Kiss the Rain

Kiss the Rain

Kiss the Rain
      It had been an arranged marriage, one without love but of convenience. Taeyeon had accepted that fact long before marrying Choi Seunghyun. But she had at least thought that despite being forced together to keep the underworld gangs of Seol Korea alive, they could be friends with one another.
She had been wrong.
      Despite the odd bout of (they needed to create an heir or the marriage would be pointless) all Seunghyun ever did was give her the occasional nod. He never even looked her in the eyes. It had been okay at first, until Taeyeon started to see her husband for who he was. That despite his cool exterior he was fiercely loyal to his men. How when he thought she was asleep Seunghyun would gently smooth her hair out of her face. All this and more had led Taeyeon to see him as a man to love rather than to simply serve.
      Which lead to this argument; to him walking away once more.
      Grabbing his arm Taeyeon used all her strength to make him face her. "Choi Seunghyun, if you leave right now we will never have this conversation again."
      "Taeyeon, we can continue in an hour. I have business to conduct, urgent business," sighing in exasperation Seunghyun gently loosened her hand from his arm while managing to keep his gaze off of hers.
      "Is business more important than me?" Unable to keep the tremble out of her voice Taeyeon pleaded with her eyes for him to stay. She pleaded for him not to throw this away.
      But he wasn't looking at her eyes, or at her. All she got was a soft pat on the head from his large hand and a mumbled, "I'll be back soon."
      After he exited their bedroom Taeyeon resisted the urge to crumple on the floor and scream from the heartache. She was so stupid. To think things could change just because her feelings had grown. Obviously she wasn't important enough for a minute long conversation; even though that conversation hadn't even been about her. It had been about something so joyous that when he had immediately ignored her she had nearly started crying right then and there. Taeyeon had always had made a point to not bother Seunghyun unless it was something terribly important. Hell, once she had gotten pneumonia and not told him.
      Yet despite that he should have known she wouldn't approach him in such a manner unless it was of severe importance, she had been disregarded. Their baby had been disregarded. Yup, Choi Taeyeon was pregnant and her own husband didn't even want to know about it. In passing her off Seunghyun had done the same to their unborn child.
      Having unknowingly raised her hand up to clench her belly where her baby bump was barely just barely beginning to show Taeyeon finally cried. But there was no time for that. Forcing herself to wipe her tears she moved quickly and found some paper and a pen.
      Taeyeon knew what it was like to have a father who didn't care for her. Her own father had 9 girls from three different wife's until he got a son. The earliest memory she had of him was on her mothers death bed. She had been crying while her momma slept and when her father had entered the room she had ran to him for comfort. Taeyeon was denied it, all her papa had done was brush her off go stand by his near dead wife. All because she wasn't the son he wanted Taeyeon had gotten none of the needed comfort when her mother died. The only thing she got was responsibility over her two baby sisters. Not that she minded it, but as a little child she had needed her fathers love. And gotten none of it.
      Despite everything she had seen of Seunghyun that he hid, she wasn't going to chance it. She refused to put her child through the same pain, no torture of having a father who wouldn't look at her, or him. Whatever gender her child would be it didn't matter to Taeyeon, only that the child would know it's parents love. And since Seunghyun couldn't even stop for one damn second to find out that he now had a baby on the way, Taeyeon had trouble believing that he would be able to love their child like it deserved.
      Finishing her last note to Seunghyun she left the ring he had given her as proof of marriage then hurried to the closet and removed a false bottom. As much as it had hurt to doubt Seunghyun, Taeyeon knew better than to be unprepared. A week ago when she had found out the news, that she was six weeks pregnant, she had begun preparing a just in case bag. It included street clothes, all of her own money that she had saved since she was 10 years old, and some forged papers to make it near impossible to find her. Hands quickly removed her clothes so she could change into less suspicions clothing. All the while as she prepared to leave wishing, just wishing it hadn't come to this...
      Wiping a few more stray tears Taeyeon shouldered her bag and grabbed an umbrella; It had been raining for three days straight and she doubted it would stop raining just for her. Opening the sliding door that lead to the back area of the estate (aka her way out) Taeyeon spotted something on the nightstand.
      A ribbon Seunghyun had gotten her for her birthday.
      The strings of her heart tugged tight and she found herself walking to the ribbon and tying it up in her pony tail. Despite what she was about to do Taeyeon couldn't leave without some bit of Seunghyun. Her foolish heart loved him too much. But she loved her child so much impossibly more than him.
Turning away from their room and all the memories that lay within it Taeyeon walked out into the rain. Only to realize that she had forgotten her umbrella by the nightstand. She refused to go back, afraid of the temptation to stay, so Taeyeon walked onward into the rain that mirrored how her heart felt.
It didn't take long until she made it to the edge of the property, and for a moment she stood there. She remembered all the warmth and love she felt, then remembered how he had never once met her gaze. How all her dreams lately ended with him reaching out for her and how that would wake her up because he never would reach out for her. Even when he had gotten beaten up by a rival gang he wouldn't let her near him, or his heart.
      Tilting her head back Taeyeon remembered a distant memory, when she had told her younger sister Yuri a story to help her fear of thunderstorms. That thunderstorms started because the sky felt lonely and unloved so it raged like a angry child. To make the sky better all you had to do was quickly step outside and give the rain that fell a kiss. So that the sky would know that you loved it and that would stop it from accidentally hurting you.
      Giving the sky a small kiss Taeyeon let any of her tears dissolve in the rain before walking off into the grey streets. Maybe her kissing the rain could appease Choi Seunghyun, not that she was even sure he would notice her absence.
At least she could go see her youngest sister for a few days of sanctuary before heading off to some strange city that would hide Taeyeon and her baby.
      It was nearly half a day later when Seunghyun came back from business (that indeed had been very important) and he was shocked to find no hint of Taeyeon. She wasn't in her office, or anywhere within their house. All he could find was a note she had left him on their bed that was adorned with the ring he had given her.
      Reading it was enough to make him angry, at himself as well as her, and to make him want to cry. But he did neither. Crumpling up the note he bottled up the painful emotions, later he could deal with his emotional turmoil. Right now he needed to find Taeyeon. Reaching for his cell Seunghyun snapped it open and called a old friend.
      "Dragon, gather up the team."
      Not saying another word Seunghyun slammed shut his phone and stormed out of their, no his room. Loosening the tie that strangled him, he ran a hand through hair making it messy, and he scared the out of every near by servant. For his facade concerning Taeyeon had finally cracked. Seunghyun had tried his hardest to be the husband she deserved and it still hadn't worked, so why should he try anymore? Why should he hide the demon in him when clearly she wasn't pleased with him trying his best to protect her from it?
      Anger burned on his face like a red hot coal as he walked into the grey rain that still covered up the sun. Unknowingly as he entered the veil of never ending rain he dropped Taeyeon's crumpled up note on the wet ground.
Ink melted away the message that was now seared into his memory.
      I meant it when I said if you left we wouldn't have this conversation ever again.
      But it has always been like this hasn't it? You leave, I wait, but for what? You have never even been able to look me straight in the eyes.
I have been fooling myself thinking I held your heart, if even as a friend, because even though I hold your heart, it is hollow. But what else should I suspect, you didn't choose this arrangement any more than I. The difference is I grew to want it this, to want something real between us. Yet you still remain distant.
      And I could handle that, I could live with half a relationship if it only involved me. It isn't just about me or you anymore though. It is about something so much bigger and what little me and you have to offer just isn't enough.

