
Kiss the Rain

     It had been over four months, four goddamn months. Also known as something like 18 weeks into her pregnancy.
     In some twisted way Taeyeon felt really abandoned that Seunghyun had not found her by now. Like, since he hadn't found her it confirmed that he didn't want her, or their child. Not that he even necessarily knew about their child...Well to be correct, their children. Apparently it isn't usual to start showing even a little bit at 7-8 weeks. Seohyun (her youngest sister) had told her so; showing that early is usually a sign of twins. The sonogram taken shortly after had proved Seohyun right.
     Having twins all on her own was really such a scary yet wonderful notion. Yeah, Taeyeon had raised all her little sisters from the time they were babies; but she had never had to worry about money. She had saved up a lot over the years but with twins it wouldn't take a lot of savings to become a little.
     Taeyeon had some comfort at the moment though. When Seohyun had suspected her unnie of having twins she had forbid Taeyeon to go off all on her own. For many reasons that mostly broke down into three main points. As she got further into pregnancy she would likely be put on bed rest and while she could afford a stay in nurse, it would drain money fast. Two Taeyeon had a low immune system and being pregnant wouldn't help; also as a side note of two, Taeyeon is a very small woman and having twins would be hard on her body. Lastly that even if she didn't get put on bedrest she would still be huge like a balloon and how could she take care of herself all on her own like that? Seohyun's normally mild nature had flipped to crazed overprotective sister. The results being that Taeyeon caved in after just three days of overprotective Seohyun.
     The hard part had been figuring out who to stay with. Taeyeon had originally been dead set against staying with one of her sisters. She feared if Seunghyun did follow after her he would logically look at all her sisters for her whereabouts. But Seohyun went on the campaign once more against her elder sister, and won. Seohyun's logic was that she would point Seunghyun in a different direction to begin with. He would be too busy looking else where to look at the mot obvious of places. Also Seohyun reasoned that he knew how smart Taeyeon is and would eliminate all the most obvious hiding places. Plus with her false identity already created she would just look like her sisters roommate really. All she would need to do is a wear a wig and fake glasses when in the public eye. It was the perfect plan. Even if it took a bit of time to get Taeyeon to think so.
     One thing they agreed on was that Yuri and Sooyoung's place was perfect for her to stay in. Long ago the two had broken off the family and had ever since been living on their own in the dinky parts of Seoul. Lately they had been looking for a third roommate for their flat; some random woman with a good back round would be perfect for that role. Taeyeon wasn't really a random woman but she would look like one on any document. It was perfect, just what they needed. Really it was a brilliant, the mouse hiding from the cat in the cat's own basket.
     Reconnecting with both Yuri and Sooyoung was just a really great bonus. Both of them were happy to have their big sister back as well as to be aunties. Yuri and Sooyoung only wished that Taeyeon hadn't been so hurt in the process. Or had even been married to such a . At the same time they were relieved that she was not with a man who was like their father. Sooyoung was the most grateful of the two. Unlike Yuri or even Taeyeon she knew more about Seunghyun than either of them. To be specific she knew him before all this big bad gang leader stuff.
     Seunghyun hadn't started at the top like most of the gang heads. No he had started as a everyday thug under the alias of TOP. If Sooyoung hadn't gone through a dark period after breaking off from the family she wouldn't even know about him like that. He was good at covering his tracks; So good that not even Taeyeon knew of his beginnings. She should know of it, so Sooyoung believed, even if it wasn't her place to tell. All the better though that Taeyeon left, her sister didn't want her with a man who couldn't even be honest with her. Truly honest. Or pay attention to her as it were.
     Things were settling down nicely though aside from Taeyeon's occasional longing for Seunghyun. Even though things had ended up the way they did (and she would never go back) she loved the stupid man. As Sooyoung liked to say, you can love chocolate but you can't take the fat out of it. Seunghyun was her chocolate. It was really terrible to because she kept craving chocolate but every time she ate it she thought of him and cried. Yuri had been there for the first time it occurred and nearly and a aneurysm at the sight.
