The Mysterious Umma

Julia {remake}

Sup Guys! Be prepared for a suprise and,always check chapter 1 for updates!

AFF Username:KoreanGal5

Profile Link:You don't wanna click? Fine then :(

Character's Name:Choi Sooyeon

Character's Age:21

Blood Type: -AB

Height Weight:150cm 45 kg

Preffered Names/Nicknames:Bookworm ,Soul

Birth Place:LA,CA


Ethinicy:Full Korean

Spoken Languages:Korean,Spanish,English,Japanese,Chinese,Thai(All Fluent) French (Learning)

Appearance: 1 2 3

 Personality:She's a quiet, but kind girl even though not many notice. She's the silent act of kindness that no one knows about. She finds it hard to express herself and rarely smiles or laughs, but when she does, many turn and stare. Because of her silence, she doesn't know how to express herself. She found that music helped her the most and enjoys composing songs to sing what she cannot say. Her protective sister was able to let her keep her innocence and remains so, unable to understand dirty jokes or flirting. (She hasn't yet had her first kiss.) She's smart, but finds that because of it, many things remain to be boring. She gardens and reads a lot. She also is often found in the kitchen, usually cooking a new (delicious) recipe. She is definitely a mother-like being. She worries over the other members, herself, their performances, etc. She scolds them and makes sure that they're all safe and following the rules. Some may criticize her for smothering her other members, but the other members (though they act like they don't like it), actually find her personality to be a nostalgic feeling in the new world of KPOP.

The un-motherlike qualities she hold are pretty limited. However, she cannot read a map whatsoever and if any member is to be lost in the crowd of a new place, it's her, partly also due to her short height. In addition, she's a bit claustrophobic, but only when it's dark and small. She also has a big fear of, no not bugs (She actually will hold them in her hand and release them while the other members freak out.), but of horror. Watching a horror movie makes her stay up for weeks on end. She tends to be honest, but when she's caught up in another person's pace, it's hard for her to deny them.
She'll never tell a secret and will, oddly enough, not give advice, but tell them that they already know the answer to all their problems. Then, she'll give a quick smile before leaving. She doesn't smile that often, though if she's content, her eyes will shine and when something bad has happened, her eyes will darken. Like a real mother, she has an intuition when someone in her group or someone important to her is in trouble and will automatically call them, deathly worried. When she's embarrassed, it's obvious, which is in general around all guys, by her blushes. She turns the most red around her crush. The more she befriends a guy, however, the less she blushes. When she's happy, she'll give a rare smile or laugh. When she's upset, she can avoid someone for as long as she wants. When she's sad, she'll disappear and only appear when she wants. Usually, she hides in high places, such as trees or on the roof of the dorm/home. When she's angry, she'll try to compose herself and most likely succeed. However, if you hurt someone very important to her, get out the jam because you're toast. The most odd thing about her is when she's sick. She'll smile more and do more aegyo, acting more and more girly. She'll be more open with her feelings and more blunt. She won't blurt out secrets, but will blurt out her thoughts automatically, being more bold and initiating kisses and such. However, when she gets over her illness, she won't remember a thing, much to the sadness of others.
She multi-tasks a lot, almost like a real mother: cooking while listening to someone complain, reading while hearing a conversation, gardening while watching over people, etc. She tends to carry around candy to give out to members, the most common being watermelon gum or blueberry hard candy, depending on her mood. She carries gum when she's more nervous or upset while she carries hard candy when she's happier and calm. At times, she carries candy just for a specific person. She also carries around her book to read, usually a fantasy novel or one of those novels that no one reads except when forced to in high school (Ex: Sherlock Holmes, Shakespeare, John Steinback, etc.) She has an emergency first-aid kit and even has a license for CPR. On random days, she'll magically have an umbrella for when it rains, even when it had been sunny only seconds before. A mother is only one of the few words to describe her; quiet, mysterious, cool and collected, etc. Definitely unique.
But that's only offstage. Onstage, her eyes are sharp and her moves are with practiced precision. Her eyes lure people, unaware of the drastic change in her demeanor. Her voice makes others want to stop and listen while her unique stature catches anyone's eye and keeps them glued there. Even if it's a concept she doesn't like, she'll do her best and usually succeed, though she'll complain plenty before and after. Despite being not the prettiest, or the most talented, she works hard to become a member equally loved as the other members.

Likes:Flowers,Books,Candy,Rain,Happiness,Music,To Learn

Dislikes:Fire,Getting Lost,Loud Noises,Ghosts and Spirits,Sadness,erts,Liars

Hobbies:Cooking,Gardening,Reading,Giving Out Candy,Anything About Music (Listening, Composing, Playing, Singing, Dancing, etc.)

Habits:Biting Lip (before performance or when really nervous),Brushing Hair Behind Ear (all the time),Blushing (whenever a guy is near),Pacing (waiting - not impatient, just a habit),Hitting People With Her Book (when they won't be quiet),Hugging People (when they're sad or being cute/childish)

Random Facts:She can play the piano, cello, and violin. She is currently learning guitar and flute.She gets lost really easily.She has a sensitive nose so she's not allowed to wear perfume and often forbids people around her from wearing any heavy forms of fragrance as well.She can remember anything she has seen, heard, felt, tasted, or smelled once. (That means she can remember anyone's face and name, any song's melody, title, and lyrics [which she can replay by ear on the piano in one try if asked], any recipe, any surface and its quality, and the smell of different plants she has planted or food she has cooked.)

