Episode 5: game over

Glow Sticks

Still a little anger left of the steaming pot, I walked through the hallways. Every eye on me. I ran into the washroom to make sure there was nothing on my face.
"Ae-cha! I can't believe it! Your married to Mr. Choi!" my friend came up running.
"Why didn't you tell us?! It's amazing!" eun-ju said giggling. I looked to all my friends with a happy yet shocked face.
"I thought you'd hate me" I mumbled.
"Why would we hate you?!  Your married to a REALLY attractive teacher!" eun-ju replied. I smiled brightly now.
"thank you guys!" I giggled.
"Show us your ring!" my other friend said. I put out my hand showing of the sparky dimond. They all awed at it. Then I heard the bell ring.
"I should go. I need to sort out some things with Minho" I sighed. They nodded well I ran out of the bathroom.

I got home late as usually.  
"Minho I'm home." I called out. It was silent. "Minho~" I called out again. Suddenly I felt his hands cover my eyes.  "What are you doing Minho?" I asked seriously. He walked me a little ways, and then uncovered my eyes. What layer before me was our beautiful garden was glowing with the lights of many colourful glow sticks.  "wow" was all that could come out of my mouth. Minho took my hand and lead me out to the deck.
"I will always love you Ae-cha" Minho said giving me a large hug.
"I love you too" I giggled happly. Then he kissed me, telling me he loved me forever. The end.

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Funkiminki #1
i have to agree with QieYue19 but it was still good just a bit fast for me in terms of forgiveness and such.
saranghaedongho #2
like it ~
Unwantedgirl- #3
I'm disapointed...Why does so many people make things go so fast? I mean they fight, break up and the next line they are back together as if nothing happened...Even if it's a short story things happened to fast...I wanted to say for so many times on so many fics already... Sorry that it was your ...Don't hate me T_T I just needed to let it out. I loved the story though!! (^-^)
asiandumpling #4
woah....i get the glow sticks bit now
Awww....a little misunderstanding. Sweet story!
oh no. that chesley girl better not ruin her marriage!
Omo...if my husband says that i'll prob get real mad. but he prob has a reason for that anyway.