Chapter 3

Just Love Me


Sunggyu P.O.V

I shouted loudly as soon as I reached home. I could hear a faint of ‘STOP THE NOISE’ from Sungjong’s bedroom but ignored it. Today was really a bad day, I went into my room and cried loudly as soon as reached the bed. Is this the end of my long time crushing? I asked myself. I knew someday Hyunseung would accept Junhyung loves, because Junhyung’s was a great guy.

“stop your cries will you? It’s so loud’’ Sungjong said, as he stepped into my room “what happened?’’ he asked, but I only cried harder “tell me what happen and I’ll give you maybe some advice?’’ I nodded at him before telling him my story.

“hahahahaha, that was pathetic even if it come from you’’ Sungjong began to laugh, really why do people always laugh at me if I told them something like this, even Woohyun always laughed at me too.

“you know hyung, sometimes our partner won’t be the person we like at first’’ I gave Sungjong a confuse stare when he said that “I said, if you know your surrounding better, you’ll notice there’ someone who love you purely’’ Sungjong finished, I knew it Sungjong wouldn’t give me a good advice and he lied too. I mean who brave enough to love a person like except my own parents, but I doubt they still loved me now.

“I know you want to cheer me up, but telling me lies won’t make me feel better’’ I said

“it’s not lie, it’s true. Eh by the way, your mom called just now, saying we should clean up the house and the storage room too’’ Sungjong said, and I knew he was happy because he loved cleaning, but I hated cleaning and I wasn’t happy at all. But maybe it would help me forget about what happened at school. I nodded at Sungjong before we started cleaned up the house.

We went to the storage room on the third floor, the room was filled with dust and unused things. We should really throw all the unused things away. We started to pick up what should we keep and what should we throw. We found some of old pictures, comics, CDS, speakers, broken monitor, broken TV, and many things.

“I didn’t know you had this many things’’ Sungjong commented

“I didn’t know myself’’

“look, was it you? Hahahaha… sooo cute’’ Sungjong laughed when he found my old childhood pictures, instead of helping me he choosed to see the pictures and he was the one who told me to clean up. I humped loudly and then I saw it, a mirror. I saw an old, big mirror with an odd design. I had flowers on top the mirror and if you look closely I looks scary.

“Sungjong, do you know that mirror?’’ I pointed at the mirror, Sungjong looked at where I was pointing and shook his head.

“maybe it’s your mother’s’’ he said, I nodded at him. Actually I didn’t have any mirror at my room, that’s why I never cheked my appearance. As for Sungjong, he brought a big mirror for his room the first time he came to our house “maybe you can use it you know, you don’t have any mirror in your room right?’’ I guess Sungjong read my mind before saying that aloud.

“yeah, but I really don’t use this kind of thing’’ I admitted

“you need it hyung, so you can check your appearance before going to school and you won’t look that ugly’’ teased Sungjong, I knew he was just joking but somehow it was really hurt.

“ok then’’

We moved the mirror to my room and cleaned it up because it was so dusty. When the mirror was clean it wasn’t look bad at all, but it was a beautifully made mirror. I could hear Sungjong murmured about how pretty be mirror was and how he wish he could have it instead but I needed it more. We placed on the wall in front of my bed beside the door and I must admit it looked good.

“see, it’s look you in your room. I wonder why didn’t I notice that mirror before’’ Sungjong began in a proud tone.

“I don’t recall you ever went to storage room’’ I answered

“true, true . but I wonder why your mom placed this thing in storage room?’’

“I don’t know’’



After we finished cleaned up the house, I called Woohyun and told him what happened in school. Somehow I felt he didn’t like it and not even laughing before told me he was busy and hung up. Was Woohyun mad at me? I didn’t know. But next thing I knew I couldn’t sleep that night, thinking if Woohyun really mad at me. But then I saw the mirror shining, I was shocked and when I sat on my bed, the shine went away. I thought it was my imagination, and just went to sleep. But before I closed my eyes the mirror shining again.


