

Baekhyun doesn't register pulling away from Chanyeol, only the lack of warmth on his lips and cheeks, the emptiness that is left as the prince paces past him in a hurry. It's as if the taller has suddenly realized the urgency of these matters and forced himself to retract unsteady hands from the smaller, to address the anxiety clouding the air. 

"We need to leave," Chanyeol's voice is directed at his cousins, urgent and hushed. "Thank you both, really, thank you. We have to go before something happens." 

Baekhyun is well aware that something translates to being found by Sehun or the king, but he suppresses the panic that trickles past his throat and sets his stomach boiling. He's trying to focus on Chanyeol's words, on his actions, on the way they'd melted together in relief the second they'd seen each other. That was all they needed, he's sure. 

Watching the taller's posture stiffen as he approaches his cousins, Baekhyun understands that nothing could break his resolve now, not when they've gotten this far, when they're so close to loving in peace. His walls are high, and Baekhyun wants to climb them, to soothe the tension drenching his shoulders, to quiet the panicked alarms ringing through his mind.

"Where will you go?" Minseok asks, hesitant. Baekhyun's heart trips at the question, and he watches as Chanyeol's confident eyes betray him, a twinge of fear tainting his composure, like a chip in the armor he's so diligently been wearing these days. 

They need to get out of the palace before guards find their way to Junmyeon's chambers, Baekhyun knows -- but he also knows that deep down, whether the prince wants to admit it or not, Chanyeol is terrified to leave this palace, to be out of the only stable home he's ever known. There are options out there for them, but all seem far away, distant and blurry, nothing like the clear waves of chaos that keep them afloat in this palace.

"I'm not sure yet," his voice is muted, and his shoulders sag. The tension built up inside deflates outwardly, and Baekhyun thinks that there must be a new crack forming in his heart at the sight. "I just know we need to leave. I can't let anything more happen, not today." 

It's painfully obvious that the events this morning had been a breaking point for the taller, and Baekhyun longs to reach out and comfort him, but he can't -- not when Minseok's arms are wrapping around him first, small hands patting gently on Chanyeol's wide shoulders. The pair shuffle together almost awkwardly, and Baekhyun wonders if this is the first time they'd hugged since they were children, if ever. 

"Take care of yourself," he says it to the both of them, eyes meeting Baekhyun's over the tallest boy's shoulders. Chanyeol has curled in on himself, looking impossibly small for a man his size, hands resting on his cousin's back. Forehead resting against the older's shoulder, he sighs out a shaky breath at the words. "Take care of each other." 

Junmyeon's hand is on Baekhyun's wrist, warm and foreign and a little hesitant. When their gazes meet, the same sentiments are transmitted to him: a wish of warmth, safety, and health conveyed by only the quirk of the crown prince's lips. Baekhyun appreciates the hand that holds him steady, and he wraps his own around the wrist gripping him, only hoping that his thank you's will be conveyed properly. Then Chanyeol's making his way back toward them, eyes backlit with warmth. 

"I'll take care of him, of course," the tallest is in Junmyeon's arms now, their holds on each other slightly less confident, but just as warm, as comforting. "I owe you both so much." 

"Be safe, for us. Don't let your husband get hurt anymore, okay?"

It's overwhelming. All those months ago, Baekhyun had been so terrified to let himself be trapped in the palace walls, to let himself grow pliant against Chanyeol's sturdy hands. Friends -- they'd promised to be friends, and Baekhyun had convinced himself that each day in his newfound life was a new adventure to conquer. To him, Chanyeol was the tall, goofy sidekick who made his heart soar even when he wasn't supposed to.

Now, it feels like a real escapade, one that could end dangerously, one that could leave Baekhyun's world crumbling. They're running from Chanyeol's title, from the bounty on Baekhyun's head, from the way that being seperated aches so ardently. 

Don't let your husband get hurt anymore, okay?

"I'll always protect him, just like you've protected me. Always." 


As they'd fled the palace, assisted by Junmyeon and Minseok's men, there was a sparkling moment of recognition between Chanyeol and Joohyun, an exchange of intense gazes in the halls. Her tiny lips had molded a polite smile, and Baekhyun instantly recognized the regret swimming in her eyes, the way her hands shook at seeing the pair together. 

