Chapter 4

Just Love Me


Sunggyu woke up the next morning with a great headache. He found himself laying on the floor and he looked at clock in front of him, he read 8 AM. He jumped, oh no he was late to school, but the next thing he found, he couldn’t move from his current place, he knew he was in front of his bed, but he couldn’t move anywhere else. He frowned and then he touched the air in front of him to find it was solid. That was when he realized he was inside his mirror. He hit the solid mirror and yelled loudly, but no one could hear him, he was so stressed and then he fell again, crying on the floor.

“how can I be here?’’ he asked himself, he knew something was wrong with the mirror, but he kept keeping it. He shouldn’t do it on the first place.



“hyung, finally you’re up!’’ Sungjong yelled as soon as he saw his hyung walking down on the stair “you know I’ve been waiting for you like forever and you……..’’ Sunggyu placed his finger in front of Sungjong’s lips and looked at the younger boy with an annoying face.

“shut up! No one wants to hear you nagging early in the morning’’ Sunggyu looked around “now where’s my breakfast?’’ Sungjong pointed at the bacon and eggs on the table and Sunggyu messed Sungjong’s hair a bit “good boy’’ he said before enjoying his breakfast.


Sunggyu’s reflection P.O.V

It was nice to finally went into the real world, I’ve been stuck in that mirror for a long time already. What’s is Sunggyu doing now? Is he crying now? Hahaha, just see Kim Sunggyu I’ll change your life forever, so you can feel love.

I arrived at real Sunggyu’s school thirty minutes later, the school was very crowded and you can see many students walked inside the school and no one noticed me. That Sunggyu was really pathetic, was he didn’t have a single friend? I felt someone pat my shoulder and saw a really beautiful guy smiling at me. This must be Jang Hyunseung, the person Sunggyu forever envied of. Blah, he really should stop jealous at someone and think about himself.

“morning Sunggyu’’ he greeted happily

“morning’’ I answered and then someone came towards us and looked at Hyunseung

“morning Hyunseung’’ he said, he didn’t even notice my presence at all, I pouted and humped loudly “Sungie who is this?’’ the person asked .

“morning Junhyung, he’s Sungyu my friend and please don’t call me Sungie it sounds weird’’ Hyunseung said, Junhyung nodded and waved at me before ran to his class. So that guy’s Junhyung? Sunggyu’s forever crush or he just think so. I’ve been Sunggyu’s reflection since forever and understand his feeling the most. Not like his parents or Sungjong. And how come Junhyung never noticed Sunggyu? Sunggyu’s pretty cute too, he didn’t lose to this Hyunseung!

“Gyu-ah let’s go’’ I looked up at Hyunseung again, he was taller than Sunggyu and had that doe eyes that Sunggyu didn’t have anda nice lips. We were so different, except for our skin because this skin was as pale as this pretty boy’s skin. I thought about it again and think about what is something Sunggyu need the most now. I’ve already planned a few things for him. I planned that he will have a boyfriend at least this weekend. I kept thinking and then an idea stuck in my mind, yeah Sunggyu need a makeover. He needed a few make up and eyeliner too and new hair style too and new clothes, he really should get rid of his bad fashion taste, ewww. So I planned to go to a salon today and to the mall after that, then fix myself. This will be fun ^^.

The lesson was boring though, I wonder how real Sunggyu could be here all the time, listening to this old man rumbling about how the plants need a water for life. Of course they needed it and he shouldn’t explain that again. And then a second teacher came, she was a math teacher and she was rumbling about how a to solve a problem about log, I’ve already yawned for a tenth time that day. And then lunch time, Hyunseung asked me to eat together with him again and I didn’t refuse because I didn’t know where was the cafeteria.

“…….and then they went out together’’ the cute guy, Yoseob finished his long time and boring story. I thought only the teacher could tell something sooo boring. He kept talking again after that and I decided to not hear him out.

“so Sunggyu do you free after school?’’ I heard Hyunseung askd


“I said do you free after school?’’ he asked again, I thought about it and frowned, I should go to do my makeover after school so I answered no. then that Junhyung guy came to our table, he gave Hyunseung a red rose and walked away, what a weird fella. I knew that Junhyung was in love with Hyunseung, but starting tomorrow he would start recognize me and head over heals with me. Not just Junhyung, but all of the students would think over again about me. I could see Hyunseung blushing hard and Yoseob gave a thumb up at him.

“good for you hyung’’


No One P.O.V


The bell rang indicated that school was over. Reflection Sunggyu quickly put his things inside his bag and went out from the class. He saw Junhyung and Doojoon stood in front of his class, with crossing arms. looks like they were waiting for someone. Sunggyu shrugged it off and went out from the school. He went to the nearest salon and it started, his makeover.

