["So once again, I am Maria Ong, Mari for short, your K-vlogger.]


*end of video*


Finally, I've finished editing the video and now, I just have to post it.


But before anything else, I would like to introduce myself. As I've said , I am Maria Selena Ong, Mari for short. I am 18 years old and will be in college on the opening of classes. I am blogger, photographer and a dancer.


I have my own vlog and it is mostly all about my love for Korean Culture especially K-pop and K-drama.


Yes, I am a k-pop fan. I am a combination of several fandoms: Wannables, Carat, Exo-l, iGot7, Blink, Shawol and many others. Also, I've been to several concerts and fan meetings here in the Philippines which you can all see in my vlog .




And those are my best friends, my three loud best friends.


"OMG guys! Have you seen the last episode of Produce 101 season 2? I literally that died when they didn't say Jonghyun's name for final 11!"


That is Kyra. She has this addiction to K-pop idols who raps well most especially Chanyeol of EXO.


"Of course Kyra! But no one can beat my little byeongharis, Seonho and Guanlin are so adorable. They've grown up so well."


And she is Andy. She loves younger guys 'cause she finds them adorable. As for now, she likes the two guys stated, Seonho and Guanlin, and Chenle of NCT Dream.


"Okay guys, enough with 101. Have you seen Fight My Way's new episode? Kim Jiwon and Park Seojoon look so good together and they're such cuties."


Lastly, that is Jen. She also loves K-pop but sometimes it shifts from K-pop to K-drama and back whenever she wants. Especially if she likes those actors in that certain drama. One day she likes Song Joong ki then the next month it will be Got7's Mark then the following month it will be Nam Joo Hyuk and so on.


We four are the biggest (not really but we would like to assume) fangirls ever. We have sacrificed all our allowances just to watch concerts and fan meetings. We experienced camping in front of MOA arena at 3 in the morning to get front row seats.


In short, we've been through thick or thin just to satisfy are wants.


"Ok guys enough with the gossips. I called all of you because I have something important to tell." I told them.


"What's with the serious face Mari?" Kyra asked.


"Don't tell me you're pregnant with S.coups kid?" She continued.


We laughed rowdily to what she said.


"What the hell Ky! Hahahhahaha" I replied.


"But on a serious note, I'm wanna tell you guys that I'll be studying in Korea for college." I continued


"WHAAAAAAT?" the three of them exclaimed.


"But...but why?" Jen asked


"Why not here? You know we promised each other to be always there and now you'll leave us?" Andy added


"I know guys and I did promise but my mom wants me to spend time with her. I also want to spend time with her since we rarely see each other." I tried to explain.


I'm actually half-chinese and one-fourth filipino and korean. My mom is half-filipino and half-korean and my dad is chinese. They're actually separated but on good terms. My mom wanted to bring me to Korea before but her and Dad agreed to let me finish High School here then I can go to Korea.


My mom wants me to study in Korea for college because she wants to make up for the years that she wasn't there for me.


"Also, my mom knows that y'all be sad and mad about it so she told me to bribe you with a two-month vacation in Korea this summer." I added


"But Mari you promised.... Wait what did you just say?? A two-month vacation?? Oh my God when??" Andy exclaimed


"Oh we'll leave the day after tomorrow." I told them


"WHAT! But..but I still have to shop for clothes and shoes and....." And Kyra started to complain and complain.


"OMG, do I need to buy shoes? Yes I need to buy I have no shoes. I've used all my shoes what to dooo...." Followed by Andy


"Should I ask daddy to close the mall for us ?? Should I ?? I should buy lots of things OMG OMG OMG OMG.." lastly by Jen


and that people are my friends.




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