“so I dreamed about the mirror shining on the middle of night’’ Sungjong nodded while trying to hold his laugh. I told him about how the mirror was shinig on the middle of night and then he laughed at me, saying I imagined things or maybe I was dreaming.

“of course it was a dream, it’s impossible you know’’ Sungjong stood up from the dinning table “I have to go to school now, see you later’’ he went to the front door and walked out of the house. I still thought about it, even if it was a dream it felt so real to me.

“better get going now’’ I mumbled before went to school after locked the door.



I was walking to my seat when I saw a red rose on my seat. Huh? Why it was there? I asked myself.

“someone gave it to me and saying it’s for you and I should deliver it to you’’ I heard Yoseob say, I nodded and asked him who “I don’t know, I never saw him and he wore a different uniform’’ then Hyunseung walked into the class, he saw the rose in my hand and saying about how beautiful the rose was.

“you like flowers?’’ Yoseob asked him, Hyunseung nodded before asked me about who was the secret admirer.

“look, Sunggyu get a flower’’ someone shouted, all eyes was on me and they said something about who was my secret admirer and how blind that person was. I didn’t care, what I cared was maybe Sungjong was right when he said there was someone out there who like me. The bell rang and the teacher walked in.

At lunch time Hyunseung, Yoseob, and me ate together. It was weird at first to eat with Yosob, but soon I found out he was a really nice and friendly guy. I heard a commotion when I was eating and then I saw another ullzang at school confessed his love. Maybe Junhyung made a new trending with his cafeteria confession yesterday.

“Lee Sungyeol will you be my boyfriend?’’ Kim Myungsoo asked, I saw Sungyeol blushed hard before nodded his head. Myungsoo shouted a ‘YES’ happily before hugging the blushing Sungyeol in his arms. The students around started to whistle and congratulating them. They must be happy because they had each other now.

“ohhh,so sweet I heard they liked each other for a long time and they finally together’’ a student behind me commented at how sweet the new couple were.

“are you jealous of them? Will you be my boyfriend then?’’ the guy beside him asked, what the… why so many guy confessed today?

“stop joking around Woonie’’

“I’m not joking around Kiki’’

Here we goes, in the end that two students whom I heard was Kikwang and Dongwoon became couple five minutes later.

“cool, two new couple at lunch time’’ Yoseob said, but then Doojoon, Junhyung’s friend came to our table and sat beside Yoseob “hey honey’’ he said, Yoseob blushed before replayed a ‘hi’ to him. Later I found out Yoseob was Doojoon boyfriend and they already going out for a year now.




Later that night I couldn’t sleep again. And the mirror shined again. I didn’t know what should I do, but I bravely came closer to the mirror. I saw my own reflection inside the mirror and I was shocked when I saw the reflection smirking at me. I was so scared, I was about to run when that reflection began to talk.

“I can make you different’’ he said, I stopped and went back to the mirror “you want to feel loved right?’’ my reflection said. I nodded at him and he smirked. Next thing I felt like my soul had been pushed out from my body and the pain was great and I didn’t know the rest thing.




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Simran20 #1
Chapter 4: I miss old fics. After reading this I miss beast and Infinite really badly.
shedding-dream #2
sunggyu changed so drastically.
but poor the real sunggyu got trapped inside the mirror
missGYU #3
hey update soon yeah~~
InfiniteGyu #4
YAY! WooGyu and JunSeung! <3
1st chapter was good btw. Update soon! :D
ohmyfreakingawd, are you a fortune teller or something?
My favorite pairing that i ship hardcore is Junseung and Woogyu!!! <3

4everjxsyxj #6
I came here ti support juseung
Update soon! Its cool, the foreword made me so curious!
dingdongwho #8
aww poor Gyu getting bullied ;w;<br />
lol Woohyun you jerk xD he's not comforting at all<br />
can't wait for more chapters~
shedding-dream #9
Like it :D <br />
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Gonna subscribe :) <br />