Chapter 1

Just Love Me

Sunggyu P.O.V



I ran helplessly under the pouring rain . Today is my bad day, really bad . Just a few more block and I will arrive at my warm and safe home . After a few attempt of running and avoiding the mud, I arrived at my home soaked and wet and muddy.

“ I’m home’’ but no answered, good. It means Sungjong wasn’t home yet, maybe he went to his friend house to avoid rain and mom and dad still in another city , busy with works . I sighed in relieve, because somehow Sungjong, my evil cousin of mine is a clean geek . If he know I got home soaked and muddy, he would nag at me and you know what? I should be the one who nags to people, it’s my job and Sungjong just a freeloader at this house . I ran to my room, because the cold weather was really killing me. I need a warm bath and clothes and maybe hot chocolate too. So I bathed in a hot water and wore the warmest clothes I could get before making myself a glass of delicious hot chocolate. I came back to my room and picked my phone that was lying on the bed to dialed a familiar number that I could type it without even looking at my phone . I waited for the person to pick up, and after the fifth ring he finally picked his phone up.

“What’s up Gyu? Do you know what time is it?’’ I was slightly confuse by the words. What time? It’s obviously 3PM. Judging from the voice, he knew his friend had just woken up from his sleep. He knew it was a day off for him, but he couldn’t sleep all day right?

“What time is it? You just wake up, don’t you? Aish, do you know what time is this? What if I don’t call you? Maybe you will sleep till tomorrow and then….’’

“ok, ok I understand I’m up already?’’ he cut my nag with an annoying tone “and what’s up with you till you have to nag at me at 3PM?’’ he asked, oh yeah I forgot why did I call him on the first place .

“ehmmm, Woohyun do you know how stress I am?’’


“someone threw me foods to me at lunch and in the park too!’’

“ehmmm, so what’s with that? I mean you always get bullied at school anyway’’ what kind of friend he is? It’s not comforting at all

“and you know what someone pushed me to the pool too’’

“and then? I heard that twice this week’’ what;’s with him? Couldn’t he know I’m in trouble here?

“you know what I want to say is he saw it’’ I said weakly, like it’s the most embarrassing thing in my life , and it’s really is

“he? Who?’’

“you idiot! Yong Junhyung’’ yes Yong Junhyung , my crush. But instead of getting supporting words, what I got was his laughter on the other line , yes his loud laughter . Can you believe it? Traitor! I hung up angrily, didn’t want to hear his laugh anymore. It’s not a funny thing, it was embarrassing and I saw that Junhyung was laughing at me too. I looked at the table beside my bed and saw a frame picture on it. In the picture was me and my bestfriend Woohyun. We had been together since we were still on the diaper and he had been my bestfriend when nobody didn’t want to go near me. Well, mainly because our parents were bestfriend too, that’s why we became one. But actually because we had lots of things in common, like our passion for music. We were together from elementary school and junior high school. It just when we reached high school, Woohyun’s parents demanded him to go to international school while my parents put me in regular high school. That’s why it was so hard to see him now, even if he meet regularly on the weekend, it still haven’t enough. Maybe because I used to him around and because I didn’t have a single friend at school now Woohyun not with me.

Woohyun was my only friend, no one want to be friend with me because I had been labeled as the school strangest thing. Well mainly it’s true, I dressed like a geek to school but I didn’t wear that freak big glasses, my eyes yes my eyes is the thing that people called strange because it was smaller than any eyes in school. It was like people always see my eyes closed all the time when the fact that my eyes are wide opened.

So the story begin with my crush on the school cassanova Yong Junhyung. He’s handsome, cool and he’s the best rapper you can see. But his popularity is high that girls willing to kiss every floor he stepped on. But sadly a cassanova like him won’t notice an unnoticed student like me, well people rarely notice me except that bully. Well so in the end I won’t get the love I always craved for. End of the story.

I was so in my deep thought when I heard a yell from down stair. Ahh, it must be Sungjong who mad because I still hadn’t mopped the floor yet, but I just let him be. Because he’s a neat and clean freak he’ll clean it himself right away, I knew it.

Then my phone rang, it was Woohyun maybe he already stopped his non sense laugh. But I was too mad to answer his call so I just waited till the ring stop. After it stopped it rang again and again, that made me so crazy so I just picked up.

“oh you’re not mad anymore honey’’ he said teasingly, I didn’t care about that nickname. He always has a dozen nickname for me from small eyes, ugly granpa to sweety pie and honey, I was uncomfortable and annoyed by that nickname at first but I used to it now.

“oh I still mad of course! You have to pay me if you want my forgiveness’’

“how about I treat you for lunch tomorrow? At your favorite restaurant too and you can order whatever you want too’’ whoa that a hard ambush, of course he would do that he’s rich anyway and I couldn’t resist food especially ice cream and tiramisu. Knowing I could eat a lot of it tomorrow I replayed yes as fast as I could happily. I heard him laugh softly at the other side. Well, I was happy because mainly I finally could spend my time with Woohyun and I could eat free too. I miss my bestfriend.




so how was that?  weird? boring?

i'm sorry for the boring opening :(

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Simran20 #1
Chapter 4: I miss old fics. After reading this I miss beast and Infinite really badly.
shedding-dream #2
sunggyu changed so drastically.
but poor the real sunggyu got trapped inside the mirror
missGYU #3
hey update soon yeah~~
InfiniteGyu #4
YAY! WooGyu and JunSeung! <3
1st chapter was good btw. Update soon! :D
ohmyfreakingawd, are you a fortune teller or something?
My favorite pairing that i ship hardcore is Junseung and Woogyu!!! <3

4everjxsyxj #6
I came here ti support juseung
Update soon! Its cool, the foreword made me so curious!
dingdongwho #8
aww poor Gyu getting bullied ;w;<br />
lol Woohyun you jerk xD he's not comforting at all<br />
can't wait for more chapters~
shedding-dream #9
Like it :D <br />
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Gonna subscribe :) <br />