     But her sisters had adjusted to pregnant Taengoo. Pregnancy was making Taeyeon moody, hormonal, and a hungry beast. If she wasn't eating something (which she needed to, the doter said she was under weight) Taeyeon would cry over odd little things. Like chocolate, fried eggs, and even a really blue cloudless sky.
     Right now Taeyeon was ready to cry over her own stupidity. She knew she was stupid for wishing he had found her by now. Yet she couldn't help feeling really close to just running, okay waddling, back to Seunghyun. She was hungry, her ankles hurt, every other minute got sick, and no matter what she did or how she moved she wasn't comfortable. And Taeyeon knew, just knew if she could cuddle up to Seunghyun he would be the perfect pillow.
     Her foolish thoughts were thankfully broken up by Yuri's sweet voice, "Taeyeon-unnie, do you know what happened to all of our pickles and peanut butter cookies?"
     All heartsick thoughts flew out of her brain as a blush spread over her cheeks. Fiddling with her fingers Taeyeon tried to pretend she hadn't heard. It failed when Yuri come into the living room (which was her domain during the day) and saw the garbage on the table.
     "I hadn't meant to, I just had stupid thoughts again so I tried to satisfy one of my pains," bashfully Taeyeon rubbed her hands over her big belly. A habit she had picked up when thinking and nervous as it were.
     Yuri just smiled softly and tried to scold her adorable big sister, "Aish, you are like a black hole now days. Really though I know the doter said to eat and gain weight but you should do so healthily... At least you are eating I guess."
     Clicking her tongue in a scolding way Yuri couldn't keep up the scolding facade. Sitting next to her sister Yuri gave her a big hug. For a moment they sat together in a comforting silence only sisters can share. For Yuri the little bonding moment was ruined by Taeyeon rubbing her belly sadly; she had noticed that Tae-unnie did it when thinking about Seunghyun, or when she was hungry. Guessing from her sad face though, she'd have to say it was sad thoughts, not hungry ones.
     "You know what I find funny?" softly Yuri spoke up poking her sister lightly in the side.
     Perking up Taeyeon's hands stopped the rubbing in curiosity, "Hm, what do you find funny?"
     "That although you are eldest I am sooooo much taller than you!"
     Giggles changed to a squeal when Taeyeon when scary pregnant woman on Yuri and elbowed her in the side. It didn't take long for both the girls two revert back into giggles at the absurdity of the truth. Taeyeon was tiny, the tiniest of all her sisters despite being the eldest. Slowly chuckles died down and were replaced by another content silence.
     "Taeyeon-unnie, I need to go replace what you ate. It will only take five minutes to run to the store and back, also I'll pick up that new bodice ripper you want. That sound good?" breaking the silence Yuri stood up and stretched.
Nodding her assent Taeyeon added, "Grab some of that granola to, you know that one with the bits of dehydrated blueberries?"
     "Trying to eat healthy?"
     Taeyeon stuck her tongue out at Yuri in response.
     Laughing Yuri grabbed her coat with another assurance of being back in just 10 minutes or so while Taeyeon rolled her eyes. She loved her sisters and understood they didn't want to leave her alone but really. Being 24 years old should qualify her to be able to take care of herself pregnancy or no pregnancy. Oh well, it was nice to have so much affection blatantly thrown open her after a good many years without it.
     Taeyeon had always tried to avoid being one of those crazy needy people who cling to people. In fact you could say she was programmed not to be needy after watching over her sisters. Still, she was human and she occasionally needed cuddles, even a sincere head pat or arm . Now more than ever some cuddles and love from Seunghyun...
     "Aigoo," sighing at her predicament (she just couldn't stop thinking about him lately).
     In leaving Seunghyun she had thought she could feel closure and finally let go of her one sided feelings. Guess not. Resisting the urge to sigh Taeyeon cuddled into her mountain of pillows. Soon Yuri would be back and she could help her forget that pabo.
