Part Four: the Death(?) of Hades


Chanyeol sat in his room in tears, on the phone with Kris.

"You're lying," Kris said in disbelief. "Kai can't be dead- this is a prank, right?"

"It's real," Chanyeol cried. "I got a call from the Underworld saying he was dead."

"This is my fault," Kris groaned. "I told him he could only say one sentence. Stupid kid! Now we don't have anyone to rule the Underworld!"

"You don't even care that he's DEAD?" Chanyeol shrieked. 

"Of course I care! The god of death died! Irony is NOT my style, it is much too annoying."

"I don't care about iron!" Chanyeol sobbed. "Kai died!"

"How do you know?" Baekhyun said from behind him.

"Shut up, Aphrodite!"

"No, really, how do you know?"

"He told me himself," Chanyeol cried.

'The god of death told you that he died? But he's immortal, and how could he call if he was dead?"

Chanyeol paused.


"Thanks a lot, PCY, you wasted my time," Kris said in annoyance. "Stop crying, Hades isn't dead."

"I know," Chanyeol said in embarrassment. He ended the call.

"Seriously?" Baekhyun laughed at him. "How stupid are you?"

"Not as stupid as you," Chanyeol defended himself. "You thought Hera was 'Haira, the god of hair.' You are an Olympian, but you don't know anything about Hera."

"I wasn't always an Olympian," Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

Baekhyun picked up his phone and called Kai. "Jongin? You failed."

"Failed what?" Kai asked.

"Making Kris sorry for you."

"Did I try to do that?"

Baekhyun hung up. "He's impossible."


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Chapter 5: This is fun so far!
Sounds interesting