Nothing was said, but Joohyun had tiptoed to leave a tiny peck on the prince's cheek, hand gripping his shoulder so tightly that Baekhyun is sure it must've hurt. Her hands slid to his pocket, dropping a wad of paper in, and then she was gone, indigo skirts trailing after her, the scent of roses fading with each step.

And then they were gone as well -- two men hurriedly exiting, shaky hands grabbing only what they could, avoiding the eyes of everyone they pass. Too much to feel, too little time to understand anything properly, and they grasp onto each other to stay composed, a silent promise settling in between their connected palms.

Only now, when they're alone in this hotel room, does Chanyeol retract the pieces of paper from where they've been stuffed all day. He sits up to read whatever information the papers contain, body shifting into a sitting position next to the smaller. From here, his shoulders are wide, his face soft and worried. Baekhyun aches. 

As his eyes trail over the paper, his shoulders indicate a defeat that he was too proud to show in front of his cousins, one that he wanted to save for a moment when the only person with him was Baekhyun. It numbs the tips of the shorter's fingers, makes the air feel thick as he struggles to gulp it down -- he is the only one who sees these weaknesses, and he wants to protect every inch of the taller, if possible.

"Oh," Chanyeol's voice is deep, disappointed, and Baekhyun watches the shimmer of tears forming in the inner corners of his eyes. "I wish I had said something to her earlier. I wish I had hugged her."

Baekhyun sits up, letting a hand rest on Chanyeol's elbow, a gentle attempt at calming him.

"She knows everything you wanted to tell her. You're translucent when it comes to emotions, and she knows how to read you. She knows it all, don't worry." 

"You can read it," Chanyeol's leaning into his touch, using his height advantage to push them back into the bed. "I want you to read it. So you know what she thinks of you." 

The taller rests his head on Baekhyun's chest, breathing in softly, letting Baekhyun's hands take the wad of paper -- which he now realizes is a letter. The writing is tiny and curved on the edges, just as soft as he would've guessed Joohyun's words to be. He settles in to read it, heart rate slowing at the way Chanyeol leans into him so comfortably, at the way the younger goes soft against the fingers twirling his hair. 

My dearest Chanyeol, 

I am utterly sorry. My guards have informed me that Baekhyun has been spotted in the palace. Sehun knows this, and I fear he has already told the king. I have also gotten word of the renunciation of your title. I hope this letter will reach you in a happier, safer time than the present. I hope you are as enamored with him as you have always been.

That night, everything I said was incorrect -- I simply did not want you to be hurt. I thought that by speaking ill of Baekhyun and convincing you that you did not need him to live, you would calm down. I hadn't seen you look that hollow since the night you told me you were being sent to Paris. Your hadn't cried like that since your mother passed. It scared me. I was too young to help you deal with your first loss, and I was too scared to watch you break all over again. 

I hope you understand that I adore Baekhyun. He is the brightness in your life, I know. For as long as we have grown up side by side, I have never watched you sparkle so brightly. I did not know one person could have that much power over another, and I was amazed at the way you two reflected such adoration. He makes the palace lighter, makes it easier to breathe among all of the officials and strict rules. 

When he danced with me at the ball, he was so inexperienced and nervous -- but he talked of you like you were all that mattered and he tried his best to follow my steps. I will never forget the way he says your name, the way his laughter made me smile, the way you froze without him beside you. I will never forget the peace he radiates.

I adore Baekhyun, and he obviously adores you, so I wish that the both of you will be happy for as many years as you're allowed on this earth. Live safely, no matter where you end up, no matter what titles the both of you hold. 

Live for your own happiness, and smile so that I may forgive myself for what I told you. Your future is yours, and your future involves Baekhyun, I am sure. Chase your love and forget these things a foolish princess said. You were right all along -- you always have been, I believe. 

My love for you is more abundant than the stars in the sky. Thank you for growing up with me. Thank you for following your heart.

I wish you only the best, 

There's a tiny heart drawn next to her name, and Baekhyun imagines her dark hair falling over her shoulder as she sits at her desk penning this letter. She'd heard what had happened, and immediately went to writing a letter for her cousin to receive in the future, a future where she thought they would never see each other again. Suddenly he feels hollow, realizing that Joohyun had cared for him so much, had only ever wanted Chanyeol to be happy.  