Three weeks later
     Seunghyun was not pleased. It had been five months, one week, and half a day since Taeyeon had left him and there were no leads. None at all. In those three months and 7 days no one except Seunghyun's friend JiYong had been willing to go within five feet of him. For good reason to, Seunghyun had hardly been good company. Blowing up at anyone who was even remotely irritating to him, spending any time not devoted to finding Taeyeon to beating up punching bags. Yeah, he really wasn't good company right now. Sometimes her even blew up on his best friend.
     "TOP, I have-" JiYong started only to be interrupted by a look from Seunghyun.
     "I told you not to call me that, I am not that person anymore," growling Seunghyun covered his eyes with his arm. He hadn't had decent sleep ever since Taeyeon left.
     Funny that despite how little they had talked or even interacted, he couldn't function anymore without her. Sleeping was nearly impossible now that he didn't have a small body curled against his (she always got cold and ended up cuddling him). Eating, well he had no appetite. Every time he went to eat he could barely choke down anything. All he could think of was when he and Taeyeon had first married. She had refused to have a cook make their first dinner stating, "It is wrong for a husband to have never eaten his wife's cooking. Perhaps it is too traditional of me but you eat my food or I will get a divorce."
     Taeyeon was always like that, surprising him at the oddest times. One moment she could be really mild mannered then turn into a fiery tempest of a woman. It was always so intriguing and to be honest, y...But Seunghyun was digressing. He was having trouble doing anything and it was taking it's toll.      Mostly on his temperament.
     JiYong sighed, "Seunghyun then, it is quite hypocritical for you to keep calling me G Dragon if I can't even call you by TOP. Just because you think this woman of yours will be frightened by your past doesn't mean you aren't who are you regardless."
     "That makes no sense." Seunghyun sighed rolling onto his side to try and ignore JiYoung.
     Snorting JiYong came over to sit on the foot of Seunghyun's bed. "Only because you are in denial. More importantly I think I found a lead on Taeyeon."
     Instantly Seunghyun snapped up straight nearly knocking JiYong off of the bed.
     "Geez TOP careful," JiYong scolded ignoring the glare he got.
     "Get to the point ." Running his hand through already messy hair Seunghyun tried to light JiYong on fire with his glare.
     He only got a chuckle in response.
     "I have a old friend in the bad parts of Seoul who recently took in a roommate," JiYong drawled on slowly enjoying irritating Seunghyun. Lately the only way to get any emotion from his best friend was to irritate him enough. JiYong understood though, what it is like to love a really difficult woman. In hindsight    though they were both difficult men themselves...
     Continuing on from where he left off JiYoung braced himself, "I've been keeping tabs on this friend for many years and long story short, a contact who checked up on her may have seen a huge pregnant beast that matches Taeyeon's description in the window of her flat."
     10 seconds was all it took for Seunghyun to be out of bed and nearly out the door before JiYoung got ahold of him.
     "Wait you pigheaded man, I can't be sure this is Taeyeon and even if it is her that woman is really pregnant. What if it isn't her and you cause the woman complications because you scared the out of her? What then genius?"
     Seunghyun stood unnaturally still and tight like a string about to be broken. So badly he wanted to just run out and break in and steal Taeyeon back. But      JiYong was right, they didn't know for sure if it was Taeyeon...
     "You have one day to figure out if that is Taeyeon. One day you hear me!" half yelling the cords in Seunghyun's neck stood out dangerously. This was an incredibly hard decision for him to make but it was the right one at least.
     JiYong nodded understanding the severity of what he had to do; and in what little time he had to do it. Making his way out of Seunghyun's compound that he let a little smirk slip out.
     Although he was 99.9% sure Taeyeon was there he had asked TOP not to go for a very selfish reason. So that he could get to see Sooyoung.
     "Soooooooooooooooooyouuuuuuuunnnnnngggggggg!" loudly singing for her sister Taeyeon was enjoying the benefits of pregnancy. Also known as ordering your sisters around like a power crazed maniac.
     It. Was. Glorious.