Family Background:Born into a normal Korean family born in America, she learned both English and Korean fluently. Her father is a bit awkward, which she also is, but cares deeply. To express himself, he showers his family with gifts, but his family knows his intentions. Her mother is more caring and open, and of course, more scolding, which she also inherited. She is always watching out for her family and is always someone to look up to. Her younger sister is the complete opposite of her: loud, sarcastic, rebellious, and always easy to read. Despite that, the two care for each other a lot and protect each other. The sister protecting her from bullies and erts while she protects her sister from different dangerous situations. Her cousins, who happen to be twins, are near opposites of each other (in her eyes) and the trio are very close, though in a way that is unexpected.

She was always in the top of her class and often, without even trying, got some of the best grades of her school. She didn't have many friends because of her lack of fashion sense and yet was always top pick for group projects. She would never work with them, however, and would get special permission from the teacher (all of who had a bias for her) to work alone instead. She is unused to talking or expressing herself, but found that writing songs, she could sing what she could not say. She frequently read Japanese manga and learned Japanese to get faster access to the latest chapters. In addition, she learned Spanish for a transfer student who had entered into the school to make her feel more comfortable. She had a bad incident with fire when she was little and has had a fear of it since then. She has always been easily scared by ghost stories and such as well.
She decided to be a KPOP star to get her younger sister the sign of her current bias, Minwoo from Boyfriend, and to become someone who was more social. After she graduated college (years early), she was finally able to convince her parents to let her pursue her dream. On the way to Korea, she got on the wrong plane and ended up in China for a month. During that month, she completely mastered Chinese. (Being a genius has its perks.) She arrived in Korea and finally was able to audition. She failed the first several due to her bad sense of direction. (She got lost and was late to every single one of them. She was disqualified without a chance.) She was discovered by a passing agent when she was putting on a street performance, her favorite pass time in between searching for auditions.

Family Members:
Choi Hongjin (48) father | alive | small electronics shop owner | protective but easy-going

Choi Hyesung (45) mother | alive | housewife | protective and always worrying
Choi Seungyeon (15) sister | alive | student | sarcastic and rebellious; complete opposites, but gets along really well


Other Family Members:

Jo HyeMin (18) cousin|Alive|Group Member

Jo Kwangmin (17) cousin | alive | Boyfriend member | shy and protective; can read her mind; jealous of Youngmin's skinship and wants to be able to openly do skinship too

Jo Youngmin (17) cousin | alive | Boyfriend member | playful, but protective; loves skinship and making Kwangmin jealous over the "closeness"

Lover:Jinyoung (Sorry you couldn't get your first choice partner :( )

How Close We Are:Recently Met

Best Friends:
Gongchan (B1A4) - childhood friends; childish nature sets Youngmin off on a protective rampage

Taemin (SHINee) - used to be tutored by her; even more childish than Gongchan, tends to make Kwangmin more angry than Youngmin

Rivals:Amber,firendly rivalry over who has more fans


Stage Name:Alice

Individual FanClub Name:Wonderland

Individual Fan Club Colour:Red & Black

Position:Main Vocal/Main Dancer

Birth Date:5/5/1991

Persona:Mysterious Umma

Congratulations to KoreanGal5!!I loved your app...And to the other people that I applied before her,don't worry,you still have a chance..

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soul unnie is the new co-author -julia


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AteNa-Na #1
Chapter 19: Me, Ricky, and Sang hoon are such dorks. XD
AteNa-Na #2
Chapter 19: WAHHH HE"S MAKING FUN OF ME!!!! SO what if I am a apple !? :p

Great update (love my loving Hyunseong oppa, Minwoo, and CL-unnie), but Jieun-unnie come back!!!!! :(
Chapter 19: Noooo! Jieun, come back!
whoa, that was very emotional though.. the moment we were about to debut and suddenly she backed away just like that..
well it is a family matters, but still…

and weeee someone's getting caught in action!! *cough cough Soul unnie cough*
hahahhaha and I'm confused of 2 Minwoos lol. But so nice to see Hyunseong really care of his dongsaeng Hyun-Ae :D
I hope L.Joe could bring Jieun back though..
she should have melted with his charm lol

update soon~~ HWAITING!
Chapter 18: It has been so long since you updated author-nim! D8
But anyway! Great update. *^*
Chanyoung is like so stupid since he accused hyemin or me of spreading rumors. eue
And also I am getting a little Confused since it is like, I don't know who is who. LOL
But anyway, fighting!
Chapter 18: I loved Ricky and Sanghoon's food comment. XD
I felt so sad when Jieun left though. DX
Minwoo (and Niel) should learn how to knock. =.=
Anyways, wonderful chapter and hopefully I'll be more help next time. ^^
AteNa-Na #6
Chapter 18: nooooooo unnie come back!!!!!
Chapter 17: Wow it's been a while. <3
Nice (filler) chapter. ^^
The heart-to-heart is so sweet and aww Chanyoung. D:
Hope it resolves itself soon. :(
And I had no idea you were writing even though I'm the co-author. XD
Chapter 17: it's been so long since I probably comment this.. i don't even remember if I did..
so now I'm reading it all back again and whoa,
seriously I'm still in love with this fic! and i'm so glad you update after half a year hahahha
and seriously I was getting confused since i'm not familiar with 100%
but it's so nice and Sooyeon Minwoo is just too damn cute!!

Keke, and what Chanyoung's did was like.. annoying. He shouldn't say like that to her alright -___-
but the girl's talk is so cute! and on Jihyun's part, omg jonghwan must really love her to say things like that, it's so sweet!
I'll be waiting for another update hahaha