He looks at the fading white ceiling, free hand still in Chanyeol's hair, and belatedly realizes that there's something wet staining his shirt -- Chanyeol is crying softly against him. 

"She loves you so much," Baekhyun makes sure that his voice is soft, tender, just like the nails brushing against Chanyeol's scalp, soothing him. "She knows what she means to you, too." 

"I wish she knew that she kept me going, all those years. She was -- she was my only friend." 

The hair intertwined with his fingers shifts until it's free, and now Chanyeol is face to face with him, cheeks red and eyes bleary. They're so close on this uncomfortable bed, in this bare room, the softness of their voices and hands enough to keep the stiff sheets and scratchy comforter at bay. Nothing could be too rough for him, not if Chanyeol is looking at him like that, not if his tear-stained cheek is resting against the same pillow.

"You can tell her everything when you go back," Baekhyun smiles at the glimmer in his wet eyes, at the way Chanyeol softens even further at the words. "When you prove that your mother is innocent, you will be able to visit again with no hesitation. You can see Joohyun again and make sure she knows how much she truly means to you." 

"What if I can't?" 

Baekhyun stiffens, eyes clouding with confusion as Chanyeol shuts his tightly, as if willing a thought to go away. He's nervous again, not just sorrowful, and Baekhyun feels the change in energy acutely. 

"What if there's no more evidence left to be found? Sehun's family is thorough, and the king is on their side," calloused fingers trace the outline of Baekhyun's lips absentmindedly. Baekhyun watches the rings on his fingers shimmer, digests the words slowly. "What if we should just go to Seoul? You'll be happier there. We could be happier there." 

Baekhyun's pulling away from his touch, scalded. 

"Seoul is filled with paparazzi who know your face and my face and everything about our lives," Baekhyun can't find any appeal in the city he so dearly loves, not at the moment, not with a cloud of fear obscuring his every thought. "You need to stay, since this is where you'll find information on your mother and the Oh family. When your family's name is cleared, we can move freely, and we can go to Seoul. Now isn't the time." 

Chanyeol rolls so that he's flat against the bed, eyes open wide and long fingers fidgeting. Baekhyun's eyes follow every single moment, softening at the anxiety painting the taller's cheeks, at the words that drip with sincerity when he next speaks.

"I want you to be happy," a deep sigh. "I don't know how long it will take me to clear my mother's name. I don't know if you will be happy with me, not when I spend the days bent on revenge and ignoring the reason we left. What if I make you hate me? What if I change?"

Baekhyun's laying back down, something far too dangerous bubbling against his stomach uncomfortably, and he reaches for Chanyeol ever so softly. Their hands meet again, this time scared and gentle, a familiar heat coming to life between the pair. It feels so natural like this, and it's his turn to rest on the taller's chest, reassured. 

His heart is steady against his ear, and Baekhyun whispers his response to the beat, hoping that every word rings true in the taller's mind. 

"If you change, I'll change with you. I want you to clear her name. I want you to be the prince you have always been. If you want me to be happy, let yourself be happy, too." 

Then he's leaning up to kiss at Chanyeol's chin, to meld against his lips as softly as he possibly can. They meet like waves lapping languidly the shore, a mesh of plush lips and unsaid gratefulness, a sense of relief and hope stirring their limbs awake. Baekhyun is wrapped in the others long arms, breath staggered against his cheek as he moves to find a place against Chanyeol. 

"You're enough," the taller's voice comes out in a breath, eyes watching as Baekhyun's figure moves on top of him completely, thin arms wrapping around his neck and hair once again, obviously moving to make claim of his lips. "I want you to be happy. You being happy is enough for me." 

"And I'll never be happy if you aren't. Listen to your heart, and I'll be there. I'll always be there. We have the rest of our lives to go to Seoul." 

The waves pick up the wind, growing in fervor and strength, until they're a mess of panting breaths and roaming hands against this pale background. Baekhyun thinks that Chanyeol looks like an angel, even -- no, especially -- when he's pressed between chalky white sheets and the shorter's body. 