     And a great distraction from her thoughts. Now not only Choi Seunghyun occupied her thoughts but her doctor's orders. A week ago it had been ordered for her to do no stressful activities, no walking around unnecessarily, and relax on a bed when not doing anything else. A.k.a. bed rest. As her doter had put it, Taeyeon being underweight had a high chance of complications. Her doter had told her bed rest should help stay off most complications, as well as help her gain weight faster.
     Taeyeon's one comfort (beside ordering her sisters around) was that Sooyoung had been put in charge of her diet. Yuri, bless the girl's soul, was sweet as pie but she had terrible taste in food. It was all health this, health that. Heaven forbid you eat a doughnut in front of her! So at least despite being confined to her bed, which had been moved to the living room, she got to eat good food all day. Well what food she could keep up. Lately she had been doing a lot of prayer to the porcelain god. Naturally such prayer wasn't helping her gain weight. But Sooyoung's never ending parade of food sure was.
Sooyoung arriving into Taeyeon's new domain, once the living room, broke the woman from her thoughts.
     "What do you want, my ever wonderful sister who I love and don't want to strangle?" huffing Sooyoung looked really cute with her face all flushed from cooking pasta.
     Giggling Taeyeon held out her cup, "More soda please!"
     "I should just leave the box of soda can's in here you insatiable beast, but I really think you get a kick out of ordering me around, " huffing some more Sooyoung sister by crossing her arms and pretending to be irate.
     Taeyeon just giggled some more before teasing, "Now, now. At least I'm not making you-" well she had started to tease until a door bell interrupted her.
     Smiling as Sooyoung rolled her eyes before romping off to the door Taeyeon wondered if a new present from her sisters admirer had come. For the last month without fail every week Sooyoung would receive a present from some mysterious man. To be honest, the admirer was only secret to Taeyeon and Yuri, if from the violent way Sooyoung destroyed each gift was any indication.
     Sometimes when the man would leave flowers Sooyoung would chop them up with her best knife then sprinkle it like confetti off the balcony. Or when she was feeling nice give the flowers to the local stray dog who would give those flowers a good proper eating. Taeyeon's favorite though had to be when the man had left some jewelry. Immediately upon seeing it Sooyoung had went to the pawn shop, hawked it, then given the money to a homeless man. In some distant way she felt sorry for the poor man who tried to win Sooyoung's affections. She knew what it was like to love someone who clearly didn't love you back, maybe not so violently but still. At the same time Taeyeon trusted her sister and knew she wouldn't be so harsh if there wasn't a reason.
     Soon Taeyeon's train of thought ended bringing her back into the real world; in which there was a lot of yelling coming from the hallway leading to the door.
     Attempting to prop herself upright so as to stand up, doctors orders be damned, Taeyeon failed to even get halfway up. Flopping back down she almost cursed her big belly, but that big belly was where her two babies were so she couldn't stay angry at it. Still the yelling was getting louder (or maybe closer) and no one yelled at her little sisters. Even if Sooyoung had started it no one ever, ever had a right to yell at her little sister. But damn it she couldn't even get up to properly scold the man, yes man she could tell by the sound of the other voice, for even thinking of yelling at her Sooyoung.
     Unable to blame her belly (as it was her children's home) Taeyeon took to blaming Seunghyun. The bastard had been the one to get her in this state after all. It was all his fault she couldn't see her feet, that her ankles kept getting swollen, that she couldn't hold food down for half a day, and just bah! It was all his fault that she couldn't defend her sister. By the looks of it though, seeing as the voices were getting closer and closer, soon she would have ample opportunity to yell.
     Finally when the voices got close enough she started to hear what was actually being said.
     "Stop it! There is nothing to see here, my roommate is very pregnant and you ugly face will likely scare her into giving birth early!"
     "By roommate you mean sister, we both know what is really going on here so stop denying it. And you know you love my face so don't even try and pretend it doesn't make you all hot and both-"
     The male's voice was interrupted by a loud harsh slap. Clearly Sooyoung had been a good girl and given the man a good solid punch to the face like her unnie had always taught her.
     "You have no right to be here we broke up long ago, so stop creeping on my pregnant roommate and get out before I call the police!"
