Episode 2: let's be sneeky Mr. Choi

Glow Sticks

"Mr. Choi is playing basketball with Mr. Ahn!!!" a girls said coming into our lunch room. Mr. Ahn WAS the hotter teacher at the school, and was the gym teacher. For most girl this was an opportunity not to pass up. Watching 2 hot guys playing basketball was a good thing at an all girls school. All the girls stood up and left the room in a hassle. I followed unwillingly.
Girls were screaming there cheers when I got into the very busy side lines of the gym. For a split second me and Minho connected eyes. Right then I felt my heart beet 10 times faster then it normally did. I watched as he slammed a dunk in the basket. I heard a few cheers. Minho kissed his thumb and up it up in the air. I smiled knowing that was to me. I did the same in my little boxed in area. I knew he would have saw it.

"Get back to your class room girls!" Mr. Ahn warned. We all ran back to our class rooms. I sat down eating my bento box.

"You phone is vibrating" my friend told me, picking it up. "A text from your hubby!" she exclaimed. I quickly grabbed it away from her.

"Did you enjoy the basketball game?" the text said.

"You were awesome! That's why I love you" I sent back. I kissed my phone then put it away.

"So who's your hubby?" No-seol asked. I didn't want to tell her I was in a relationship or even interest in one.

"There's no such person" I lied. Class started again but ended quickly to my luck. In the last 10 minutes of class Minho came into our class room. Girls started to chat, getting excited.

"Can I see Ae-cha please?" he asked "her new music sheet came in." the teacher nodded letting me follow him. We walked down to his class room where no one was. He handed me a note book. He leaned in forwards to give me a quick soft kiss.

"Minho!" I said a little taken back. I was worried if anyone saw.

"Sorry" he said a little disappointed. I pat his back apology. "I missed you" he said cheesily.

"Oh stop it" I said playfully. "How about tonight I'll make dinner tonight and we'll spend lots of time together" I suggested. He smiled brightly.

"And that's why I married you" minho said pulling me into a hug. He was much taller then me so sometimes it was awkward. He let me leave back for class. He was so sweet that sometimes I wish I tell my friends that he was my husband.

I prepared dinner and had it set up on the table. I was cleaning when the door opened. I dropped everything and ran to the door. My loving husband Minho was home and we were having a at home date. He looked tyred and a bit worn out. I helped him take off coat.

"Sorry I was late. A new student is joining us in a month." Minho said walking into the kitchen. "I completely remember what you have to go threw in high school now" he sighed. I giggled sitting at the table with him. As we ate we made short conversation. When we finished eating I made some popcorn as we watched dramas. We were watching "Protect The Boss" witch was an old drama but I liked to find out what Minho liked to watch when he was my age.

"Why did she turn down Woo whatever?!" I stammered at the t.v.

"what?! Because she likes her boss!" minho said ruining the ending for me.

"Because boss man Woo is hotter!" I pointed out to the sad actor on the screen.

"Shhh" he said shoving some popcorn into my mouth. I giggled putting some into his. We were a couple with no hands, so what! We snuggled into each other. No matter what we loved each other.

"Minho!" I girl sighed. It had only been 3 weeks of school and Minho was thee most popular male that had stepped foot inside this building. I watched as he walked down the hall with girls following close behind him. His fan girls.

"Who is your ideal type?!" another girl asked. He stopped walking and looked at me.

"A girl with long dark hair, small slender eyes filled with love for only me, and strength to handle me. Also she has to be able to play the piano extremely well" minho stated. No-soel looked at me in disbelieve. That described me perfectly.

"Then what don't you like in a girl?" a girl strong wheeled said. I had ever seen her. She had long dark drown hair with a purple stip down the side. She had small eyes that were as dark as Halloween's midnight. "Needy girls? Ones that stair at you with there big googile eyes? Girls that would do anything for you, onces that will live off of you just because your good looking?" she said. She was verry rude scaring some the girls around Minho. She kinda made me really angry. I stood up clenching my fights, watching some of his fans leave.

"Are you the new student?" he asked. I stood there wondering what was going on. She smirked largely.

"Chesley Sang Park" she introduced herself "from south LA". So she wasn't rased in Seoul.

"Well Chesley go sign in at the office" minho commanded her. Somthing was odd about this girl, and I wasn't just talking about her choice of clothes.

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Funkiminki #1
i have to agree with QieYue19 but it was still good just a bit fast for me in terms of forgiveness and such.
saranghaedongho #2
like it ~
Unwantedgirl- #3
I'm disapointed...Why does so many people make things go so fast? I mean they fight, break up and the next line they are back together as if nothing happened...Even if it's a short story things happened to fast...I wanted to say for so many times on so many fics already... Sorry that it was your ...Don't hate me T_T I just needed to let it out. I loved the story though!! (^-^)
asiandumpling #4
woah....i get the glow sticks bit now
Awww....a little misunderstanding. Sweet story!
oh no. that chesley girl better not ruin her marriage!
Omo...if my husband says that i'll prob get real mad. but he prob has a reason for that anyway.