Baekhyun leans down to press kisses against every centimeter of Chanyeol's eyes, starting on the outside and working his way in, delighting in the way his eyelashes flutter with each movement. The prince's cheeks bloom with pink tulips, the rosy tint that accumulates there draining down his golden skin, painting a tiny sunset against Baekhyun's lips.

He pulls away to watch, smiling.

"Beautiful, you're so beautiful," he voices out, quieting only when Chanyeol's eyes open and meet his, so dark and so consuming that it makes him shiver. 

"I wish you could know how much I love you," Chanyeol's voice is rough, but his body remains as tender as ever, only warm hands and tiny, soft touches. "I wish you knew." 

"You used to confuse me," he confesses, watching Chanyeol's eyes roam over his face slowly, almost tantalizing. "I couldn't figure out why you were so fake in public, why you were so sweet with me. I didn't understand you. But now I see." 

"See what?" he stutters, and Baekhyun's stomach seizes, affection melting into him, making him feel numb and on fire, all at once. Everything about Chanyeol leaves him this way, leaves him second guessing everything he's ever thought possible.

"You're not that confusing, really," a kiss straight on his lips. "You're just gentle. You want people to like you. You want me to feel safe. And it works." 

Chanyeol's smiling his sweet smile, dimple clearly displayed, and Baekhyun can't hold anything back anymore, not when he's blinding him with that fond look. Their lips are feverish against each other, and Baekhyun's mind is spinning when he realizes just how close they're laying, how each movement of Chanyeol's legs sends him lurching to reconnect their lips even more harshly. 

He feels desperate, needy, and almost foolish -- it's been such a long day, and he knows that this isn't the time to be longing for Chanyeol's touches and mouth all over him, not when the taller was crying only minutes before. Pulling away, he takes a deep breath, trying to expel all the thoughts holding him hostage, all the words of love that he'd let pool in his stomach. 

"Hey," Chanyeol's whisper is even more hushed than usual, and Baekhyun stirs himself from the recesses of his mind to meet curious eyes. "What's wrong? Are you tired?"

"No, I just --" he bites his lip. "I know it's been a tiring day. I don't know if you --" 

Chanyeol nods and sits up in order to kiss him on the lips again, silencing any doubts he could've had. He's about to worry again, to pull away and place distance, but then Chanyeol's smiling against his lips, mouth open and laughing against the corner. 

"You know, the first time I met you, it'd been a tiring day," he punctuates the sentence with a prolonged kiss on the bow of Baekhyun's lips. "Seoul was confusing. It was so bright, so noisy, and I didn't want to sit in that apartment and wait for the inevitable next day. I wanted a drink, so I went out." 

With a sudden movement from the taller, Baekhyun's on his back now. He wants to marvel at the way he'd been moved so carefully, so gently, so expertly, but he can't, not with the entirety of his mind absorbed in this story, with the way Chanyeol's eyes never leave his face, on the lingering touches that slide down his waist to rest at the bottom of his hips. 

"And I didn't know what to expect in a Seoul nightclub. People were trying to dance with me, but I didn't like it," he leans back, spreading Baekhyun's legs and settling in between them naturally, hands never loosening their hold. "I went to get one last drink before I left, actually. But there was this man with eyes that hurt to look at, with lips that made my heart ache. I think I fell for you a little, back then." 

There's an unexplainable warmth and joy choking Baekhyun, a satisfied noise making its way before he can stop it. He's beet red, pleased with the sheer familiarity of this story, and he wonders if Chanyeol had always looked at him this intensely, if there was always a fierce adoration thrumming under his skin. 

"Is that why you let me dance with you? Because I made your heart hurt?" 

Chanyeol laughs fully, loudly, and he ends up stifling it halfheartedly with the back of his hand. The shorter laughs too, even as a small, hollow feeling spreads in his chest from the loss of Chanyeol's hands around him.

"I let you dance with me because I would've agreed to anything you told me, and that's the truth. You were enchanting. I got lucky that you were the one who walked through the door the next day."

Chanyeol moves to pull down his pants, and Baekhyun laughs, kicking at him instead, all fire in his veins extinguished for now. He can't help but be overtaken by a sheer happiness at the taller's words, at his dumb smile and laugh, at the stupid way he'd ended such a lovely story. 

"So you just got lucky that I'm the one you ed?" 

"What about you? It's the same!" 

