Our Encounter

We are complicated but yet so complete

Krystal POV

As usual I attend my class. Theres I meet this hip hop style boy. He is actually my classmate but I just know him today personally.

"Yo!"He greet me in hip hop way.

"Hello.."I greet back.

"I am Amber Liu.."He reached out his hand.

"Krystal.."I said shortly.

"So Krys.. Emm.. Do you mind if I call you that?"He look at me.

"Cool.."Once again I answered shortly.

"Okay.."He smile sheepishly. 

What a weird guy.. 

"Do you got any... Boyfriend or something?"He suddenly asked out of the blue.

"I didn't-"I was about to finish my words until he cut me.

"What a waste a beautiful girl like you still single.."He shook his head in a pathetic way.

"Ehem.. I was going to say that I don't have a boyfriend but I have a FIANCEE..."I pressed pronoun the last word.

"Oh.. Is that so? I thought you're lesbian or something..."He laugh.

I just give him What-The-Hell look. He stop laughing immediately.

"I am sorry.. Thats kinda lame huh?"He asked me once again.

I didn't mind to answer back as I am focusing on my study now. 


Amber POV

Oops.. I think I am strew out..

This girl is feisty one. But not as feisty like my girlfriend... Jessica Jung.

Hehe.. She is sure the everyone called ICE PRINCESS in the bar.

Yes, I know our differences.. But ages is just a number right? Whose care anyways?

I am so bored here.. I guess I have to skip this class now.

I pack my things..

"What are you doing?"She asked me.

"Packing up Krys.. I am going to skip this bored class."I answered.

She simply nod and concentrated to the lesson in front. Oh man.. This girl is seriously BORED... I wonder whose the unlucky dude own her? Haha..

"Hye.."I whispering in her ears.

"WHAT?"She glare at me.

Woo.. Thats glare.... I gulp for a moment.

"Oppa going now okay? Don't miss me too much alright?"I and winks before walking out the class.


Yuri POV

Out of the place in Seoul what did this customer choose this bar?

I look around the bar in disgusting. Man.. People in here surely didn't know how to spell the 'SHAME' word.

"Emm.. Mr Yama, can we start the discussion right now?"I asked the old Japanese man in front of me.

"Whats with the rush young man?"He said while kissing and touching the two girl that sitting in both side of his seat.

Honestly.. This view is kinda disrupting me. I means he is 60 something while the girls are 20! Its just like he is flirting with his own grand daughter or something...

I can't take it anymore as I gets up suddenly. He looks at me.

"I am going to grab some drink.."I smile.

He nod and smile back then he keeps doing his ual activities. I quickly my pace.

"Give me one tequila.."I loose my necktie a little bit without looking at the bartender.


Jessica POV

This man in front of me is surely stress out I guess. I means its too early to grab something hard like tequila at this time right? Oh well.. What can I do.. I am just a worker while he is the customer. 

"Here you goes sir.."I simply give him whats his want.

"You're a girl?"He asked in disbelief.

Here you goes again.. Another disbelieving customer. I means what wrong with a women become a bartender anyway? At least I am not selling my body around like the rest of the girls in this bar...

"Yes I am.. Got any problem with it?"I answer coldly.

"No.. I am impressed."He said while smiling. 

Oh gosh! His smile is so charming.. I admit that I am kinda attracted a little bit. But.. HELL NO JESSICA JUNG! You got your boyfriend Amber Liu!! I mentally scolded myself.

"Hey, are you okay?"He touch my cheek.

"I.. I am fine.."I blush while slapped his hand away.

"HEY!!"I heard someone shouting angrily. 

I look at the voice direction and there stood my boyfriend. He rush to the customer side and punch his hard on the face. Ouch! Its must be hurt. My boyfriend is.. My gosh! I face palmed myself.


No One POV

"Babe! Stop it!"Jessica hold Amber arms to stopping him.

"Baby, did he try to do something bad to you?"Amber look at Jessica and cupped her face.

"Babe.. He didn't."Jessica hold Amber hand.

"Chill man.. I am just wondering why did she space out and I thought she sick or something.."Yuri explain as he got up and wipe the blood.

"Sir, your nose are bleeding.."Jessica simply hand over the tissue to him.

