways and routes. I had to edit my videos on top of that ‘cause i have set a deadline that every friday I had to upload something.


"Hey guys, how about dividing ourselves into two groups, one will do the unpacking and one will buy the groceries?" Kyra suggested.


"Wait! That's actually a good suggestion because after we finish everything, we could all head out to look around." Andy agreed


"Okay then, Jen and I will go to the groceries while Kyra and Andy can unpack our things?" I asked.


"Yeah that sounds okay!" Jen agreed


Jen and I went inside our rooms and freshened up since we were still in our pajamas. While Kyra and Andy started unpacking our things and planning out where to put everything.


After 45 minutes...


"Hey Kyra and Andy, do you guys need anything aside from the ones we listed?" Jen asked.


"I want some chocolates and chips." Kyra said


"I want some Ramyunnnn!!!" Andy shouted


"Arasso!!" I answered.


We went down and rode the cab going to nearest grocery, which was actually really near but since we had no idea, we had to ride the taxi.


The location of our apartment was quite good since there are a lot of shops, restaurants and I also heard there are a lot of idols living in this area, a good thing for us then.


As we enter the store, I prepared my camera and attached it to the cart so that I won't have a hard time trying to video.


"So Hi guys, we are currently here at the grocery to shop for our daily needs. Here with me is Jen, say hi Jen" I said towards the camera


"Hiiiiiii!" Jen said while waving towards the camera.


"So let's get started!!!" I exclaimed


"Fighting!" Jen chanted


We divided the list, I would do all the dry goods, needed in the house while Jen had to do all the meat and fish section.


You might be wondering how are we gonna be communicating with other people, well we actually learned Korean so that we didn't have to wait for subs and Jen is a part time subber.


While I was trying to look for all the things in my list, there were three guys who looked weird since they were wearing a mask and cap inside the store and they kept on looking at me.


I got creeped out but decided to ignore them. But one of them decided to approach me.... Damnn He's talll while I looked like a midget beside him.


"Annyeonghasaeyo" He bowed in front of me


"Uhhhh Annyeonghasaeyo!" I did the same to him.


I don't know why but he looked really familiar to me. I tried to look at his eyes and he had this big eyes and his ears made him looked like a monkey.


And it occured to me...


"Oh my God!!!!! You are asdjdkkdosns" I shouted but my mouth was covered immediately.


"sssshhhhhhh!!! Don't shout my name. Shhhhhhh!!!" He said.


He looked at me and waited for my confirmation that I won't shout.


I nodded at him.

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