

Baekhyun stares at his plate of untouched food, stomach too volatile to handle any of it right now. He's embarrassed -- mortified -- to realize that the person he'd left that morning had been his fiance. He wasn't even supposed to be able to see Chanyeol on camera, but he'd been under him, on his bed, in his arms.

As if meeting again in formal circumstances, surrounded by palace officials and relatives, wasn't bad enough, Chanyeol seemed to think it was funny

He'd been eyeing Baekhyun all morning, handsome face and charming smile tying a knot in the older boy's stomach. With the thought of signing his life away, most likely moving to a foreign country, and praying that Chanyeol won't let their secret slip, it's hard to focus on much. 

He feels Chanyeol shift in his chair next to him, finally finished with an excruciatingly long conversation about foreign policies with Baekhyun's father. It'd only been an hour since they signed the papers, and their families were already eating out together, discussing the business details of their "partnership," as Chanyeol's father called it. 

"Why didn't you have guards that night, no -- there?" Baekhyun whispers as quietly as he can. Chanyeol turns to make eye contact, brown eyes shining youth, radiance, power. It throws Baekhyun off as he wonders about how princely he looks just sitting there; he debates whether its natural or if he's been trained to look, to act, like that.

"Why would I have guards?" Chanyeol points out quietly, raising an eyebrow at his legal husband. "No one knows what I look like. Not even my fiance, apparently." 

Baekhyun's eyebrows shoot up threateningly, demanding that Chanyeol keeps his mouth shut, at least in front of his parents. He can't have his father find out and declare that he's ruined the marriage, ruined the company, ruined his life -- something which he would do, Baekhyun is positive. 

"No, your fiance didn't," Baekhyun confirms pointedly, jabbing a chopstick into his food.

"You know, when I first walked in," Chanyeol's voice drops lower. "You came up to me. And when you walked in today, and it was you again, I thought maybe it was all orchestrated. Thought you somehow found out and did all that on purpose." 

"Why would I orchestrate that?" 

It's a fair question, Chanyeol admits. 

"I don't know. Maybe you wanted to make it all seem like fate." 

"You think I wanted this?" Baekhyun's voice is a hushed, angry whisper. "It wasn't my plan to do anything with my fiance that night. Maybe you're just paranoid about people plotting things. Not everyone cares about your royal blood or how to spill it." 

Baekhyun's comment seems to get to him for a second, because he opens his mouth in protest, about to respond, when a woman Baekhyun doesn't know calls out a soft "Prince Chanyeol!" 

Chanyeol laughs a little, his humor shining through, and he coughs the whisper out of his voice, back to a normal tone when he addresses his next conversational partner. It's fake, Baekhyun can tell, and he comes to the conclusion that maybe Chanyeol has just been trained to be charming after all. Baekhyun sighs and watches in something like pained delight the way Chanyeol is so handsome, so charismatic. 

He wasn't aware of who Chanyeol was that night, and Chanyeol has made it abundantly clear he wasn't aware of Baekhyun's identity either, but one thing was completely true: he'd approached Chanyeol out of interest. The interest didn't stop last night, although Baekhyun wishes it had. He chokes down a bite as he watches his husband confirm business deals and use his name as a bargaining tool. 


"When will you be coming?" Chanyeol's voice is deep and regal when he asks, thick eyebrows furrowing at the pout on Baekhyun's lips. The smaller studies the way his ring-adorned fingers push through black hair, thoroughly messing it up. It's a shame, but with the fierce wind blowing around them, it was only a matter of time, really. 

"Tomorrow," Baekhyun responds, his tone despondent. "That's what my father said." 

Chanyeol seems to sense that he doesn't want to follow his husband back to his home country, doesn't want to leave, but he can't do much for the shorter. After all, it' s a deal, and the papers are signed. Instead, he offers Baekhyun a tiny smile and turns toward the helicopter, expensive scarf blowing into his face.

"I'll see you soon," he says, turning one last time to show his face to Baekhyun. He doesn't look particularly worried, although Baekhyun's heart jumps at the thought of getting on the helicopter in 24 short hours, of seeing him again. 

"Okay," Baekhyun simply says back, but he thinks it's all he can get out. 

He's climbing in before Baekhyun can blink, and then he's watching his husband leave from the rooftop of his father's company, only a contract and a faint memory of burning touches left behind. 

The day passes in a blur of packing, of his mother's tears and his father's proud smiles. Baekhyun has managed to fit his favorite clothes and prized possessions into four suitcases, yet it still feels like it's too little.

Baekhyun wants to fold Seoul's night landscape, wants to bottle the sound of his parents' footsteps, wants to keep the smell of his room preserved in a book. It hurts to think about leaving these little familiarities, and it seems like it's all moving too fast, like he doesn't even know Chanyeol. 

