His warmth

Whirlwind Romance


Her vision blurred as tears clouded her sight.

Flustered, her eyes flickered repeatedly to hold them within. However, one or two managed to escape and dripped down onto her skirt, making a damp print on it.

She felt her legs entangle and knees buckle together. One of her hands rose up slightly to rub the sides of her arms while the other struggled to smooth out the tangled ends of her hair. In an attempt to hold back any whimpering, her teeth sank mercilessly into her pale red lips. She leaned closer against the street lamp and deliberately slowed down her hitched breathing.


Just when her heart regained its original pace, a figure crouched down beside her.

“What are you doing here in the middle of the streets?”

 The husky voice reverberated throughout the alley, snapping her out of her reverie. She raised her head up only to lower it down at the very next instant when their eyes met. His mouth opened, letting out a deep low chuckle.


Her eyes widened. She was clearly surprised to see her stalker or rather co-worker here. The latter was clearly not what she had wanted but still, it was a much more comforting thought as compared to the former. She took a deep breath and stared at him blankly. She did not have the slightest idea on how to react especially since she had just revealed her most vulnerable side to him unintentionally.



He had always hated silence. To him, it would only worsen the situation and make it much more awkward than before. He was so tempted to break the silence till he realized her gaze had yet to leave his face. It was as if she was searching for an answer from him, someone whom she had just met a couple days ago.

Surprisingly, he liked it. He felt as if he could get lost in those huge, chiseled brown eyes that resembled those of a puppy. The innocence, as seen in her eyes, drew him to move closer towards her. He knew she was vulnerable at this moment and did not need any extra fear instilled within her. However, his mind could not hold him back as he made a step closer towards her.

Strangely enough, she was not affected by his sudden change in behavior. She remained stood rooted to the ground, gazing at his eyes. The atmosphere was not in any bit intense. No one made an effort to break the eye contact. Silence had long drowned out any other complicated thoughts.

The two simply stood under the moonlight, staring at each other’s inner soul.


Sincerity. It was present in his eyes. Though he seemed clueless, his intentions were clear. He was trying to become a source of comfort for her.

Gratitude. It was present in her eyes. Though she seemed as if she was spacing out, the grin on her face stated otherwise.


To him, her smile was so breathtakingly dazzling and sweet.

It made him lost his senses. He took another step forward and wrapped his arms around the girl.


To her, his hug was so warm and comforting.

The way he held her closer towards his chest was simply perfect. So she closed her eyes and allowed the suppressed tears to flow out again.



 “Come on.” He grinned even wider and grabbed her hands, leaving her dumbfounded again.

She had never been a dare devil. In fact, she was always classified as a model student. She halted to a stop and her glance landed hesitantly on the motorcycle. Where is he taking her to?

If she had wanted to make an escape, now would be the best moment to do so. However, his warmth was way too comforting and she could not bring herself to let go of his hand.

Judging by how she was tightening her grip on his hand, he could make a rather accurate guess by then.  Sensing her insecurity, he laughed and lifted her up quite forcefully onto the seat.


“Wait. Where are we going?” She sniffed her nose a little.

 “I’m letting you know a secret of mine.” He winked at her, revealing his gummy smile.

She pouted. Just when she was about to protest, a heavy, bulky helmet covered her sight.

“You can cry if you want to. I mean, no one will be able to recognize you with that helmet on.” He mumbled. If not for the silence, she would most probably miss out on what he was saying.

She then decided that today would be the day for her heart to rule over her mind.


After a good long ten minutes, he could not help but to peek through the rear mirror. She was way too quiet. Was she still crying?

To his relief, all she was doing was to fidget with the small hole in the hem of her skirt.  She appeared to be rather out of place and uncomfortable as her hands swung on the sides of her legs aimlessly. The sight of her struggling to keep her balance on the ever accelerating vehicle caused the corners of his mouth to curl up involuntarily. Holy, he was now pretty certain that this was her first time on a motorcycle.

A thought crept into his brain. It was now or never.

 “AHHHH! Yongguk ssi, why are you speeding?” Beads of sweat run down the valley between her shoulder blades and she closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the impact she would receive once she fall off the bike and hit the ground.

However, that did not happen. He had long grabbed her hands and wrapped them around his waist. When she opened her eyes again, she heaved a sigh of relief till she realized how close they were. Perhaps they were way too close to each other for acquaintances. However, she had to admit that the warmth radiating from Yongguk was way too comforting.


Ignoring the blush on her face, she snuggled closer and laid her head against his back.





Hohoho. I am back. In case if anyone is confused, the following chapters will be flashbacks for Yongguk and Ji Eun. You will have to wait probably for 3-5 more chapters till the breaking up of the Yongji couple comes into picture. Hence, for those who ship them, do enjoy reading :) As for Jiseob shippers, please be patient cause there will be flashbacks for them as well.

The next update will most probably be up in two weeks' time since next week will be the last lap for examinations.

Oh and did anyone watch B.A.P's No Mercy MV and Beast's Beautiful Night MV?


P.S: Please do leave me comments and subscribe :)

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joy222 #1
Chapter 7: author-nim! I love your story <3
eine08 #2
Chapter 7: as long as you update regularly, 15 chaps is no problemo!
(if you turn this into a bangxsong, Ill read it even if it exceeds 100) lol XD
allstarsparadise #3
Subscribed~! Nice story! (: Do look through my fanfics too.
Chapter 6: updated! weee..thnx and get well soon. we still want to read your story. XD
Chapter 6: have a good rest ^^ and get well soon