Two hours later Sunggyu went out from the salon, feeling proud of himself because his makeover was a huge success. His hair was light like caramel and no more bangs covered his eyes anymore, damn he looked good like this, he wore an eyeliner, so his eyes could be seen by people and he thought himself was a pretty. He thought to himself why the real never done anything like this to his face and always hiding the fact he had a pretty face, well he didn’t know.

Next stop was the mall, he bought the newest trending clothes, shoes , watch, and make ups. After more three hours he already brought six bags in his hand and they were so heavy, so he decided to go home even though he still wanted to buy more item.

After a long an hour, he finally arrived at home. He opened the door and went into the kitchen to search something for it.

“oh hyung you’re home already’’ he heard Sungjong and he went to him. Sungjong looked at Sunggyu to over him foods but then gasped at the sight in front of him “Oh My GOD! Who are you?’’ Sungjong asked with an scared voice.

“what are you talking about? It’s me Sunggyu’’ Sunggyu answered casually

“S…Su….Sunggy…..Sunggyu hyung?’’Sunggyu nodded then Sungjong stared at him in awe “wow hyung you look awesome!’’ Sungjong commented, Sunggyu said a quick thanks and went to his room to put his shopping bags.

When he went into the room, he looked at the mirror and found the real Sunggyu was sleeping on the floor. he smiled at the sleeping figure “starting today your life will change’’ he whispered before going down to eat with Sungjong.




Next Day

Sungjong was making himself and his lazy hyung breakfast when his hyung went into the kitchen, smiling at him like crazy and giving him a sweet good morning. Sungjong wondered what had happened to his hyung, maybe he was happy after his shocking appearance yesterday. Well, he admitted his hyung became more charming and good looking now with that hair and make ups. But still it gave a strange feeling that his hyung really change.

“so, what is Sungjongie cook this morning?’’ Sunggyu asked really sweetly, making Sungjong once again got a scared feeling. ‘Is Sunggyu hyung got brain washed or is he kidnapped by alien and the one in front of his is the alien’. Sungjong couldn’t help but thought about that, but after thinking for a while he decided it was no use to think like that and decided to ask his hyung.

“who are you?’’ Sungjong asked in a cold tone, he wanted at least looking cool right then. Sunggyu was in shock. ‘Did Sungjong know already that I’m not his hyung’ He asked himself, but really the real Sunggyu hadn’t woke up from his shock yet and still sleeping on the floor inside the mirror, lazy .

“what are you talking about Sungjongie? I’m Sunggyu’’ Sunggyu said trying to look casual, but Sungjong only gave him a look before walked out from the kitchen.

“I’ll be going now hyung, your breakfast id on the stove’’ Sungjong yelled in front of the door as he hurriedly walked out from the house, to scared to Sunggyu’s act.

“what’s wrong with him?’’ Sunggyu asked, but he just thinking it was one of Sungjong’s weird act and he didn’t know anything about the real Sunggyu. He grinned happily before taking his breakfast.



From     : cute Hamster

To           : weird Nam

Hey Woohyun, are you free today after school? I want to show you something.

Reflection Sunggyu grinned at his phone, he couldn’t wait to see how shock Woohyun face would be when he saw Sunggyu’s new appearance. He thought about some greesy words and stuff like will you be my boyfriend when he felt his phone vibrated.

From     : Woohyun is the best

To           : Mr.Nerdy Kim

Yeah, of course I’ll be free this afternoon only for you babe =) I’ll ditch soccer practice



From     : cute Hamster

To           : weird Nam

Ok Let’s meet in the usual place

Sunngyu grinned when he read the reply, he was so sure everyone’s life would be so rock because of him.

Sunggyu arrived at school thirty minutes later,  everyone eyes were on him when he entered the school gate. They all asked the same question that time, ‘who is he?’ but Sunggyu could only grinned and walked into his class.

“wow wow, sorry Mr. are you a new student In this class?’’ a boy asked after he stood in front of the door, stopping Sunggyu from went in.

“what are you talking about? I’m in this class since forever’’ Sunggyu answered with a confident smile on his face.

“but I never see you in this class, but wait I never ever see you in this school’’ the students inside the class nodded at the boy’s word. They swore they never see that face before.

“well, if you really curious I’m Kim Sunggyu, the never noticed student in this school’’ Sunggyu smirked before walked passed the boy and sat down on his seat. The boy and the other students gasped at Sunggyu’s answer. Just then Hyunseung walked into the class, he frowned when he was Sunggyu sat on his own desk.

“who are you? This is Sunggyu’s seat’’ Hyunseung said coldly, Sunggyu smirked again even Hyunseung didn’t know him.

“but I’m Sunggyu’’ Hyunseung already big eyes were bigger that time, he looked at the boy in front of his closely before sighed.

“huh, it’s really you, I thought you’re someone’s else’’ Sunggyu looked at Hyunseung weirdly

“how do you know?’’