Well, he doesn't. But isn't that the point of an arranged marriage? he thinks, and regret bubbles viciously in his stomach, in his throat. 

In a haze of sleep and dream and hallucination, Baekhyun watches the sun rise in Seoul one last time, studies the way day breaks over skyscrapers. He listens for his mom to walk past, telling something to a maid, the sound of her questioning what's on the morning news. He memorizes the way the water breaks over his back when he showers, the sound of his lamp shutting off one last time. 

Then he's giving his mom hugs and sharing awkward smiles with his dad, hair still wet, hands shaky. He's on the private plane in what feels like minutes, slightly lightheaded and entirely too sleepy. It's barely an hour flight, but it feels like an eternity, feels like Baekhyun's lost half of his life waiting for this plane to land. 


He's being escorted through arches of white stone surrounded by blooming flowers and trees. Everything is bursting with vibrancy, a stark difference to the plain ivory colored stone that the palace is made out of. The entire island smells like the sea and flowers, like the vacations Baekhyun used to take with his family. But this isn't a vacation -- it's his new home, the place he needs to adjust to, and he can't breathe. 

He's fascinated in the way the sun reflects on the white stone, on the pale marble that makes up the floor. There's barely any wall to the palace; it's all windows, natural light seeping in through translucent peach curtains, tinting the entire building a soft, warm hue, like bottled sunshine. Instead of thick, wooden doors (like the medieval castle Baekhyun had been fearing) the rooms are sectioned off with the same tall arches, all engraved with scenes of nature, painted with watercolors. 

It's beautiful, Baekhyun thinks, and he in a sharp breath when he sees his husband only two room lengths away, talking to a girl. The windows in that room are open, if the soft breeze ruffling Chanyeol's hair gives any indication. 

The prince is as handsome as Baekhyun had remembered, but he's also is in his element now, and the soft orange hue on his golden skin makes Baekhyun's palms grow sweaty. He's at home, and he looks like he truly belongs here, Baekhyun notes.

"Prince Chanyeol, behind you," the girl says, voice high and slightly accented. She speaks perfect Korean, but Baekhyun detects that there might be a dialect she's using, unique to their country, to their people. It's lilting and beautiful, and Baekhyun wonders if Chanyeol hid it in favor of a Seoul dialect when they'd first met. 

Her words seem to alert the prince to Baekhyun's presence, now close enough to make direct eye contact. His smile is tiny and sweet at Baekhyun, and he raises his arms in a welcoming gesture. 

"You've arrived safely," Chanyeol says it formally, almost awkwardly, and Baekhyun watches him restrain himself from being the way he'd always been around him. He's in his element, yes, but he's also on princely duty; he's being fake. Baekhyun decides he hates it. 

Baekhyun remains silent because he's scared to make a mistake, to be too formal or informal. He doesn't know anything about how Chanyeol's country wants their royals' consorts to act, especially not when he's only just arrived. 

"This is my cousin," Chanyeol says suddenly, as if he only just remembered the girl next to him. Baekhyun notices that he lets a hint of the dialect peek through. "Princess Bae Joohyun. She's lived in my family's residence for years, however, so she is like an older sister. I thought you'd want to meet her." 

Baekhyun bows his head, hoping that it's the correct thing to do, and meets Chanyeol's eyes. He's smiling, almost laughing, obviously elated at how awfully awkward Baekhyun feels. 

The smaller feels a bubble of anxiety pop in his stomach, as if some fear had evaporated at the face Chanyeol made, as if he's less worried about the sudden change in his life because, at the very least, he knows that Chanyeol smiles at him. 

He acts fake, and he's a little annoying, but Baekhyun likes the way he smiles, especially when he's covered in sunlight. 

"Nice to meet you," she says. Her hair is soft but her eyes are sharp, with small red lips that are curled into a smile; she's fatally beautiful. Baekhyun thinks of Yuri, pictures his mom, and he knows that there is something about her that is familiar and sweet, yet wholly new.

That's how he thinks of this entire country -- new, yet familiar. He sees Chanyeol in each ray of golden light, sees Joohyun in each flower, sees Korea in each wave of the ocean, in every word spoken.  

"I'll show you around," Chanyeol offers, and suddenly he's moving toward his husband, elbow extended as an offering. Baekhyun takes it, a little surprised at the gentleness, and bows goodbye to the workers who had walked him in, to the princess. 

They walk slowly through open hallways, through what feels like a hundred arches, and Chanyeol points out what each room is. Baekhyun doesn't think he'll remember anything that's said, but he likes walking after the flight, likes the way the setting sun reflects on the pale surfaces in the palace. 

