Episode 3: tic tock

Glow Sticks

I sat in our small bedroom. It was Saturday so both me and Minho didn't have any work to do.

"Would you like to go out today?" Minho asked. I smiled happily.

"Yes! Where?" I asked.

"How about Juju island? Since we never got to go on a honey moon how about we stay over night too!" he suggested. Such a wonderful idea! I was so busy that I had forgoten about not having that time together.  

"I can't wait!" I said excitedly. We started to pack our bags. We just finished packing out bags when a ring came from his cell phone. He quickly picked it up and mumbled into it.
" who was that?" I asked when he hung up his phone.
" it was Chelsea, she's feeling sick. I'll be right back!" Minho said in a rush.
"Hurry back!' I said I new this was a bad situation. I watched him leave out the door, well I started to prepare so food for the trip.

I looked at the clock again, it was already 4:30, and he still hasn't come around. I picked up the phone and called Minho's cell phone. "Minho ah, how long are you going to be? Were going to miss our bus!" I asked scolding him.

"Oh I don't think I will be much longer." he said "how about you meet me at the train station. Bring the tickets with you and I will see you there".

"Alright, come quickly" I sighed hanging up. I picked up my luggage and took a taxi to the station.

I sat on the tacky black seats that were slowly starting to rust. The ugly green tiles were fading and rusted water was ground into it. I watched as many people ran to there buses and lisoned to people complain about the pour consumer serves was here. I couldn't help but smile tho. I had gum on the bottom of my shoes and my clothes were wet from the rain outside but I didn't really care. I was going on my honeymoon with my hubby. I took out a small teddy from my bag. It was the first present Minho had gotten me. I hugged it looking at the clock. I put it back realizing our train would be coming in less then 5 minutes. My smile started to fide when I saw our train leave. I was aloud to be a little sad right. Chelsea was the reason why Minho was so late. I waited later and later until midnight.

"Miss were turning off the lights here in the station. Could you please leave?" a scary looking custodian asked.

"Oh... yes... sorry..." I sighed walking towards the pouring rain. I took out a picture from my wallet. Me and minho happily newly wedded. I let a tear run down my face. I started to walk, yes walk, back to my small apartment. If or when Minho was home I would make him sleep on the couch. As I walked carrying my heavy luggage a small side street caught my attention. Not caring what would happen I walked down the dangerous street. There were little trailers and old train carriages being used for houses and the road were really torn up. I looked around curiously until I reached a fork in the torn up road. I saw Chelsea smile as she sat down beside Minho with a big hot pot of what looked like ramen. Minho smiled as well sitting on the small picnic table. He looked as if he was having the time of his life.
"Minho?" I mumbled softly but just loud enough for him to hear me. He looked towards me.

"Ae-cha, what are you doing here?" Minho said. I let my tears fall.

"Did you forget something really important!" I yelled at him. At this point I didn't care what people were thinking or what this little rat named Chelsea was going to do. Minho stood up from his seat.

"Ae-cha, I'm sorry I just got coughed up in something" minho called out. I watch Chelsea smirk.

"Ae-cha! Are you one of Mr. Choi's fan girls?" Chelsea scowled at me. I shook

"I am way more" I growled between my tears "at least I was". I turned around and started running. I dropped the picture somewhere probably in a puddle. I didn't care tho, I just wanted to get out of Minho's new happy life. Then I heard foot steps running after me. Then a tight grip held onto my wrist and turned me around.

"Ae-cha, chill. Why don't you head back home and I will be there after you calm down" Minho sighed. I stared deeply into his eyes, making my eyes blase fire and my eye brows point down.

"Minho why don't we brake up, and get a divorce?" I mumbled letting tears and water run down my face.

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Funkiminki #1
i have to agree with QieYue19 but it was still good just a bit fast for me in terms of forgiveness and such.
saranghaedongho #2
like it ~
Unwantedgirl- #3
I'm disapointed...Why does so many people make things go so fast? I mean they fight, break up and the next line they are back together as if nothing happened...Even if it's a short story things happened to fast...I wanted to say for so many times on so many fics already... Sorry that it was your ...Don't hate me T_T I just needed to let it out. I loved the story though!! (^-^)
asiandumpling #4
woah....i get the glow sticks bit now
Awww....a little misunderstanding. Sweet story!
oh no. that chesley girl better not ruin her marriage!
Omo...if my husband says that i'll prob get real mad. but he prob has a reason for that anyway.