"Well, yeah, that was my plan! I went out because I wanted to get ed," he sticks out his tongue, laughing at the wideness of Chanyeol's eyes, at the shock residing in them. "It wasn't your plan, though -- you just got lucky you were the one I chose, really." 

The hands fumbling with his legs cease their movements, instead moving to tickle at his sides mercilessly, long and nimble and too accurate. Baekhyun's screaming and rolling away, legs trying their best to kick him away, instead getting caught by strong hands and used against him. Chanyeol pulls him in by the legs, face flushed and out of breath, a smile still on his lips. He's looking into the smaller's eyes with an emotion that makes them sparkle, that makes Baekhyun feel small and content. 

"What?" he asks, jutting out his lip on purpose, happiness blooming when he sees how Chanyeol's eyes follow the action serenely, completely love struck.

The prince's only answer is another kiss on the lips, this time so purposeful and searing that Baekhyun feels as though he might melt, as if the sun itself is closing in on him, leaving him nothing but a glowing, golden mess of adoration in the taller's arms, in the corner of his dazzling smile. 


It's been weeks. Every morning, Chanyeol leaves early -- so early that Baekhyun has to squint against the darkness to make out the figure walking around the hotel room, no sunshine in sight. Every morning, without fail, Baekhyun whispers a good luck, feels Chanyeol's fingers card through his hair and soft lips leave him a kiss on the cheek. Every morning, he follows the taller's soft words that tell him to sleep more, closing his eyes against the darkness and whispering sentiments of love and safety to his husband's back. 

He wakes up again surrounded by rays of light, the touches and kiss of his prince only a faint memory, dissolving as quickly as his dreams always do. He stays in bed for a minute, mind running over the possibilities of the day, knowing that Chanyeol will be back soon with some breakfast, with an update from his informants from the palace.

Baekhyun had asked many times whom they were, but even Chanyeol doesn't seem to know exactly what side they are on, only that they are willing to go against the Oh family, that they see no wrong in depleting the prince's bank account in return for spying on them. Every day, Baekhyun hopes for a new piece of information, prays that the informants' constant eye on the Oh family's eldest son and knack for digging into anything and everything will pay off.

He lets the hot water of the shower wash away Chanyeol's kisses from the night before, wash away the frustration that comes with being cooped up in a hotel for weeks at a time. Chanyeol always comes back before the afternoon, hands full of food and smile optimistic, leaving Baekhyun to forget everything he'd so feared when he was alone.

They cuddle and they dream about the things they will do when this is all over, when Chanyeol is a prince with a free will of his own and Baekhyun feels confident in his crowded city streets once again. They kiss so hard it hurts, and Baekhyun learns so much about Chanyeol, about the way they fit together and affect every aspect of the other. Mostly, they watch TV and laugh at the same parts, curling against each other and reassuring that everything will be okay in the end, that there is nothing to worry about, not when they are so wholeheartedly together

Stepping out of the shower, he's caught off guard by the voice in the room, by the familiarity of it. It's Chanyeol, he knows, but it shouldn't be Chanyeol, not this early in the morning, not when he only left an hour or two ago.


Wrapping a towel around himself, he peeks his head out of the bathroom door, watching the steam file out of the door and curl around the tall figure. Then Baekhyun's stepping out into the cold air of the hotel room, fear creeping up in a way that it hasn't for weeks now. Now that he's closer, he can see clearly that he's standing by the door, one large hand grasped around a phone, the other knotted in his hair, frustration evident.

"I know," his voice is as venomous as it had been the night he lunged at Sehun, and it makes the older man worry tenfold. "I know. I will." 

The taller spins around when he senses Baekhyun's presence, a smile forming almost instinctively, awkward and forced on his lips, clearly hesitant. 

"What's wrong?" Baekhyun mouths, knowing that he can't be too loud for fear of disturbing their phone call. Chanyeol shakes his head softly, dejectedly, and Baekhyun's hurriedly pulling on an oversized shirt of the taller's, swallowing the lump in his throat as he shuffles into boxers. 

"I will." 

Then the call is over, and the taller is in front of him, eyes bright and dim at the same time, a tiredness shimmering in them that Baekhyun had been avoiding noticing. It hurts to see him this close, to be unaware of what's happening, to itch to fix it in any way he can.