"This is my family's residence," Chanyeol says after a few moments of silence, walking past the kitchen and dining room. "There's a bigger palace where the heirs to the throne live. Ours is more out of the way." 

"Bigger than this?" Baekhyun has been raised in wealth, gotten everything he'd ever hoped for, but never like this. "Isn't that just excessive?" 

Chanyeol shrugs, and Baekhyun's arm moves with him. It serves as a reminder that they're connected by the elbow, and Baekhyun's mind flashes to the fact that they're married. It's surreal, and he honestly can't wrap his head around it. 

"It's weird," Baekhyun whispers, fearful that there are more people listening to their conversations than he can see. Chanyeol's pace slows and he looks worried, handsome face forming a frown. 

"What is?" Chanyeol matches his whisper, and Baekhyun feels like he's walking through a fairytale, like he's on an adventure. 

"We're married. It doesn't seem real," Baekhyun's voice sounds a little distant, almost as if he's not really sure that he's here right now. "I knew I'd get married for business, but I didn't expect to be so fast. We're married. Isn't that weird? It's weird." 

Chanyeol's arm stiffens in Baekhyun's grip and he nods his head softly, considering. Baekhyun watches emotions spin in his eyes, watches him his lips out of nervousness. 

"We don't have to act married," Chanyeol's voice sounds sheepish. "We can just . . . you know, be friends." 

Baekhyun tries to think of how many of his friends he's slept with and comes up with zero, but he keeps quiet on that. Maybe living in a beautiful country with a handsome friend could be okay, maybe it'd be an adventure.

Baekhyun's mind keeps screaming about the drop in his stomach the first time he'd seen Chanyeol, about the way he'd immediately felt attracted. It was the alcohol, he's sure, because he no longer feels that burning need -- just warmth, a slight tug on his heart when Chanyeol smiles. That was normal, right? 

"You're all I have in this country," Baekhyun points out, voice low and slightly sad. Chanyeol gulps. "I'd like it if we could be friends." 

Chanyeol nods hesitantly, something like disappointment sinking in his stomach, and he watches golden shadows play across Baekhyun's cheekbones. 


Baekhyun moves into Chanyeol's room that night. It's very open, with white walls, a dark wood floor, and a bay window larger than even the bed. There are sky blue accents everywhere, giving the room the feeling of early morning peace, of sleepy laughter. It's fitting, Baekhyun thinks, to associate Chanyeol with early morning hues, with gentle touches. 

It's almost understood that they will share the bed, since there's no reason not to, especially now that they've decided to get along. It's not like they haven't shared before, after all, Baekhyun thinks with a red hue on his cheeks.

Baekhyun watches from his side of the bed as Chanyeol open a few windows, letting a warm breeze seep into the room. The taller hops into bed right after, burrowing under covers in the least-princely fashion Baekhyun could've imagined. His hair is down and messy and he looks incredibly young, like an actual college student, not someone who's been privately tutored and trained since he could talk. Baekhyun likes this side of him -- the soft, friendly one, the one who doesn't have to fake anything.

"So? What do you think?" 

Baekhyun startles, fearing that Chanyeol was inquiring about his staring only a moment before. He opens his mouth and closes it again, too focused on the taller's dark eyes watching him in their fond way. 

"About the palace, the country, everything, I mean." 

Baekhyun is relieved, suddenly thankful that Chanyeol doesn't pry on why he is so fascinated by his features, or how his fingers are tingling with a want to trace the slope of his cheek. 

"It's beautiful," Baekhyun breathes out. He means it, really. He's not pleased with the quickness of their marriage, with the way he's left his city, but he's amazed at the island around him, at the boy next to him. "I don't miss Seoul yet, at least." 

"I liked Seoul," Chanyeol comments. "I'd love to go back someday." 

Chanyeol is hinting at something unsaid, but Baekhyun can understand it loud and clear: We can go anytime you want.

Baekhyun can't stop watching the shadows from the moon on Chanyeol's cheek, can't take his eyes off of the way his eyelashes frame his eyes, the way his lips part when he's laying on his side. He's so handsome, so magnetic, and he wants to kiss him -- but that's not what friends do, he chides himself.

"Do you think people are okay with me?" Baekhyun asks suddenly, preoccupied with the troubling thoughts of Chanyeol's big hands only inches away. 

"What?" Chanyeol's voice drops deeper, confused, worried. 

"Korea isn't exactly the most accepting country," Baekhyun says it pointedly, and Chanyeol understands what he means. "Are . . . Are people okay with this marriage? Will people hate me?" 

Chanyeol shakes his head fervently, as if he's agitated. 

