Member Profile 01: Kim Su Yeon

Block B's Sister Group - APPLY OPEN!!!!

Basic Info

Name: Kim Su Yeon

Nickname: --

Stage Name: Su Yeon

Born: August 15, 1992

Age: 19

Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Height: 168cm

Weight: 47kg

Position: Leader, Main Vocalist, Sub-rapper, Composer


Personal Info

Su Yeon is out-going and easy to get along with. Su Yeon is into wild adventures and enjoys going to amusement parks. She hopes to go skydiving or bungee jumping one day. She is not really into aegyo nor is she a big fan of taking selcas. She has natural leaderlike qualities that Cho PD was looking for as she is able to think quickly and make decisions she believes is best. Su Yeon is also modest and humble and does not hog the spotlight. She is really good with her words and is also a witty talker. She has a very straightforward and blunt personality, but as the leader, Su Yeon has learned to keep things inside of her which can sometimes lead her to be distant to her members.


  1. sour food
  2. hats
  3. soccer
  4. video games
  5. horror movies


  1. aegyo
  2. selcas
  3. awkward silences
  4. two-faced b*****s
  5. dogs


  1. cello
  2. listening to music
  3. watching movies
  4. composing
  5. gaming


  1. biting her lower lip
  2. sticking her tongue out


  1. rapping
  2. English
  3. cello
  4. fixing electronics


  1. childhood friends with Park Kyung because their mothers are best friends
  2. studied abroad in New Zealand with Park Kyung

Closest to Which Block B Member :

  1. Park Kyung
  2. Zico

Least Closest to Which Block B Member (2 max):

  1. Taeil
  2. Jaehyo



Su Yeon was born in Seoul, South Korea as the middle child of three kids. Her father passed away when Su Yeon was fifteen years old due to a car accident. She often argued with her father as he opposed to her being active in the music industry. He would rather have Su Yeon focus on her studies than going out to audition and train. Her mother is best friends with Kyung's mother and were high school classmates. Su Yeon and Kyung grew close to each other and became best friends. She has a good relationship with her older sister and her mom, expecially with her older sister, Su Jin.


Name: Kim Jae Hyun (deceased)
Age: 49
Occupation: Engineer

Name: Kwon Ah Ri
Age: 48
Occupation: Nurse


Name: Kim Su Jin
Age: 23
Occpation: University student styuding abroad at MIT (mechanical engineering)

Name: Kim Su Jung
Age: 9
Occupation: Elementary student

Best Friend: Park Kyung

Ideal Type: INFINITE's Hoya (secretly dating since 2009 - more details will be revealed later on)


Su Yeon is close to Block B's former member Mino AKA Taegoon from B.o.M and INFNITE.



Pre-debut History:

Su Yeon has always dreamed of working in the music and entertainment industry. She auditioned numerous times for various companies such as YG, DSP, SM and JYP but always failed to be accepted. On her 4th with JYP Entertainment, she was accepted but was later dropped from the company. During her second year of high school in New Zealand, she dropped out of school at the age of 15 and returned to Korea. There, she often performed locally on the streets where she earned an average amount of fans. She was scouted by a talent agent but was dropped a year later due to lack of skill. Su Yeon came back to the company three months later to do a formal audition and was given another chance. Su Yeon was specifically trained in voice, rap and composition.

Casting: scouted by Cho PD

Training (in BNS):  4 Years 6 Months

Previous Experience (former trainee, music videos, featurings, etc.):

  • featured in Miss $'s "What Is Love" (2009)
  • featured in Cho PD's "Victory 2010" (2010)
  • featured in Miss $'s "It's Over" (2010)
  • helped compose and write Block B's "Am I The Only One Like This" (2011)
  • appeared in Block B's "NanlinA" M/V (2012)



Twitter: sykim91

Facebook: --

me2day: sykim91

Other: --

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I've applied . I hope you accept me .
I applied as Song Yoo Wan ^^
Hope i can pass!=)FIGHTING!I applied as Song Yoo Wan =)
Sounds like a good fanfic! Hope i'm not too late to apply~!
I applied as So RI Ono~ Hope you like her~
update soon~
This is daebak ~~
Here's ish my app!! ^_^ ~
addictedtoyourlove #6
Congratulations to Carolyn XD I love her personality, habits and hobbies ^_^
stellakim213 #7
Congratulations ^^
She's a beauty >.<
addictedtoyourlove #9
awww, Aimee looks amazing >_< And i really like the fact that she likes Outsider because he's an excellent rapper <3