      It didn't take an idiot to see what Taeyeon was hinting at. And Seunghyun was no idiot, maybe obtuse and oblivious but he wasn't stupid. Hindsight being 20/20 he could now what she had been so desperate to tell him before. She was pregnant, with his baby. Which only made Seunghyun angrier at himself, if only he had taken his head out of his and seen what Taeyeon had tried to tell him.
      What if's are just that though, what if's, they aren't what happened. Seunghyun knew that. He also knew that he couldn't let Taeyeon go now, even if she didn't want him anymore, because she was right, this was bigger than her or him. What she was wrong about was what they had to offer their child.
The End
A/N: Thanks for reading, and here are something I want to answer before they are asked.
Was Taeyeon over reacting: Yes, but she has her reasons. She raised herself and her sisters all on her own because of her fathers neglect. Taeyon also had to see the effects of it, like Hyoyeon having image issues because she felt it was her appearence that made her father hate her, Yoona becoming bulimic to try and become pretty enough for her father to notice, Seohyun learning to hide her own emotions to help her unnies with her own problems. This lead her to overreacting because she has seen and felt what it is like to have your father be apathetic to your existence. And she long ago vowed to make sure that her children would never feel that way, no matter what.
      So yes she is over reacting but at the same time she isn't.
      Why does TOP seem apathetic yet when he gets the note become a firey man wanting his woman and baby: Before the marriage he rose his way through the ranks of gang-dom as a thug and when he was offered the marriage proposal to marry Taeyeon he fell in love with how she was unflinching and strong despite being made to marry a man she didn't know. And he didn't want taeyeon to see what kind of man he was to get to where is he is. So yeah. He emotionally and sees himself being distant as being kind/protecting her.
      This is basically a story about two individuals who hid from each other and it led to misunderstandings.

*I edited this because a wonderful reviewer Tikatikolala pointed out some issues with the format.

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Jiminieomma #1
Chapter 3: Hwa... Great story. Please continue your story author-nim. I'm really curious how you describe top-taeyeon parents hood life. Hwaiting author-nim. I'm waiting for you
typicaltaeyeon #2
Chapter 3: Nice. :) this is an unusual pairing but still it turned so good. ^^ soshibang <3
deladelia04 #3
Wah, your story is so interesting xD
like it :*
Chapter 3: A tad late but nonetheless this was great. I found two TopTae fics today ahhhh i can die happy. I wish you had kept this story going. Taengoo and Bingu FTW!
babylemonade #5
Wow! you are an amazing writer, I loved everything about this story and I definitely think that you should keep going with this since there are not a lot of ffs with this couple. I really like your writing style and the angsty part was very well developed.

Great job, thanks for writing it!
this was truly beautiful.
love this. love it. absolutely loved it!!!!!<3
Sequel please!