"No," his voice is urgent. "My great uncle, the king, is a very accepting man, and my people are accepting. Our marriage is revolutionary for its high status, not for the people involved. No one will hate you." 

Baekhyun feels more relief and he almost wants to cry, thinking about how scared he was back home to even tell his family. 

"I never told my parents," Baekhyun says abruptly, quietly. "I was too scared to tell them I liked men. They chose me to marry you because it was good for business -- not because they thought I'd fall in love with you. They didn't know." 

Chanyeol gets quiet then, a solemn kind of silence that only ensues when a secret is shared. It seems to stretch between them for a moment, as if time is frozen. Baekhyun isn't sure if this it's comfortable silence or just silence, but he likes the way Chanyeol's breathing sounds mixed with the sound of nature. 

"Do you think you'll fall in love with me?" 

It's such a sudden, intimate question that Baekhyun chokes on air, wheezing. 

"I'm just checking. We're married; you're allowed to." 

Baekhyun doesn't answer out of fear of what his answer could be. It's too soon to think about that, to think about the way Chanyeol's eyes make him feel. The taller boy notices that the question isn't reciprocated, but he thinks he knows the answer, if only in his mind. 

There's something different now, with the conversation ended. It's peaceful in the dark with the crashing of waves in so close, with Chanyeol's body heat so close to his. The sheets aren't silk and cold, not like his bed in Seoul, but they're just as soft and very warm, almost like the sunshine heated them all day, the residual heat and smell of flowers infused. 

Baekhyun knows that he's taking a chance, but he wants to feel Chanyeol's warm hands on him again, wants to touch the lips he'd been thinking about constantly. He shimmies closer to Chanyeol, close enough for their breaths to mingle, for Chanyeol to whisper something quiet about meeting a lot of important people tomorrow, about needing to buy rings, about how soft Baekhyun's hair is. 

"Can I?" Chanyeol's voice is deep but not rough, sugarcoated with honey and flowers. Baekhyun nods and gentle hands transfer heat to Baekhyun's cheeks with gentle caresses. 

It's slow when they kiss, nothing like the time in the club, nothing like the night before they truly met. It's languid like the waves hitting the waves, gentle like the breeze across the courtyard of the palace, tender like the look in Chanyeol's eyes when he smiles.

"Friends can have benefits, right?" Baekhyun whispers against his husband's open mouth, fidgeting with the buttons on Chanyeol's pajama shirt. The wind picks up, as if urging him on, and Chanyeol groans a little, pulling him close in the darkness, hands eager like the night they'd first kissed in the middle of the dance floor. 

Baekhyun lets Chanyeol hold him, feels a little more at home when Chanyeol's familiar lips are kissing down his neck, when his hands grow eager, when they move as one in the cover of night, the sound of waves mingling with breathless moans and whispered comforts.








hope you like! i'm hoping for this to be a strangers to friends to friends w benefits to lovers thing........lowkey slow burn..........suffering.....royal au............ with  ~~drama~~ thrown in. 

feedback is appreciated!!! love you guys, gotta go do my homework!


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i'm back! serendipity is finished and my heart is focused on my current ongoing work. hope you're all doing well!


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peaxchii #1
Chapter 16: I loved this. Their love for each other is so wonderful. Their home is not the palace nor the seoul, their home is each other 😭❤

Thank you so much author. I noticed on every chapter that you always say that you love us (readers). We love you so much too! ♡(∩o∩)♡
Chapter 16: Ohhhhhh....that cute happy ending made me cry
197 streak #3
Chapter 16: Refreshing! truly enjoyed reading this.
exochenchen #4
Chapter 16: Loved this
Chapter 16: it's been a long time since I liked a story this much, this is so wonderful
972 streak #6
Chapter 16: Such a beautiful story!!!
I like that they went back to the place where they first msde love. It has come full circle and they are to begin a new life together.
Thank you so much for sharing. ❤️
972 streak #7
Chapter 6: Bsekhyun has finally acknowledged that being with Chanyeol is being home and he feels nice about it.
Thank you so much for the chapter.
972 streak #8
Chapter 2: I love this chapter. I love the way you described Baekhyun's feelings as he was about to leave Seoul and the way Baekhyun looked at the island kingdom. Despite his feelings of fear, he was able to appreciate everything that he set his eyes on, especially his husband.
Thank you so much for this chapter. It is very visual. I cpuld see everything in my mind's eye.
Chapter 16: Thank you for such a wonderful journey and an amazing story. May you have a great day :)
zo-chan #10
Chapter 16: Congratulations ! It was amazing ~♡
And the wedding! It seemed so beautiful and so full of love !~