     Sooyoung then let out a small scream that was followed by more yelling, "Police princess? Back in the good'ol'days you'd already have knocked me out and dumped me in a dumpster. My how you have changed!"
     "Shut up and put me down!"
     More sounds that sounded a lot like Sooyoung flailing occurred when finally the man who was being such a pain came into view.
     Taeyeon didn't care that she probably looked ridiculous laying on a bed in the middle of the living room. None the less with her huge preggy belly sticking out like a blimp, all that mattered was that man put her sister down and get a good kick in the .
     "You! Put Sooyoung down this instant and leave unless you want to know how it feels to get your kicked by a pregnant woman!" Taeyeon was practically snarling at the (albeit somewhat pretty) boy that held her sister over his shoulder.
     Using all her strength she managed to boost herself up off the bed and stand up, on wobbly legs. For a moment Taeyeon felt nauseous, from standing up too quickly, but in a moment it passed and she was back on the man's like white on rice.
     "Why have you not put her down yet young man! I don't care if you were Gandhi himself but no, one has a right to manhandle my sister like-" Taeyeon in full scolding mode didn't even notice her slip up by using the word sister, or that she didn't have her wig on. All that mattered to a fiery eyed Taeyeon was that the man put down her sister then get beat up.
     Sooyoung elbowing the guy in the head brought Taeyeon somewhat back to her senses, but it was to late now. The Cheshire grin on the mystery man's face said everything.
     Letting Sooyoung off his shoulder the man lightly tossed her onto the bed before saying, "It is nice to meet you Taeyeon, as it were my name is JiYong but I prefer G Dragon, or Dragon. Whatever suits your fancy. Now what is going to happen is I am going to stay here with you and my love right there while a mutual friend of ours arrives. After all you have been a naughty wifey haven't you? Leaving your poor husband...."
     For a moment there was a still silence after JiYong's words. The kind of silence that happens right before a tiger pounces. Tiger meaning Sooyoung, in half a second she had launched herself off the bed onto JiYong and had him pinned and was cursing in...Mandarin? Not that Taeyeon had even noticed because all she could focus was on the part where Seunghyun knew where she was.
     Unable to stand she backed up into the bed and sat down. All the yelling from JiYong and Sooyoung became static noise. Heart picking up speed Taeyeon considered what was about to happen. She couldn't run, being put on bed rest had good reason. If she ran around too much her doctor had said she might go into early labor or something like that. It was hard to remember anything as a strange mix of fear and relief gripped her.
     Irrationally a fear that Seunghyun may try and take the child away from her began to develop, after all she had nearly taken his child away. Yet at the same time relief, did this mean he did want her? Hope grew as well did the fear until Taeyeon couldn't help it, she started hyperventilating, and all of a sudden everything hurt so much.
     Gripping her belly Taeyeon cried out for her sister, "Sooyoung, Sooyoung it hurts!"

A/N: I am not entirely sure how this turned out, after all this wasn't mean to be anything more than a one-shot originally in my head. Oh well, things happen, plans change. I hope everyone enjoyed the second installment of Kiss the Rain. The next chapter should be the last. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed and/or suscribed!

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Jiminieomma #1
Chapter 3: Hwa... Great story. Please continue your story author-nim. I'm really curious how you describe top-taeyeon parents hood life. Hwaiting author-nim. I'm waiting for you
typicaltaeyeon #2
Chapter 3: Nice. :) this is an unusual pairing but still it turned so good. ^^ soshibang <3
deladelia04 #3
Wah, your story is so interesting xD
like it :*
Chapter 3: A tad late but nonetheless this was great. I found two TopTae fics today ahhhh i can die happy. I wish you had kept this story going. Taengoo and Bingu FTW!
babylemonade #5
Wow! you are an amazing writer, I loved everything about this story and I definitely think that you should keep going with this since there are not a lot of ffs with this couple. I really like your writing style and the angsty part was very well developed.

Great job, thanks for writing it!
this was truly beautiful.
love this. love it. absolutely loved it!!!!!<3
Sequel please!