
fanfic ideas log

I was heavily inspired by VIXX Error I think. Stan VIXX stan talent.



Choi Junhong and Yoo Youngjae are very human androids, like you can barely even tell they're robots on the inside. This is probably a futuristic setting and etc because they're successes; they basically are human, minus the physiological factors that make people people. Aka we got blood they got oil or battery fluids etc idk.

Anyways they live in a secluded lab that nobody has ever been able to find. They live with a genius scientist guy who made them, and if he's a genius then he's also able to somehow keep anyone from finding his den, right? He's made at least a dozen androids by now and has filtered them into society, collecting research on how they interact and using it to make better and better models (even though he's already reached perfection, he still wants something to do).

Youngjae and Junhong, however, have never been released. This is because they are the scientist’s favorites. Junhong was the first successful android ever made, and Youngjae is his favorite creation because he displays success in personality injection; you can teach a robot formality, but sass is much harder to achieve and Youngjae got sass. You could say Youngjae is the smartest android the scientists has ever made, and Junhong is the most loyal android he's ever made.

Occasionally the other androids that have been filtered into society will return to the lab for maintenance that they are unable to do themselves, and also because they just want to. Yes, the scientist was able to program desires independent of his own into the robots. Or are they independent of his own? :3

There are three androids in particular that visit the most often. They are robots with the given names (ooh what a surprise) Bang Yongguk, Kim Himchan, and Moon Jongup. These three, amongst the 10 or so other creations, have a particularly close bond with Junhong and Youngjae and enjoy returning to the lab to interact. Because Junhong and Youngjae are the scientist’s favorites, he allows the frequent interactions to take place; he trusts his two pets won't be causing any trouble with the other three.

But hey, isn't there someone missing from this picture? The scientist is currently working on another project, one that he believes is coming along splendidly. He doesn't have a name yet (because scientist only gives names once they've woken up and he can see them “alive”) so we’ll just refer to him as Android #13, or just 13 for short. When Junhong and Youngjae aren't socializing with the trio, they watch the scientist work on this latest model, like they've watched him work on all his other ones. Junhong has had more experience with this sort of thing than Youngjae because the latter was the fifth to be created (hence Junhong oversaw the creation of three others before Youngjae). Regardless, Youngjae is becoming very keen on the workings of making an android, because he's such a smarty pants. And to top it off, of all the others he watched being made, this one intrigues him the most, and he also finds it to be the most beautiful (aw shiet here we go you know what's happening here I'm sorry spare me). Because of this he spends more time watching than Junhong does, which makes the scientist happy because he's being kept company by his favorite little robot, yeah?

Things are going smoothly: data is still being collected steadily, the five friends still meet regularly, life in the lab is continuing as it always had, and progress on 13 is growing exponentially. Except when it doesn't.

Suddenly progress stops on 13. Why? Because the scientist is trying to make him more human. He's almost attempting to transition from making androids to creating human beings. After hundreds of failures and only 12 successes, he's not completely satisfied with his efforts. Almost as if he is competing with himself, he tries to make 13 less android and more human, using robot parts for the structure but attempting to have human, bodily functions. He takes a human heart and tries to fuse it to 13’s body, to no avail; it simply doesn't match. He tries to have a brain connect, nerves and veins and organs, but nothing works and he gets frustrated.

While this is happening Junhong and Youngjae become fearful of the scientist, who has been ordering his androids to seek out the body parts he needs to fully construct 13. They know they'll never have to, because they've never been released above ground, but one of their trio, Jongup, is ordered to (because he's the most muscular of the bunch as well as the smallest and most agile; it'll be easier for him to sneak in for kills and fight if he needs to). Although they aren't happy about it, the trio and Junhong all go along with the scientist’s plan, adhering to their master’s will. Youngjae on the other hand disagrees heavily; the scientist’s plan was to create life, not take it. He understands that his master has begun to go crazy for reasons: living underground for ages and barely leaving his lab, building up his ego the more and more successes he creates, and then the drastic contrast that multiple failures on an upgraded android in the form of 13 presents. This would drive a person insane, yeah.

So what happens is Youngjae starts to get really scared of his master and secretly gets 13 running while making it look like the scientist finally did it himself. He knows how to do this because he's artificial intelligence (which is smarter than humans) and has been learning by watching anyways. The scientist is happy to finally have a semi-awake android on his operating table and the flow of body parts ceases. However, Junhong notices that something is off and confronts Youngjae about tinkering with 13. He notices that whenever their master is working, the unfinished android will stare at Youngjae, which is abnormal; usually an unfinished android will, once their eyes are functional, stare only up at the ceiling since they have no reason to look elsewhere. Junhong accuses him of potentially doing something, especially because he knew Youngjae was distressed about the scientist’s direction in his experimentation. Normally Youngjae would tell his friend everything, but with the circumstances he ain't trusting that boy. He ain't trustin nobody. He can't be sure what the scientist will do to him if he finds out.

Often times after his master has gone to sleep Youngjae will be awake (if he has an adequate amount of charge left in him; cant have him collapsing in the lab that would be suspicious~) and he'll be working on 13 more and more because this is the only way the scientist will think he's making progress.