“I know you scent, silly’’ Hyunseung answered prettily before Yoseob went into the class too, gasped when he saw Sunggyu sat there. Now Sunggyu really thought Hyunseung was a weird boy, even for his pretty face.



At Home

“Gyu-hyung your favorite, hyper, choding cousin is here to see you!!’’ real Sunggyu could hear a yell from down stair, he was awake for two hours now and he couldn’t get out from the mirror. He was still thinking why was he there and how to get out from this creepy mirror. He knew he should move this mirror sooner and now he regretted he didn’t do that. He had stopped crying an hour ago, telling himself that crying won’t solve anything and it only made him a crybaby. Just then his room door opened and Sunggyu could see his cousin, Sungyeol walked inside.

“SUNGYEOL’’ he shouted at the boy, Sungyeol who was currently in front of the mirror now but he didn’t see anything beside his own reflection got the shock of his life when he heard a familiar voice shouted at him. He was sure he was alone in this house because Sungjong was still out with his friend and Sunggyu was still in his school at this hour. So who was calling him.

Sunggyu frowned when he saw Sungyeol sudden scared expression and tried to call him one more time.

“YAH LEE SUNGYEOL’’ he shouted. Sungyeol who was scared now, fell onto the bed and his body was shacking hardly. “Yah Lee Sungyeol help me will you!’’ Sunggyu called again, but slower this time.

“who was talking?’’ Sungyeol managed to voiced out, Sunggyu sighed when he realized Sungyeol couldn’t see him inside the mirror but he could hear his voice.

“Listen is me Sunggyu’’ Sunggyu said. Sungyeol jerked out from the bed

“No way, Sunggyu hyung still at school right now, stop telling me lies you stupid ghost!’’ Sungyeol shouted back, his confident suddenly went up and he wasn’t that scared anymore.

“listen I don’t know what happen but you must believe me’’ Sunggyu tried

“huh? Believe you? I can’t even seeing you. Where are you now ghost?’’ Sunggyu sighed

“I’m inside the mirror’’



At School

Reflection Sunggyu was happy when Junhyung finally noticed him and asked him his name. He introduced himself as Hyunseung friend and Junhyung was trying to remember if he had seeing Sunggyu before.

“really, I think I never see you here’’ Junhyung said confusedly

“but I’ve been here all my life’’ just then Hyunseung and Yoseob arrived with their food. Hyunseung blushed when he saw Junhyung and Junhyung immediately gave the flower he was holding all the time to Hyunseung. Hyunseung thanked him before Junhyung went away and waved to the three of them.

“another flower, heh?’’ teased Yoseob and Hyunseung already red cheeks was even redder

“shut up will you!’’ he said as the sat on their table, Sunggyu just eyed them weirdly

“just admit you like Junhyung too, you make a cute couple’’ Yoseob said, Sunggyu juat rolled his eyes thinking about how would his afternoon with Woohyun.



Woohyun was sittinh on his and Sunggyu usual spot, his phone was in his hand waiting for any message from his late bestfriend. Sunggyu was twenty minutes late and he didn’t like to wait. Usually he would just go away from the place and say to his friend that he’ll go home. But it was Sunggyu we’re talking about, so Woohyun could wait forever for the other boy to show up. Sound cheesy right? But that’s true….

Woohyun was taken aback when the someone sit in front of him. He was sure he already saw this boy somewhere, but he couldn’t remember. The boy in front of him was so stunning with his fox like eyes and pale skin. Woohyun knew that eyes, but he wasn’t sure.

“why are you staring like that?’’ that voice, that familiar voice. Woohyun knew too well that voice and he would known that voice anywhere.







Note : What was that ??????? o.O i don't even know what i write....

            well i decided to post this, i didn't confident enough about this story, but whatever....

            BIG THANKS TO ALL SUBSCRIBER AND COMMENTER WHO READ THIS..... this isn't even nice story T_T

            THANK YOU ALL.... Ans subscribe and comment too??? i can't believe i added three chapter .....



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Simran20 #1
Chapter 4: I miss old fics. After reading this I miss beast and Infinite really badly.
shedding-dream #2
sunggyu changed so drastically.
but poor the real sunggyu got trapped inside the mirror
missGYU #3
hey update soon yeah~~
InfiniteGyu #4
YAY! WooGyu and JunSeung! <3
1st chapter was good btw. Update soon! :D
ohmyfreakingawd, are you a fortune teller or something?
My favorite pairing that i ship hardcore is Junseung and Woogyu!!! <3

4everjxsyxj #6
I came here ti support juseung
Update soon! Its cool, the foreword made me so curious!
dingdongwho #8
aww poor Gyu getting bullied ;w;<br />
lol Woohyun you jerk xD he's not comforting at all<br />
can't wait for more chapters~
shedding-dream #9
Like it :D <br />
<br />
Gonna subscribe :) <br />