"What happened?" 

"They found evidence of the Oh family's corruption -- a lot of it. The king can't deny it, even if he tries, and --" Chanyeol's arms are wrapping around him very suddenly, nose burying in the top of his head and lips leaving kisses feverishly on the crown of his head. "And I need to do something about it." 

"What kind of evidence? What happened? What are you going to do?" he feels panicked, is sure that his voice is urgent and high-pitched against Chanyeol's chest, just as urgent as the pounding heart so close to him.

"A journal," his voice is cracking, far too raw and scared for Baekhyun's heart to handle. He grasps at the taller desperately, trying to soothe him, to calm his shaking voice and staccato heartbeat. "It was my uncle's. It -- it was very clear that he was against the king. But he also made it very clear that the Oh family was against the king, too." 

Baekhyun stills. Hating Chanyeol and his mother, he had known -- but Sehun's family had always been the lap dog of the king, the ones that garnered his trust to a fault. 

“My mom was loyal. Sehun’s family wasn’t, isn’t — they were in on it with my uncle, and they let him take the blame when it was all found out,” he’s shaking he’s so angry, and Baekhyun's arms move to hold his back, steadying him with tiny pats against his spine. “They wanted to lock me up and send me to Paris so that I wouldn't figure out that they were the ones trying to overthrow the king.” 

“So, they wanted to get rid of the king, but it didn't work? They let your uncle take the fall?" each word cuts the taller like a knife, and Baekhyun's cheek feels cold against his chest. "Does that mean that Sehun still wants to be the next king? What about Junmyeon? Is he going to hurt him?” 

“That’s why I need to go,” Chanyeol sighs and rubs his forehead against Baekhyun's, eyes steeped in exhaustion. He looks pale, thin, and Baekhyun’s heart hurts -- he misses the golden skin, the easy smiles, the hopeful lips against his. “I have to tell Junmyeon. I have to tell the king.” 

“What if they don’t believe you? What if they take you like last time?” Baekhyun’s throat is tight, and he wonders if there’s any air filling his lungs at all, or if Chanyeol's body heat is what is keeping him alive right now. “What if you’re locked up?” 

“They couldn't lock me up if they tried,” Chanyeol’s voice is stronger than Baekhyun’s ever heard it, even more than when he’d finally spoken against the king, despite the way his entire body is revolting at the news. “No matter what, I’m coming back for you. I promise, love.” 









SORRY again for the wait. finals are wild in college and also i had family health issues and im a mess in winter. i love you all so much and i hope you Liked this!!! I LOVE YOU ALL thanks bye bye i need to sleep heeheh

ao3: baekyall
twitter: baekyalls

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i'm back! serendipity is finished and my heart is focused on my current ongoing work. hope you're all doing well!


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peaxchii #1
Chapter 16: I loved this. Their love for each other is so wonderful. Their home is not the palace nor the seoul, their home is each other 😭❤

Thank you so much author. I noticed on every chapter that you always say that you love us (readers). We love you so much too! ♡(∩o∩)♡
Chapter 16: Ohhhhhh....that cute happy ending made me cry
197 streak #3
Chapter 16: Refreshing! truly enjoyed reading this.
exochenchen #4
Chapter 16: Loved this
Chapter 16: it's been a long time since I liked a story this much, this is so wonderful
972 streak #6
Chapter 16: Such a beautiful story!!!
I like that they went back to the place where they first msde love. It has come full circle and they are to begin a new life together.
Thank you so much for sharing. ❤️
972 streak #7
Chapter 6: Bsekhyun has finally acknowledged that being with Chanyeol is being home and he feels nice about it.
Thank you so much for the chapter.
972 streak #8
Chapter 2: I love this chapter. I love the way you described Baekhyun's feelings as he was about to leave Seoul and the way Baekhyun looked at the island kingdom. Despite his feelings of fear, he was able to appreciate everything that he set his eyes on, especially his husband.
Thank you so much for this chapter. It is very visual. I cpuld see everything in my mind's eye.
Chapter 16: Thank you for such a wonderful journey and an amazing story. May you have a great day :)
zo-chan #10
Chapter 16: Congratulations ! It was amazing ~♡
And the wedding! It seemed so beautiful and so full of love !~