While he does this 13 will be awake, at least mentally. He hasn't had a voice box implanted yet so no speech but his mind is functioning and he can see. He can't move his limbs yet either; the algorithms haven't been input yet. BUT one night after Youngjae is done working he turns to shut 13 off only to feel a tug on his wrist (or should I make it shirt because wrist is so kdrama/anime cliche ugh). This scares the hell outta Youngjae who turns to see the android staring intently at him because well technically movement shouldn't be possible yet. He shouldn't be able to do that. So when 13 reaches for him with his other hand Youngjae shoves him off in a panic and shuts him down. He quickly puts everything back where it should be and plugs himself into his “sleeping” space with the others. The scientist apparently heard the commotion so he rushes in only to find everything exactly how he left it; Youngjae is smart he remembers where everything was supposed to be.

He stops working on 13 after that, and Junhong notices that he's been a little more jumpy lately. So have the trio, and they will occasionally question Youngjae on his condition, asking whether he needs maintenance or something. In his mind he's like “hell no I ain’t goin back in there lol nope” and assures them that he's fine.

The scientist, even though he crazy, does notice Youngjae's absence by his side in the lab as well as becomes perplexed with the stunt in progress on 13 (since Youngjae isn't working on him anymore, progress stops). He starts trying everything that he knows but nothing gives him the results he wants.

One day the five friends are meeting up and chatting when Junhong confronts Youngjae again, who denies that he messed with anything. The former leaves it at that, albeit frustrated, and tells Jongup to inform the group of something (the two of them contact each other separately of meeting with the group, so Junhong knows). Jongup says that he's been commissioned to gather bodies again which surprises all of them and Youngjae finally confesses after receiving a pointed look from Junhong. He's like “yeah the progress on 13 is because of me” and they're all like “dude you don't mess with master’s work what were you thinking?” He convinces them that it was making the scientist happy however and they agree, so they're fine with it. But now Youngjae decides he has to get back in there and do some work.

He eventually joins the scientist's side again to ascertain where he needs to make improvements, and the scientist is happy with his returned presence. Turns out he was having trouble syncing the limbs; it doesn't work as well with less of the typical android hardware. Later on that night Youngjae apprehensively enters the lab, still a little shook by 13’s behavior. The android has his face and most of his right side looking humanoid at this point, only the left appearing metallic. He activates the power and 13 awakens to see Youngjae, who is stunned to see a smile appear on the android’s face.

That shouldn't be normal either at this stage. Regardless he steels himself and sets to working, occasionally glancing at 13’s face out of nervousness. When he finishes he finally actually speaks to 13; he's never done it before. He tells him to move his limbs individually, and then together to check the synchronization. Everything works out and he's satisfied, smiling to himself a little even. 13 appears to notice this because suddenly he stands and Youngjae almost jumps back at the sudden gesture but opts for involuntarily freezing instead. If androids could sweat, he'd be nervously sweating as 13 walked towards him. It's only now that Youngjae realizes that the android isn't much taller than him, his shoulders are slim and he has a confident gait, where'd he learn that from hm? Who knows (from Youngjae tho). And more like who cares because 13 has his hand on Youngjae’s face at this point, brushing a few fingers over his lips that aren't curved into a smile anymore. Youngjae holds still, eyes wide as 13 looks over him skeptically. Eventually he uses his metallic fingers to gently push Youngjae’s mouth into the brief smile he wore earlier, and then 13 grins again himself.

Weird. Youngjae gently pulls the hand away and tells 13 to lay back down on the table, they're done for the night. He does so and Youngjae shuts him off, feeling anxious because this isn't how the androids usually develop when they're created. As Youngjae leaves the lab he runs into a very awake Junhong that happened to be watching the two interact out of curiosity, and is shocked like “uh what the hell was that?” And Youngjae’s like “first why you spying on me and second idk either.” The two have a brief conversation dealing with why Junhong is awake and watching and about 13, which eventually leads to Junhong being on Youngjae’s side with this matter; he won't tell the scientist because yes, progress is making him happy and therefore he is happy, and he's also curious to see what Youngjae can bring out of 13’s development. So now they're in this together, and the next night Junhong accompanies Youngjae. Upon booting up there is no smile on 13’s face as he looks at the tallest android. This puzzles the two because 13 has seen Junhong before; it's not like he's a complete stranger. But they get to work anyways, Youngjae showing Junhong how he does things. Soon more progress is made, but not too much because they don't want the scientist noticing anything that seems too advanced for his pace. They eventually finish getting a few of the internal “organs” functioning like they should (or in position to function once their master activates them) and they decide to leave for the night. Before leaving however they have 13 stand and walk again to make sure nothing interferes with movement. Nothing does, good. Turns out Youngjae got some grease or whatever on his face and there's no mirror around so Junhong moves to wipe it off for him when they hear something akin to a metal growl, or close to it if you could call it that. 13 is glaring sidelong at Junhong from his stance near the operating table and Youngjae's like “uh wut” and lets Junhong proceed but the next time he puts his hand on Youngjae's face 13 is up and has his own hand on Junhong, pushing him back hard but not hard enough to do damage or shove him into anything at least. Both the androids are surprised by this behavior, and Youngjae has to verbally calm down 13 at Junhong’s suggestion. He's able to get him back onto the table and they shut him off finally.

