car crash

fanfic ideas log

The formatting of this one looks really strange I apologize idk what happened when I transferred it

  1. Intro - late Tuesday night (~11:30 PM)

    1. Youngjae and Daehyun fight, resulting in Youngjae staying home and Daehyun going out with Suwoong to distract himself

      1. Youngjae playing League, focusing on game and ignores phone in case it’s Daehyun

      2. Himchan scrolling through phone in another room

      3. Jongup on his way home from practice room, wanted to practice dance

      4. Yongguk and Junhong out with friends drinking

      5. Daehyun out with Suwoong to catch up

  2. What happens?

    1. Car accident in which Suwoong’s car did not have airbags and Daehyun’s throat impacts with the steering wheel, causing difficulty breathing as well as lacerations around the face and neck area from broken glass. Cricoid cartilage has been impacted but no tearing, though still necessary to rush to the hospital.

      1. Suwoong also has a few lacerations, chest pain but not nearly as bad as Daehyun does - handles calling ambulance because Daehyun is out cold and bleeding profusely from a couple wounds

      2. Ambulance arrives and when people find out its B.A.P’s Daehyun and Boys Republic Suwoong the media and press gets all up in that

    2. Junhong and Yongguk who are at a bar notice the breaking news on the TV and are shocked when they see Daehyun’s name in text accompanied by images and video footage of the crash - and it’s not a small little crash either; the front of Suwoong’s car is pretty destroyed

      1. Junhong texts Jongup and Yongguk texts Himchan, who sees the message instantly as he is already scrolling through his phone

    3. Himchan jumps up in a panic and Navers (??) details about the crash, seeing recently updated articles that say Suwoong is alright but Daehyun was rushed to the hospital having suffered possibly severe injuries

      1. Runs to Youngjae who is still playing League, eyes glued to the screen and occasionally commenting, oblivious to the fact that one of their members is in serious danger

      2. Himchan yells at Youngjae to quit the game and follow him and Youngjae refuses because his team is winning and they’re almost done, but when Himchan mentions that Daehyun was sent to the hospital due to a bad crash the younger exits the launcher and speeds away to grab a coat and his shoes

    4. Agree to pick up Jongup on the way to the hospital so they stop by TS Ent and do so, he jumps in the car and they’re off with the intention of meeting Junhong and Yongguk there once they arrive

      1. When they show up the press is already there, including manager Kang and the manager for Boys Republic, along with the other members of the younger group

      2. Kang ushers Himchan, Youngjae, and Jongup inside mentioning that Yongguk and Junhong are already there and that they haven’t received any updates on Daehyun’s condition, just that it was imperative that he receive immediate treatment

    5. Once they push past the boisterous crowd of people they come face to face with their remaining two members as well as a scuffed up yet bandaged Suwoong who looks more than guilty

      1. Youngjae without thinking walks up to Suwoong and punches him in the face, hard enough to make the younger boy stagger backwards

      2. Junhong and Jongup restrain Youngjae who is spitting profanities at Suwoong who can’t meet his eyes as he knows this is partially his fault

        1. “Why doesn’t you car have ing airbags?”

        2. “What the hell were you doing?”

        3. “Weren’t you watching the road?”

        4. “Why was Daehyun driving and not you?”

      3. It takes Himchan and Yongguk both to calm him down in his panicked rage, the two oldest telling him that none of this is going to help the situation and instead they need to calm down in case news of Daehyun’s condition surfaces

      4. Youngjae sobers up to reality and backs away from Suwoong without apologizing, sitting between Himchan and Junhong on one of the benches in the waiting room while both manager Kang and Suwoong’s manager ushers the press outside the room with the help of security

      5. The other members of Boys Republic sit at the opposite end of the room with Suwoong and attempt to apologize but Himchan puts a hand up stopping them kindly

    6. Eventually a nurse comes out and approaches B.A.P and they all rise from their seat seeing the serious expression on her face

      1. She informs them that Daehyun sustained damage to his throat from impact with the steering wheel, and until further investigation this could mark damage to his vocal chords as well

        1. The news stuns all of them, especially Youngjae because he and Daehyun are B.A.P’s two main/lead vocalists, and also because he knows how much singing has been Daehyun’s dream since forever, and how much he enjoys it

      2. Suwoong feels terrible thinking that he might’ve just cost B.A.P their lead vocalist and Daehyun his voice -- this is his career, what will he do without the ability to sing?

  3. Diagnosis?

    1. After a tense hour of the doctors working to diagnose Daehyun’s damage a nurse and doctor finally emerge again and inform the idols and managers present that no lacerations were found around Daehyun’s windpipe, only superficial scratches to the skin at the neck

      1. The impact to his neck was rather strong however so there will be pain and bruising for a while, but at least Daehyun will still be able to sing

      2. The news decorates the room with an air of relief and then they are let in to see him even though he hasn’t woken yet

        1. Only Suwoong comes from his group, accompanying B.A.P cautiously as to not set Youngjae off again but the main vocalist isn’t angry anymore, just relieved that Daehyun would be okay

    2. They enter the room and see their lead vocal in a bed with an IV in his arm and a tube down his nose, as well as a brace around his neck to prevent any sharp movements that could further hurt him. He is sleeping; the doctors assure it’s not a coma

      1. Himchan notices the distraught expression Youngjae wears so after everyone has spent their time in the room he ushers them out and leaves Youngjae in there alone, explaining to Kang who nods knowingly

        1. Youngjae approaches the bedside and his heart twists seeing Daehyun like that, but he’s comforted by the steady beat of the EKG in the background signalling that he’s doing fine

        2. He gingerly grabs the IV arm hand and Daehyun’s palm with his hand, apologizing for everything he said to him in his rage before they separated, earlier that night

        3. Eventually he leans over and presses a chaste kiss to the older’s lips, surprised to hear a groan from Daehyun who stirs and struggles to open his eyes, smiling when he sees a tearful Youngjae standing over him and Youngjae’s like “damn that’s cliche”

      2. Youngjae runs to get the nurse and even though both B.A.P and Boys Republic wants to go in to see Daehyun the medics keep them out as they need to question the lead vocalist about pain and what happened and etc.

      3. Youngjae finally turns to Suwoong and apologizes, the younger bowing apologetically as well and promises to take better care of Daehyun from now on

        1. Youngjae shakes his head head and thanks Suwoong for being there for Daehyun when he couldn’t be, encourages that they stay friends and wishes him well on his injuries, hoping they heal

  4. After ending

    1. BABYz raising money and for Daehyun to get better and stuff

    2. Royal Family (Boys Republic fandom) supporting B.A.P, and despite a few salty people BABYz and Royal Family support each other, with the former forgiving Suwoong and wishing him recovery and the latter wishing Daehyun recovery and apologizing

    3. DaeJae shippers be going crazy - reported that Youngjae and Daehyun had a fight before the incident, then the older went off with Suwoong who is to Daehyun as Jaebum is to Youngjae, Youngjae panicked and punched Suwoong upon seeing him, and Daehyun woke up only after Youngjae remained in the room alone with him. What is this???


That last portion, c, was easy to write because duh


You know Daehyun could just lose his voice that’s also an option. Yeah?

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bamboy #1
Chapter 4: this is so heartbreaking and beautiful, i really hope you decide to pick it up again! i would love to read the whole thing even if it ends up having a sad ending (which i hope it doesn't but i would definitely still read this regardless!) thank you for sharing! :)
Chapter 4: oh baby that's so bittersweet ♡♡ but i love it thank you so much ♡