Part Five: the House of Demeter


Minseok stood on his castle balcony, staring stiffly across Olympus. He was extremely angry with Kris. Hades was invited, which meant everything would go wrong.

'Poseidon?' He called.

Chen came running. "Yes?"

"I need help. I need a plan to keep Hades away."

"Why would I help you? I don't mind Kai. I think it's nice of Kris to invite him."

Minseok rolled his eyes. "No one wants to see Kai, Chen."

"Kai does," Chen argued.

"You're hopeless! Fine, you don't have to help, but you are grounded from cameras of any kind for a whole week."

"I'll help,' Chen said instantly.

"Thank you."

Minseok looked over his bookshelf. "The Underworld....Why Do People Hate Hades....What Is Hades Really Like....The God of Death....Why Was Hades Banned From Olympus....Does Hades Wear Socks....none of these are helpful!"

"Kai wears socks, right?" Chen asked.

"I don't know, that's why I read it- hey!"

Minseok pulled a book off the shelf. "This one might help."

The book's title was written on the front in gold letters. It said:

How To Trick The King Of The Gods.

"We can trick Zeus," Minseok said.

"Okay, so first of all, worst idea ever. Second, Hades would probably still come. Third, do YOU even wear socks?"

"In answer to each question: it's a good idea; no he will not come; and of course I do."



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Chapter 5: This is fun so far!
Sounds interesting