
Kiss the Rain


      Sooyoung threw JiYong aside like used toothbrush and dashed to Taeyeon; but she was too panicked though to take notice of her sister her hair and trying to soothingly talk to her. Nope, she didn't even notice JiYong's smug face turn pale as the moon. All Taeyeon could feel was a chilling fear doing sprints up and down her spine coupled with the burning inferno of fury that she still held toward Seunghyun. So her body not sure exactly how to react with two entirely conflicting emotions settled for hyperventilating.

      Only her sisters own panicked cries roused her from her panic attach. Taeyeon had pretty much been her sister's substitute mother, it was ingrained to put her sisters before her. It was one of those motherly instinct things, you know putting your babies before yourself. Slowly her breathing evened out to a still quick but more steady pace and her ears opened up to listen to Sooyoung.

      “Listen to me unnie it is okay, breathe just breathe, Seunghyun isn't coming here. I won't let that bastard get you I promise,” softly and calmly Sooyoung whispered.

      Taeyeon's hair she continued muttering comforting words and occasionally shooting JiYong a death glare for causing this reaction in her older sister. This was the scene Yuri walked in on, well the scene that Yuri and her co-worker Daesung, who was being gentlemanly and walking her home, walked in on. Wasting no time on explanations Yuri ran to the now crying Taeyeon and cuddled her elder sister. Taking the opportunity Sooyoung left her elder sister in Yuri's care and made her way menacingly to JiYong happily prepared to kill him before Seunghyun could find out. But before she commensurate the murder Daesung, ever the calm and collected one, stepped in between the two instantly taking up the role of mediator.

      Taeyeon was hardly present enough to see Daesung asking Sooyoung what in hell was going on, but she was there enough to know her baby belly hurt and so did everything else. Not knowing what to do but not wanting to be out here anymore. Already Sooyoung had continued yelling, and Taeyeon just didn't know what to do. Pressing her head in Yuri's shoulder she did nothing but try and stem the tears. All of this was her fault, all of it. All the noise all the yelling, all the panic, and she knew that now even if she did escape it would be only a matter of time till Seunghyun found her. He was like a bloodhound and once he caught the scent it didn't matter where she went he would find her.

      Quietly she asked a favor of Yuri, “Can you take me to one of the bedrooms? I can't take all of this, I don't want to be here.”

      She felt her sister nod and so she stood up with some difficulty and with a lot of help. Slowly waddling away from all the fighting Taeyeon was surprised that they weren't stopped by Sooyoung, then again Yuri probably said something to stop that sort of thing. It was hard to tell, all her focus was on just staying upright. Her belly no longer hurt really, the phantom pains must have been some stupid reaction to her fear, but her head did and so did everything else. At the very least the quiet and comfort of a bed could provide her some solace. Maybe even sleep. And if she was lucky then maybe this would all just turn out to be a really bad dream.

      Right when she had almost made her escape from the living room a strong hand grasped her arm. Turning her head she was shocked to see a apologetic JiYong.

      “I didn't mean to cause you pain.” Simple and to the point Taeyeon kinda felt good at the apology.

      The man didn't appear to be a person who apologized often if at all. Smiling softly at him Taeyeon responded, voice filled with sadness.

      “I did this to myself didn't I? He and I may not be meant for each other but I guess it was stupid of me to think he wouldn't find me.”

      With that comment JiYong released her arm and looked as if he wanted to say something before shaking his head. Turning away from her he sighed, “That is something you and TOP must discuss.”

      Her weary smile turned into a sad frown as she turned away to hurry along to any bedroom she could get to first. As confusing as him calling Seunghyun TOP was she just didn't want to think on it, on any of it. Sooyoung yelling at JiYong that he was going to die before that made it here almost made Taeyeon laugh, no doubt he already knew that she was here and just sent JiYong as assurance. Or something of that nature. It didn't matter right now.

      Rubbing her belly where her babies resided she nodded to herself, yup she was just going to go to sleep and pretend this wasn't real for a sweet moment.


      Outside where Taeyeon was resting and ignoring the world there was a quiet but epic battle going on. And it all boiled down to Sooyoung and Yuri trying to murder JiYong while Daesung was protecting the man. Eventually the game of cat and mouse got old and Yuri straight up tackled Daesung while Sooyoung did her best to annihilate JiYong.

      “Why are you protecting that man Daesung?!” Yuri grunted as she tried to keep him pinned down.

      It didn't take long for him to throw her off of him and have her easily pinned. “He is a old friend and I am not entirely sure what he did to deserve dying.”

      His comment caused Sooyoung to falter in her assault leading JiYong to get the upper hand and have her pinned to the wall. For his efforts he got a lot of thrashing from her as well as many curses. It took a bit for her to calm down enough to talk like a normal person.

      “So this was your plan, get one of your bastard friends to lure my sister into friendship so that you could have back up?!”

      “No it was just a pleasant surprise,” grunting from Sooyoung's thrashing JiYong did his best to convey the truth of his words. Sadly it came out sounding sarcastic which only doubled the two girls efforts in murdering men they held affections for.

      Believe it or not Sooyoung destroying everyone of JiYong's gifts was just her way of trying to deny that she loved him, and Yuri had a crush on Daesung up until this point. Who've thunk it?

      More struggling ensued until Daesung (being the better talker) managed to calm the girls down enough to tie them up so that everyone could peacefully talk. Well sort of. They had to put a gag on Sooyoung because her curses were really not helping them explain what was happening. Her curses weren't helping JiYong explain what was happening that is, Daesung had no honest to god clue what was going on. It took a good bit of time, and a lot of yelling, to get the girls to understand what was happening from Seunghyun's perspective. And while they still didn't agree or like him, they did feel him and Taeyeon needed to talk.