"I know.. Thanks to your..."Yuri look at Amber.

"I am her boyfriend.."Amber answered.

"Yeah.. By the way I am Yuri.."Yuri wipe his blood while introducing himself.

"Jessica.."Jessica smile.

"Don't worry dude.. I am not hint on your girl or something okay.. See this ring?"Yuri show his ring to Amber.

"What about it?"Amber asked coldly.

"I am engaged.. So.. Are we cool now?"Yuri reached out his hand towards Amber.

"Babe.. Be nice.."Jessica whispering and kiss Amber cheek while smiling.

"Cool.. I am Amber Liu."Amber back hugged Jessica while shook Yuri hand.

"Anyway Babe.. Whats you doing here? You have your class are you?"Jessica asked Amber.

"Well.. I have it.. But..."Amber paused a while.. He kiss Jessica back head.

"You skipped it again..."Jessica sigh.

"Emm.. Yeah.."Amber nod his head cutely.

"Ehem..."Yuri clear his throat to gain the lovey dovey couple attention.

"Oops.. Sorry.."JesBer apologize.

"I didn't mean to disturb.. But I have to go back to my business.."Yuri said.

"Oh.. What a short meeting.."Amber said.

"Don't worry.. We will meet again somehow.."Yuri patted Amber shoulders.

"I hope so man.. I am sorry for the punch."Amber touch Yuri nose.

"Ouch.. Its okay man. I got to go now.. Bye."Yuri walks away while holding the tissue paper on his nose.


JesBer POV

"He is a nice guy.."Amber said still back hugged Jessica.

"Yup.."Jessica nod in agreement.

"Baby, I am thirsty.."Amber whined.

"Okay.. Whats you want to drink?"Jessica asked.

"Emm.. Martini??"Amber said.

Jessica turn around and facing him. She smacked his forehead. Amber groaned in pain.

"Baby..."Amber sulk.

"No alcohol for you Babe.. I got your a soft drink."Jessica back in the counter and give a bottle of coke to Amber.

"Thanks Baby.. You the best ever!"Amber peck her lips.


YulKry POV

After Yuri got his nose bleed he excuses himself and fortunately Mr Yama finally sign the contract. Yuri decided to fetch up Krystal in SMU.

"OH MY..! Whats happen Yul Oppa?"Krystal examine Yuri face as they meet up.

"I got punch..?"Yuri answer sheepishly.

"Not funny Oppa.."Krystal wipe the blood away with some tissue.

"I am sorry.."Yuri apologize.

"Its okay.. Mind to tell me what happen?"Krystal dragged Yuri to sit with her in a nearby hut.

"Okay.. This is all begins with..."Yuri start to told his fiancee the whole story.

Krystal listening carefully.

"Emm.. Jessica? Amber?? Kinda familiar name..."Krystal thought.

"So.. Thats the story.. Emm.. Jagiya? Hello??"Yuri snapped his finger.

"Ooh.. Yeah.. Sorry.."Krystal finally awake from her thought.

"Its okay Jagiya~"Yuri smile cheesiness. 

"Emm? Jagiya??"Krystal look at him dumbfounded with the sudden pet name.

"Yup.. You say Oppa I say Jagiya~~"Yuri sing playfully.

"Haha.. Oppa..."Krystal laugh and hit Yuri chest once.

"Come on Jagiya~ I am hungry..."Yuri grab Krystal hand and intertwined it.

"Dea Oppa~"Krystal tap his nose.

They smile happily while walking hand in hand.


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very intersting.
inamari3 #2
i really can't imagine amber and sica together ewww!
and especially doing it i hope they didn't do it yet :))
allaboutyuri #3
YulKrys!!!!! but i also like Yulsic.. Tss!
vidaloca #4
dear readers,
yup, i know its hard to decide right?
But as a writer i'll show you how this story go on okay.. ^^
soshi009 #5
i can't imagine Jessica and Amber together!
I like YulSic and YulKrys also!
angeliana89 #6
i like yulkrys but i like yulsic too :(
I do not know who will I choose..
Later there will be drama right?
EMT0304 #8
OOO, do you plan to screw 2 relationships? Ok deh, I'm ready for your drama :)
vidaloca #9
imFing,be patient okay..
EMT0304,yeah better prepared..