Member Profile 03: Aimee Yang

Block B's Sister Group - APPLY OPEN!!!!

Basic Info

Name: Aimee Yang

Nickname: Mirror Princess

Stage Name: A.ME

Born: December 21, 1992

Age: 19

Birthplace: Toronto, Canada

Hometown: Toronto, Canada

Ethnicity: Chinese-Canadian

Height: 174cm

Weight: 49kg

Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Choregrapher


Personal Info

Aimee is more on the quiet side and is very rational. She is someone who can keep a secret well and is a good listener. She is more of a follower than a leader, but she can produce many good ideas. Aimee is a quick learner and because of that, she is very impatient. She isn't really big on the whole selca thing, but she does often look in the mirror and doesn't do anything, earning the title Mirror Princess. She is protective towards her friends and family. During practice, Aimee is rather pesimisstic and often criticizes herself for lack of vocal skills. Overall, Aimee is the silent type but she can totally blow you away with her rap and dance skills.


  1. Orchestral music
  2. Snow
  3. Rainstorms
  4. Strawberries
  5. Beaches


  1. Spicy food
  2. Selcas
  3. Gossip
  4. School
  5. By-the-book type of people


  1. Swimming
  2. Piano
  3. Violin
  4. Dance
  5. Rap


  1. Bites her nails when she is restless
  2. Plays with the ends of hair when she is bored


  1. Strong Rhythmic Rap Flow
  2. Popping & b-girling
  3. Physically strongest member
  4. Chinese


  1. Looks up to Outsider (his fast rap accompanied with the orchestral BGM)

Closest to Which Block B Member:

  1. B-Bomb

Least Closest to Which Block B Member:

  1. P.O.



Aimee was born In Toronto, Canada as the youngest of three kids. She lived an average life with her family. Nothing really tragic or exciting really happened. From a young age, she learned how to play the violin and also took up different styles of dance, mainly popping and breaking. She has won multiple awards for violin and dance. Prior to debut, her parents were against the idea of Aimee debuting as an artist.


Name: Jason Yang
Age: 53
Occupation: Restaurant Owner

Name: Stephanie Liu
Age: 52
Occupation: Restaurant Owner


Name: Ashley Yang
Age: 27 - married
Occupation: Accountant

Name: Angela Yang
Age: 25 - married
Occupation: Nurse

Best Friend : Colleen Kim (OC)

Ideal Type: --

Others: --



Pre-debut History:

Aimee was never interested in K-pop until she went on an exchange program to Seoul. She was first introduced to Outsider's music and fell in love with it. She never dreamed of being active in the Kpop industry until she was scouted by a modelling agency due to her tall height.

Casting: 2010 BNS Closed Program with Outsider's "Acquaintance" and a freestyle dance

Training (in BNS): 2 Years 8 Months

Previous Experience (former trainee, music videos, featurings, etc.):

  • former clothing model
  • appeared in Block B's "Tell Them" M/V (2011)
  • co-choreographed Block B's "NanlinA" (2012)
  • appeared in Block B's "NanlinA" M/V (2012)



Twitter: imame91

Facebook: itsame

me2day: --

Other: --

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I've applied . I hope you accept me .
I applied as Song Yoo Wan ^^
Hope i can pass!=)FIGHTING!I applied as Song Yoo Wan =)
Sounds like a good fanfic! Hope i'm not too late to apply~!
I applied as So RI Ono~ Hope you like her~
update soon~
This is daebak ~~
Here's ish my app!! ^_^ ~
addictedtoyourlove #6
Congratulations to Carolyn XD I love her personality, habits and hobbies ^_^
stellakim213 #7
Congratulations ^^
She's a beauty >.<
addictedtoyourlove #9
awww, Aimee looks amazing >_< And i really like the fact that she likes Outsider because he's an excellent rapper <3