Member Profile 04: Carolyn Hwang Jung Ah

Block B's Sister Group - APPLY OPEN!!!!

Basic Info

Name: Carolyn Hwang Jung Ah

Nickname: --

Stage Name: Carolyn

Born: June 18, 1993

Age: 18

Birthplace: Seattle, USA

Hometown: Seattle, USA

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 169cm

Weight: 49kg

Position: Lead Vocalist


Personal Info

Carolyn is a free spirited girl who just follows the crew but has difficulty expressing her feelings. She is well determined and works hard at music with a passion. Carolyn doesn't work well under pressure and will feel stressed because of that. She doesn't hold grudges easily and is mature for her age. Carolyn is innocent and somewhat naive, which is one of her charms. Carolyn is also a 'forgive and forget' type of person. Since Carolyn specializes in voice, she tends to have a difficult time learning choreography.


  1. Soccer
  2. Italian Food
  3. Photography (scenery)
  4. Movies
  5. Guitar


  1. Insects
  2. Reading
  3. Dogs (past event)
  4. Neon Colours
  5. Carbonated Drinks


  1. Guitar
  2. Photography (Scenery)
  3. Reading


  1. Playing with her hair
  2. Kicks in her sleep
  3. Biting her nails


  1. Singing (Strong in harmonizing)
  2. Rubix Cubes
  3. Strategy Games
  4. Drawing


  1. Is an only child
  2. Younger cousin of Jay Park (Mom's Side)

Closest to Which Block B Member:

  1. U-Kwon
  2. Taeil

Least Closest to Which Block B Member:

  1. Kyung
  2. P.O.



Family Background:

Carolyn was born as the only child in Seattle. She grew up in Seattle until 2009 where she returned to South Korea. Carolyn is also the cousin of Jay Park. The two are really close and she has appeared in several of Jay Park's YouTube videos doing covers. Carolyn was a star student as she was at the top of class and was strong soccer player. She was somewhat spoiled as a child as both her parents worked night shifts and overtime and barely had any time as a family together. She got a lot of different things from her parents -- whether she asked for them or not.


Name: Matt Hwang Woo Jin
Age: 48
Occupation: Neurologist

Name: Kelly Park So Yeon
Occupation: Nurse Practitioner

Siblings: --

Best Friend: IU, Luna (f(x))

Ideal Type: Teen Top's L.Joe

Others: --



Pre-debut History:

Carolyn watched her cousin debut in 2PM and then become a solo artist. He became her inspiration. Carolyn and Jay would do covers of various songs on YouTube. After watching a cover on YouTube, BNS called Carolyn to do a formal audition in 2010.

Casting: 2010 Closed Audition

Training (in BNS): 2 Years 8 Months

Previous Experience:

  • featured in Jay Park's "Tonight" (2011)
  • appeared in Block B's Nanrina MV (2012)



Twitter: --

Facebook: --

me2day: --

Other: -- 

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I've applied . I hope you accept me .
I applied as Song Yoo Wan ^^
Hope i can pass!=)FIGHTING!I applied as Song Yoo Wan =)
Sounds like a good fanfic! Hope i'm not too late to apply~!
I applied as So RI Ono~ Hope you like her~
update soon~
This is daebak ~~
Here's ish my app!! ^_^ ~
addictedtoyourlove #6
Congratulations to Carolyn XD I love her personality, habits and hobbies ^_^
stellakim213 #7
Congratulations ^^
She's a beauty >.<
addictedtoyourlove #9
awww, Aimee looks amazing >_< And i really like the fact that she likes Outsider because he's an excellent rapper <3