The beginning of Hiro's story

The Life of a Broken Family

Hiro's POV (Narrator)


It’s a dark but clear night with millions of stars shining brightly and the wind blowing a gentle breeze. The street light were on everywhere in the street as I walk past the shops that open late at night. Just walking, not knowing where I’m going, where my feet would lead me. My name is Park Hiro right now at the age of 17. A lot has happened in the last few years. I might as well tell you about my life since I’m just walking aimlessly down the street. It all started on my 10th birthday.



“Hiro!! Wake up!” my Appa called me and was trying to shake to wake up in the morning. “5 more minutes appa” I told him because I was still tied. “Come on Hiro. It’s your birthday” he continued. “Errrr…..” nodding back to sleep. “If you won’t wake up then I will…..TICKLE YOU!!!” and the tickles the hell out of me. “Haha….Appa! Stop!”  I was begging him to stop. “Will you get up then?” he asked while still tickling me. “Ok appa….haha…I’m up” then he stopped and I fell out of bed landing on my . “Owww…” I yelled out. “Are you ok Hiro?” Appa looked worried and helped me up. “I’m ok now” I told him. “Where umma?” I asked him. “She is in the kitchen making breakfast. Now come on. I’ll meet you downstairs” appa said and headed towards the bathroom and washed up. My appa is Park Leeteuk nd he is the best appa I ever had. He is really cheerful, caring like how an appa should be and always brightens up my mood whenever I’m sad. My umma name is Park Boa. She was a caring, cheerful mother back then.

“Morning umma” I greeted umma as I was heading down stairs. “Morning Hiro. Happy 10th birthday” and she gave me her warm smiles. While eating breakfast umma asked “Where do you want to go today?” “Umm… anywhere. It’s fine” I told them. Appa and umma just nodded. We all finished our breakfast and I was lead to the living room. Umma first gave me her present. “Open it” she smiled at me and I ripped open the wrapping paper and opened the box to find a yellow bunny. “Thank you umma” I went over to her and hugged her tight. “Ok no, my turn” I looked at what was in appa’s hand. It was a big present but I opened it and found a teddy bear that was as tall as me when I was that age.

A few hours later Umma took out a big chocolate birthday cake and put lit candles n it. They both sang the happy birthday song. “Blow out the candle!” Appa said and I did with appa and umma cheering.

That night we all were heading towards the cinema to watch a movie when I stopped in front of a jewellery store because I found a really pretty bracelet. Appa crouched down next to me and said “That’s a really beautiful bracelet” “Yeah it is” I answered him. “What are you two looking at?” umma asked. “That bracelet there” I pointed. “Whoa it is beautiful!” she commented. We continued heading towards the cinema when appa said “You two go ahead, I need to do something” and he started to walk the other way. I looked at umma and she was looking at appa with a smile on her face. “Umma? What is appa doing?” I asked. “You will see” she just said and we arrived at the cinema and brought our ticket when appa came back. “Here you go Hiro. Another present for your birthday” he took out a small box and gave it to me. I gave him a puzzled look and opened the box to find that bracelet that I was looking at just before. On the back of the bracelet it said “From you Appa” I stared up appa and hugged him really tight “Thank you appa!!!!” and Umma joined the hug. He kneed down and put it on my wrist. “Look after it oks Hiro” Umma told me. “I will Umma and Appa. I will treasure it” I smile at appa. After that we brought a box of popcorn and drink each and went in to see the movie. Near the end of the movie I fell asleep and appa must have carried me in to the car and we all went home.

Just me, Umma and Appa living happily together is the life I want to go back to. Unfortunately all happy things had to come to an end.

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so heartbreaking TT^TT
Kaozumi #2
It's interesting (and a bit sad)! I hope Jessica isn't bad because she's my bias (but don't forget that it's kind of cliché and overused).
tikaluph #3
Oh! This is an interesting story (: heheheee.. I like the previous chapters ^^
Kind-Hearted_Devil #4
Chapter 2 was so sad, poor Hiro :(
Anyway, DON'T TELL ME Jessica's role will be BAD again T_T
Kind-Hearted_Devil #5
Nice chapter, update soon!
Angel_Kiss #6
Update soon! Sounds interesting. Looking forward to your fanfic!
Hwaiting author-ssi! :D ^^