Junhong’s like “dude. Was that 13 being territorial?” They dun know. But Junhong really stresses the idea that 13 is protective of Youngjae from the way he stares at the pale android, the behavior he exhibited dealing with Youngjae's smile, and this just now. Something clicks, and Youngjae's like “yeah maybe. Maybe you shouldn't hang around him for a while, could be dangerous.”

So he doesn't.

They meet with the trio the next day, all evening events kept secret between Junhong and Youngjae. Turns out one of the androids hasn't returned for a while and they're all skeptical of what could've happened. It's the only female android the scientist has ever made, but even so they have no clue what happened. It's been about 2 weeks since they've seen her which is odd (androids usually come by once to twice a week for maintenance or just socializing with their kind). Yongguk informs them that he’s noticed more crime as of late and that people have been acting strange, like they’re on the lookout for something or someone. Himchan and Jongup both second this and mention that three androids from the remaining six who are allowed to leave the lab have brought something like this up within their own circle. That gets them all thinking a little but not a lot since the affairs of humans don’t directly affect them; they’re just tools to gather data.

Junhong tells their master this information as is protocol, and he sends a recall order to the female unit. She should arrive back home within at most two days. He then continues to work on 13, whose whole upper half has been constructed in mostly human ways. The scientist turns to Youngjae one evening before he cleans up for the night, smiling about his progress. Because he's in such a good mood he asks the android for his opinion on some names he’s considering. There's three, and Youngjae decides he likes the last of the trio; Jung Daehyun. The scientist agrees.

13, now referred to as ‘Daehyun’, sits while Youngjae performs casual check-ups on the WIP android; he doesn't have to do much because his master is doing well. At some point he sits down next to Daehyun, tired as his battery is low again, and just starts talking. Talking about what he thinks life could be like on the outside, that Daehyun’s technically been outside because his parts are from there and he's jealous. Daehyun shakes his head and Youngjae can only guess what that's supposed to mean. Then he starts talking about Junhong and how he's his friend and how Daehyun shouldn’t be aggressive with him. At this point Daehyun does more than shake his head, he turns Youngjae towards him and then pulls him close to his body.

A hug, then? Youngjae is confused out of his mind like wth. He repeats Junhong’s name and almost chuckles when he sees the android’s expression darken. Daehyun is jealous of Junhong and Youngjae is jealous of Daehyun. Ha. And then Youngjae remembers how Junhong mentioned Daehyun fancies him and something akin to a blush warms him. And he feels awkward so he stands up. Should androids even feel like that? They've been given basic human emotions, so yeah, maybe. He convinces Daehyun to settle down for the night (by gently nudging his limbs back onto the table; Daehyun likes that) and shuts him off to return to his charging station before he runs out.

The next day everyone is gone except for Junhong, Youngjae, and the scientist. They're all out because they're minutely curious about how the humans have been acting, and also because their master wants them to keep an eye out for the female unit. Youngjae decides to charge extra long this time because he got so low the night previous, so instead Junhong joins the scientist in working on Daehyun. Because 13 now has a name, the scientist decides the next thing he's eager for is a voice box. He has Junhong help him decide on the type of voice, and they settle for mid-low and smooth with the ability to sing beautifully. That kind. This is all going on while Youngjae is sleeping so he got no clue lol oh boy. This work is away from Daehyun so Junhong won't have any problems with interaction.

They finish and Junhong returns to see Youngjae finally up, and he hints at there being a surprise when he sneaks off to see his “admirer” (which pulls out Youngjae’s sass at the mention).

That night he boots up Daehyun and starts talking to him and H E   A N S W E R S. Which makes Youngjae have the equivalent of an android cardiac arrest (ok not really). But holy hell it’s a beautiful voice. And he doesn't know how to respond so he just stands quietly. Ironic.

Anyways blah blah blah the is when Daehyun admits that he believes Youngjae is his creator, not the scientist, because most of his progress has been because of him. And Youngjae visits him day and night both. And Youngjae has actual conversations with him.

Plus Daehyun just likes Youngjae more. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Yes, like that, too.

I'll probably have the first intimate thingy that night (which by intimate I mean no more than a kisseu because whoa there slow down boi).


A/N: Clearly this is incomplete but I wanted to throw it out there anyways. Please remember I'm just brainstorming so this isn't supposed to be written professionally at all XD I'm a dork

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bamboy #1
Chapter 4: this is so heartbreaking and beautiful, i really hope you decide to pick it up again! i would love to read the whole thing even if it ends up having a sad ending (which i hope it doesn't but i would definitely still read this regardless!) thank you for sharing! :)
Chapter 4: oh baby that's so bittersweet ♡♡ but i love it thank you so much ♡