      So a temporary truce was called as JiYong called Seunghyun and Sooyoung got her gun as a just in case he did something that upset Taeyeon and needed to be shot. Sooyoung really hoped he did something bad.


      Groggily Taeyeon felt herself waking up for some reason. She couldn't put her finger on it but something in her gut was telling her there was a disturbance and she needed to wake up. Slowly blinking open eyes that were covered with sleep she tried to figure out what it was wrong. The clock on the side table read 3:30am which was nearly enough to make her fall back asleep.

      Although her vision was blurry she couldn't see anything that was out of place, nor could she hear any noise that indicated someone had broken in. Too tired to think hard on it she simply cuddled up to her body pillow (that Yuri had brought her for comfort) and was just about to let herself drift off again when suddenly she heard the door creak open. Taeyeon almost went back asleep thinking it might just be Yuri or Sooyoung checking up on her when she heard a voice she hadn't heard in months. A voice that had been stressed the last time she heard it. Seunghyun's voice.

      “Taeyeon, are you awake?” Far more gentle than the last time he had talked to her his voice seemed to echo through out the room.

      Nearly falling into a state of panic her now clear mind was remembering all the events that had taken place before she had fallen asleep. Making herself not show any appearance of being awake, aside from a slightly tight grip on her body pillow she mimicked how a mouse acted when spotted by a cat. She did her best to be still and feign sleep in hopes he would simply go away and not notice her. Too bad it didn't work, well not all the way, he did think she was asleep. Thank the gods for a small miracle.

      His footsteps sounded so loud against the silence as he approached her. Doing her best to remain still and look asleep Taeyeon nearly jumped and ran for the hills when she felt him touch her shoulder. But some survival instinct kept her in her position and convinced him that she was truly asleep. Maybe it was because he thought Taeyeon was a sleep that he began to speak to openly, but the words the flowed out of his mouth made her tear up behind closed eyes.

      “I'm a coward to be talking to you while you sleep, but I am afraid of how you'd react to what I have to say if you were awake,” he paused for a moment to sit on the bed, she could feel the shift in pressure, before continuing, “I was so scared when you left. All this time I'd been trying to protect you from myself and you didn't like me for that. And you'd left with our child? It was . . . unbearable. I haven't been able to sleep since you and our child left me. G-Dragon says I've lost weight to, but I can't seem to care. All that mattered was finding you and I don't even know what to say now that I've found you . . .

      “Did you know that the reason I was so distant is I didn't want to scare you? I am not a good person Taeyeon, I've never been. I only am in such a position because I fought and worked my way to the top by bringing down everyone else to get here. I am a thug who just has a fancy title, and you, you deserve so much more. So I tried to be gentle, I tried to be good and it was so ing hard to never really be there. I wanted to hold you but I was afraid I'd hurt you, I wanted to kiss you but I didn't want you to run away, I wanted to really be with you but I feared that you would fear me. Funny how despite all my efforts you still ran, only you didn't just take yourself away from me you took our child.

      “I was so angry at you at first, that you couldn't talk to me and stay with me. Then I realized how I'd acted, how I truly acted and I know I was perhaps too cold in my trying to protect you. I never meant for that you know,” he sounded close to tears, Taeyeon was already crying at his words, when she felt a pressure on her belly, “Look how big you are, I always wanted for you to be pregnant. For me to see you grow with life that we created but I missed it all. I missed it!”

      Coughing in the way that men do when they cry Taeyeon couldn't help herself as her hand rose to cover his. “I wanted you to be here to, so many times I've wanted you here, but I couldn't risk it. I love you so much but the way you acted . . . I couldn't risk our babies not having a real father like my sister and I.”

      “T-Taeyeon?” astonished and scared Seunghyun hesitantly put his arms around the woman he loved afraid that she still might reject him.

      But she accepted him and as both of them cried and whispered apologies Taeyeon didn't know where things would go from here. She didn't know what the future held. What she did know was his words had warmed her, and that she didn't want to be away from him anymore. She was too weak to stay away anymore. Taeyeon was aware that she may be playing the roll of a fool but she desperately wanted to believe his words. If she should be played the fool Taeyeon had at least once consolation. She'd been right, he was the perfect pillow.

A/N: Well there it is, I hope the ending is satisfying. I know it is a little too fluffy but I hate sad endings, and I was realistic enough to make it so that despite Taeyeon being weak about Seunghyun she is still worried about the future and whatnot. I am kinda considering expanding this into a full length story about Seunghyun and Taeyeon's journey through parent hood and actually becoming a couple. Leave a comment on my wall or here if you agree. But yeah, thank you everyone who has/will subscribe and or comment. I appreciate it and hope you enjoyed this.

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Jiminieomma #1
Chapter 3: Hwa... Great story. Please continue your story author-nim. I'm really curious how you describe top-taeyeon parents hood life. Hwaiting author-nim. I'm waiting for you
typicaltaeyeon #2
Chapter 3: Nice. :) this is an unusual pairing but still it turned so good. ^^ soshibang <3
deladelia04 #3
Wah, your story is so interesting xD
like it :*
Chapter 3: A tad late but nonetheless this was great. I found two TopTae fics today ahhhh i can die happy. I wish you had kept this story going. Taengoo and Bingu FTW!
babylemonade #5
Wow! you are an amazing writer, I loved everything about this story and I definitely think that you should keep going with this since there are not a lot of ffs with this couple. I really like your writing style and the angsty part was very well developed.

Great job, thanks for writing it!
this was truly beautiful.
love this. love it. absolutely loved it!!!!!<3
Sequel please!