Episode 1: Mr. hubby

Glow Sticks

I woke up that morning to a ring of an alarm clock. It was my first day of school and the last time ever. I am 18 years old on my last year of high school. I didn't respond to the ringing of the alarm. I suddenly felt the sweet pressure of man lips on mine.

"Honey it's time to wake up. You got school remember?" his voice said sweetly. I rolled over to he my husband Minho. He had big eyes and short black hair. His lips were soft and big and his nose was small and cute.

"Aw, do I have to go or can I just spend the day with you" I asked. He chuckled lightly sitting up.

"I need to go to work too" he said. I sat up too, slowly kicking off the blankets that were around my feet.

"Are you worried about school?" he asked. I nodded.

"can we pretend were not married, not telling my friends or letting anybody know?" I asked nervously.

"If your that worried then we'll do that" he said friendly. He stood up and walked to he stairs only wearing p.j. bottoms, showing off his beautiful abbs.

"I'll make some coffee and some breakfast" he said going down the stairs.

I got out of bed and walked to our closet taking out my school uniform. It was a yellowy bage skirt and a white dress top, with a yellowy bage poncho to go over if wanted. I got dressed in it then went to my makeup merrier. I put on some foundation and blush then brushed my long black hair. I got up and looked around my couple room. Above the red head board of the bed was me and Minho's wedding photo. I was wearing a lovely wedding dress. The top was sparkly and the bottom was white soft fluffy fabric. Minho had a lacy white tux top on and clean pressed white pants on with a nice white tie. There were hearts dangling from the roof and out work desks layed agent the wall. A small couch type thing layed agent the only white wall left. Tho it wasn't much it was home.
Wondered how I got here? Well I meet Minho at a small café where he played the piano softly. It was love at first sight. It was odd tho, he was 26 when I was just 17. It was the summer time so we spent a lot of time together. He taught me how to play the piano and how to fall in love. The day I turned 18 Minho proposed to me. He bagged my parents to let me marry him. And so we did, quickly all over the summer time. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Minho handed me a cute mug with coffee in it. I sat down on a chair on the island.

"I love you Ae-cha" minho said giving me a back hug.

"I love you too" I said giving him a coffee his on the cheek. Minho backed away after cuddling me for a few minutes.

"I need to get ready to get" he said sadly, backing away. I lisonded to his steps go up the stairs. He was a helpless fool in love. I sipped my coffee slowly bitting into my breakfast of toast of jam. I looked at the clock.

"SHOOT!" I yelled surprised. It was almost time for school. Good thing was our small condo house was close to the school. I ran up the stairs to grab my bag. I found Minho standing there looking at himself in the mirror. He was really cute in his jean pants and white shirt, with the grey tux type jacket.

"Wow! Don't I have a handsome husband?!" I exclaimed. He turned around a smiled.

"Thank you!" he said walking towards me, "heading to school now" he asked. I nodded a little worried picking up my bag. I watched him kiss his thumb then he put it on my forehead.

"I'll be with you" he said. This was our thing that we did when words weren't enough. I smiled turning around.

"See you later!" I said running down the stairs.

" AE-CHA, AE-CHA, AE-CHA!" my friends called when I reached the school.

"HI!" I said excitedly.

"Did you see the new music teacher?! He's a hole lotta hottness!" my best friend Eun-ju giggled.

"Eh?! He's probley not my type" I said, being fully respectful to my new hubby.

"Oh, ho ho! Did missy here hook up with one of those Seoul arts students?" Eun-ju asked. I went to an all girls school but most of the time the girls here meet up with the all guys school across the street. I coughed loudly.

"No way!" I defended myself, "I'm into more mature guys". My friends giggled with me as we went to our classes.

My home room class was music, I would get to see what was so hot about this teacher.

"Since your original teacher got scarred out of working with this school your substitute it Mr. Choi" the princable said leaving the room.

Personally I was a little surprised. Me and this new teacher had the same last name, well now anyways. Ae Cha Choi had became my married name, little did my friends know. Suddenly the hole class became in aw when a handsome man walked into the room. It was Minho, my husband! I fell off my chair in shock.
"Are you ok?" my friend asked. I nodded sitting back up in my chair. I watched as Minho looked around the class room as I played with the simple silver ring on my finger. Then our eyes meet, in shock.

"Mr. Choi are you single?" a class mate asked. Without talking his eyes off mine he replied.  

"Yes I am" he said.

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Funkiminki #1
i have to agree with QieYue19 but it was still good just a bit fast for me in terms of forgiveness and such.
saranghaedongho #2
like it ~
Unwantedgirl- #3
I'm disapointed...Why does so many people make things go so fast? I mean they fight, break up and the next line they are back together as if nothing happened...Even if it's a short story things happened to fast...I wanted to say for so many times on so many fics already... Sorry that it was your ...Don't hate me T_T I just needed to let it out. I loved the story though!! (^-^)
asiandumpling #4
woah....i get the glow sticks bit now
Awww....a little misunderstanding. Sweet story!
oh no. that chesley girl better not ruin her marriage!
Omo...if my husband says that i'll prob get real mad. but he prob has a reason for that anyway.